For my Essential "Science" class at my religious university, I have to make a comment (on the course website) to a review made by Richard Dawkins for Jerry A. Coyne's book "Why Evolution is True":
And here are my teacher's instructions:
And here are a few comments some of my fellow classmates have made:
Now, prior to this I had to read an excerpt from Judith Hooper's book "Of Moths and Men" and then aftwards read two reviews that her book recieved.
So... I guess my general undestanding of this class work is that my "science" teacher wants to show us that evolutionary biologists are mean, intolerant, close minded, and insecure? And that creationism is completely true and evolution is aboslutely false because someone might of fudged data concerning peppered moths?
Help set me straight Evolution-GAF.
Dawkins said:I once wrote that anybody who didn't believe in evolution must be stupid, insane or ignorant, and I was then careful to add that ignorance is no crime. I should now update my statement. Anybody who doesn't believe in evolution is stupid, insane, or hasn't read Jerry Coyne. I defy any reasonable person to read this marvellous book and still take seriously the "breathtaking inanity" that is intelligent design "theory" or its country cousin, young earth creationism.
And here are my teacher's instructions:
Instructions said:While still on Jerry Coyne's book web site, scroll down to the last review, which should be a paragraph by Richard Dawkins. Read this paragraph in light of the criticism Judith Hooper received. Why is the tone of this paragraph so strident, so intolerant?
Compose a thoughtful one or two paragraph post to the discussion board titled "Jerry Coyne" for this class. The post may contain a brief quotation from Dawkins or others, but should primarily be your own words. This will be part of your grade. "Me too" posts will not receive credit. You must comment on 1 other student's original post as well.
And here are a few comments some of my fellow classmates have made:
Comments said:"Richard Dawkins' tone is strident and intolerant because being a strong supporter of evolution, Dawkin cannot accept anything that can potentially weaken evolution. If one were to propose an error in evolution, the threat is too big. Dawkins, defending evolution, spoke with such intolerance because he, nor any critics, can accept the reality that evolution is a flawed ideology. In regard to Coyne's review on Hooper, Coyne likewise cannot accept the possibility of change in evolution. It is apparent that both Dawkin and Coyne are so set in their theory, that whatever comes their way is "foolish" or "ignorant." But, what if their theory is wrong? (And, it is.) "
"The Bible says that the truth is foolish to those who do not believe. Dawkins is very lost and blinded by his sin. The
Bible also says that the fool i set in his ways and he will get angry or upset if any one tries to tell him other wise. I think ths describes Dawkins to a "T" He is set in his ways and no one is going to change his mind. Like some of the others said, he cant afford to be wrong, hes based everything on these beliefs. Ive heard it said that "if you are going to live like there is no God, you better be right."
I think this is how Dawkins is living and basing his research.
Hes gonna be real disappointed when he finds out hes wrong"
"Richard Dawkins comes across to me as being a very narrow minded person. He has made up his mind as to what he believes and then he mocks those that do not agree with him. Dawkins is strident and intolerant because he declares that those who do not agree with evolution are stupid, insane, or ignorant. That is certainly not the most intelligent statement Ive ever heard. How does he know that? He certainly has not met every one that believes in creation. He is assuming that his beliefs are the only source of truth and any opposed views are error. Nicole was right when she said that evolutionists are insecure. They have a good reason to be; they are wrong."
Now, prior to this I had to read an excerpt from Judith Hooper's book "Of Moths and Men" and then aftwards read two reviews that her book recieved.
And here's two reviews of the book:Instructions & link to the book said:A fascinating book called Of Moths and Men was published in 2002. Read the entire prologue on Google Books in the window below (only a bit over 5 pages). LINK
Critics said:
So... I guess my general undestanding of this class work is that my "science" teacher wants to show us that evolutionary biologists are mean, intolerant, close minded, and insecure? And that creationism is completely true and evolution is aboslutely false because someone might of fudged data concerning peppered moths?
Help set me straight Evolution-GAF.