Bob Jones University? You lost the battle before it even began.
Snowman Prophet of Doom said:You never had professors who sucked and/or were stupid?
Nicole was right when she said that evolutionists are insecure. They have a good reason to be; they are wrong.
That's the thing with science. Science doesn't say that God doesn't exist. Science just finds God irrelevant(and I agree with this notion). There is no absolute truth period. I'll make it easier. It's a fact that pigs can't fly. It's commonly accepted that every pig can't fly, but have you seen every pig in existence? While it's highly highly unlikely it's possible there are flying pigs somewhere.GavinGT said:There is nothing wrong with Dawkin's statement, so long as he begins with the premise that god doesn't exist.
Atramental said:Oh no, I'm talking about a thread before that one...
But to sum it up: I better go there and obey my parents or I'll be a homeless bum on the streets.
Xater said:Apparently I am very lucky.
I had profs I did not like but they never treated me unfairly. As long as my argument is backed up everything is a-ok.
2San said:That's the thing with science. Science doesn't say that God doesn't exist. Science just finds God irrelevant(and I agree with this notion). There is no absolute truth period. I'll make it easier. It's a fact that pigs can't fly. It's commonly accepted that every pig can't fly, but have you seen every pig in existence? While it's highly highly unlikely it's possible there are flying pigs somewhere.
GavinGT said:Dawkins does.
GavinGT said:Dawkins does.
If he literally said that, it's a pretty flawed statement. Just because something is said by a scientist doesn't make it science.GavinGT said:Dawkins does.
For your own sake, do whatever it takes to go to a university that will help you have a career outside the parallel universe that your school exists in.Atramental said:Help set me straight Evolution-GAF.
Snowman Prophet of Doom said:Not in the strongest sense, really; he says that, based on his knowledge of the world, a God is not necessary for the universe to exist. Therefore, he doesn't believe in one.
GavinGT said:Dawkins does.
Posters of movie and music stars and fashion models are not permitted. The subjects of personal photos should not exhibit immodesty or inappropriate physical contact.
Music must be compatible with the Universitys music standards: New Age, jazz, rock, and country music is not permitted. Contemporary Christian music is not permitted (e.g., Michael W. Smith, Stephen Curtis Chapman, WOW Worship, and so forth).
Televisions, DVD/videotape players and headphones are not permitted in the residence halls; computer DVD players may not be used to view movies.
You may not possess or play computer and video games rated T, M, A, or E10, or having elements of blood and gore, sensual or demonic themes, or featuring suggestive dress, bad language, or rock music.
Due to space considerations, appliances such as mini-refrigerators and microwaves are not permitted in residence hall rooms. A refrigerator and microwaves are provided in each residence hall.
Residence hall students may not watch videos above a G rating when visiting homes in town and may not attend movie theaters.
All weapons must be turned in for storage. Trigger locks are required for pistols. Fireworks are not permitted on campus.
MattKeil said:No, he doesn't. He places himself at 6 on his 1-7 belief scale (7 being "Definitely no god") and explicitly states that no reasonable person can be a 7. He admits he's probably like a 6.99, but believe it or not, Richard Dawkins does have as clear a view (possibly moreso!) of the issue as Incensed Agnostic GAF.
I would consider just going homeless. At the very least the FASFA will more or less give you a free ride though any state collage you can get accepted to if you are legally homeless. You would have to struggle for a while, but you don't get far in life always taking the easy way out.Atramental said:Oh no, I'm talking about a thread before that one...
But to sum it up: I better go there and obey my parents or I'll be a homeless bum on the streets.
TacticalFox88 said:Just take a look at the rules.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
TacticalFox88 said:Just take a look at the rules.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
TacticalFox88 said:Just take a look at the rules.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Ravidrath said:I think you should take this to the department head, principle or someone else and get the teacher reprimanded.
TacticalFox88 said:Just take a look at the rules.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
2San said:That's the thing with science. Science doesn't say that God doesn't exist. Science just finds God irrelevant(and I agree with this notion). There is no absolute truth period. I'll make it easier. It's a fact that pigs can't fly. It's commonly accepted that every pig can't fly, but have you seen every pig in existence? While it's highly highly unlikely it's possible there are flying pigs somewhere.
Snowman Prophet of Doom said:A God is not necessary for the universe to exist. Therefore, he doesn't believe in one.
luxarific said:Bob Jones, jeebus. You have my sympathy.
My only advice is to secretly film everything and then release a documentary after you graduate. Sort of like Jesus Camp, only for Bob Jones Uni.
Realistically, get the hell out and get a real education.
The BJU science department, which supports young-earth creationism,[24] offers majors in biology, chemistry, and physics and also offers courses in astronomy. In 2008 no member of the BJU science faculty held a degree in geology,[25] and the university offered only one introductory course in the subject.[26] Although ten of the sixteen members of the science faculty have undergraduate degrees from BJU, all earned their doctorates from accredited, non-religious institutions of higher learning.[25]
Although BJU admitted Asians and other minorities from its inception, it did not enroll black students until 1971, eight years after the University of South Carolina and Clemson University had been integrated by court order. From 1971 to 1975, BJU admitted only married blacks, although the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) had already determined in 1970 that "private schools with racially discriminatory admissions policies" were not entitled to federal tax exemption. Late in 1971, BJU filed suit to prevent the IRS from taking its tax exemption, but in 1974, in Bob Jones University v. Simon, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the University did not have standing to sue until the IRS actually assessed taxes. Four months later, on May 29, 1975, the University Board of Trustees authorized a change in policy to admit "students of any race," a move that occurred shortly before the announcement of the Supreme Court decision in Runyon v. McCrary (427 U.S. 160 [1976]), which prohibited racial exclusion in private schools.[92]
In May 1975, as it prepared to allow unmarried blacks to enroll, BJU adopted more detailed rules prohibiting interracial dating and marriagethreatening expulsion for any student who dated or married interracially, who advocated interracial marriage, who was "affiliated with any group or organization which holds as one of its goals or advocates interracial marriage," or "who espouse, promote, or encourage others to violate the University's dating rules and regulations."[93] In a 2000 interview, the then-president, Bob Jones III, said that interracial dating had been prohibited since the 1950s and that the policy had originated in a complaint by parents of a male Asian student who believed that their son had "nearly married" a white girl.[94]
# Fred Phelps, pastor of Westboro Baptist Church and perhaps best known for his "God Hates Fags" website and public protests. His association with the school ended abruptly after three semesters. Phelps once claimed he left because of opposition to the school's racial policies. In 1994, BJU employees told the Topeka Capital Journal that Phelps was expelled due to mental instability. In 2006 and 2009, Phelpswho has picketed BJU as well as funerals of servicemendenied that he had ever attended the University.[12]
Mama Robotnik said:No evidence of a magic space wizard who is everywhere and nowhere, who made the universe and made himself, who tries to save us from Satan and yet made Satan -> We assume there is no god.
There is no problem with that line of thinking it's what science is. I never took an anti-science position. In my first post I even tried to explain the importance of science. It's a core value of science to never reject anything outright. I fully believe in evolution, but claiming that it can never ever be proven otherwise is madness. I never said anything goes. Honestly stop making shit up.recklessmind said:Here's the problem with this line of thinking, this common criticism of science: false equivalence.
Pigs cannot fly. They do not have wings and everything we know about biology and physics points to their inability to ever take flight. It would require fucking magic.
Could magic be true? No.
But for the sake of this retarded argument. Ok... maybe there's a 0.000000000000000009% chance that magic could make a pig fly. Probably giving magic a little too much credit there in that figure... but for the sake of argument...
Ok... now lets make a pie chart: pigs can fly vs pigs cant fly.
Wait... but it looks like only one color on our chart! You can't even see the nano-sized "pigs can fly" percentage on the chart! It's invisible!
And yet someone will fucking argue this slightest, worse than invisible to the naked eye fraction of a percent means anything. They will use the fact that one cannot prove a negative, while completely ignoring burden of proof, ask something of science that it's not designed to provide, and then will take this tiniest sliver of doubt and build their entire fucking case on it:
"There's no such thing as absolute truth! So hey... WOO HOO ANYTHING GOES!"
While that is mostly exaggeration... using the inherent skepticism built into science as a way to lessen the absurdity of one's own anti-science position if fucking fallacious... it's a desperate attempt grasping at false equivalence. And it's way too common.
2San said:There is no problem with that line of thinking it's what science is. I never took an anti-science position. In my first post I even tried to explain the importance of science. It's a core value of science to never reject anything outright. I fully believe in evolution, but claiming that it can never ever be proven otherwise is madness.
If we happen to find that the vast majority of animals show no signs of evolution. What then? Would you still then hold a theory true that has no practical importance?recklessmind said:I argue that it's false equivalence.
Bingo. God doesn't exist, but neither does he not exist, according to science. There is no evidence for or against a god, so the question is inherently meaningless.2San said:That's the thing with science. Science doesn't say that God doesn't exist. Science just finds God irrelevant(and I agree with this notion). There is no absolute truth period. I'll make it easier. It's a fact that pigs can't fly. It's commonly accepted that every pig can't fly, but have you seen every pig in existence? While it's highly highly unlikely it's possible there are flying pigs somewhere.
I like how your post had absolutely no relevance to what you quoted. He was saying why he did not believe in God, not bashing Christians.FunkyMunkey said:A lot of people fall under the "I like to believe in a creator after understanding the profound intricacies and complexity of life, and having the chance to live it" category. But you can stay condescending and bunching all of religion into the biblical variety if it spreads your feathers. Most people here do.
Anyone want to donate me a flip camera?luxarific said:Bob Jones, jeebus. You have my sympathy.
My only advice is to secretly film everything and then release a documentary after you graduate. Sort of like Jesus Camp, only for Bob Jones Uni.
Realistically, get the hell out and get a real education.
Willy105 said:It's annoying how people try to use science to disprove God.
It's impossible. Usually the same evidence supports both arguments (common descent, common design),
Shouldn't there be something in between those two lines to make the connection?
2San said:If we happen to find that the vast majority of animals show no signs of evolution. What then? Would you still then hold a theory true that has no practical importance?
GavinGT said:Dawkins does.
Atramental said:Anyone want to donate me a flip camera?
Yeah, but that's what critical thinking and science is. If something is infallible it isn't science. Trust me, I'm fully aware how low the chances actually are.recklessmind said:This is what I'm talking about. Your example is very exaggerated... it's so unlikely that I consider even the suggestion of it to be disingenuous.
Atramental said:Anyone want to donate me a flip camera?
you realize there's no actual difference between the two right?FunkyMunkey said:A lot of people fall under the "I like to believe in a creator after understanding the profound intricacies and complexity of life, and having the chance to live it" category. But you can stay condescending and bunching all of religion into the biblical variety if it spreads your feathers. Most people here do.
Save yourself money and buy you a really good camera. Just make an excuse to why you're filming them, and go from there. I'd ask a professional to edit it all, and you may want to narrate it yourself.Atramental said:Anyone want to donate me a flip camera?