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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

This thread is for playing a Pathfinder game in forum format. One can consider this a spiritual [OT2] of Quest for the Holy Relics

- Character creation -
Stat block for distributing attributes: 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 9 (equivalent to a 20 point buy)
Starting gold is 2,200 + your class' starting gold

The setting takes place far enough into the future to allow firearms and the Gunslinger class (see the http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment---final/weapons/firearms Emerging Guns section on how this will be handled in the setting and gameplay)

Characters have one trait (Racial Traits as described on a race's page are NOT the same thing); when choosing your trait, you're allowed to choose any trait from any Paizo source for their mechanical effects, as long as you change the trait's story to make sense for your character and remove references to Golarian; I might reward extra traits as bonuses to your character as they accomplish personal goals or make an impact

No need to specify alignment, just make sure your character isn't too disruptive to the party or the goals; anything with a specified alignment, such as character classes or certain monsters are considered that type to resolve spells and effects that depend on alignment (as an annuendum, I'm removing class combo restrictions based on alignment)

Clerics and Paladins by default do not have a diety due to events that transpired in Quest for the Holy Relics; For these Clerics, they may choose any two domain, and any favored weapon. These Paladins cannot lose their powers (they are still under scrutiny as per conduct written by man). See the explanation below for more information

Prestige classes written for 3.5 are banned
Third party published material (including those listed on d20pfsrd.org) need approval (it would help to have a testimonial of the class working in practice); Paizo playtesting is allowed, but an exception will be made to them that changes can be made on the fly to your character

- Game mechanics and setting details -
Sidequel to Quest of the Holy Relics, and takes place in the same universe

Negative hitpoints are 0 minus consitution score + the number of hit die you have (ex. Level 6 character w/ 16 constitution will die if he reaches negative 22 hit points)

Potion quaffing is standard action by default.

A full night's rest will recover hit points to full, any other time you recover d10 + constitution modifier hit points every hour

Don't bother purchasing food; food will only be an issue when I say it is an issue, and then I'll have instructions on how it'll be handled
Ammo also doesn't need to be tracked as long as you count the weight of having a full stock (I may state when this becomes an exception)

d10 Greatbows require a feat (Greatbow Proficiency) to use them: prereqs are BAB +8, 13 strength, Weapon Proficiency (Longbow); Composite Greatbows, for every strength bonus added requires double the that character's strength bonus to wield it properly

Archetype change: Totem Warrior allows for multiple totem groups to be chosen
Class un-nerf: Clerics have proficiency in heavy armor
Elves don't sleep
Small weapons (including unarmed attacks) use the same damage rolls as medium weapons

Few of Primaria's mortals know who the new gods are, or how they are currently operating in the astral sea as such almost none of the new gods are worshiped or have established churches with organized followers; Most of the churches that still exist are either still dedicated to the old gods that have died, or are more like schools which teach Ith's method of using one's life force (like a Monk does) to cast spells (which are still classified as Divine despite the contrary)

Added house rules as game goes on:
Belts of <attribute> are half effect for half price (use 3.5 Gauntlets of Ogre Power, Amulet of Mighty Health, Gloves of Dexterity, etc for the fully powered versions)
Shurikens are 1d4
Range values on weapons are either height based or grid-distance based, but never both at once; whichever is the farther distance ignores requirements for the other plane (a bird 100 ft in the sky but is 35 ft away on the grid will require a bow that can reach 100 ft)

- Playing the game -
In a play by post setting, gameplay will be slower than normal table top gameplay and much more roleplaying focused; to keep the pace steady try to contribute an action or roleplaying post to continue the game along (unless your character has no possible action or can't contribute to a roleplaying scene which you can specify this OOCly)
Speaking of OOC, make sure that your OOC comments are clearly separated from your roleplaying comment such as through brackets [] (()), forum tags, or by making a separator in your post; links to dice rolls, specifying your characters actions, or accompanying material (like images or YouTube links) do not need to be placed in OOC tags

During combat, everybody chooses their action and then I will resolve them through initiative
Map useage may appear (if I am able to use Ditzie which I'll have instructions if it does get used), but only at certain times; for any other battle where a map doesn't appear liberties may be taken with movement and positioning

You may use any form of dice rolling (even rolling your own physical dice) as long as the results are reasonable; I recommend sites like Invisible Castle for easy dice linking although there are dice rollers all over the internet; Make sure that your bonuses are well kept track of

I WILL BE SLOW, since I intend on drawing a bunch of material for the game it may delay my posts sometimes; use this opportunity to do extra roleplaying or catch a break
I am also new to DM'ing, so I will make mistakes

Send an e-mail to excaliburpbp on aim if you are unable to contact me on NeoGAF itself

SPECIAL NOTE: If you decide for whatever reason you feel your character should attack another character, be prepared to relinquish control to me should that happen.
Current active players
NeoGAF Handle -------- Character Name -------- Character Class

Mike M ------------------------ Dreadstone ------------------ Urban Ranger
DeadPhoenix -------------------- Draco ---------------------- Investigator*
Axelhortsemchi - Leo "Tiberius Thunderface" Smith - Gladiator
ThLunarian --------------------- Thaddeus ------------------- Paladin

Retired characters
ThLunarian ------------- Lone Wolf/Alf/Baldur ------------- Wolf Shaman
Jackben ------------------- Nicholas Aurelian ----------- Sorcerer
Azih -------------------------------- Stricia --------------------- Monk

* Class is a Paizo playtest and will constantly change as it gets updated

No longer accepting players
Story tellers, I inspire you with tale that's old and new
For there is heroism left unloved.
It was not laugher of rogue that spared thee
But courage of mortals post-martyr.

- Muunfae, new god of fae, song, poetry, and study, and the muse to storytellers in Primaria​

That winter day the air is still and the sun gives morning. Everybody awake and present dons additional layers of comfort from the chill should they choose, standing outside the inn built roadside. There is a small luxury cart, painted in rosy red colors, and basic wagons stationed outside, awaiting passengers ready to depart the resting place. Soon ATF 30, or "After The Fall" in year 30 will end, and many have been looking forward to the send off festivities.

A few of the passengers among you are fortunate enough to be fated into travelling in the fancier carrier, while the others enter the regular wagon as planned. From outside voices dictate the pacing of the time then on, and make haste to perform prepration. Before you know it, you feel a momentary sense of pull, and if you look behind you there are still wagons stationary, seeming to await further passengers from the Inn.

"You mite be the only ones riding this morning," the horse driver of the wagon informs in a farmer's accent when he looks over to see anyone looking back, "We're going on ahead and getting you up there. If any more come they'll be just behind." Looking back once more he instructs, "You can close the front and back doors to block the cold. I'll let ya know when we get there."

As you make yourself comfortable as you can possibly manage for the trip, you take a moment to note the others with you and in return they may look to look at you. You might be the seemingly otherworldy woman, whose dark but warmly bronzed skin makes the short white hair on your head shine bright like the snow outside, and whose folded clothing and sash speak tales of your home in another land.

Or that may describing the woman that just glanced at you, a young, extremely well bodied man whose mane is a color only natural for a forest canine, and blue eyes that gaze upon the beautiful white wolf tamed only by your affection and company.

Such a wonderful animal soon perks her head, and immediately thunders a storm of barking, teeth fanged with great length. The others look towards you as you, a handsome, youthful, well boutiqued man sporting dark hair and precisely trimmed facial hair attempts to salvage his little weasel to safety. You are the most normal appearing person in the wagon besides the driver, but your looks are still well above most others in the continent.


In the front cart, separating you from the other passengers nearby, a tan skinned, blonde dwarf with braided hair and beard to enhance a dwarf's notable features, and dressed very formally in a military uniform opens a small crate in a compartment and draws out a bottle of wine to share with his fellow passengers. He looks over to you, a well prepared Half-elf cradling the sword by your side and says, in a gruff but, for you, welcoming voice "I decided to let you join us in the front, sir, because you seem like a dependable elf and I like to be surrounded by anyone dependable. I am Field Marshal Aug Dortumn. Your name is...?"

Once given the name, he looks over, drawing attention to the remaining passenger which is you, a being whose exterior cannot be any darker than your heart. You were born as a black skinned tiefling, well endowed with horns that have kept many from wishing contact with you. Your former military attire is throughly tainted with black dye to fully embrace your given colors. The only light that is cast from you is from the armor which you wear, and even that is stained to appear darker than normal. The dwarf says, "I'm not even going to bother choosing one of the names you collect like beer caps. I am already fully briefed by the name we have on your file. Dreadstone. No last name. I'm here to escort you to the man who is going to pay for your service." His eyes narrow slightly, hinting at conviction, "If it were me, somebody else would be sitting your seat. I don't tolerate men that desert, and I think even less highly of rewarding those that quit and dare to show their face to Ruby Keep's sword again."

[Welcome to Excalibur, a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play By Post Game. So that you won't have to overthink the writing above, I split the party into two roleplaying groups:
Group 1: Niko, Lone Wolf, and Stricia
Group 2: Draco, Dreadstone, and the NPC Dortumn
I'm giving everybody an opportunity to introduce themselves to the others in their group before we continue on]
After calming his canine companion enough to stop its barking, the thick-maned, blue-eyed man makes eye contact with the weasel-bearer and nods down to where the rodent is stowed, as if to say "Keep it there."

The man stands up as tall as the wagon will allow. He looks uncomfortably restless, and would be pacing back and forth if space permitted it. The white wolf sits up and nuzzles his leg affectionately.

He emits a low-pitched, frustrated... growl? "Cage with wheels," he mumbles quietly, but audible enough to be heard. "And barely moving."

Dressed in mostly animal skins, Lone Wolf has only one piece of protective armor equipped: a queer conglomeration of dried, treated leaves that somehow come together to act as effectively as any piece of hide armor. His long, wild, dark gray/charcoal hair is as untamed as he is, looking no older than perhaps twenty years, though his piercing blue eyes betray a ferocity and self-assuredness that is wholly uncharacteristic of one so young.

He looks down again at the others in the wagon, shifting his gaze between the two of them. The female looked strong and able-bodied; the male was downright frail by comparison. This was difficult for Lone Wolf to reconcile. He nods respectfully toward the female, and then looks to the male.

"Weasel-bearer," he says, and he speaks slowly and deliberately, as though he wishes no word to go to waste. "Why come here, to tournament? Have seen hu--- Have seen children can defeat you." His tone is not malicious; there is a genuine curiosity there, even if the words themselves might be offensive.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sits sideways on the edge of the bench closest to the back corner, a smear of darkness left upon the world like the ink-stained thumbprint of some absent-minded divine scrivener, threatening to consume more than his designated allotment of ambient light. His tail is draped off to one side--like most things in his life, the wagon has not been built to suit his unusual anatomy, and he has need to adjust himself accordingly.

Dortumn doesn't approve of his presence, that much is clear enough. At least to the dwarf's credit, his disdain seems to be genuinely born of his distaste with Dreadstone's decision to abandon his career with the city guard and move into, shall we say, private practice, and not with his heritage. Dreadstone could cite rules and measures granting him such license (if nothing else could be said, he was always meticulous in his adherence to the law, avoiding even the appearance of impropriety at all costs), but there's little point as he is certain the field marshal is well aware of them. That the dark-skinned tiefling is being afforded even this small morsel of the dwarf's respect speaks to Dortumn's knowledge of Dreadstone's record and standing with the law enforcement of Ruby Keep; when you want someone brought in, you get Dreadstone. Because Dreadstone always gets his man.

Silver eyes glinting in the half light of the early morning sun that manages to find its way into the wagon, Dreadstone considers the investigator in his midst with naked curiosity. Though he had maintained cordial relations with the constabulary of Ruby Keep, Dreadstone he did not know this man. His summons to Emerald Bay had been slight on details, but there were only a few scenarios he could think of that would require a skill set as represented in this wagon. An accomplished man hunter and a presumably equally qualified investigator being dispatched to the other end of the continent wasn't something done on a whim. Someone important needed someone found, right quick.

"I don't reckon you can tell me who we're supposed to be lookin' for when we get there?" Dreadstone's voice emanates from somewhere in his shadowy hood, gruff and gravelly. It's not clear if he refers to their patron, or their presumed quarry, but he deigns not to elaborate further.
With one hand on his sword and another busy searching various pockets, the investigator takes a moment to respond, "Huh? Oh yes, name's Draco." then offers a hand to Dortumn... then quickly puts the vial he had in it away, before offering it again.

Responding to Dreadstone's question, Draco shakes his head "Excellent question, it must be quite the dangerous character if they are sending someone like you. Are you perhaps privy to such information Dortumn, sir?"
Dortumn momentarily sets down the wine bottle to piroritize taking the elf's hand to shake it firmly, "Well met, Draco."

Looking between the two he answers, "The person responsible for the rebel attacks back at home, in fact. However, don't think this is a job for you alone, Dreadstone. We'll be scouting you others to hire once we are in Emerald Bay." He glances to Draco after mentioning this.

Finding glasses to pour the wine in, he grumbles and grimaces in frustration when a bump causes him to accidentally rocket some of the liquid when attempting to pour it. When he's finished with the delicate task, he offers the cup for either to take. He then looks to Draco to speak, "I personally know more about the tiefling you see here than he would actually be willing to tell me, and more than I would care to brag," he says very impassionately, but then asks with more open curiosity, "What of you, Draco? What brings you up to Emerald Bay this end of the year? Hopefully it is the festivities, which would make just one of us."
"The festivities? Yes actually, at least that is what brings me to Emerald Bay this time, though it holds a quite a few other things I am interested in. Whether or not I have time to seek these things out during this visit, I can't say."


bitch I'm taking calls.
The wagon doors close with a creak as a man with a dark green cloak with the hood pulled up turns to look upon the gathered passengers. "Good morrow. How fa-" His greeting is interrupted by the barking and bared teeth of a fearsome looking wolf. "Ah..." the man takes a step back before he feels movement on his shoulder.

A weasel with chestnut fur and a white spot upon its head titters nervously, its nose twitching in the air momentarily. His beady black eyes fixate upon the wolf and the fur on its back is raised.


The man speaks softly to the creature, his voice quiet but capable of being heard by anyone listening. "Ah, so that's how it is. Better scram Ozzy."

The weasel quickly becomes a blur, dancing around the green-cloaked man's shoulders before dashing down onto his out-raised palm and subsequently disappearing up his sleeve.

"Weasel-bearer," he says, and he speaks slowly and deliberately, as though he wishes no word to go to waste. "Why come here, to tournament? Have seen hu--- Have seen children can defeat you." His tone is not malicious; there is a genuine curiosity there, even if the words themselves might be offensive.


"Heh. I'll bet you have. Now one must wonder what the reason for a barbarian child to fight me would be?" Flipping back the hood of his cloak, the man scratches the back of his head in a pondering gesture. "Come to think on it, it's possible I have sown one or two illegitimate legacies that might come back to haunt me." He smiles wryly.

"Eh, in any case we'll probably be here for a crow's minute so..." He nods in respect to the wild man and turns to look at the others as he introduces himself with a bow. "The name's Niko, short for Nicholas. Looks this won't be as boring a trip to the 'Bay as I thought." Crossing his arms, he makes no secret of his curiosity about each gathered individual.


Spotting the beautiful bronzed skin of the snow-haired woman, Niko cautiously walks a semi-circle around the wild-haired man and his white wolf and to sit down beside her. Risking a smile, he asks how she fairs and what brings her to Emerald Bay.

"I thought a festival and tournament would just be an excuse to spread some chaos and have some fun. Maybe I should concoct a more a serious objective." Niko's eyes glimmer conspicuously before he cracks another wry smile.


The woman nods back at the lupine man as she sits cross legged on the bench tracking the movements of him and his wolf while remaining completely still.

She seems offended by the friendly question asked of her. "My business is not your concern" she addresses Nico. Her voice is rich but in her common there is a subtle trace of a sing-song accent.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone politely accepts the proffered wine, but nurses it slowly. The fruity sweetness is cloying on his palette, and he momentarily wishes that his flagon of whiskey was not bundled up with the rest of his equipment, lashed to the top of the wagon.

As he stares into the blood red depths of his wineglass, he ruminates on the additional details Dortumn has spread before him like breadcrumbs before a bird. So the intent was to have Dreadstone head up a team of sellswords to hunt down someone of importance in the burgeoning rebellion, was it? Insurrection and treason were usually handled directly by the military, the fact that they would be exploring other channels like this spoke of deeper mysteries. Mysteries that Dortumn might not be privy to knowing--and even if he were, might not be willing to share. For all the importance being placed upon him, in Dortumn's eyes Dreadstone was still a civilian.

And this talk of festivities? That's right, didn't the academy throw some sort of tournament or something? Pitting the martial against the magical? Was that going on now? "Festivities have a way of complicatin' things," he opined. "Trails get muddled and grow cold. Puttin' together a team is smart thinkin', but you need to mind that you're assemblin' a team of hounds, not a pack of lone wolves."

A sharp-toothed grin spreads across the tiefling's face. "Most folk might be inclined to chalk me up as the latter, incidentally."
Lone Wolf tilts his head quizzically, plainly confused by the twists and turns of the weasel-bearer's reply, but he seems satisfied when Nicholas finally gets around to answering.

He looks on intently as the well-dressed man addresses the female, and his eyes widen when she replies.

Unbidden, Lone Wolf feels a surprising urge to laugh, and he does not stop himself, reveling in the sensation. "No discourage, Weas--- Nich-o-las," he says, taking care to sound out the syllables correctly, "Many other females at tournament for mating."

He pauses another beat, allowing for Nicholas to offer a reply, and when it seems appropriate, he changes the subject. "Nich-o-las," he says, "Your name. What is meaning?"
"Unlike you, I am obligated to follow orders, and if I were the one in charge of the operation then there would be no 'hiring of a pack of hounds'. I am just a field marshal after all, not a general or a high ranking officer that are better served in the East right now."

He continues on, hoping to quell the idea that this is a typical job for Dreadstone, "I should clarify that the tasks you'll be hired for won't necessarily be to find a single person directly, the man you'll meet later just happens to think you would be a good asset for what he has in mind."

"Everything you need to know will be told to you and you'll receive detailed briefing when we have chosen others that we will hire to also hear the information."

[I want to avoid having to do a huge info dump twice so I'm gonna keep that under wraps until the appropriate time.]


Startled by the wolf man's sudden uproarious laughter and sensing something wrong, the woman holds up her palm vertically in a placating gesture.

"I... did not wish to cause offense Nicholas. I am named Stricia. I am visiting from the continent of Gozhou."

Looking down she takes a deep breath as if considering something and then looks back up. "In any case, there is nothing to hide in what I wish to accomplish in Emerald Bay."

Stricia shifts as if uncomfortable with speaking as much as she has decided to before continuing. "What you in Alydar call the Fall ere thirty years ago is known in Gozhou as the Change. The sages of our monastery spent many years scouring our land to glean what occurred at that time with no success. When they cast their eyes to the wider world all of their signs pointed to Alydar as being at the center of the event. I have been sent to discover the truth of it. I was pointed to The Emerald Bay as a center of great scholarship here where I might learn more. I do not know of any tournament.

"I seek to know as much as I can. Tell me, what do your people know of what occurred?" She sends a question back to her fellow travelers.
[I think I'll actually make that a Knowledge (History) or Knowledge (Religion) check for those wanting to answer her question.]

DC 5 Knowledge:
The day is called "The Fall" because it is when the gods fell from the sky and also because the gods had fallen in battle.

DC 10:
Nobody really knows what the gods were fighting against, but it is generally agreed that Olidamara finished it off and remains the sole survivor.

[Once everybody has gotten to know each other a bit, we should be ready to move on. EDIT: Actually, I may end up falling asleep before that happens so go ahead and do whatever until what will most likely be tomorrow. I edited some DCs above for the Knowledge check.]

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone leans back as best he is able, given his unorthodox positioning, his smile a jagged line of white enamel carved across an ebony surface. There is an irony to be relished in Dortumn's distaste for Dreadstone operating outside the strict hierarchy of military command being expressed in the same breath that he laments being shackled by orders contrary to his own inclinations. The freelancer is tempted to advise the field marshal that if he finds it so objectionable he should consider striking out on his own himself, but thinks better of it--it is a long, slow trip to Emerald Bay and there's nothing to be gained from being needlessly provocative with the stern dwarf.

In his line of work, one does a lot of waiting, and years of experience had tempered Dreadstone into a creature of patience. With no further answers forthcoming from Dortumn, Dreadstone downs the rest of his wine and places the glass aside. A small knife and a partially carved block of white wood appear in his hands, seemingly summoned from the darkness within his black cloak. He studies the block carefully, periodically shaving off a flake of wood so thin as to be translucent, trying to coax forth the recognizable form concealed within that only he can perceive.

For the time being, he has said his piece.

((Ready, unless Draco's feeling chatty))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko sucks the air through his teeth as his greeting is shot down. As the wolf-bearer laughs, he shrugs. Not one so easily discouraged, he manages a quick response with a pained smile in response to the foreign stranger's bristly nature. "I beg your pardon, then. Curiosity is my weakness." And even as the words escape his lips, the young traveler can't help but raise an eyebrow at the bronze-skinned woman's melodic tone.

Tearing his eyes away he turns to address the wild-man's question. "Well Laughs-with-Wolves, I'm told it means victory of the people. Not sure if that is a political thing or what." His face screws up as if he has stumbled onto an unpleasant thought. "I guess it could also be reference to the Saint Nicholas since my father was so fond of gifts."

As Stricia apologizes he waves away her placating gesture. "I did not mean to be so forthright, Stricia. If I were a cat, I am certain curiosity would have already killed me." Something moves underneath his collar and a small squeak is heard.

Gesturing to both passengers he returns to the wild-man's question. "I prefer Niko in any case. I want to create my own meaning." Nodding he asks "What may we call you, Laughs-with-Wolves?"

He listens intently to the outline of Stricia's goals and discussion of her homeland of Gozhou. "The Fall? Scholars drilled the legends into our minds a lot before I left school. And I might have picked up some lore on the road..."

Knowledge (History): 1d20+1 &#8594; [16,1] = (17)

((Assume anything that roll gets is freely imparted to Lone Wolf and Stricia.))


"The death of the gods is why it's called The Fall in these parts. But the so-called academics can't really decide what what the gods were actually fighting against. I do know from a few bards that Olidamara is the only one who survived of the original pantheon." Niko shrugs. "I guess The Change isn't too far off either, seems like a lot of churches, cults and groups of magic users would've been shaken up by the demise of the gods."
Lone Wolf is again surprised, but this time he shows it through a newfound respect toward the weasel-bearer. "Victory of the people," he repeats with interest. "Is a fine name. I impressed, Niko. None I asked before knew meaning of own name. I wonder, what is point of name, if no meaning?"

He slaps an open palm against his own chest. "Lone Wolf," he declares. "Separated from pack, and travel alone." He gestures down toward his companion. "Lady. Because is female."

He grows quiet again and drinks in Stricia and Niko's exchange of information. Having essentially no knowledge of this world's history, he finds himself fascinated by the discussion of events long since passed, despite his inability to see any practical use in knowing that information.

The mention of the gods, in particular, piques his interest. "I met god once," he chimes in. "In the forest. Not dead. Maybe many fall in great battle, but... some still around."

He is content to leave it at that and direct his attentions toward Lady, unless he is addressed again.


Stricia nods her thanks and settles into a contemplative mood. "The sages say the prayers of the faithful were answered before the change but not after. Of course I have known nothing else as this was before my lifetime, but... the death of all the gods would explain much".

She closes her eyes in meditation allowing the many questions that Niko's answers gave birth to revolve in her subconscious for awhile. She opens them again as an off hand comment of Nico's intrudes on her thoughts. "What is this tournament? Why would a place of great learning hold a festival of the sort where you would.... spread chaos and have fun?"


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the wheels of their transport roll over a rocky patch of land, the wagon bumps suddenly, catching Niko off guard. "Ouch!" The green-cloaked man winces painfully as his head bangs against the side of a crate stacked nearby. "Starting to feel that whole cage thing you mentioned, Lone Wolf." Looking toward the white wolf at his feet, he quietly addresses it in the same manner as his weasel.

"Sorry to disturb you, Lady. Ozzy usually stays out of sight most of the time."

Rubbing his temple he looks absently toward the front of the wagon and wonders how much further they have to go until Stricia asks her question.

"Ah, most of that was just my imagination. I've actually no idea what it will be like. I think it's something they do every year though." He flips open a leather-bond journal and leafs through the pages of scribbled notes. "

"Sort of a way to test and show off their student's martial and magical prowess. I'm actually curious about the school as well." He snaps the journal shut and returns it to his cloak. "I sort of make it a point to visit magic schools when I have the chance." Niko smiles. "If only to confirm they do not know as much about magic as they claim to."


Stricia, who seems to have not budged from her seat at all despite the wild swings of the carriage, perks up slightly at the prospect of observing competitive combat. "It is good to test oneself against one's peers."
Draco notes these two don't same to much care for each other. Or at least the dwarf doesn't, and the tiefling just finds his complaints to be a minor annoyance. Curious as to what about this tiefling get Dortumn so upset, Draco decides to do a little digging. "So, you go by many names Mister Dreadstone, I get the feeling there is a story behind that one, at least. Don't suppose you could indulge me in it, if that's alright with you. We've got a long road ahead, might be a nice- well, I get the feeling it isn't a nice story, but it would be one way to pass the time."

Mike M

Nick N
Another flake of wood rolls off the edge of Dreadstone's knife and falls from the rest of the block as he shakes his head in disagreement with Draco. "Hate to disappoint, but there's not much story to tell. Just gone by that--it's just 'Dreadstone,' by the way, no 'mister'--for so long, I can't hardly recall a time when I didn't. I can't rightly be said to go by anythin' else. Oh sure, some folk'll call me other things, but only the brave ones'll do it to my face."

Dreadstone pauses his carving and gesticulates with his small knife. "See, the thing about tanglin' with the sort I do is that they have a tendency to build you up to bein' more than you really are when you beat 'em. The only way they reckon they could've lost is because you're possessed of otherworldly abilities or some such. So they start callin' you 'Spawn 'o the Night,' 'Demon of the Keep,' 'The Black Guard,' nonsense like that."

He returns to whittling his block and shakes his head to himself. "Ain't nothin' more burdensome than tryin' to live up to a reputation..."

After a moment of silence he looks up from his works and points with his blade once more. "Hell's Warden. Was always partial to that one."
"We'll see how your reputation holds up when- if you are hired for these tasks," he responds, not discounting the possibility that Dreadstone may say no in the end, "Remember that this will be closer to what you were trained to do in the army than your current occupation of tracking men."


With time passing into the midday, after all of the passengers in the two vehicles have taken some time to get accustomed to the new faces they share the ride with, they will feel a slight pull as they are brought to slow down, and a noticeable calm to the sounds of the muffled clatters of the horses' walking come to a still. The wagon driver moves between the two horse-drawn vehicles, intruding to tell, "Seems there's a wreck up ahead. Don't know how it happened but we'll need to move it all out of the way to get a move on. Anybody that wants to help, we would appreciate it." The next driver approaches, wearing a much more formal wear, "If I remember my maps right, I'm sure there's also an alternate route for occasions such as this, but it may spend more time than simply moving the wreckage away. If nobody is in a hurry, we could back up and move around the trees."

Most will recall that the tournament is still days away. The wreckage would also prevent other travelers from getting through with ease. If anybody looks outside, they will see that they are now surrounded by a light forest, the trees of which stripped naked of their colorful coats of leaves by winter's coming. Anybody coming outside can also feel that the sun's warmth can be felt today, the air lacking of snow and wind that afternoon.

[If anybody wants to finish up a conversation they're having at this time, feel free to do so. ]
Lone Wolf is already peering out through the door to see what the hold-up is, when the wagon-driver arrives to explain the situation.

He frowns. Never the sort to be content waiting, he seriously considers simply leaving the wagon and setting out on foot. Despite the marginally warmer weather right now, however, he realizes the risks involved in attempting to brave the elements in the dead of winter with his current gear, and resolves to stick with his travel accommodations for the time being.

"If faster move wreck, we move wreck," he asserts, climbing out of the wagon, with Lady following close behind. Without even pausing to receive instruction, he immediately moves purposefully toward the wreckage, taking a brief moment to inspect it and try to figure out what happened, as well as surveying the area for tracks. Once he comes up with an answer (or fails to come up with one), he goes about the business of heavy lifting.

((Activating Totem Transformation in order to gain the ability of Scent for this)) Survival check to determine the cause of wreckage (1d20=19 + 8 = 27)

While moving the wreckage, he keeps an eye out for anything useful that may have been left behind ("useful" mostly limited to weapons, armor, or clothing that's better than what he's currently wearing). ((Let me know if you want a roll for that))
[I want to see what everyone else does before I go into the results of that check as others could be acting the same time as Lone Wolf]

[Since you didn't give any command to Lady, I am going to roll survival for her as well under the assumption she'll be equally curious. Can you give me the bonus or PM me the character sheet for her?]

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone alights from the cabin of the wagon with nary a sound, arching his back and twirling his tail in slow, lazy loops to stretch out muscles rendered cramped and sore from his uncomfortable confinement. A flame sparks to life in his cupped hand as he strikes a match to light a rolled cigarette perched between dark lips. He's been told his favored brand of tobacco could be considered particularly harsh, but to him most other varieties are simply unflavorful. Not for the first time, he wonders if the natural resilience of his hide against the elements somehow includes a diminished capacity for smell and taste.

His eyes, though, are plenty keen, and he gazes into the naked woods surrounding the stopped wagons, performing an autonomic appraisal of security. The onset of winter has defoliated much of the natural cover--anyone coming toward them would have difficulty concealing their approach.

In his 42 years on this plane, Dreadstone has long since learned that "difficult" was far from synonymous with "impossible." He suddenly feels acutely aware of his lack of armaments, and shimmies up to the roof of the stagecoach with feline grace. With practiced ease, he straps on his sword and quiver, notching an arrow in the string of his lacquered bow.

Standing atop the coach offers an uninterrupted field of vision of their surroundings, but also potentially makes him a target. Dreadstone crouches to minimize his profile as much as possible, a dark sentry watching the woods with wary, featureless eyes of quicksilver.

Perception check:  1d20+13=23


Moving out of the wagon Stricia notes the shadowy figure on the roof surveying the area with some unease.

"It would be right to clear the wreck for others using this road" she says as she joins Lone Wolf.

"Is there noone in there that requires aid?" Stricia tries to peer into the mess blocking their way.

((my first ever dice roll is a perception check and it's a.... 13+9=22))
"Yes, I suppose Hell's Warden has a certain ring to it..." Draco replies.

Some time later, when informed of the wreckage in there way, Draco quickly responds "What happened?" as he jumps up and heads to the scene as quickly as he can, also taking out a small vial and drinking it, figuring he might as well help with the heavy lifting while he is out there.

((The vial is Ant Haul btw))

Once at the scene, the investigator takes a look around to try and discern just what happened here, before helping with the wreckage.

Perception;+Inspiration roll: (1d20+9=17, 1d6=2) 19 total... another +2 if there is a trap as well.
[@ThLunarian: I am not sure you are able to specify that her Survival check is an Aid Another attempt since animal companions aren't controlled directly, unless I just don't know the rule that allows it.]

[@Mike M: For future reference doing stuff like jumping on the coach is a Climb check. I'll go ahead and give it to you since the DC would only be 5 or 10.]
((Totem Transformation also allows me to Speak with Wolves for its duration, so I'd be able to direct her verbally.

I'll leave it up to you though, since I didn't originally specify any of this. Still getting used to the character and all))


((I tried signing up for invisible castle but no email was sent out. Is this typical with the site?)


bitch I'm taking calls.
As their wagon comes to a halt, Niko watches curiously as both of the other passengers file out of the wagon to investigate. A squeak can be heard underneath his cloak. He sits up with a stern look upon his face. "Bandits maybe. I suppose we ought to help." He jumps off the wagon and follows Stricia and Lone Wolf toward the wreckage.

Looking about he notices several passengers and travelers scouring the wreckage, looking for some physical sign or cause. Niko decides to take a different approach. He places a hand on his temple and closes his eyes for a moment. When he opens them again, his previously hazel irises are dimly lit with a light blue glow.

((Casting Detect Magic on the wreckage.))
Lone Wolf seems to be the most eager to follow after the drivers and get close to the wreck site. Despite depending on his wolf friend for aid, it turns out that it was not necessary, he very easily picks up the scents of dirty creatures nearby.. and a faint smell similar that to muddy water right as if it were right in front of him. Lady only becomes confused by the still unfamiliar scent of all of the other people surrounding her.

Dortumn opts to stay behind as Draco and Dreadstone head out of the coach, not as interested in heading outside as the others seem to be. Most likely out of neglect for good will. The cart shakes and his drink spills when a thud above him is heard, "What in the!?"

Dreadstone gets a better angle of the wreckage from atop of the coach, and can see a bit more of the tree behind the toppled cart. It's more clear from his view that the fallen tree is actually lodged between some rocks and kept raised slightly. It's very possible something could be under the top branches providing cover.

Both he (even at the distance he sits at) and Stricia as she approaches both notice a glimmer of visual error when looking at the green layering of the toppled cart. It almost seems to take a form and the effect seems too real to be their imagination.

Draco doesn't see any creature in particular, though he does notice as he comes close that some of the snow close to the wreckage has been padded over, which is odd considering the weather has had an unchanging effect this day.

Niko detects no apparent magical aura around the wreck.

Despite all of their observant discoveries, this isn't enough to prevent what happens next. When the two drivers attempt to begin lifting up the cart from the front where the wheels would provide lift, they only make it a little bit before it suddenly drops at their end. A flash of colors escapes from under the cart's outer draping, bringing with them loud squawking and threaten the men with swords in their feathered hands. Dreadstone can observe at the tree branches behind the cart the flaps flipping up and shadows moving. Soon three goblins pop out of the other side, one of which seeming to wear racoon and fox hides.

And to Lone Wolf's dismay, a large lizard creature seemingly appears from nowhere right in front of him as its natural colors blur into view as it starts to move.



[Normally people would update this map with their movements as their turn comes up but I've decided to just make big updates each turn so that everybody can post all at once, and because people tend to either copy the wrong map or fail to understand how to update the URL (Ditzie's controls are kind of bad).

This is the surprise round. The two drivers (with the Atari 2600 Berserk sprites as their icons on the map) and Lady are unable to act this round. Everybody roll initiative and give actions.

I have tinkered with this encounter way too much, and I still have no idea how it will turn out, so good luck with it. Also, I stopped pixelling tiles towards the end because that takes too long so excuse the mixed resolutions.]

Mike M

Nick N
((It might help future maps to label the columns and rows with numbers and letters just to make it easier to say where we're moving.))
((Just realized that I never actually rolled for my HP. Doing that now:
2d8+10=18, with 8 of that being the maximized first level and the other 2 my Constitution mod. Also there should be another 1 in there for the Con mod on Level 1 that I didn't count when I made the roll, making a total of 19.))

Initiative (1d20+1=16)

As Lone Wolf and Lady approach the wreckage, he feels his senses enhance automatically, giving him an acute awareness of the surrounding area. He stops just short of the wreckage and sniffs the air uneasily.

His upper lip twists into a snarl. Out of the corner of his eye he sees other travelers emerging from the two carts and approaching; he turns to warn them of the unpleasant stink of filthy creatures, but he is distracted by the black figure standing atop the other cart. He looks into the tiefling's eyes.

Not like others. That another Hunter... he notes in alarm.

Before he has a chance to do anything about it, however, a very large lizard erupts out of hiding, creating a far more immediate threat.

His instincts taking over, he produces a hand-held sickle from a custom-sewn pocket in his deerhide sleeve and brings it down in a brutal arc toward the creature.

((Move Action: Draw weapon. Standard Action: Attack Lizard.

Attack Roll + Damage Roll vs. Lizard (1d20+6=10, 1d6+4=10)

Probably a Miss. Going to make a Knowledge Nature check on the Lizard to see what useful info I can glean about it. Knowledge Nature check on Lizard (1d20+6=11)))

Mike M

Nick N
Initiative:  1d20+2=8

Dreadstone barks something in the language of fiends, an unpleasant word even for a tongue where every syllable grates upon the eardrums of less nefarious beings. So preoccupied as he was with monitoring avenues of approach, he'd neglected to consider the possibility that the danger lurked in the wrecked wagon itself.

Unaccustomed to being taken by surprise, he scowls as he stands to his full height and draws his bow taut. The wind whips the hood off his horned, scarred visage as he takes aim at the bird creature immediately before him, hoping to add the fletchings of his arrows to the ambusher's plumage.

No sooner has the arrow taken flight than is Dreadstone stringing a second shot. The bird creature is standing within optimal range and visibility, and he seeks to capitalize what little advantage he can muster.

Attack vs. Bird Thing
Attack:  1d20+6+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=12
Damage:  1d8+1+1(Point Blank)=3

Rapid Shot Attack:  1d20+6+1(Point Blank)-2(Rapid Shot)=10
Damage:  1d8+1+1(Point Blank)=8
((Not off to a great start on these rolls...))
[Invisible Castle has been giving horrible rolls today, so expect the enemies to be similarly unlucky at the very least]

When the lizard creature appears before Lone Wolf, he'll eventually recognize it as being of a Giant Chameleon variety that was blending with its surroundings until now. This one is most likely a pet given the circumstances, and seems to not have grown to its prime yet.


bitch I'm taking calls.
As Niko looks over the area he doesn't notice anything of interest. Sighing he prepares to help manually lift away the debris with the others when he hears a snarl coming from Lone Wolf. "Wha-" before he can continue a strange word is shouted into the air and the inert wreck before him suddenly bursts into life.

1d20+7 &#8594; [3,7] = (10)

His eyes widen as suddenly a menagerie of beastmen and angry creatures burst onto the scene, seemingly out of nowhere. From out of his cloak, Ozzy the weasel emerges and perches itself on his shoulder. Tapping into their bond, the green-cloaked traveler uses his heightened alertness to cast a quick glance, revealing a few goblins menacing nearby.

Niko lets out an exasperated sigh, his exhaled breath swirling in the chill winter air. He runs towards the trees to put some distance between himself and his targets.

"Ugly and angry things, goblins. Shall we show them something beautiful, Ozzy?" The traveler balls his gloved right hand into a fist before suddenly extending it in front of him, appearing to throw nothing but air...but from the tips of his fingers burst a fantastic ray of colors in an arc that spreads over the goblins.

Casting Color Spray (Will save DC:15) targeting as many of the goblins as I can.
[One of the goblins (the one in the middle) goes before Niko does, but he'll have a chance to target the other two in the cone. The problem is that with your choice of movement this round you won't be able to use the spell without catching Stricia in the cone, unless she rolls a high enough initiative to get out of the way first or if you move before casting the spell.]


 Initiative: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4336129/]1d20=9[/url]+5=14

"Ambush!" Stricia calls out as she reacts to the sudden hostilities. She tracks the three small figures that scrambled out of the wreck with her eyes focusing on the one dressed in hides before remembering..

"The drivers. We must protect the drivers"

Attempting to immobilize the lizard Stricia aims a swift side kick at the side of the lizard's head

((O god, how did this roll get here I am not good with dnd))

Stunning Fist Attempt attack: [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4336190/]1d20=9[/url]+2+3=14
DC to save = 10+3+1=14

((Edit: Huh, my initiative is higher, but I already tried to kick the lizard and wouldn't have known what Nico would do right after. So I'm going to roll a... Will Save? ))
((God I already hate the d20.))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Don't worry about it, Azih. That was my bad. My job not to unnecessarily put the team in danger. And no, you wouldn't have passed since the save had a difficulty class 15. Gotta meet it or pass it to not be affected.))

[One of the goblins (the one in the middle) goes before Niko does, but he'll have a chance to target the other two in the cone. The problem is that with your choice of movement this round you won't be able to use the spell without catching Stricia in the cone, unless she rolls a high enough initiative to get out of the way first or if you move before casting the spell.]
((Aha, okay. In that case I will move towards the trees instead, as pictured here, before casting the spell.))
((You may already be aware KM, but I forgot until right now that the lizard is flat-footed if he's going to go after me and Stricia. It wouldn't matter for my attack unless the lizard happens to have 0 Natural Armor, but it could matter for her.

The same would apply to the bird-thing and Dreadstone's attacks, if Dreadstone beat the bird's initiative))
"Strange. Some one must have-" Draco's monologue is suddenly interrupted as they are attacked by a strange assortment of enemies. Instinct taking over, the investigator jumps into action as quick as he can(though judging from his roll, its not that quickly).

Init: (1d20+5=11)
Draco steps forward, gracefully pulling out his scimitar and stabs the Tengu.

Dancing Dervish Attack;Damage: (1d20+6=21, 1d6+3=6)

((Gonna throw in the knowledge rolls here, using inspiration on each of course(free on knowledge rolls i am trained in).))
Knowledge Local on the tengu: 1d20+7+1d6=18
Knowledge Local on the goblins: 1d20+7+1d6=16
Knowledge Nature on the chamelon: 1d20+7+1d6=19
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