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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

"It isn't uncommon to see this sort of thing happen when you let it happen," Dortumn explains in light of the question, "And the tengu tend to be the unsavory sort. Dreadstone is sure to agree coming from Ruby Keep." It is definitely possible for Dreadstone to have encountered one in his career, Tengu are commonly slum dwellers with little to lose. "'Doubt there's a grand mastermind orchestrating the whole thing, thieving's just how they are."


"What of the travellers whose cart this is?" Stricia says gesturing at the wreck they are pushing off the side of the road. "What was their fate? And how do we return to them what remains of their possessions?"
Dreadstone. Lone Wolf rolls the name around in his head after he hears the short one use it to refer to the man in black. Though at first he is interested to hear that the name actually means something that he already understands, after some thought, he realizes that it's just as confusing as any other name he's come across. He suspects that there's some nuance of language that he's missing, because it wouldn't make sense for a Hunter to be afraid of rocks.

Unless... maybe that was the point of it? To confuse his enemies and make them lower their guard?

He is broken out of his contemplation when the bare-fisted brawler speaks her question. "These traveler either dead or to safety by now," he says, shaking his head. "Any way, can do nothing for them."

Lone Wolf lifts a fully-intact wagon wheel from the wreckage and spins around a few times to gain momentum, finally releasing it. It crashes loudly into a tree, some distance into the woods off the path.

"You fight well with bare fist and foot," he says to Stricia, as though the matter of the missing travelers is closed. "Stricia. Never hear name before. What is meaning?"


Stricia expression clouds. "I will not discuss my name with you". She bends back to her work with less care, yanking debris from the rubble and tossing it into the woods with more force than strictly necessary, and doesn't speak again until the work is done.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Once they are back aboard the wagon the journeyman nods at the two half-elf, dwarf and tiefling in greeting. "My name is Nicholas, or Niko for short. Glad to have you all along for the ride, could have gotten a lot messier out there without you." He pauses to scratch the stubble on his chin. "Is it usual for bandits to be out in such force here? They seem rather bold. I admit I haven't traveled this far west before."

Listening to Dortum and the half-elf's remarks about banditry in the region, his question appears readily answered. Though he does have some lingering curiosity, he lets it go. "We'll have to have a cookout another time, Lone Wolf. I don't want to delay the journey any further, especially with one of the driver's as injured as he is."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone leans into the wrecked wagon, grimacing with exertion along with the other travelers, the derelict giving inch after hard-fought inch. "Even if there's a whole army of the buggers in the service of some dark lord waiting in the woods," he grunts, "they're like to leave us well alone until we've gone, and that's good enough for me."

He heaves once more, and the broken cart shudders a few more precious fractions of an inch. "Not that I don't sympathize with whoever these folk were, but their fate ain't hardly our concern. Nor do I feel particularly obliged to put myself out of sorts tryin' to return some paintings we found. Spoils of salvage, as far as I care."

Once the road is clear and everyone piles into the wagon, Dreadstone takes up position near the door, curling his tail around his legs to minimize the amount of space he takes up. "Dreadstone," says by way of introduction after Niko extends the courtesy first.

The hooded ranger stares at the injured driver of the more stately stagecoach. "How you holdin' up?" he asks the man.
When the front coach driver is asked about his condition, he looks over to the deary appearance the ranger brings, answering with a similar dialect to his coworker despite different clothing, "I think I'll live, but don't know if I can manage the girls like this."

Dortumn walks by and tells a quick solution, "We can all squeeze in the bigger wagon. You need to keep your wound tight." He points to the uninjured driver, "You, rein the other cart and move it out of the way, then release the horses. You'll be driving us home." He finally then gives his opinion on the matter of the paintings, "I'm not the constable that deals with petty matters, what you do with what you find is your business."
Lone Wolf accepts Stricia's refusal to discuss her name at face value, and secretly takes a small bit of satisfaction in seeing the Hunter strain himself while trying to move the cart.

Lady returns from the forest before long, and her master can tell that she was unable to catch the creature. When Niko returns the lizard carcass, Lone Wolf tosses it to Lady; after sniffing it to make sure it's relatively fresh, she digs in.

On the road, he listens to the injured driver relay his condition. "Here. Can help," says Lone Wolf. He moves next to the man and places a bare hand over the wound, closing his eyes and concentrating. The wound magically begins to mend itself, to the point where it looks like it was never there.

This was only one of the many strange powers that Lone Wolf had discovered himself possessing in recent months; normally he reserved it for himself and for Lady, but he saw no reason to let the man suffer needlessly.

((Casting Cure Moderate Wounds on the driver to heal 19 HP.))

Line Wolf sits up in a posture that makes him appear to grow nearly six inches. "Dreadstone," he says, speaking very purposefully and looking the man straight in the eyes. "You have... interesting name. What y.... What is your story? Where do you come from, and where do you go?"

Talking was a wonderful invention, but Lone Wolf was finding that it made some things much more difficult - especially right now, while he had not yet mastered the art of language, and found himself in unexpected competition with another Hunter.

He betrays none of these reservations in his body language, however. Outwardly, until now he has barely acknowledged the tiefling's existence.


Stricia bends down and offers her hand to Lady with palm turned up in what she hopes is a friendly gesture. "Is she your pet?" She asks Lone Wolf "she did very well in the fight."
The investigator nods to the sorcerer, "Name's Draco, that was a nice little trick there by the way, Niko." He then proceeds to help carry the wreckage away with ease, despite looking about as strong as Niko.

Mike M

Nick N
Now that the immediate urgency of defending the wagons and clearing the road has passed, Dreadstone has the luxury of sizing up the remaining members to whom he has not been introduced. The young monk woman had some real sand to take on their assailants bare handed the way she had. He can't recall the last time he witnessed such prowess in unarmed combat that wasn't some sort of sporting event.

Actually, he is not sure he has ever witnessed such prowess in unarmed combat.

The wild wolf-man remains a cipher, however. Dreadstone would usually consider himself to be fairly good at reading people, but this kid ((At 42, I'm guessing Dreadstone at least appears to be the oldest member))
is inscrutable. The tiefling is used to be stared at like he just crawled forth from the pits of hell, that this man with his lupine companion would go so far as to pointedly ignore Dreadstone's existence until now calls almost as much attention as the city folk with their jaws agape that such a foul creature be allowed to tread the same cobblestones as they.

He seems polite enough otherwise, outside the fact that he doesn't quite seem comfortable in his own skin. But he seems to be well outside his element in the company of people accustomed to sleeping with roofs over their heads, so that's understandable. Clearly got some special talents, if what he did for the wounded driver is any indication. Sure as shit beats the pants off the field dressing Dreadstone could have offered.

"My story is long on tedium and short on the good parts," he answers Lone Wolf's question. "I was born and raised in Ruby Keep, and I suspect I'll die there. Manhuntin' ain't a career choice for those lookin' to enjoy a prolonged lifespan. One day someone's gonna be just that hair faster than me, and my number'll be punched. But today ain't that day," he says with a grin with too many sharp teeth. The smile of some bipedal predator.

The partially-carved block of wood makes a reappearance in his hand, and the wagon smells faintly of fresh sawdust. "Presently, I go to Emerald Bay," he says as he resumes his deliberate carving, "same as the rest of you, though I wager for different reasons. Seems that someone out west feels I have value and has requested my presence. Hearin' them out seems the polite thing to do."
Lone Wolf says nothing as he listens to Dreadstone tell his story. A hunter of men, he thinks to himself. That was one quarry that Lone Wolf had never taken on in his days as a pack leader. From observing them, he found that they were either far too easy prey, or far too vicious, with precious little middle ground. Lone Wolf wasn't exactly sure what it said about Dreadstone that he would make them his quarry of choice.

When the Hunter starts fiddling with the block of wood, Lone Wolf immediately feels more at ease, having not been the first to break eye contact. He considers Dreadstone's fatalistic attitude, and decides to voice his disagreement.

"Only stupid hunters die early," he declares. "Smart hunters never outwitted by prey. If prey smarter or stronger, then not prey at all and avoid."

Lady nuzzles Stricia's outstretched hand with polite affection.

"Lady more than pet," says Lone Wolf. "She and me are partners for ten full moons or more. Trust each other with lifes. Looks like she trust you also. If Lady trust you, then me, too." He outstretches his hand toward the monk, probably somewhat awkwardly, but the gesture is friendly enough. "My name Lone Wolf, for any who do not know."


Stricia pauses for a moment before grasping Lone Wolf's hand.

"The smart hunter" she observes carefully "should sometimes let their prey come to them instead of always chasing them."

Turning to the strange archer she says "You look... Different Master Assassin but I have always wished to be judged by my acts and you acted with honour in not killing a helpless prisoner. I am Stricia."

To the bookish looking half-elf she says "You do not look like a blade master but appreances are deceiving in your case yes?"

To the dwarf she has nothing to say, but he is obviously in charge and she is curious about his intent.
"Only best to lure prey when it very strong, or when is very fast and will run away. When prey weak, should end things quickly.

"Also, try to protect wagon-men. Raptors move fast; if wait too long to act, raptors might run past and attack wagon-men. Rather not that happen."

Lone Wolf loses interest at mention of the word 'honor.' He understood the concept behind it well enough, but it still didn't make sense to him. In his mind, there was no honor. It was survive, or die. Kill, or be killed. He saw no reason to complicate things any further than that.

He keeps to himself for the rest of the trip, if it remains uneventful.
<I'll am working on preparing something for an upcoming scene so I'm deliberately slowing down the pace a bit before we move on.>

Aug Dortumn gazes to the deed the young man performs on the bleeding shoulder, fully aware of what seems to be going on, "Healing magic.." It's apparent to him now that there is much more to these folk than their outer appearances show about them. "Forget what I said," he says after the man is healed, "Fortune has it, you get to keep your horses and your wits about you after all. Let's get going."

As everyone begins to gather in the back wagon, he gestures for Draco and Dreadstone to follow suit with him, intending to go into the wagon as well this time for the trip. Along the way, he moves to Lone Wolf to pat his shoulder firmly and give a friendly acknowledgement, "Lone wolf is it? Funny that there happens to be one other fool parent that thought to give their loinspawn a code name rather than... any other sort of name." When Dortumn is up close he's slightly shorter than the man he speaks to, but much more stout overall, "I pray to the dead gods that 'Lone Wolf' the only name I have to remember you by."

By now everybody should be entering the wagon and departing once more.

Mike M

Nick N

Lone Wolf looks at the dwarf with disinterest, and mild distaste.

He considers responding with an explanation of just what his name meant to him, and how he longed for the day when he could accurately change it to reflect a new reality, but what would be the point of wasting words on one such as him? This man had proven himself to be a useless coward. He had noticed how the small man had purposefully avoided engaging the enemy, and thus far he had displayed no useful skills to speak of.

Perhaps most egregiously, the dwarf saw fit to repeatedly disrespect Dreadstone at his leisure. If Lone Wolf had been the target of even one of this wretched creature's barbs, they'd all be dining on dwarf stew this evening.

So, instead of replying, Lone Wolf merely grunts, and turns in another direction.

Mike M

Nick N
((Apparently the surest sign someone's not an undercover agent is that they claim to be an undercover agent. I just wanted an excuse to never actually do any work for the next 13 years, was that so wrong? Heh heh : ) ))
<Time to cut some corners on my end. Moving on.>

The dwarf winds his shoulder and faces his cheek momentarily at the Lone Wolf refusing a proper response while keeping eye contact for the time the man allows, but doesn't say anything of it.

Once everyone is in the wagon, he climbs aboard afterward and shuts the door to block the still but chill air. Seeking a spot for him to sit at, he takes his cane and sets it between where his feet are placed, resting his hands at the top while keeping it propped up. Looking between everyone in the room, he initiates dialogue for the collective he sees before him, "This boy Draco here looked the sort to get in a scuffle on occasion but I hadn't imagined all of you at once would be trained in combat. It can't be a coincidence then, you all must be aboard to head to the arena, I take it?"
"Of course. Its a great way to meet new people and maybe learn a thing or two while I am at it. Though I honestly don't expect to get far, I figure its worth seeing how far I can get."
"That's a shame. Your talents would be well rewarded there I'm sure," he says, responding to the wordless nod he receives, "Might I ask what does bring you to this side of the land, if not to compete?"

To Draco he says, "Don't sell yourself short. Most participants in tournaments aren't military trained anymore ever since Emerald Bay's schools dropped support for raising like minded people as warriors; the arena's just there to entertain everyone and draw visitors to the city. Me and this tiefling you've met today, Dreadstone, are going to visit with a representative from Ruby Keep that will be giving a speech a the tournament and then observe the matches while making conversation," he explains, looking to the woman once more, "Perhaps I could get permission to allow you to join us as well since you don't plan on participating."


"I travel to Emerald Bay to seek information from the scholars that reside there" Stricia explains. "I do not know why I would want to hear this 'representative of Ruby Keep' speak. I was not aware of any martial tournament but if it is open to outside participants then I may take part."

Stricia takes the opportunity to ask the wagon at large about the nature of the tournament. Something that she has been intrigued by since hearing of it from Nico.
<I'm just going to go ahead and let my DMing carry this conversation since Christmas is almost here and I expect most everyone will be busy these next few days.>

"Well, whatever you decide to do the tournament happens twice a year and each match is one on one. They have magical measures in place to ensure no bloodshed happens since we've gone a long way since the old barbaric way of things."


<I'm just going to go ahead and let my DMing carry this conversation since Christmas is almost here and I expect most everyone will be busy these next few days.>

"Well, whatever you decide to do the tournament happens twice a year and each match is one on one. They have magical measures in place to ensure no bloodshed happens since we've gone a long way since the old barbaric way of things."

<I'll be here the whole holidays folks!>
<I'll be here the whole holidays folks!>

((Me too. The only reason I haven't said anything lately is because Lone Wolf is turned away and acting like he doesn't care what Dortum is saying. He's actually listening very carefully, but that doesn't make for a very substantive post heh))


<Hah, Strica isn't exactly chatty herself. Nico and Draco will have to carry this conversation. I don't know how Stirica should react to Draco ignoring her either!>
<I think Jackben is the most AFK out of everyone which is why I assumed some of you might be busy for Christmas. Based on the roll call I just got it sounds about time to move on to the next scene too if nobody has anything to add.>
<Now might be a good time to say since we're soon to transition to a new part (give or take Chrismas)... Everybody gains a level

I haven't decided the value of the paintings yet (I do know it will be affected by dice rolls), and there are two average sized paintings and a smaller, third, picture.

Technically, you guys aren't a party yet, and as far as you are concerned you are about to go your separate ways until you meet each other in the arena again. You should decide how you'll distribute the paintings before you end up in Emerald Bay. Bonus points if you turn it into an IC subject.>


<Stricia will want Draco to find out who the paintings belong to when she finds out he's an investigator. That will be her last stab at it though.>
((Lone Wolf has no interest in the paintings and probably isn't even aware that they could be sold for cash.

Now, since we just leveled up and it seems like we're going to be in Emerald Bay soon, I have one more scene I want to do first. I'm going to activate Wild Shape.))

At some point during the long, tedious trip toward the city, Lone Wolf drifts off in his seat, slumping slightly and appearing precariously close to falling onto the floor of the wagon; Lady, likewise, is sleeping at his feet.

About an hour into his slumber, he spontaneously changes into a wolf.

The process is not gradual at all; the more observant among the group may notice that there is a very, very brief period during which his body converts to a state of pure energy, and then immediately reforms itself into a burly, gray-furred lupine creature.

His feet (now paws) remain tethered to the floor, and thus he is now laying on the floor. He and Lady rearrange themselves so that they're cuddling together.

He does not wake up at any point during the transformation, and even appears to be sleeping more soundly once it's complete.

((Edit: HP Roll for Level 4 (1d8=5)

Edit 2: Because I am way behind the game, I forgot to roll Lady's HP originally. Lady's HP (4d8+12=30)))
If you happened to be awake during Lone Wolf's transformation during the night, and cast Detect Magic
you will notice traces of Divine Magic from when the transformation occurred.
"Well in that case, you can expect me to be standing in the winner's circle... Though I wouldn't put any money on that if were you. Honestly, my skills lie more in finding bad guys then fighting them, but if I've got few tricks up my sleeve for when things go sour."

If Draco hadn't figured out Wolf was a druid by now, he probably does after that little trick.

((Also, totally made max roll on my hp roll. Which is good because I needed the hp badly. HP roll: (1d8=8)))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Listening to the small band discuss their interest (or lack thereof) in the Emerald Bay tournament, Niko remains quiet. From his corner of the packed wagon, he furtively feeds Ozzy a mix of nuts and dried fruits from the palm of his hand before ushering him back into his cloak with a whisper. 'I know you don't like it, but we'll have meat again soon. Be patient.' The green-cloaked wanderer's eyes appear clouded and he wonders if his dampened enthusiasm owes itself to the pain in his ankle from the earlier skirmish. Or perhaps it is in response to the waning sun overshadowed by clouds, its dim light receding from the white-packed snow, ushering a more bitter cold through the gaps and cracks of the wagon.

As the paintings are examined, Niko coolly offers his assessment. "My father was of merchant caste. As much as I distaste such a boring existence, there were a few things I picked up from my time under his apprenticeship." He takes a closer look at the paintings, running his fingers over the bordering and inlay of the frames. He attempts to divine their worth and assess whether they are still of trade value after lying in the snow amongst wreckage.

Appraisal Roll
1d20+1 &#8594; [10,1] = (11)

"Hmm...well if nothing else, it could afford us a few drinks once we get into town."

Smirking at the very thought, he springboards this into attempting to repeat for the others the bravado he shared with Stricia & Lone Wolf. "Well Draco, if anything those goblins were simply a warm up round for what is to come. Your swordsmanship was impressive, and curios too were your powers of the vial." Sitting up straight he clears his throat before continuing. "Shame I had to play my hand so plainly in front of potential combatants, but rest assured I have other cards up my sleeve too..." The volume of his voice builds from the quiet sort of talk reserved for a gathering of individuals,into a level more appropriate for a speaker addressing a group.

"I'll be the first to admit I was drawn mostly by tale of the school in days of yore. I have my reasons for seeking the academy as well as the tournament." He stares up at the roof of the wagon, as if crossing space and time to see something far beyond. He wonders what she might be doing even now.

"And both reasons can be achieved-" he breaks his reverie by alighting his right hand in a green flame that burns brightly but gives no heat nor sound. "by crushing the competition, shaming magic of wizards and unleashing a power unlike anything the crowd has even seen."

The simple act of speaking thus appears to burn away some of the dim clouds in his eyes, his hazel irises beginning to glimmer once more in the lantern light the group shares. "Actually I feel my own power more capable than ever after our little run in with the bandits." A cheerful squeak sounds from under Niko's collar in response. "And if our success here was any sign for our fortunes ahead, I would say it was a good omen indeed."

Smiling again he feels, if no one else he has convinced himself the path will burn bright with promise of a new day.

- - -

At first Niko is confused to see two wolves instead of one. The cogs in his head reason Lone Wolf has departed after summoning another ally. But something still seems amiss to the wanderer. Presently his sleepy eyes regain the previous blue glow they held when scanning the wreckage. Once he's absorbed as much as he can, closes his eyes once more to rest and to ponder. 'Fascinating...'

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone largely ignores the boasting and jockeying for position amongst the other passengers heading towards the tournament. Had he been a younger man, he might have entertained the notion of entering himself, but the years had taken their toll. Much of his combat advantage stemmed from experience and exploiting his surroundings; being set against another individual on the floor of an arena in even combat was not a fight that would be in his favor in many instances.

At the sight of Lone Wolf’s transformation in the carriage, however, Dreadstone’s eyes go wide and a single syllable of the fell language he seems to have reserved for reflexive interjections slipping his lips. He notices that in his sudden distraction, his knife has slipped on the wood block he had been working on, carving it in error. Muttering softly to himself, he sets about trying to repair his errant knife stroke as best as he’s able. “Takes all kinds,” he says quietly.

When the topic of the paintings comes up, he offers his assessment of the matter. “Seems to reason that we all have equal claim to them, so we ought to liquidate them and split the proceeds accordingly. Maybe a small commission for whomever can find us the best deal,” he says with a grin. Even though he’s never been to Emerald Bay, Dreadstone does not doubt that his familiarity with navigating the facets of society that would be best positioned to take possession of the paintings in exchange for coin would grant him some advantage for that last condition. Well, maybe Draco would be something approaching a rival in that regard, but honestly he would not find fault with anyone who could better deal him on the matter.


"You are a finder of truth Master Draco?" Stircia inquires. "If so, perhaps you would track down the owners of what we salvaged?." It is apparent from her tone that she considers this unlikely as the rest of the group is bent on selling the paintings and dividing the loot.

She listens impassively to Draco's boasts and raises an eyebrow at Nico's showy display assessing him anew as a combatant. It is Lone Wolf's completely unselfconscious transformation that truly rattles her however. She takes a deep breath and looks down at her fists as they lie on her lap. She knows her own abilities and is confident in them but what good are they when matched against the kind of otherworldy powers that she is now encountering? How effective is the perfection of mind, body, and soul that she has striven to attain her whole life through constant training when matched against the whirling attacks of a well trained swordsman fortified by alchemy, the eerie accuracy of a master archer, the seemingly limitless potential of sorcery, or the pure untrammelled power of nature itself? And all of this encountered in one cramped carriage? What else will she find? The world, she is beginning to realize, is larger than she thought in her travels thus far, and far far larger than she ever imagined in her monastery home.

She falls into a deep meditation; fists uncurling into two cupped palms lying loosely in her lap as she sits in a perfect lotus position on the bench of the wagon trundling towards the answers she seeks. Shutting out the world she concentrates on herself and her own increasing strength feeling a new welling of power within herself.

[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4341767/]1d8=5[/url] HP
. <Character sheet updated too KM>
Eventually Lone Wolf awakens from his nap. He is obviously surprised by his transformation, and elated on top of that. His tail wags furiously as he nudges Lady gently to wake her up; she has a very similar reaction, and the two wolves jump and chirp excitedly.

There is a moment of playful roughhousing, but it is short lived due to the spatial confines of the wagon. Lone Wolf opens the door of the carriage (which gives him a little trouble because of a lack of opposable thumbs), and they both jump down and begin to chase each other in circles around the wagon, run alongside it, and generally just play in the snow and have a good time together for a while.

A few hours of that, and they finally return inside, passing out on the floor again. About eight hours after the original transformation, Lone Wolf reverts to his human form. He remains asleep on the floor alongside Lady.
<I think it's actually four hours you would be transformed (unless you have a feat I don't spot on your sheet that doubles that), and it's actually an overnight trip to Emerald Bay from the Inn everybody started at, so..>

After the miracle that Dortumn's snoring and snorting did not fatigue the others into losing sleep, everybody instinctively wakes to the morning arriving even in the enclosed space blocking the light and sun. When the door to the outside is opened, morning light gives color to the dark horizon below the fading moon.

Once the next few hours spent watching the sun rise have gone, the transports draw themselves towards Emerald Bay's gates, stopping to be looked over before being allowed in. Even so early in the day the city's energetic populace and nearby lute players can be heard replacing the previous rattles and chimes of nature previously. It's here that their final stop is the turn in towards the inn shortly after the gate. The driver slides open his opening to the back of the wagon and tells them that they're free to get off, and the trip is on the house for saving his hide back there. Dortumn steps over Lone Wolf's collapsed body on the floor, leading everyone out.

It is here at the city many people, many of which not much younger than Niko and seemingly not much younger than Lone Wolf crowd in front of the buildings and find ways to enjoy themselves through gossip, games, and filling the chill air with the stench of warm mead and alchemenal smoking. Where normally this city would feature a drought in clothing for the sun and water here, the winter drapes the people with hood and blanket, and some crafty crowds manage a fire safely. The streets of Emerald Bay manage to be an outdoor tavern in a lot of ways and such the care free attitude of the people have seeped well into its culture over time. Dreadstone and Dortumn both get dirty looks, possibly for both similar and very different reasons for each, as if just being there had spoiled much of their fun already.

As the group separates to go their separate ways, they can see flyers for the upcoming tournament. It can be determined by the date given that it is still a few days away, giving plenty of time for preparation. Sign up rules are shown, giving these important details:

  • This is a one versus one event, to see who the best in a duel is
  • Due to animal cruelty laws, trained animal partners are not allowed to fight in the tournament; summoned creatures will be created as magical illusions while in the arena
  • There will be prizes for Top 8 participants
  • Sign up as soon as possible, as there is a limit to how many can join

Delving deeper into the city, a strange, particular style of music begins to fill the air. It isn't anybody nearby that is playing an instrument, but something very loud. There is a concert hall, and there is a large audience making it impossible to get a close look, but a perceptive eye can see that there are strange instruments producing a very mystic, synthetic, upbeat, cheerful sound (Niko can easily figure that the instruments are purely magical and not typical of what ). The songstress' voice is similarly amplified, sounding as a teenage girl with a high pitched voice, and her movements and charm present herself as a gift to the people watching.


<This was supposed to be a full image but I wanted something done so I could get this post ready.>

Passing by this concert, Dreadstone may see to the backs of people that don't look to be repulsed by his presence a mother carrying a child on her shoulders to enjoy the concert peacefully with. Everyone will likely want to get away and find music that more closely matches their tastes as soon as they can.

Also, Quintis has a statue here praising his mastery of the arcane arts. Congrats.

<I am not sure it was decided how the painting issue will be handled. It is sounding like Draco will investigate the origin of the paintings' owners, or do most object to that use? Also Niko's appraisal result is that all he knows is that each painting is in the four figure range, and doesn't see anything particularly interesting about the subject matter. Either way, let me know how everyone plans to spend their time in the city, especially if you are wanting to visit the Academy.>
Draco figure's he can kill two birds with one stone and decided to both look for the owners of the picture and any potential buyers, "I'm gonna go and find out what I can about this pictures right away, and maybe keep an ear out for anyone wiling to buy them. How about we might back here tonight, and I let you all know what I found. And possibly split our winnings, with a little extra finders fee for me... If I can find a buyer with the best price of course."

Gather information Diplomacy+Inspiration: (1d20+7+1d6=18)

((God damn, I can not roll skills.))
<I'll be working on the results of your roll. For Gather Information, roll 1d4 for the check you just made for how many hours you spent gathering, and then you can re-roll your Gather Information check (with a new roll of hours). The limit on this is to make sure to get full night's sleep or you will be fatigued.>
During Draco's search he is able to find out several that are kind enough to spend a bit of their time to point him to various merchants or antique shops that may be willing to barter him for a price on the paintings, but has yet to find any individual person knowledgeable enough to get an accurate appraisal of the value or the possible previous owners.
((The trait I took doubles the duration of my Wild Shape if I'm a small or medium creature. I forget its name and myth-weavers isn't pulling up right nkw , but it's listed under my Feats.

Edit: it's called Beast of the Society))

Lone Wolf is roused to consciousness by the stopping of the wagon, and immediately decides that human bodies weren't designed for laying on a flat wooden floor for long periods of time.

As his memory begins to sort out the previous evening's events, he is flooded with a strange mix of emotions that he can't put to words, but if his vocabulary were better, he would call them disappointment for finding that the transformation was not permanent, and a strange sort of embarrassment for his actions that didn't really make sense to him. Being forcefully transformed into a human had opened a floodgate of new emotions; this was yet another that he was encountering for the first time.

He says his goodbyes to the others in the wagon, pausing to give Dreadstone an iron grip of a handshake. "Good hunting. Maybe we meet again." With that, he is off to explore the city.

The distant, lilting melody of the concert provokes another unfamiliar emotional response in Lone Wolf, and he makes a point to avoid it, keeping Lady close as he navigates through the crowds of boisterous humans.

After seeing a flyer and taking some time to decipher it, Lone Wolf looks for a place where he can sign up for the tournament. If he can find it, he will register for every event for which he is eligible. "What is this mean, summoned creature count as illusion?" He asks the person manning the station.

((Actually asking that. Does that mean the enemy gets a will save to disbelieve the creatures' existence?))

After finishing that, he makes his way to the academy and tries to find a place where he can observe martial combatants training, in order to scout the competition.
((Actually asking that. Does that mean the enemy gets a will save to disbelieve the creatures' existence?))
((No, since your opponent would be aware of the rule on summoned creatures being created as artificial creatures in the arena and for all intents and purposes it functions the same as a normal creature with the exception that it will do non-lethal damage just as you would and if damaged enough would be dispelled instead of something that's killed. Think of it as another way that it's making a spell non-lethal.))

((Oh, also, the music from the concert has no mind altering effects on the party or anything like that.))
While Emerald Bay no longer runs formal military training regimens, Lone Wolf will see that they do allow potential participants to spar with practice weapons made of lightweight wood and have a place to get some exercise in preparation of the tournament.

For Draco, the clerk at the antique shop speaks of an art connoisseur he knows that may know more about pricing of works such as what he has. He passes over an address. By the time Draco learns this, it is already evening. <NOTE: This time frame is just for Draco because of his dice rolling on how long he took, everybody else can roleplay what they do from the time of day they arrived in the city.>

Mike M

Nick N
As soon as the wagon arrives outside the inn in Emerald Bay, Dreadstone leaps from the back of the wagon, demarcating his own personal patch of chilly cobblestoned street with the thrashing motions of his tail. He returns Lone Wolf’s handshake and well wishes with a vaguely affirmative wordless grunt. In truth what he witnessed in the wagon had somewhat unnerved the urban ranger, though he is not sure if it stems from discomfort from being around unfamiliar' magic, or jealousy that wildman can change between human and another form just like that.

Barring the ambush on the road, he’s been cooped up almost the entire way from Ruby Keep, and he takes his time in relishing the freedom of movement granted to his unusual appendage once more. Inconveniences like this are why he rarely travels, he notes to himself. There is no love of tieflings in this world, and scant reason that anyone would build accommodations to suit. If life had dealt a different hand of cards, perhaps he could have been a carpenter that specialized in such things, but Dreadstone was not the type to dwell on hypothetical alternate possibilities.

As if to drive home the sentiment of how unwelcome people find his presence, the thronging crowds that part to flow around him holds furtive glances of distaste, people taking just too long of a stride to steer well clear of him as they pass for it to be a natural ebb of pedestrian traffic. It washes over Dreadstone’s cultivated indifference, like water over a black stone sticking out of the bottom of a streambed. This is more or less how he is accustomed to being treated, and it seems that Emerald Bay’s history of being the center of arcane knowledge has not made the populace more accepting of those of exotic heritage.

No, people are pretty much the same everywhere, he reasons. The largest exception here is the sheer preponderance of youthfulness, but that’s not an unusual phenomenon in population centers built around institutes of learning. Men and women alike, flaunting their beauty around in their ritualized dance like breeding was going out of style. Dreadstone would be the first to admit that the girls have a decided aesthetic appeal, but there too he has cultured his apathy. There are a fixed number of loves a man will be granted in his life, and the dead gods had in their malice seen fit to give Dreadstone both of his allotted romantic interests at the same time, and in his greed had lost them both.

Lighting a cigarette, he strides forth into the current of traffic, walking against the flow of oncoming humanoids. He passes through the crowd unimpeded, as though he were no more substantial than a ghost. People part to let him pass, then come back together to fill the gap in his wake, sparing a moment for a dirty look before resuming their conversation where they had left off. He’s got some time to kill, so he decides to see if there’s not anything he can do to keep himself busy in the interim.

In a way, Dreadstone exists outside of society and as such has an outsider’s perspective on it. Not like that Lone Wolf kid, though, no. He is an outsider, but he is possessed of an intimate familiarity with how that society operates. How it functions. How its disparate, intricate parts interlock and turn the wheels that propel the whole thing forward. Most people only see one facet at a time, see nothing but the ripples on the surface, but Dreadstone knows the angles to look from to view the whole thing.

Like a river system, information tends to flow along fixed channels. Accumulate in pools before the current pushes it out into the next tributary that feeds into the river that fills the endless belly of the lake. Some of these are obvious to anyone; any local constabulary office, for instance, is rife with handbills featuring charcoal renditions of the law’s most coveted trophies. Dreadstone pays a visit to these offices, staffed by the law enforcers with the strained courtesy that speaks of their desire for the tiefling manhunter to finish transcribing the notices into his notebook and just leave. After a while, he thanks them for their time and does so, and they breathe easy once more.

He also knows the value of the beggars and the vagrants, those who navigate the city in functional invisibility granted by the population’s collective practice of pointedly ignoring their plight. These folk lack the judgmental glares of those more fortunate than them, and are more than willing to render assistance for a few coins or a warm blanket. Most people would be surprised at what the street folk know, and for a paltry sum he learns the locations of the dives and dens where the shadows of Emerald Bay coalesce.

As the winter sun begins to set, the full shape and scope of Emerald Bay builds itself in his mind. Not just a two dimensional map of the streets, but one that includes the interactions between the different social strata and how details and information percolate back and forth across those interfaces. He doesn’t yet know it as well as he does his home of Ruby Keep, but he judges he has enough to stop mapping out these invisible river systems and go fishing.

He picks a bar that he judges is far enough off the beaten path to attract a sort of patron that might be disposed to be know things that the local law enforcement might not, yet not so far in the shadows that he is liable to wind up stabbed and left for dead in the alley. Selecting a corner table in the back, he sits with his notebook out and listens for those deep in their cups to spill what they know, ordering just enough ale to justify keeping his seat.

Not that the proprietor of this establishment looks the sort to make a scene trying to kick out a fiendish apparition like Dreadstone, but there’s no need to impose.

Gather Information
Diplomacy check:  1d20=18
Hours:  1d4=2

((Dreadstone has no Charisma, heh. Didn’t have a particular objective in mind for this attempt. He could be looking for a fence for the painting, but given his lawful bent he’s probably more keeping an ear out for anything that might lead to a bounty he can cash in relatively quickly))

((Still updating character sheets. Oy, now I've got the second one to baby sit for the animal companion...))


bitch I'm taking calls.
((Merry Christmas everyone.))

As dawn approaches the bustle of traffic entering Emerald Bay rouses Niko from his slumber. Stumbling out of the wagon Niko pauses to allow a caramel blur to dart out from his cloak and rush underneath a nearby building. "Keep your whiskers clean." Watching Ozzy depart, he wagers by tonight there would nonetheless be one less chicken within the gates.

Returning to the wagon, he stretches his cramped legs with a brisk walk before thanking the wagon driver for his generous offer. "Glad things turned out as they did." Nodding hurriedly at Draco's suggestion, he agrees to meet them for drinks at day's end to discuss the paintings. He's anxious to wrap up matters quickly, for after all there is a whole new populace waiting to be explored.

"I'd wager each painting to be worth at least four figures, nothing exceptional in the world of art. Happy to let you take the reins Draco, matters of commerce put me to sleep. See you at the inn tonight." Bowing to the others, with a dramatic sweep of his cloak Niko turns on his heel and walks off into the bustling crowds.

Sharing a brew with a few revelers, Niko feels the life of the crowd charge him with a pleasant buzz. "And what's more I intend to enroll in your tournament. Give you fussy book learners a taste of raw magics." Signing the waivers and registration papers for the tournament, Niko notices Lone Wolf grilling an attendant on the particulars of simulated companions.

He interrupts the stammering scholar to explain in basic terms. "It'll seem real in the arena, but any damage won't kill and Lady's image will have all her abilities but won't really be harmed." Wishing Lone Wolf good luck, he rejoins the celebration and follows the students he drank with earlier down the cobblestone street. Coming upon the concert hall, he stops to muse over the enchanting music and the magical instruments it emanates from.

Dancing with the others his revelry is interrupted when he notices a beautiful silver haired songstress among the crowd. Shoving his drink into one of his newfound friend's hands, he quickly makes his approach and presents a colorful wildflower from his sleeve and asks of her name.

Regardless of the outcome, Niko makes a point to embark upon his secondary objective and inquires about and subsequently heads toward the Academy proper in curiosity and in search of a headmaster or dean of the school.

((uncertain what to roll for here or if I need to roll anything yet. Let me know and I'll edit in as necessary))
<I'm not sure Niko's attempt to approach a silver haired songstress (I'm not ready to throw Muun's kids at you as NPCs guys) is in response to the brunette singing at a concert where there is a huge crowd in front and she's on a platform.>

Dortumn tells Dreadstone, "I don't want to hear about you getting into trouble. Meet me at the arena gate on the morning the day it starts," and then departs away from him.

At the bar, the character of the bartender is stark contrast to the world Dreadstone knows, although this in itself is expected of people like him. The tender welcomes outsiders, he feigns a politeness of a god in hopes for a tip and to see the payment for drinks arrive another day. Surely the man separated by the counter and lever operated tap has seen enough scum in his life to know how to stay on somebody's good side.

Dreadstone learns nothing. Nothing he hears is something worth jotting down on paper unless he plans on taking advantage of the talk of the wench's measurements. Perception 15:
However, the bartender he ordered his drink from and the younger, female assistant tender he works with can be seen speaking to each other with concern while occasionally glancing towards Dreadstone's table.

<Oh, and Merry Christmas to you all too. Be sure not to let this game get in the way of your celebrations and presents!>
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