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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

[Sorry guys, internet stopped working yesterday and I passed out as a result. I'm gonna respond to Draco's Knowledge rolls and tell Jackben how his turn's gonna play out then work out the initiative some more.

I've decided that Goblin will actually attack Niko, but that makes it so that you can target it and the leftmost goblin and the goblin that just attacked you in the cone, and you shouldn't provoke AoO with the movement you chose.]

And yeah, the Chameleon would be flatfooted, so Lone Wolf would hit it afterall. Stricia brings it below 0 HP.]

Draco knows the same thing Lone Wolf does about the lizard creature in that it's a Giant Chameleon, able to blend with its surroundings. In addition, he's aware that it is a known choice of animal that a Druid can bring.

The goblins and tengu seen today are bandits are best. Overall the tengu are slightly above goblins on the social hierarchy, being more likely to be seen in a city though they still tend to dwell in their own places within those societies.
[The topmost Tengu hits a driver flatfooted and gets a sneak attack. First attack misses, but its bite does 9 damage total

The Chameleon is unconscious and dying

One of the goblins moves around to hit Niko for only 2 damage

Draco puts a clean hit on the flatfooted Tengu, and it retaliates by attempting a full attack on Draco. Its first hit misses, and its bite does 3 damage; both of Dreadstone's shots miss it

Niko hits the goblin in front of him with color spray, but the Goblin Druid behind it met the will save; it responds by attacking him and hitting him for another 3 damage

The other regular goblin moves to attack Stricia, and scores a crit, dealing 5 damage total]


Dortumn looks out the window, being brought to light the trap that was sprung. As the monstrous bi-legged creatures aggressively seize their awaited opportunity to get the jump on unwary persons, Dortumn can see that the men and women out there in response are able respond quickly and calmly.

One of the tengu latches onto the coach driver of the two, and although the man does well to hold back the stabbing of its knife, it only goes in to puncture him with its beak.

Lone Wolf and Stricia immediately make useless and limp what the goblins must have thought would've been a clever trick to play on less capable travelers.

One of the little dirty runts scampers out from under the cart and quickly springs to the first person it sees, heeing gleefully as it slashes at Niko's leg. Niko circles around and gets a good angle to draw out a little bit of his innate powers to blast the little creature with a spray of magical glitter, also hoping to get the other goblin towards the back. Unfortunately, while the critter winces painfully at Niko's feet, the other one manages to have a much stronger composure in comparison, though its attitude is no less grumpy towards the colors and magic being sprayed at it; the hide covered goblin moves in to bash Niko in the leg with its wooden club it otherwise uses as a walking apparatus.

Draco's calculated, yet simple direct approach is rewarded. When he stabs the other Tengu in its abdomen with the stepping motion of his stabbing thrust, it gets upset and flails at Draco with its sword slashing and beak chomping, but only manages to barely bite through his shirt, leaving a gash in his shirt and the top layer of his skin.

The last goblin does its best to rip into somebody's skin, but even his most brutal gash isn't much for the powerful woman.

Dreadstone manages to be the least impressive of the group.

--- Start of Turn 2 ---


[Lady can now act, and the two drivers are no longer flat footed.]

[Also, Jackben I hope you don't mind where I placed Niko, I placed him where the cone would hit two goblins.]

Perception 15 -
To the south (towards the left on the map), more of the bandits pop out from hiding, covered under the snow, after the ones hiding in the wreckage get a jump on the party. They won't arrive just yet, but they're coming. If you meet this perception check, then I will update the map to show the enemies that are off the map.
Perception check (1d20+8=23)

Lone Wolf cleaves into the soft-fleshed chameleon, but he winces as he hears the rapid-fire thrum of arrow releasing from bowstring, steeling himself for impact.

The impact never comes, though, and after seeing the projectiles narrowly miss the bird-like creature, he realizes with mixed feelings that the other Hunter seems to be an ally.

Chancing to turn around and get another look at the man in black, he glimpses more than he bargained for. "MORE COME FROM SOUTH!" he roars.

Lone Wolf takes a step back and screams a primal, lupine howl toward the sky that echoes through the area and reverberates deeply into the souls of friend and foe alike. Out of the woods emerges a brown canine, slightly smaller than Lady in muscle mass, yet every bit as ferocious. It approaches from the north, engaging the remaining Tengu which threatens the wagon-driver.

Looking less than satisfied by the outcome of his call for help, Lone Wolf then directs his companion to go after the staff-wielding, fur-clad goblin. She obliges, coming up to the south of him and attempting to sink her fangs into his flesh.

((Move action: Five-foot-step one square southwest. Standard action: Expend a casting of Bull's Strength to spontaneously cast Summon Nature's Ally 2, applying the Young template to Wolves so that they count as Level 1 creatures so I can summon 1d3 of them, as allowed by Totemic Summons (which also lets me cast the spell as a Standard action instead of full-round when summoning Wolves).

Number of Wolves Summoned (1d3=1)

Summoned Wolf (AC 15, btw) will appear a few squares to the right of the Tengu, and will charge at it as a full-round action. If it connects, he will try his free Trip attempt.

Attack Roll including Charge, Damage Roll, and CMB Attempt to Trip (1d20+4=22, 1d4+1=4, 1d20+1=15)

Lady will Charge to the square below the Goblin Druid and attack it, attempting to Trip it if it connects.

Attack Roll including Charge, Damage Roll, CMB Attempt to Trip (1d20+6=23, 1d6+2=8, 1d20+4=24)

That's a Natural 20 on the Trip, and a damn fine set of rolls overall.

EDIT: After reviewing the rules for Charging, Lady can't charge the Goblin from where she started, so she will move around Niko to get to that same square and attack normally, so it'll only be a 21 to hit.))

Mike M

Nick N
Perception check:  1d20+13=25
Black arrows fletched with the feathers of ravens whistle through the air toward the tengu, passing harmlessly through the bird-like creature's voluminous plumage while missing the scrawny body concealed within. A completely ineffective attack, but sufficient distraction to allow Draco to land a precise killing blow.

Dreadstone's face twists into a scowl at being denied a kill. Even back when he served on the force, he did not much care for the value of teamwork, always carrying a preference for lone operations. A childhood of imposed self-sufficiency upon penalty of death had a way of impeding a man's ability to trust his fate to the hands of others.

Before he can dwell on the issue, his keen senses alert him to movement in the trees to his left. He pivots atop the wagon to see more of the motley bandits emerging from the snow as the wild man with the broken common practically screams to announce their presence to everyone else.

Dreadstone sighs inwardly as he calmly strings another arrow and draws a bead on one of the approaching bandits. Goblins and tengu could be dangerous, that much was true, but they were more possessed of a crude animal cunning than genuine intelligence. An armed party of this size had little to fear from an attack by this number if you kept your wits about you. No need for such hysterics...

Aiming slightly above his target, Dreadstone's arrow seeks to thread between the branches of the trees as it describes a lethal parabolic arc through the air, followed only a heartbeat later by its twin. It's a questionable shot, but certainly no less so than trying to pick off one of the ones currently embroiled in combat with the other wagon passengers.

((Targeting enemy on Dreadstone's row))
Attack vs. Dinosaur looking thing
Attack:  1d20+6-2(Rapid Shot)=15
Percentage to hit:  1d100=33
Damage:  1d8+1=9

Rapid Shot Attack:  1d20+6-2(Rapid Shot)=17
Percentage to hit:  1d100=35
Damage:  1d8+1=7


bitch I'm taking calls.
Feeling the goblin's dagger slash his leg, Niko turns to blast the one at his feet with a ray of color. It crumples onto the snowy ground with a thud. However, the older bandit is unimpressed and it swings its staff to smash painfully into the skinny man's kneecap. Hearing the warning of more enemies approaching, a haunting howl echoes in his ears that pierces the din of battle.

Let's hope that was a good howl, he thinks choking back the pain in his leg. "That hurt, you green bastard" Niko spits at his foe, his eyes burning in fury against the pathetic goblin before him. He reaches into his cloak in desperation, preparing to draw his dagger when suddenly a white blur tears in front of him. Niko's eyes widen as Lady leaps towards the goblin druid with her ferocious claws and teeth bared.

"See, wolves aren't so bad Ozzy."

He uses the distraction to place hand upon his own shoulder, concentrating his inner fury to endowing his body with an ethereal force.

Casting Mage Armor on self.

Concentration Check for casting defensively (DC 17):
1d20+3+5 → [17,3,5] = (25).

Move action to retreat back toward the caravan as pictured here.


Stricia grimaces as a jagged edge from the poorly made dagger cuts her thigh. She responds with a flurry of blows at the ugly creature responsible for the damage.

((ok from my understanding the bab for this is separate plus there's a -2 to hit for each attack... if so.. here are the rolls))

[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4337468/]1d20=15, 1d20=17[/url]

First: 15+4=19
Second: 17+4=21

[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4337470/]1d6=3, 1d6=6[/url]

First damage: 3+3=6
Second damage: 6+3=9

Stepping forward with her left foot she brings up her right knee in a swift attack aimed at her enemy's face. Bringing her right foot down in a smooth motion she uses her forward momentum to deliver a downward looping punch right at the goblin's jaw twisting her entire body into it.

((can I move after an attack? Basically if my goblin is out i want to move to end up next to the last threatened driver and the last tengu it may be way too crowded there though what with Draco and the wolf. In which case Stricia will move to hem in the druid with Lady.))
((Using Flurry of Blows is a full-round action, so you could only do a 5 foot step.

If you only attack once, you can do a full move action afterward, for future reference))


((alright in that case Stricia takes a step up and left to end up next to the wheel and diagonal to the druid if goblin is out))
((At level 3 with, judging from you damage, a +3 str mod your full attack mod during flurry of blows should be +6-2(flurry of blows penalty) and when not flurrying, you should have a +5))
((when using flurry of blows, just replace your bab with you monk level so: Monk level(3) + Str bonus(3) - Two weapon penalty(2) = Full attack bonus(4)
and here is where i realized i math wrong before... but i think you get the idea now))


((so how does the flurry bonus in the pathfinder monk table come into play? It is at +1/+1 at lev 3))
((It nets together to be the same thing that DeadPhoenix is describing. The +1/+1 is the net of the 3 from the monk level and the -2 from using Flurry. Basically, the table values have already taken the -2 into account; that's why they're different. At least I think that's what's happening))
((Yeah, the table is for using the Monk level, and the normal BAB table is for when you are doing anything else that reverts to regular BAB (which is the BAB total gained from every class you level in). You add your strength as normal.))
((Your Flurry's base attack would be 3, because of Monk level, add Strength which is +3, and then subtract the penalty, and you end up with +4))
[You guys made it through most of this turn without taking damage.

The topmost Tengu went first in the turn, and tried to attack the driver again (who is no longer flatfooted so no Sneak Attack), but missed both times. Niko provoked AoO when moving away, but the Goblin Druid missed.

Stricia knocked out the regular Goblin on the 2nd hit, as did Draco taking out the closer Tengu before it could act.

Neither Lady nor the summoned wolfling knocked out their targets in one hit, but both got a trip in. The Goblin Druid will attempt to get back up, provoking AoO from Lady (-4 AC from melee attacks). At the start of the turn, the Tengu will try to get up as well, provoking AoO from both the wolf and Draco.

The reinforcements spend their turns getting onto the map. The dinosaurs you see have more speed than anyone, and the one that makes it onto the map first, does so before Dreadstone acts so if he had missed with his concealment rolls it wouldn't matter since it wouldn't have partial concealment anymore.]


The bandit goblins manage to meet with the worst of luck when choosing who to have ambushed and raided that day. Easily they are dismantled and overpowered quickly, and those that are not are either crippled or knocked to the ground. With their help, the two drivers high tail it back towards the horse drawn transports, where a Dortumn with his decorative rapier drawn is there to look after them.

As Dreadstone would notice first, this time they brought dinosaurs as their pets, but he sniped one almost immediately.


[Only the Druids in the lower left part of the map managed to roll a decent initiative so it's possible you'll put a huge dent in them before they can do anything.]
[I think just the AoO attack will kill it (with the -4 melee AC penalty it has 11 AC) so you can do something else with your move and standard action.]

EDIT: [Oh wait, you would actually leave it at 1 HP. I was thinking of the Goblin Druid which does have 1 HP. If the little wolf takes the AoO as well though, then your standard and move actions are still freed up.]


((hey km, I wanted to take a 5 foot step to end up adjacent to the druid at the end of my turn, is that taken into account for this round? I'd like to get an AOO in as well if I could))
[Whoops, I skipped over accounting for every enemy that turn. Yes, you are allowed a 5 foot step. I'm going to edit the map in my previous post.]


((I'll take my AOO now since we both seem to be on))

[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/4338152/]1d20+5=22, 1d6+3=4[/url]

Stricia snaps out her left leg in a vicious kick as the druid attempts to get up.


Pausing to throw Lady an appreciative look for knocking the druid prone, Stricia moves to stand adjacent to Nico, ((one block below on map)) and goes into full defense. It seems like he and the mysterious figure above have created an effective kill zone and she sees no reason to not let their enemies run right through it as they seem to be intent on.

Mike M

Nick N
((Is that second dinosaur within range for a Point Blank bonus? I'm unsure how to count a 30 ft radius with squares placed at diagonals like that, is it just everything in a 7x7 square centered on Dreadstone, or is it like an SRPG where you can't move diagonally?))
Lone Wolf is dazzled by the brutally efficient barehanded fighting tactics employed by the female. Having never seen a human hit so hard without a weapon, he finds himself impressed by her martial prowess... and then becomes confused when she randomly (to him) appears to retreat and take a defensive posture.

Mentally shrugging it off, he lets out another howl, this one less mystical, and serving as a battle cry as he and the wolves charge toward the second group of bandits.

((Summoned Wolf misses his Attack of Opportunity. For his standard action, he will first attack:

Summoned Wolf attack (1d20+2=19) Didn't bother rolling damage since you said he only has 1 HP. Since the Wolf goes before Draco in the initiative, this should free up Draco's move-and-standard actions this round.

Summoned Wolf will then use his Move Action to go all the way to the square directly to the right of the topmost Druid (he has 50 movement).

Lady will Charge that same goblin druid, ending up one square northeast of him, and attempt a Trip if she connects.

Charge Attack, Damage, and CMB Attempt to Trip (1d20+6=21, 1d6+2=7, 1d20+4=12)

Lone Wolf will Charge the remaining Raptor, ending up one square northeast of it.

Charge Attack and Damage (1d20+8=20, 1d6+4=6)
((Is that second dinosaur within range for a Point Blank bonus? I'm unsure how to count a 30 ft radius with squares placed at diagonals like that, is it just everything in a 7x7 square centered on Dreadstone, or is it like an SRPG where you can't move diagonally?))

<Gonna use <>'s instead of []'s from now on for my OOC speak I think, they show up better while still looking better than (( ))

Anyway, I need to figure out how height factors in (IIRC it actually improves your range and I would rule that you are 10 ft above the ground) but diagonals and line of sight aren't locked to a grid like it would be in an SRPG, though I think the way you're meant to calculate the distance is the same way you would calculating diagonals for movement where you alternate between adding 5 ft and 10 ft for each diagonal you take. ThLunarian or DeadPhoenix can probably clarify more since I don't know where it's explicitly stated otherwise.>
((Is that second dinosaur within range for a Point Blank bonus? I'm unsure how to count a 30 ft radius with squares placed at diagonals like that, is it just everything in a 7x7 square centered on Dreadstone, or is it like an SRPG where you can't move diagonally?))

((Diagonal movement is a little wonky in 3.5 and Pathfinder. The first diagonal counts as 5 feet, then the second diagonal counts as 10, then the third is 5, and so on. By my count, the Raptor is 35 ft away from you even if you 5-step south. If you were to jump down from the cart and land one square southwest of your current position, you'd be within 30, but I'm guessing that would require a Jump check to land cleanly.

Edit: As for height, basically no one ever has come up with a good way to account for the 3rd dimension in grid-based combat, so that's basically all just house rules))
His target taken down by the summoned wolf, Draco heads south to meet the incoming enemy reinforcements, but on the way there, he suddenly stops and then downs a vial of strange liquid. ((its a Shield spell))


bitch I'm taking calls.
Regrouping with the drivers near the caravan, Niko is relieved to see none dead thus far. He watches with interest as a stout dwarf carrying an ornate rapier emerges in a military uniform. Perhaps speaking too soon, he yells "Just about done out here I think", moments before further foes emerge from the forest. Eyes widening, Niko scrambles to find purchase upon the wagon and hoist himself up next to the charcoal ranger above.

Move action Climb check:
1d20-1 &#8594; [18,-1] = (17)

Once there, he ventures a glance towards the tiefling who appears otherwise engaged with shooting down the second wave of bandits entering the fray. Satisfied for now, he crouches next to the dark one and cups his hands in front of his face. Staring down the bandits entering the road, to the tiefling it sounds as if he is whistling into his palms before suddenly the sound of armored-marching blasts throughout the battlefield, pierced by the bellow of a war horn.

((Click here for sound))

Casting Ghost Sound, (Will Save DC: 15 to not believe the sound of a regiment of ~12 soldiers approaches from the south.)


Stricia for her part is flabbergasted by Lone Wolf charging headlong into the crowd of hostile monsters.
<They all pretty much failed the save, except for one. I think I'll go ahead and end the battle since there wasn't much difficulty to it to begin with and we've spent plenty of time in it. Aftermath post coming up.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Well I was going to shoot the second dinosaur, but since I'm apparently slow on the draw for posting walls of text for the simplest moves today... Heh))
The calling of reinforcements from the east leads the bandit monsters to panic and the dinosaur confused. The tengu that brought bows this time fire off a couple of flimsly pot shots as they cower away, and the only goblin that saw through the ruse is effectively left on his own to follow suit. When the coast is clear, the dazed goblin that is left alive is easily captured and secured and his weapons taken. What the party members do with this goblin is their decision.

Dortumn walks towards the others, sliding his weapon back to its docile placement at his belt sheath, commenting on the battle that just happened, "I've never seen regular folk defend themselves so quickly from a raid. Usually the road ways are better monitored than this," he tells, "I'll be certain those responsible for the neglect are just that... responsible." Now noticing that there's as many animals as people that he's talking to, he looks over up top the coach and makes a waving motion wanting them to get down from it. He says to everyone, "Let's get this mess cleaned up. I'll be joining you in the other wagon. I want you to come to the other wagon as well, Dreadstone," he instructs, not wanting to keep the tiefling on his own, "I'll be bringing the drinks over."

When the party examines the contents of the abandoned cart, they can see that most of its useful contents were already emptied out, but in typical goblin fashion they left behind a few paintings which might fetch for some money back in town which they must have paid no mind due to their lack of shiny glitter.


While cleaning up Stricia inquires about the warhorn, who sounded it, and when they will arrive <I rolled a Will check and she did not pass>
Turning to the Monk, Dortumn juts a thumb over his shoulder towards the man that cast the spell and answers for her, "The boy over there was the reinforcements. 'Scared off the critters for us."

<I probably should've looked more closely at how Ghost Sound works but I won't require the party members to make a save for it since it wouldn't negatively affect them anyway.>


Stricia recalls the color spray and fitting the pieces together looks at Nico with new respect.

"The best fight is the one not fought. It was a clever ruse magic user."

Mike M

Nick N
At first Dreadstone thinks that he&#8217;s misjudged his shots, as the dinosaur he had been aiming at clears the treeline of the forest and makes toward the carriages. The reptilian beast&#8217;s brain finally recieves the message that its heart and lungs have sprung a few leaks, and its gait falters as it pitches forward, its momentum plowing a forough in the snow as its limbs twitch with the random firing of dying synapses.

Dreadstone already has an arrow notched as the well groomed young man who somehow stinks faintly of muestilid musk clambers up onto the top of the wagon next to him. There&#8217;s no time to pay him a proper greeting though, as the second dinosaur has already broken out into a lead ahead of the incoming goblins and tengus. Gods damn, those things moved fast. He&#8217;s carefully leading its erratic movements as best he can as he prepares to loose his arrow when the sound of approaching reinforcements sound from somewhere nearby. The bandits, already stressing the limits of their bravery to the breaking point by staging this attack against a superior force, turn tail and run. Dreadstone looks around in confusion before the truth of the situation dawns on him.

&#8220;Cute,&#8221; he says to Niko, drawing his hood back over his head before descending to the snow covered ground below. Lighting another cigarette, he fixes Dortumn with his gaze as the dwarf announces his desires to consolidate into a single wagon--the tiefling had been uncomfortable in a carriage with only two others, he wasn&#8217;t looking forward to trying to fit himself into a wagon holding twice that number. Still, it&#8217;s better than trying to fit everyone in the carriage, and there is something to be said about safety in numbers, so he bites his tongue.

Taking the bound goblin, he drags the miserable creature by the ropes that bind it and slams him up against the nearest tree. As part of the cleanup effort, he piles the corpses of the fallen goblins, tengus, and animals before their squirming captive. A malicious grin on his face, he crouches in front of the tied-up goblin, his knife dangling loosely from his hand. &#8220;What&#8217;s the goin&#8217; rate on goblin hides?&#8221; he asks no one in particular, unleashing a pent up cloud of foul-smelling smoke from between his lips.

Intimidate check: 1d20+10=22
Lone Wolf's instincts tell him that the hollow sound of approaching troops is merely some illusionist's trick, and he pays it no mind as he slices a deep, bloody gash into the creature before him.

The enemies' senses aren't quite so acutely honed, however, and their formation collapses as they retreat into the woods.

The shaman is momentarily torn. He is reticent to let such a cowardly attack go unpunished, but on the other hand, time is of the essence, and it would take a while to properly hunt down all of the stragglers. Finally, he decides that the wolves ought to at least get a proper meal out of this, and gives permission to Lady and his summoned ally to chase down the wounded raptor.

((Let me know if you want any rolls for that. After the raptor is taken down and a meal is made out of him, Lady will return, and the Summoned Wolf will be dismissed.))

Lone Wolf returns to the wreckage. As he surveys the area, he hoists the corpse of the chameleon. "Today we dine on reptile," he announces, looking around for anyone who does not appear fit to do heavy lifting. "Niko, you know how to cook?"

As Lone Wolf continues the business of moving wreckage out of the way, he keeps a cautious eye on the man in black at all times. Confused at first as to why exactly the Hunter is piling up corpses in front of the lone captive, finally he figures out what the man is trying to do. "Wasting time," he calls out to the tiefling. "Goblins simple creatures. Know nothing. Attack any who approach. Best to kill it and come here help haul."


bitch I'm taking calls.
As the bandits begin to panic at the sound of approaching reinforcements, Niko smiles mischievously. If they needed further coaxing it is lost upon the defenders, as the fearsome sight of Lone Wolf and his pack closing in tips the beasts over the edge as they stumble back and retreat in fear. Carefully climbing down the wagon, he thanks the warrior monk and Lone Wolf for coming to his aid.

"Thank you, almost got rushed out there." He nods in agreement with Stricia's statement. "I try to avoid blunt force whenever possible. Oh, and the honorable dwarf here is right, it was just a bit of sound magic. Is anyone severely hurt?" He looks to the drivers and the other travelers before tending to his own wounds. "Aye Lone Wolf, I can cook some. I've had lizard though never giant chameleon before..." A squeak from his cloak leads the sorcerer to shrug his shoulders. "I suppose it can't be too different..."

Leaning down he retrieves a strip of linen from the bandoleer across his chest. He ties it around his ankle to staunch the bleeding before looking to his clothing with dismay. His traveling garments are smudged with dirt (no doubt from the filthy goblin druid) and his pants are bloody from where he was slashed. Snapping his fingers, his clothing begins to clean and press itself, some unseen force smoothing out wrinkles and brushing away stains.

As they clean up the road and appraise the leftovers, Niko grimaces at the goblin interrogation and circles around to the wreckage to have one last look. He spots the paintings immediately and asks they be taken aboard. "Such works of art surely do not deserve to be left on the roadside." He bundles them up to be taken along with the wagon's cargo and appraised in the next market they stop in.

((in reference to future will saves for ghost sound: I suppose from here on out everyone realizes Niko can create the illusion of sound so in the future a will save won't be necessary for allies, ultimately up to KM on that one.))
Spellcraft: (1d20+7+1d6=9)

Draco apparently skipped the chapter on cantrips when learning about magic, or at least ghost sound. None the less, he is probably able to put two and two together and figure whatever Niko did, has something to do with that war horn.

He then joins Dread and Lone, interjecting, "True, they are simple, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know anything useful. Let's just hope he at least has a passing knowledge of common..."
The scare tactic is very successful in just that, scaring the goblin. As it hangs from the tree it shudders constantly and whimpers helplessly. Pretty soon a steaming liquid leaks from the terrified creature. Just as Lone Wolf said, the goblin doesn't seem able to answer the question, apparently not a connoisseur of the goblin hide market.

As the drivers finally re-emerge, they are quick to thank everyone. Of the two, the fancy coach driver seems to be in worse shape, grasping his shoulder. When the subject of cooking arises, the other says, "If you're going to cook, do it now or wait until we get to Emerald Bay because we need to leave once the wreck is cleared."

<Right. No need to roll save DC whenever Niko makes a sound illusion from here on out, unless he is deliberately trying to deceive a fellow party member, which then I'm going to cut the DC in half.

The Raptor also has more land speed than Lady, so it would be able to outrun her in a chase.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone slings his bow onto his back and draws out his greatsword--a plain, unadorned blade, yet well-used and maintained. Gripping the hilt with both hands, he readies a blow, giving the terrified goblin some fell version of its last rights in that same blasphemous language uttered earlier, where every word seems to drip with thinly veiled threat and malice.

With a final shout of some abyssal exclamation, he swings his sword, cutting the robes binding the goblin and lopping off the top of its ear in the process. As the goblin scampers off screaming into the woods, Dreadstone cleans the small amount of foul blood from his blade. "Nothin' like a little pain and blood to sell an act," he says as he resheathes his sword. "He won't be troublin' no one any time soon. With a little luck, his and the others' tale of what went down here will make the whole lot of 'em reconsider doin' somethin' like this again for... Oh, I'd give it a week, before they start stirrin' things up, I reckon."
As he watches, Draco prepares for a sudden guss of blood from the goblin's headless body, but is surprised to see him leave with little more then a flesh wound.

"While normal I'd agree with your assessment, there are two things you might be forgetting. Number one, the Tengu. Who ever is running the show probably doesn't care much if one of his, most likely disposable, minions comes back. Number two, what if this group has something to do with the conveniently missing patrols? I can't say that is the case with any certainty, but if so, I suspect one failed attack won't do much to slow them down. Personally I'm tempted to follow the little bugger and see if he could lead us to his base, but I think we all have more important business to attend to right now."
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