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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

I, uh... May already have thousands of words of prewriting for my next character...

You're a monster.

Reposting for the new page:

Thanks for DMing KM, I had a good time even through all the times you think you messed up :p I enjoyed playing both of my characters and I feel that they each had good to great arcs.

We're at that downtime period in between campaigns right now. Some time in the next few days I'll get around to making a new thread with fully fleshed-out character creation guidelines, but I expect there to be a few weeks to a month of additional downtime after I post it. I want to at least get through the first CPA exam first, and plus I think an RP break would be welcome for some of us. And of course people need time to build their characters.

I'll post a notification in this thread whenever the new one goes up. For now though, well done everyone :)
I, uh... May already have thousands of words of prewriting for my next character...
I have "a kraken happened and it sucked".

I r gud @ backgrounds

Edit: now that I think of it, if I ever get a tag on NeoGAF, I want it to be "i was tag fishing and a kraken happened and it sucked"
Awesome ending Mike M, great wrap up for the game.
Mike M said:
I, uh... May already have thousands of words of prewriting for my next character...
Damn, and I thought I was in good shape for just having a fairly flushed out character concept.
As the night falls and darkness cloaks all untouched by moonlight and candle, a man steps to a desk at a window, drawing the curtains to shimer cold light onto his workplace. He arrives seated into a well crafted chair, carved and put together from darkwood by a renouned Dwarven carpenter and designer. Feeling no need for rest or idle thoughts, this man reaches into an inside pocket to retrive a bottle kept on his person, setting it down and opening it readily. With it, he takes a quilled pen propped upright and dips it into the liquid container. Using the liquid as an ink, the man begins to rapidly scribe.

To the recepient of this letter,

This scroll is written with a magical ink that will imbed the words in your mind when read as an arcane language and the words will disappear afterword. The left over papyrus paper may then be used and recycled however you deem useful.

Well, I did it. I managed to instigate an entire war and was successful in manipulating the parties involved into conflict. Even with its highly antiquated footmen, a war against the kingdom simply wasn't an option even for our elite militia. So.. what better to weaken the kingdom than to trick someone else to do it for us? When we had learned that the real Lucille- as in the geunine article, and not the one my uncle had attempted to kidnap- was looming about, I decided to pay a quick visit to the to the Queen of the Underdark to convince her to exile unwanted males to feed Lucille's sense of self importance.

I was able to incur additional benefits manipulating Lucille. Somehow, the introduction of the sorceress Cassandra to her ranks eventually allowed them to find an enchanted pool of water formed by the blood of the gods. I was able to arrange a mutual agreement to use the pool to acellerate my research in exchange for my providing animals for use in an army (as well as agreeing to be left in the dark of the location). Of course, breeding animals is a slow and can take years and my main facility was invaded, so the most I was able to get them before they were finally defeated were some giant spiders (that admittedly the dark elves were quite fond of) and a dire crocodile which was one of the first made intelligent from a spell made high level by the pool.

There were some issues with the whole plan that nearly stopped the clock. For one, the Incantrix I was partnered with for my research tried to pull a fast one on everyone involved with the creation of a super beast, and he's still out on the loose somewhere in the world. In addition, the regent of the Keep had the mind to hire skilled mercenaries to compensate for the poor strength of the army. They were able to infiltrate one of my breeding facilities thanks to a spy and were thwarting quite a few of Lucille's guerilla operations. Fortunately, I was able to turn this around and use them to squeeze the location of the pool out of my colleague but less than equal rival, Charles Montague. This had a side effect of giving us the leader of the Thieve's Guild in our custody, which will allow us to eventually render the west as lacking competition though exposure and lawful action.

So now after all of that, the war has been fought. Lucille was killed and her army defeated. Ruby Keep's military is weakened and the kingdom is in shambles and struggling to keep order among its people. I have succeeded at the very goal of this war, which is to force Ruby Keep to begin depending on us, effectively allowing us to rule the country through our healthy prosperity. Not only that, but not only do we get Rosewood in our possession, but we can get a mayor of our choosing into office; and although one of my breeding facilities was put to an end, I still have two others in undisclosed locations that will soon become operational and provide military strength to our city through monsters in control.

Finally... we have the pool of radiance under Alydar's ownership. There are, of course, a couple of issues: One, Rand's little pet is still there and Cassandra is still there casting a barrier to keep it sealed, preventing other spells from being cast. Two, the former mayor of Rosewood is using his necromancy to add hazard to the premises. I do have a solution to the former issue at least; we simply need any spell caster imbued with the blood of the gods to channel the waters of the pool. I already know Cassandra's brother, Nicholas Aurelian won't cooperate, but I do know someone who will. If our little song diva, Rosina Montague (AKA Lovegood), wishes to see her brother alive and well then she will make sure to come back to us carrying Nicholas' child. Once I am satisfied with meeting these goals and with the output of my secondary breeding centers, I shall continue to seek a personal accolade to slowly rediscover bits of the knowledge my Uncle brought to his mental grave.

That concludes my report and plans for the future. I hope to have tea with you in the near future and discuss more pleasant matters, and perhaps even be able to offer my skills for you once more.

With best regards,

Valkner Fierno​
Hah, so old Valgar is either secretly behind the whole plot, or one of his proteges has grown up to secretly work against him eh? Interesting. I would probably bet on the latter scenario, based on Valgar's epilogue from QFTHR.

Interesting twist, KM. I like it.

Mike M

Nick N
Well since Valgar's epilogue had him with only Valkyrie 20 years out from the end of *this* game, Valkner would almost by necessity be part of the generation that preceded him, one Valor's cohort.

Which is actually way cooler to me, a more experienced evil uncle Val.
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