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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((I guess we can try bribery?))

Tiberious stands up and says, "Short of killing them, I guess we can try a bribe. I'll stick my head out and see if they're receptive."

Taking a moment to make sure his cloak is on right and to resume the accent of "Antonio Stoneshoe," he steps out of the wagon.

((Not sure if you want to use the earlier rolls or have me roll new ones. I'll hold off for now and just roll what you request later))

"It sounds like there's a problem 'ere, men? We're on a bit of a time crunch, y'see. Any way we could scoot on by quick-like? A fine or tax of some sort for a one-time entry without our paperwork?"
He then motions over the other guards, visibly unimpressed and even a bit offended, "I'm afraid we're going to have to escort you away from the premises." The guards do not draw their weapons but they begin to attempt to hustle you back.
Seeing as this backfired horribly, Tiberious tries to go back into the wagon. If the guards don't allow this, he'll go from there.

Should he make it back onto the wagon, he'll look to the others and say "Well, I don't think they want bribes. I'm pretty sure that just made things worse."

Mike M

Nick N
((Man, if only I hadn't been completely neglecting Dreadstone's spell list, I may have had a Summon spell prepared that we could use as a distraction. Not that he could cast it while grappled I guess...))
Thaddeus - dressed in his full Paladin regalia - emerges from the cart. "You'll do no such thing," he says to the guards. "We have urgent business in Alydar, the nature of which is no concern of yours. It is in the kingdom's best interests for you to allow us to pass."

((Not lying so it's not bluff; not threatening so it's not intimidate; gonna go with Diplomacy here.

Diplomacy (1d20+18=32)

((Tiberious won't stop him, he figures it's about to become a bloodbath anyway. If anything, he'll be glad that someone else is taking a frontal assault attitude.))
<I am strongly considering just having Dortumn step in, because needless to say killing these guards is a very bad idea and the consequences are increasingly hard on you guys.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, Dreadstone would not be okay with killing these guys, but popping out to say so would likely initiate a fight anyway.))
((If it's clear that the guards are innocent and just normal people, I can have Tiberious try and stop him to save Dortumn invoking.))

Tiberious meets Thaddeus at the wagon entrance and tries to stop him from going out. "Whoa, hold on! If you go out there, they're attacking us for sure and we'll have to kill them. I'm all for direct approaches and butchering bad guys, but they aren't really bad guys."
"And what's the alternative? Durdle around in futility, wandering around looking for permits that do not exist? If it comes to a physical confrontation, we need not kill them, merely incapacitate them."

He cups his chin in one hand and studies the gladiator's face for a moment. "What would a MAN do, Leo? Would a MAN cower and run away with his tail between his legs, or would he stand tall and proud for what he believes in? I, for one,would rather die on my feet than live on my knees."

He waits for Leo's reaction.
Leo looks at Thaddeus, taking a moment to think deeply. "Well, you've got me there. I'm fresh out of ideas too. Maybe one of the people that likes strategery has something. What would a man do? We crush our foes! We drive through and slay all we must to win the day. But a man doesn't kill innocents unless he has no other choice, and before us, these guards might as well be defenseless babes. Since they don't seem like bad guys, that makes them innocent. So, I just ask that you hold on for a minute or so, and if we get to where we have to kill, we'll do it awesomely. Incapacitating is dangerous. They would report us when they woke up. If we have to fight our way through, we kill them and then make it look like an attack by random bandits."

Leo looks to everyone else in the wagon and says "On that note, any ideas, anyone?"
As the guards continue to escort your buggy away from the gate, soon a messenger runs forward and informs the guard you were speaking to about something. Almost immediately, Mister Maestro is told, "We have orders to permit you to pass. You are free to enter Alydar."

<icky deus ex machina>
As the buggy begins to move once more, and its motion felt by the occupants inside, the teenage girl begins to whimper under Dreadstone's grip and, in defeat, tears begin to stroll down her face as a chance to escape is ruined.
Leo breathes a sigh of relief as the buggy keeps moving. "Whew, for a minute there I thought we were going to have to kill all those guards after all. Good thing that messenger came by."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone releases Lovegood with a shove. "Next time, it might be th'dog that stops you," he warns. "An' he ain't so big on exercisin' restraint."

Raising his voice to be heard outside the compartment, he says "No sense in killin' men just 'cause they're doin' their job an' don't know any better. I'd rather we not become the sorta folk they're sayin' we are."
Thaddeus reluctantly agrees to wait for Leo and the others to come up with some other idea.

The arrival of a mysterious messenger arouses his curiosity, but he is satisfied that the danger has passed. He has a seat in the corner of the wagon and meditates quietly as the journey continues.
Lovegood continues to retreat into a corner and whimper to herself, allowing her stress and emotion show.

Later that night, you eventually make it to Alydar... Alydar, the Golden City.

Guards dressed in black uniform rimmed with golden fabric step aside to allow you passage into the brick pavement where heroes are birthed and grown, and give tribute to the gold plaqued statue of the Hero of Alydar: the great Wizard of Emerald Bay, Quintis Mallory; it is there that many wish luck to where his journey take him.

Many buildings are sturdy, and follow the rich motif the city prides itself upon, dark charcoal bricks and warm, wealthy reds, browns, and gold complimenting each other where you see it. Many of the city's occupants are wealthy and orderly, just short of being noble while practically just as privileged.
Thaddeus steals a peak outside the wagon and marvels at the decadence of the city. The place has changed quite a bit in the last few decades.

"The stables are over there," Thaddeus direct Forrester (or Curly; whoever is driving). "We will continue on to my friend's abode on foot."

Once the cart is properly parked, Thaddeus leads the party to a modestly-sized, well-built home, just a stone's throw from the Golden Griffin, now famed for being the rumoured location of the genesis of the fabled Heroes of Alydar.

"Her name is Arianna," Thaddeus explains as they approach. "An elf, and a delightful woman. I met her once, before the Fall, and we've been pen pals ever since. I don't think her daughter is still living at home, but be prepared, just in case."

He knocks on the door when they arrive.

Mike M

Nick N
((Yeah, not sure how to handle it mechanically, but I would imagine that Dreadstone has a pretty high DC for disguising himself without a polymorph spell since he’s got the tail and horns and stuff. From an RP perspective, I imagine he would have passed Lovegood off to the others to escort to Arianna’s place and maybe snuck around his own way there to avoid being seen with them in case he’s spotted? I’m sure we’ve got a cloak to throw over Lovegood. The drow Thaddeus took down dropped a +2 resistance one, right?))
"Yes, and it would be extremely easy to do right now if I wanted to. Please don't give me any more reasons..."

((you can used unarmed attacks untrained for nonlethal damage without penalty. if she is tryign to do lethal damage, its -4))
"A slightly shorter version of you with black hair. You will might get a few weird looks from people who know you well, but as long as no one gets a close look, it should be unlikely they figure you out."
Not realizing how the spell actually works, she feels forced to comply, although misinterprets what Draco said as short dark hair, rather than being a shorter girl.

The walk to Arianna gives the party quite a few looks, but so far nobody seems to give mind. Wanted posters featuring the party appear to be absent in this city.

Opening the door, Thaddeus is greeted by a familiar smooth complexion, a face that has aged far less than his has in the same years. A beautiful blonde elven woman smiles before you, wearing a simple robe and greeting the Drow with a mix of genuine surprise and teasing, "Sir Birchwood! Finally come to overcome your shyness after all of these years, hm? Please, come on in."
"Arianna. The years have been kind to you. I thank you for your hospitality. Allow me to introduce you to my traveling companions: this is Leo Tiberius Thunderfi.... Thunderface, rather; this is Draco, whose last name I do not know; this is Dreadstone, whom you may have heard of already."

He waits for the door to close behind them. "And this young lady is Ms Lovegood, a young woman who got mixed up in a crowd that is trying to kill us. I'm afraid we're in a bit of a spot, My Lady, and we need help."
Draco looks to Thaddeus, "So much for my disguise..." and then turns to Arianna, "Hi Arianna. She got stabbed a little bit and her, brother I think, assumed the worst. We've been on the run since, dragging her along just in case we find a use for her. Oh, by the way, she works for the Thieve's Guild and has been working against us since we got to emerald bay oh so long ago. Well, me and Dread, these two guys joined us later."

Mike M

Nick N
"We need t'dump her," Dreadstone growls. "She ain't nothin' but trouble fer us, but she's just as much if not more if we let 'er go."

((Would Arianna be able to fix Thaddeus's armor, or was that only a temporary thing?))
"There's more," Thaddeus says. "I was recently afflicted with a curse that has weakened me considerably. I am scarcely able to hold my sword steady. You being a priestess of Ehlonna, I was hoping you may be able to help me in some way."
"A curse you say...?" She moves closely to Thaddeus, the closest they have been in decades, and casts detect magic, placing fingertips gently over the Drow's chest. She says "I don't sense a curse.. perhaps it's coming from elsewhere?"
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