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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

With a grin he looks to Tiberius, "Why, I've always been captain and an agent. Extended vacation." With Draco's words, he says, "Very well. That girl you have with you now is the sister, a term applied very loosely mind you, of the leader of the Thieves' Guild, Charles Montague. Excalibur had once delivered the older male of the two from a near death experience and in turn he brought up the girl under his new lease. Long story short, he managed to figure out how to pull the strings of politicians and bankers and gained power and fortune, enough to sponsor the girl as a popular singer. Excalibur later needed his help, and he forged documents to allow her to climb the military ranks, because who in the hell would think Ruby Keep would allow a woman to be general if talented Drow and Tieflings cannot?"

"For whatever reason, he knows how to get to her underground base without needing an escort.. likely so that he can keep others from finding out about the location." He opens his mouth as if to continue to speak but then stops himself, "But I still need to know if I have your trust yet?"
Thaddeus needs only to glance at the equipment to recognize its worth. "Very well, I suppose I'm in no position to turn my back on a benefactor." He begins to don the non-cursed items. "What is our next step?"
<I intended this game to be shorter than QftHR and it somehow has more posts than QftHR now>

The guards say to the Drow, "Our captain should be with your companions now. I'm sure everything will make sense once we bring you to him."
((All part of the fun of DMing. Things go in wild directions in so many different ways.))

"I see no reason to not trust you. Hopefully Draco and Deadstone are on board now too."
((Also we had more characters for most of it, which will easily jack up the post count. We're still a good 8 months shorter than the other campaign though.

Is it okay for me to fast forward to coming in and joining up with the others?))
Thaddeus is both unhappy and confused to be brought back to Arianna's house. He glares at her and ignores the younger girl as he passes by.

When he sees Dorthlene, at first Thaddeus feels enraged, but his confusion keeps him at bay, and as he is brought up to speed, his demeanor changes. "I, for one, shall not turn away the assistance being offered us. If this is a trap, it is a poor one, for if this man wished us harm, we should already be dead. I accept your offer, Variel, though I cannot speak for the others."
Dorthlenne clasps his hands together, "Splended! I am glad we can put our differences aside us, my old friend, Thaddeus. Since more than likely the Order of Heironeous has more than abandoned you, I can allow you to join the Alydaran Guard if you wish."

<If you do join the guard, you can treat the armor you have on as a Hellknight Fullplate, and the Hellknight Commander prestige class becomes available under the name "Alydaran Guard".>
"I'm afraid I have a mission that takes priority over standing watch in a city already replete with guardsman. My lone mission for the time being is making Excalibur and her minions pay for all they've done. Perhaps after that debt is repaid, I shall consider the offer if it still stands. Now, where shall we find her?"
<Erm... I actually didn't mean Thaddeus would go on to stand guard of the city (because that would mean having to make a new character), just an opportunity to become part of Alydar's military and represent them. If that doesn't interest you that is fine too.

Perhaps I should retcon the name to be less confusing as to their role.>
<Erm... I actually didn't mean Thaddeus would go on to stand guard of the city (because that would mean having to make a new character), just an opportunity to become part of Alydar's military and represent them. If that doesn't interest you that is fine too.

Perhaps I should retcon the name to be less confusing as to their role.>

((I got your meaning, I was just coming up with an in-character reason not to commit yet. It feels like something that Thaddeus would consider, but isn't sure about yet at this point))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone gives a sigh of resignation as he places a cigarette between his lips. "Ah hells," he says, striking a match, "I wasn't plannin' on livin' forever anyhow."
Smiling, he stands up and grasps his hands together, "Very well then. Your situation is that you are being fucked over by a man of great power.. however, despite what you might assume, the Thieve's Guild only operates in Emerald Bay; I personally made sure of that. Whatever connections they have outside of the city are men like the one I had just saved you from, but they are just that: connections that can easily be cut, strings dangling loosely. With the Guild gone a lot of their connections will have to find new jobs.

"Charles truly does treat the girl that you wisely kept with you as a close sister.. whether he'll still consider her a sister when she gets older remains to be seen, but for now he responds very emotionally to her well being. Seeing as you momentarily killed her it's no surprise he would lay everything on you that he can, but once he finds out that she is fine, we can use her to bargain with him.

"Finally... I know the man personally... and I know where he lives, and the kind of places he likes to visit."
"Then what are we waiting for? Let us invade his abode. We'll bring as many men as the city can spare. A full-scale assault seems to be in order."
Thaddeus shrugs. "Of course there are merits to both approaches. Whatever the case, at the very least I hope you'll tell us where our target is so that we may plan accordingly, Mister Variel."
"The experienced man-hunter is right. There should be no need for a full invasion until the time is right; that, and an Alydaran unit suddenly present in Emerald Bay would spark the Guild's notice very quickly. Charles keeps appearances as the sponsor and on-tour manager of Lovegood's troupe and like most other wealthy home owners, they stick with a few bodyguards. He lives on a resort home overlooking the ocean facing West, last I checked.

"We'll spread news of your arrest to minimize the chances of our friend remaining paranoid.. then... once we succeed, we'll work out the kinks."
Tiberius perks up at the mention of full-scale assaults. "A full-scale assault? Now you're talking my language!"

As Dreadstone and Dorthlene talk a large assault away, he says "That's fine too. A big full-scale assault, a small full-scale assault, it's the spirit that counts!"

It is questionable whether or not Tiberious understands what a full-scale assault actually is.

Mike M

Nick N
It is questionable whether or not Tiberious understands what a full-scale assault actually is.
"Just tell me how you would prefer to get into the city and we'll help you in that approach. Once you see good Charles, please let him know that you'll do very much anything for his forgiveness." A guard soon moves behind Lovegood and Arianna, and begins hustling the young girl into the room, "And I'm sure he'll do the same for you with a bit of.. encouragement from his dear sister." He smiles, "Should that fail... Well, just bring him to me. Of course you can skip to that step but why spoil your fun?"
"Beach front property," Thaddeus muses. "Perhaps an aquatic intrusion? Do we have the resources to acquire proper magical effects for traveling under water? If so, a nighttime infiltration would be ideal..."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's tail twitches with unease. He's made dirty deals in the past, but nothing that ever felt this against his nature.

"Nothin' happens to th'girl while we're seein' t'Charles," he growls. "Swear it t'me, or so help me I'll hunt you t'the ends of this world an'all that come after."
Seeing as the girl is still in the room, he says, "I'm afraid I cannot guarantee the girl's safety if neither are going to make it easy for us."

Lovegood is visibly shaken by what the elf says. Dorthlenne then motions a guard, "May we have a moment."

Once Lovegood is out of the room and Dorthlenne is more confident, he lowers his voice and makes a statement that directly contradicts his threat to Lovegood, "Hurting the girl would be pointless and the public wants her alive, but her so-called brother must think otherwise. What is a good word for it? Ah, roleplaying. That's it!"
"Hmm, roleplaying? I like it! It sounds a lot like acting, and I love acting. An underwater approach is a little sneaky for my taste, but it could be exciting. You know what would be really cool? If we flew over his house and dive bombed in through the ceiling! He'd be too shocked to do anything with us crashing through with Lovegood in tow. Do you have access to pterodactyls?"

In the moments before getting shot down, Tiberious daydreams about free falling hundreds of feet to bust through a roof, crushing a guard in his dynamic entrance.
<I'm actually gonna wait for everyone to decide which approach they like the best as a collective group before having Dorthlenne comment on it.>
"I could actually have the four of us fly in, but it doesn't last very long, likely meaning we would need another escape route... assuming it last long enough for us to fly in. On the other hand, if I can get a scroll of water breathing, going in that way, and leaving should be no problem. That spell will last damn near the whole day. Who's running the magic shop now-a-days?"

((damn, water breathing last for 2 hours/level and you can split it up between targets touched... to bad I'm a lowly alchemist and can't touch people with extracts.))
Thaddeus nods along with Draco. "Flying is hardly a stealthy approach, in any event. Like as not, we'd be shot down by archers before getting anywhere near the target. We're wanted men over there, after all."

Thaddeus is suddenly upbeat and excited, pacing back and forth in deep thought. For him, it has felt like forever since he's had an opportunity to be proactive.

"A scroll of waterbreathing sounds like a marvelous idea. Perhaps we could charter a boat from out of Northport and sail around the mainland that way? Unless there's a closer port from which we could make our approach." He stops pacing and frowns. "But what of our armour? I don't suppose there is a means to make it more.... ah.... buoyant? So that we do not merely sink to the ocean floor?"

Mike M

Nick N
((Oooooh, going to Northport would give us an opportunity to get the rings of underwater mobility if they're still around, that would solve all our problems and then some...))
<Starting to sound like most want an underwater approach. So you guys will need some rings of water mobility, water breathing... what else?>
((Probably something to help see. I doubt even low light vision would work underwater at night. Also just FYI, those rings from the last game were totally home brew. You probably won't find them in a book or anything, unless I accidentally created an item that already existed))
<Can you PM me a description of how they work then? They might be homebrew but there isn't any reasonable reason for them to suddenly not exist.>
((They were freedom of movement + water breathing, as I recall.))

((Yep, it was Freedom of Movement (for purposes of water mobility only) plus water breathing. Also prevented water from sticking to you - like if you jumped in the water and then got out, you would be completely dry))
Dorthlenne hrms softly, "I did describe the home as one overlooking the sea, which presents an issue... it will have a view specifically designed to look over your chosen point of entry. Should you go in by sea, I will recommend taking this into account."

<I'm gonna start drawing stuff to get something to work with. As for the rings, I'll just say that they're probably mass produced, albiet a very expensive ring, by now.>
"Very well then." He begins to instruct, "Resume your rest at the Golden Griffin tonight. You'll be safer there with public security. Tomorrow I am going to procure you some rings for the each of you from the shop that will allow you to traverse water with ease, but unless you want to spend a fortune to keep one, you'll have to return them once you are finished with them. Also tomorrow, supply yourselves with anything you may need to purchase; Alydar's collection rivals Sigil's." He says this without acknowledging that you probably don't even know what a Sigil is, or why it is apparently remarkable, "I'm going to begin preparing the news of your arrest."

He starts to depart, "Guards, get this body out of here and clean the mess for our madam. I apologize for causing a disturbance in the night."

<Can Gnaw wear a ring? Lovegood is getting a ring for sure.>
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