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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

He halts mid-movement, his body paused as a blade pierces him. His hand limps and the blade drops from his grasp onto the ground. After Draco pulls the blade out of him he collapses onto the ground.

fortunately, it seems that he is not quite dead, but passed out.
Thaddeus catches the man before his face is submerged in the water and notices that he is still breathing. He takes the man's sword and flings it into the sea, then attempts to perform quick-and-dirty first aid to bandage and close the wounds.

Heal check to stabilize (1d20=18)

He takes off his water-breathing ring and slips it onto the man's finger, then pushes him, still unconscious, out into the ocean.

"Shall we talk strategy, or shall we charge forward?"
((D'oh. I forgot to delete that when I decided to try a Heal check first before using a Lay on Hands (which would have woken him up).

Any chance for take-backsies?))
As Tiberious watches Thaddeus remove his ring, put it on the unconscious fighter, and push him out to sea, he says "Uhh, Thad, aren't we supposed to return those rings?"

Mike M

Nick N
"Dorthlenne can spare one of 'is rings," Dreadstone remarks. "He's gotta bigger concerns to worry 'bout than that."

Looking out at the dark waters of the bay, he lets out a sigh. "Ain't never been a war where one side remained pure an' unblemished," he says. "We all done dark and terrible things lately, an' our only hope for 'ttonement is that th' good we fight for outweighs th' bad we do. Our judgement will come in its own time, but in th' meantime, why don't we split the difference? No more killin' unless it need be done, an' no more makin' offers to go down with out a fight."
Thaddeus smiles, maybe for the first time in weeks. "Seems a fair bargain. The question remains, however: how ought we proceed? I imagine Draco and Tiberious have very different ideas about it.

"I am agreeable to either approach, though stealth is not my strong suit; Drea--- Darren, as you seem to be, for better or for worse, our leader, it is only appropriate that you make the final decision."

Mike M

Nick N
"No tellin' how many they got inside th'place," Dreadstone says. "Stealthy seems th'best option, but maybe not the best fit for our skill set..."

((Ready to move in, everything else is just RP fluff))
Tiberious winces as the sword goes into the ocean. As someone who's always looking for more weapons, the sight of a quality sword being thrown away is too much. While the others talk strategy, he dashes into the ocean to look for it.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76075]perception: 1D20 + 5 = [16]+5 = 21

((If that doesn't cut it, is this something he could take 20 on to eventually find it? Assuming you were even looking for a perception check to find it, of course))
While looking for the sword, he'll eventually find the body of the warrior underwater still armored, and Lovegood approaching the body to look at it.
Tiberious swims over to the unconscious body and pokes around to see if the sword is near him. While he's at it, Tiberious checks to see if there's anything else of value on the fighter.

As Lovegood draws in, he attempts to communicate with her using hand signals, seeing as he can't talk underwater.

[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76076]Bluff to convey message: 1D20 +12 = [13]+12 = 25

Nothing exciting, just fallen foe. Not dead.
The fighter's plate mail seems to be pretty good, enchanted like the sword though not as well made as Thaddeus' armor.

Lovegood doesn't seem to understand the message Tiberius is trying to convey, likely lacking understanding of hand signals. She looks woeful at the defeated man before her.
Tiberious salvages the armor, figuring that if nothing else, it can be sold for a good profit.

He continues to look around for the sword, paying little attention to Lovegood after she disregards his hand signals. Why the girl looks so sad is beyond his understanding, it's not like he strangled her puppy or anything.

If she's still down there when he finds the sword, he'll motion for her to follow him back to the surface.
Tiberious eventually finds the sword after he finally convinces Lovegood to return to the party. Once she is brought to the surface she gasps heavily, having to get used to water exiting the gills the magic ring had given her and the sudden burst of air coming in. Soon after, she continues to breathe heavily and speaks with a shocked voice, "I.. I knew those men growing up. I- I never thought I would see them dead.."

<I was wondering how long it would take you guys to remember...>
((I blame the delay on Drakengard 3. The final "boss" is sucking away my sanity))

Tiberious surfaces with armor and sword in tow. He looks to Thaddeus and says "I know you've been missing your sword. This isn't the best substitute, but it's yours if you want it."

As Lovegood explains that she knew the monk and fighter, he says "Oh, that explains why you were all said then. Losing friends will do that, we should get this nasty business wrapped up so there's no more of that."
"The armoured fellow is still alive, actually," says Thaddeus. "He is beaten, but he will recover. And the ring I gave him will prevent him from drowning. Not much we could do for your monk friend, regrettably," says Thaddeus.

He accepts the sword. "Thank you. I do prefer the grip of a sword hilt. You are welcome to make use of my axe, Leo."

((Its a +3 one handed axe))
((He has Thaddeus's axe!

...it's jotted down on the sheet, I should probably go to bed now))

Tiberious gladly accepts the axe and thanks Thaddeus for giving him a new toy to play with. He can now add axes to the list of weapons in his arsenal.
With the coastline cleared of hostiles, you are now at the home. There is a doorway nearby on the first floor, or stairs leading up to a patio with more points of entry. A quick inspection of the inside of the shed at the side of the house reveals nothing of use (except various home keeping supplies).
Tiberious looks at the door, then to the rest of the party. "That door's just begging to be kicked in, it would make a great entrance! Let's do it, we've got to set the right mood for this."

He then notices that there are stairs leading upward. "Wait! Do you think there are windows up there? Diving through a window to get in would be even better!"
It is locked, but possibly only because Draco had not unlocked it yet. Touching the doornob didn't trigger a trap though.

Looking in the window you can see a round table inside with some potted plants placed on a protrusion against the wall. The home is very well made with a clean plaster that was painted over to improve the coloration. There are wide gaps in walls revealing a living room in the distance with nobody apparent inside.
A quick check for traps reveals nothing in particular for this door. The lock, however, is very well made but not enough for someone of Draco's calibur.

The door is opened.
As the door opens Thaddeus will start to notice a smell, and a faint humming sound. As he gazes to some of the other rooms he'll notice a kitchen nearby with some food on the boil. There are stairs leading upward as well.
Not one for caution, Tiberious follows Thaddeus into the house.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=76361]Perception: 1D20 + 5 = [10]+5 = 15
"It seems like someone's getting ready to eat. Maybe we can catch this thief guild leader guy hungry!"

Tiberious then starts thinking about how to put on a good fight in a kitchen. Surely the stovetop would come into play...
Dreadstone begins to hear a tuneful humming around the corner. An aproned man moves around the corner in front of Dreadstone, but the shadow that is the tiefling has more than enough time to make things favorable.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's arm snakes out and wraps around the aproned man's neck, his clawed hand clamping over his mouth.

((Rolled 25 to initiate grapple, but I think it's a -4 penalty without both hands free, right? Also don't think I can mechanically keep him from making noise short of spending a few rounds dealing non lethal damage to KO him))
<I don't think there are actually any rules on gagging people (other than maybe it would be considered taking away a spell component), so go ahead and do what you can.>

Mike M

Nick N
((I have no CHA and no ranks in UMD to use the thing, plus I'd have to let him go and draw it, so let's just roll with what we've got))

"We're not here fer you," Dreadstone hisses into the man's ear, "an' we got no desire to run up a body count without reason. Cooperate, an' y'walk away from this unharmed. Nod if y'understand."
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