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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
((Holy shit, Jackben got tagged.

Rolling imitative, or can I just get an attack off as a surprise round? No full round attacks in that instance, right?))
<I would say you're still the distance from the two guards, and you have quite a few options here.

Tiberious can completely salvage his failed rolls if he knew how.
((Ah, we're not on a crash course yet? All right, that makes things easier.))

Tiberious has a brief oh shit moment as the two men on land point towards him. He'd be all for swimming up and starting a fight, but Dreadstone and Draco still take issue with his manly ways.

Tiberious begins swimming downward, allowing himself to sink into the ocean.
Quickly realizing that the others have opted to conceal themselves underwater, Thaddeus stops what he's doing and follows suit.

((Didn't realize we were as far out as we seem to still be))
For a moment, each of you are unsure of what will happen...

After several moments.. that something happens. A small explosion of water appears in the distant water. A figure appears from the moment of fog shooting from the surface and from a distance it begins swimming towards you directly and with urgency.
While still underwater, Tiberious tries to get a look at whatever is swimming their way.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=75724]Perception: 1D20 + 5 = [2]+5 = 7
Tiberious is not an observant man.
As the Paladin is the closest one within reach, suddenly a rather bulky Monk comes into view and will attempt to pull Thaddeus upward towards the surface of the water.
Thaddeus resists and tries to pull the monk into the water instead, knowing that his ring would give him a significant advantage down here.

((I don't have access to my sheet so I am not sure what my CMB or cmd values are. KM are you able to check and roll for me if necessary? I may be out of commission through tonight and most of tomorrow))
((Sure, might as well lock down the monk.))
Tiberious sees the grapple between Thaddeus and the rushing monk, and moves in to use his monstrous grip and wrestling skills to dogpile the poor bastard and insure that he won't be going anyware but the briny depths.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=75748]Grapple: 1D20 + 19 = [15]+19 = 34
<I just checked the rules to see what Tiberious' roll does, and... it does nothing, "multiple creatures" grappling is actually just using aid another to improve the roll of the first grappler, and since Tiberious already grappled you already got it for free.

I am assuming it adds bonuses to Thaddeus' CMD for trying to break free though.>
<I'll go ahead and consider surfacing the water (I don't think arrows work underwater even with freedom of movement?) a movement action so yeah, standard action.>

Mike M

Nick N
((Grrr, not going to be able to kill him in a standard action unless I roll nothing but crits on Rapid Shot and Multi Shot, and he'd have to be pretty dumb to come into the water after his friend instead of going for help if I wound him...

Maybe we should just finish off the monk and bum rush him?))
((That could work, I think me and Thad have the monk locked down pretty well.

What I'm about to propose is 100% a homebrew solution and so it probably won't happen, but maybe Dreadstone could wait a brief time and ready a full attack? A round's supposed to be 6 seconds, so if he took a few seconds to prepare, it would make sense. Maybe require another stealth check for that so there's some risk involved. Of course, even if that's allowed, we don't know if a full attack will kill the fighter either since we have no idea what level he is.))
((I suppose I wasn't clear enough, so let me try again. I meant readying what would amount to a full-round surprise attack. Something I'm aware isn't in the rules, therefore the "this is homebrew and you probably won't allow it" disclaimer. The talk of times and an additional stealth check was a way to explain how it could make sense and an effort have it balanced,))
<I don't even see an advantage over just waiting out your surprise round, five ft. stepping above the surface of the water, and then doing a full round attack, and it seems like a convoluted solution.

I am going to say no, because I want to see you guys creatively work together for a solution to problems I present to you.>
((The advantage would be that since it's a surprise attack, he could potentially land it, win on initiative, and then launch a second attack if the fighter survived, but yeah, that's your call as DM so no problem.

Two of us are underwater dealing with the monk, Draco's on the sea floor, and Dreadstone's at the surface with eyes on the fighter. I've got nothing. Anyone else?))
((I got nothing. I probably can't even drink my extracts underwater limiting my options... we either murder them before they can sound an alarm or get wrecked i guess?))

Mike M

Nick N
((I say drown the monk, then swim as close as we can while remaining submerged, then pop up and close the distance on the fighter and take him out))
((From a practical standpoint, Thaddeus intends to hold this guy underwater until he (the monk) loses consciousness. Whatever everyone else decides to do is up to them, but Thaddeus will continue to maintain the grapple and stay submerged for as long as that remains feasible))

Thaddeus got a successful grapple on "the monk" with no counter escape (during this point I didn't initiate a battle)
Tiberious will most likely go for a pin

Which leaves Draco and Dreadstone to decide what to do on top of that (or they can wait if they want.)>
After the trap that was set in place had worked, the unknown Monk is dragged back down into the ocean floor and Tiberious moves in to help pin him into the sand.

Draco and Dreadstone make a careful approach, trying to get as close to the other guard without alerting him too quickly.

Mike M

Nick N
((I basically want to make sure the monk is dead so we can all gang up on the fighter. If I have to spend a movement action to surface and can't take a full round attack, Draco and I probably aren't enough to kill him or keep him from raising alarm in a single round))
((I never formally declared that he was carrying rope, so ropeleas is probably safest))
Tiberious locks both arms around the monk's neck, taking control over most of his body. Just to make sure he's helpless, he takes an arm as well, holding the monk in a sort of submissioned ring, rendering helpless towards an additional attack.

((Because why wouldn't Tiberious put a monk in the Rings of Saturn?))
<Okay, I'll accept that based on character. I think I can agree to a professional wrestler being able to put somebody in a lock whereas most others would need a rope. The trade off is that you can't take other actions, obviously.>
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