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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

((The freeness of the jump probably makes Tiberious offering to help people cross unnecessary, but putting it out there anyway))

Tiberious looks to the more heavily armored members of the party and says "If you're worried about being too heavily armored to make a short jump, I can take you across on piggyback. Probably multiple people at once! Even with a ton of extra weight on me, a jump like this is a breeze."

He then looks over to the queen and says "If need be, that goes for you too Qu-" he stops, remembering that she didn't appreciate the overly informal name last time. "Ms. Queenie."

Mike M

Nick N
"Take th'Queen," Dreadstone instructs Leo. Even with their armor, Chloe and Thaddeus would probably be more capable athletes than an octogenarian.

Turning to Draco, he nods towards the armored elves and asks, "Do y'got anythin' that can help them when we face th'bigger gaps?"
Draco checks his stash of extracts, "Actually I think I might have-OH! Here we go. Jump and Spider Climb. With these you can jump across buildings and climbing on walls like some kinda of... Uhh... drider man. Though that may be more fitting for Thaddeus."
The Queen is less than thrilled by the attitude that one of the warriors is displaying, "I don't care if he wishes to be informal, if he calls me 'queenie' one more time I will personally have him hanged." With that, she moves past the party to the window and makes the first gap herself, likely to avoid being touched by Tiberious than to actually show off any sort of bravery.

Mike M

Nick N
((Mwa ha ha, Drider Man. I love it.))

"She probably means it, too," Dreadstone whispers to Leo before leaping across the gap. Gnaw follows suit without hesitation. Chloe goes next, barely making it to the other side as she wheels her arms to maintain her balance.
Once everyone has made it through, the group will find themselves in an unlived room with a few pots left to remain unused here. Some doors and stairs are about, giving freedom of direction from this room. Jixis, once he gets across himself, says, "It'd take a spell to search every nook and cranny of these homes if you want to hide here and wait away your pursuers, or we can make our way through right away."
In response to Jixis's statement, Leo turns to Dreadstone and speaks softly so as to not be overheard by the queen or the others. "We're supposed to get Quee- err, Lady Queenington, back to the castle as soon as possible, right? That means we should keep moving instead of trying to wait them out, doesn't it?"
"Onward to the Castle," Thaddeus concurs. He is specifically avoiding displaying any sort of reaction to either Tiberious or the Queen.
And as the first door is opened, you are ushered through people's homes. As Jixis quickly summarizes what is going on, and mentions of rewards, follows similarly shady characters covering your exits as you enter through new places where you're guided through. As you leave rooms behind, those there begin arranging their things to make it seem as though you went another direction.

After encountering a variety of homes and subcultures of the city within the apartment building, you finally make your way to the other side of the large complex, having spanned roughly a block to arrive closer to the castle. Looking out, you can see your goal soon ahead.

Jixis grabs a ladder and almost begins to shove it out the window to act as a bridge, before looking down below. He murmurs softly, "Looks like it's a good thing we didn't play it safe after all, my new friends. Come look at this..."

Down below some Orphan troops are at the side, at odds with some Keep soldiers fending them off. You witness Excalibur's teachings and superior weaponry cut down two or three of your country men onto the cobblestone of the Kingdom. It is in the following moment, the laundry lines connecting across buildings are cut, and flutter freely onto the battle below. With well met timing, the clothing falls onto the Orphan troops, Drow and other races in Excalibur's army alike, obfuscating them for just enough of a moment that death finds them by the blades of eager, thankful soldiers.

Following that, men from the windows begin to throw objects from their perches, crashing pots and dishes onto the enemy army. Others jump from the windows and rooftops to land onto the unsuspecting Orphan army. One even leaps sideways from above, extending his elbow to crush a dark elf under its gravity.

Jixis begins reeling out the ladder which will allow passage to another building, a shorter one which you'll be atop of, "Looks like they've bought us some time!"
Leo watches the battle below unfold with mild interest. It's a valiant battle, but the participants are kind of boring to watch. They lack pizzazz, they lack showmanship. Things begin to pick up when the denizens of the narrows begin assisting against the orphans.

And then like the warcry of an angel, the elbow was dropped. Tiberious watches it in happen in slow motion, and allows himself to shed a single, manly tear. He can feel the hopes, dreams and ambitions of an entire people residing in that elbow.

"That was the single manliest thing I've seen a citizen do since arriving in this city. There is hope yet that the Orphans will be turned away this day. All right guys, we've got a castle to get to!"

When the ladder is placed and the group begins moving again, he will follow along near the front, his faith in humanity thoroughly restored.

Mike M

Nick N
"Let's make th'most of it," Dreadstone says, already waving others over to the ladder. "Leo's on point. Thaddeus, you take second. Chloe, you go before th'Queen. Draco an'I'll bring up th'rear."

Gnaw paws at the ladder, whining and unsure of what to make of it. Dreadstone's mouth twists into a frown. Gnaw's temperamental at the best of times, there's no telling if he'll allow himself to be carried. But a ladder seems beyond his capabilities.
Chloe shares the same sentiment as the ranger. She kneels down at the large dog and scratches his head, "Aw, are you afraid of heights?" She talks to the dog with a reassuring smile, "It'll be okay, it's my job to keep you safe."

Mike M

Nick N
"Then do it," Dreadstone advises. "He likes you well 'nough, he may let you sling 'im over your shoulders. We need t'get movin', double time everyone!"
<Since a dog ate Mike M's spell list, I'm gonna go ahead and invoke DM Ex Machina to cast an appropriate spell. Casting Remove Fear.>

With a glow of the indescribable symbol on her hand, she leans over to pat Gnaw, imbuing him with a sudden confidence to challenge the ladder at hand. The dog begins his trip to the other side, nearly slipping between the boards before growing used to the balance.

Everyone is free to continue.
You are able to make it onto the rooftop of the shorter building. Jixis makes his way over to an edge that drops off onto a yard behind a fence, "This should get you to the noble estates which are being checkpointed. From there you should be able to make it to the castle finally."

<I will make a writeup of being at the castle itself in another post. I also had no idea what I was doing during this whole segment, and probably bored you to death because of it.>
<Apologizes in advance if I'm practically roleplaying with myself with this post, but this is a result that's a culmination of things you've done over the past in-game day.>

You are dropped into a back yard of an upper class home, part of a district surrounding the castle that is guarded by a tall fence from the rest of Ruby Keep. In hindsight, the fact that you are able to get here from the slums is a now apparent flaw.

Regardless, you are easily able to get out onto the street, where a part of Ruby Keep has been ignored by the war, even if momentarily. Though your presence is strange, it is superseded by the Queen with you, bringing onlookers bent over and curtsied in unconditional respect. Finally, you are on a path to the castle lined by the noble houses on each side.

After walking to the castle bridge, the guards allow the Queen passage but attempt to block the rest of you. She turns and orders, "These are my guards. I shall not have their work trifled." With that, the men hesitantly but surely move aside to allow you entrance.

Though likely it was the Queen's intention to make her way indoors and yours as well, many important figures and military men are stood outside to share matters diligently about the battle that had just happened within their own walls. No sooner than you are noticed that Godfrey quickly makes his way up to the group and bows to the Queen, and is hasty to warn her, "Your majesty!! You mustn't travel with these men! They're convicted criminals of Lucretia's army and her allies and whatever assurance they give you, they will surely take advantage of your vulnerability in your- "THEN THey have fairly earned their wish to pry a dagger in my spine," she spouts in interruption, "I didn't see YOU hoist me from possible captors, destroy an incredible monster before my eyes, and protect me from further attacks with superb tactics and dealings with what most would consider the most dangerous part of the city." She snaps her fingers towards nobody in particular, knowing at least one in charge is listening, "Demote this man. This army is more of a disgrace and a joke than our Fool's acts."
The Queen's stinging rebuke of the sniveling little man takes Thaddeus by surprise. A small smile curls onto his lips. "Your Majesty," he says, bowing appropriately, "We have delivered you to safety, and I'm quite sure your own men are better-prepared to see to your well-being than we ourselves are, so may I say that it has been an honour to serve you and the Kingdom."

A beat passes, but before she turns away and/or has a chance to reply, he continues. "May we ask you one final courtesy - to allow us into the catacombs of the dungeons, so that we may enter the underground labyrinth beneath? We believe that those depths will lead us straight toward the seat of the rebellion, and we wish to lop off its head, so that it may not regrow any more limbs, so to speak."

((I'm slightly uncertain if Thaddeus is even supposed to know about the path under the castle, so if it needs retconning, let me know))
The queen's quick and brutal dismantling of the foolish officer leaves Tiberious impressed. As they head to the castle, he is left to his thoughts.

Man, Grand Eternal Duchy Queenius von III really went in for the kill there. And she trusts us now! Glad to see she came around.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone passes by the sputtering Godfrey without so much as sparing a glance at the man, his long tail sweeping back and forth behind him to give a solid swat across Godfrey's shins. "Sorry 'bout that," Dreadstone says with a smirk and faux sincerity. "Thing's gotta mind of its own sometimes. I'd make it up t'ya, but we got ourselves a kingdom t'go save."
Godfrey begins to simmer to a boil without secret. Lahvine Chaunce quickly dismisses the dejected soldier following with his storming off, and turns to address the Paladin that made suggestion, "Very well. Form a war room because the army must know about this as well, as well as the men out there dying to protect me that need aid."

<EDIT: Oh yeah, I suppose now is a good time to Level up.>
Curly and his companions walk towards you as the Queen lays it into Godfrey, and suggests to the party, "We shouldn't forget about Dortumn and Mina either. What should we say to the Queen and her supporters?"
"Oh yeah! We should do something about that. If we tell her that that knucklehead had them sentenced for the same reason he thought we were after the queen, that ought to clear it up."

"Umm, I tend to annoy her whenever I talk though. I must not have found the right title yet. So one of the others should probably explain it to her."

((Almost forgot to level before calling it a night.
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=78847]Health: 1D12 + 3 = [6]+3 = 9
BAB and feats added to the sheet, pretty quick level to calculate))
((HP roll (1d10=5)

Level 11 is kind of a wasteland in DnD Land, you get pretty much nothing. For me, I gain the ability to give the rest of you Smite Evil for a turn.... and that's it, apart from skill points and the extra HP :p My saves don't even go up))

Mike M

Nick N
((Maaaaan, now I gotta do three character sheets when I get home :p

On an unrelated note, dndtools.eu got shut down : ( ))
((HP roll (1d10=5)

Level 11 is kind of a wasteland in DnD Land, you get pretty much nothing. For me, I gain the ability to give the rest of you Smite Evil for a turn.... and that's it, apart from skill points and the extra HP :p My saves don't even go up))

((We(including you) gain 1 turn to use smite evil(and we can target anyone the can be targeted by smite)... once we do it last for 1 minute. and its based on your bonuses so all your cha gives us more deflection ac(which doesn't stack with rings of deflection sadly, but if you have enough cha we could still come out ahead) and attack bonus(plus of course the +11 damage on EVERY attack). It is an amazing ability(especially against single enemies) in the right situation(the fact that we get so few battles per day means that using two smites isn't a big deal for you).))

((Also, you forgot you feat for level 11.))

HP Roll: (1d8=7)
Yes! My hp is actually still not that good but w/e at least i got a decent roll.))

((So, I just picked up improved critical as my feat, but i also picked up Amazing inspiration which makes my inspired rolls a 1d8 instead of 1d6.... has does that effect my disabled device inspiration rolls? does it stay 1d8 or become 1d10 or something else?))
<So, I completely forgot about it, but three days ago marked the one year anniversary for Excalibur.

And with that, I'm ready to end the game. I'm most likely just going to forget about Dortumn and the war room segment and skip straight to a future point unless anybody was actually going to make any particular battle plans.>
Since safely delivering the Queen to the castle, the army was sent back out to the city as reinforcements to recover Dreadstone's self-appointed unit, which has officially become his unit as a front line force and they are diving head first into the caverns to confirm the information given to them by Charles Montague (with the aid of a couple of Wizards to communicate back home). Dortumn's fate is to be investigated while you carry out this mission.

Any urgency to be had is ground to a halt. You and your men quickly realize how tireless the trek through the inside of the mountain has become. One of the soldiers points over to a nearby river with a torch and gets the idea of filling his canteen at the cavern river nearby. The foolish troop lets a startled shriek and topples backward onto his rear end, dropping his torch next to the remains of a skeleton that had managed to catch onto the edge of the currents running, a corpse that has seemed to remain here for so many years. <Roll perception if you want to study more closely.>

Chloe shakes her head and begins casting a divine spell over a bucket, grasping her cloak with both hands and then twisting the fabric into a tight squeeze. Clean water quickly drips into the bucket, filling it with drinkable water. A wagon at the back of the unit holds several cases of rations to keep the troops fed.
Draco can easily tell that whatever it is about this corpse, it is far too decayed to have been the rebels' doing and remains an ancient relic from beyond their time. Bits of fabric remain trapped against the ragged bones.
((I was thinking in terms of trying to figure out what the skeleton was wearing. Extrapolate from the scraps if it was some old religious garb, military clothing, or normal adventuring clothes. Tiberious probably doesn't have the appropriate skill for that, but someone might))
Thaddeus would never admit it out loud, but a part of him feels right at home in this subterranean dungeon.

He does not understand the fascination with this unusually old skeleton that some of the others are displaying, but seeing how the group is resting at the moment, there's no reason to disturb them.

He sighs and looks ahead.

"We are nearing the climax of this... This mission?" he says, probably to Dreadstone, though not looking directly at anyone in particular. "That does not seem to be the word for it. Not anymore."

He accepts a flagon of purified water from the young cleric. "Tell me," he says to her, "Do you worship a god, Chloe? Or do you consider them as dead as most of the world does? From whence do you believe your powers are derived?"
((I forgot to ever roll perception, probably because Draco had it covered))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=78980]Perception: 1D20 + 5 = [17]+5 = 22
It only takes a few moments of observing the aged skeleton before a slightly horrified Tiberious brings his findings to the party.

"Guys, I think this river turns people into skeletons! We might need to look into that once we deal with the Orphans."

Mike M

Nick N
((OMFG, Axel, you make me wish I could play the big dumb meathead character))

As the light of the surface world dies away, the darkness of the Underdark reveals itself to Dreadstone’s tiefling eyes, rendering the environment beyond the lights of the torches in stark black and white. He does not exactly feel at home, but there can be no denying that his physiology is well suited for a life below the surface. While he’s noted his similarities with the drow before, it’s never occurred to him until now just how deeply the parallels ran. Tiefling and drow, both the dark offspring of the races that dwelled in the light, both reviled by their distant kin.

Thaddeus’s question draws Dreadstone back from his distant thoughts. “Hm?” he murmurs in acknowledgement. “No, yer right, it ain’t just a mission any more. It’s a quest. Maybe the last quest any of us’ll ever see.”

Once the men have had their fill of gawking at the bones of someone long-dead, Dreadstone circles his hand above his head in an order to move out.

((It’s not by chance one of the bastards who jumped the QftHR party on the bridge after fighting Set, is it?))
While she is providing water, she answers, "We do not. We only keep his teachings as the only thing we can do with Heironeous' legacy. My power comes from myself.. doesn't yours?"

"She is right," a voice states, lingering in your heads, "Those of us that have worshiped in the past were at a loss when we became powerless. It wasn't until new teachings came about that I was able to retrain myself in my old ways, with new methods." You are receiving a magical message to your heads, whose voice is only remarkably familiar to a couple among you.

"Thaddeus Birchwood, allow me to introduce myself. I am Loinel Savis, and I've been waiting to meet you since I have heard of your involvement." You don't see the man anywhere nearby, suggesting that he's communicating from a safe distance.
Thaddeus looks around and draws the Sun sword from its scabbard. "Loinel Savis," he repeats aloud, "To what do I owe this pleasure? What part do you play in this... this quest?"

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone starts at the sound of Loinel's voice in his head, an involuntary hiss escaping through his pointed teeth.

"Savis!" he shouts, casting his gaze about as he wheels in a circle, as though the man might only be standing a few paces away in the dark. "Show yerself so we can finish what we started in Rosewood!"

Upon speaking the words, Dreadstone suddenly recalls the details of the encounter with the necromancer mayor. "The skeleton!" he barks. "Stand back!"
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