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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Mike M

Nick N
"To th'Narrows!" Dreadstone shouts. "We'll draw 'em in, an' th'streets'll do the rest fer us! This is our city! Use it t'yer advantage and have those bastards chasin' their own tails as they run in circles!"

More quietly and only to the party, he adds, "We'll get th'Queen in an' out as soon as possible. We may still be wanted in some corners, but I don't see any other option but t'get her t'the main force and deposit her safely."
The soldier nods at this plan and begins rallying other soldiers, "Boys and girls!! We're gonna show those cave dwellers that we our own tight squeezes right here in town! Come on! We're gonna bottleneck them and set up ambushes in the narrows!"
"RIght ahead of you. We need to get a move on."

If everyone chooses to get into the buggy with him, the Queen will be seated in one of the corners, seeming very stressed. She will ask those that do come in with a lightened voice, and though the question would normally be taken as confrontational, her tone suggests a sense of wonder, "You're not ordinary soldiers... Who are you and where did you come from?"
"Your Majesty," says Thaddeus, bowing his head as much as he is able in the confines of the buggy, "I am Sir Thaddeus Birchwood, Ju--- er, loyal Paladin of Heironeous. Ruby Keep has been my home all my life, and until recently I was an officer in the Royal Army. Though my rank was stripped from me due to circumstances beyond my control, I am still completely loyal to the throne, and my number one priority is to get you to safety as quickly as possible."
Damn, today's been awesome! Leo thinks to himself. I got to put on a puppet show with a corpse, suplex a giant monster, and now I get to make a flashy introduction to an actual queen! I hope this isn't an offset for something terrible happening later...

Tiberious makes a flashy spin towards the queen, somehow flexing and posing simultaneously. "I... am Tiberious Thunderface! Master gladiator, and champion of children with hopes and dreams of manly glory everywhere! I left the arena to travel the world, helping people all over!"

At this point, Tiberious has escalated to roughly 30 poses per minute, unsure of how much is enough for royalty. Trying to keep up with his poses, his speaking speeds up until he just kind of trails off.

"That's when I met Dortumn, who told me that I could work with the real good guys! So then I fell in with Deadstone and the others, and we've been travelling around stopping Orphans and stuff! And then I guess things kind of spiraled into madness..."

Not one for awkward silences, he quickly pipes up "So there we are! That''s everything then."
<This was meant for everyone to introduce themselves but only two people managed to post before early morning so I'll just respond to those two.>

Though at first the Queen seemed relieved, suddenly distrust begins as Thaddeus explains himself, "Birchwood? That was a name that had ended with the death of the man with no son. A Drow with weatlh and status is unheard of! How do I know that you didn't simply take his name to spy for those that are trying to ruin my Kingdom!?"

at this point, you're becoming more and more certain that something is illogical concerning the state of the Birchwood name even for an elaborate political cover up: you are essentially somehow unknown despite your having lived in the city and standing out among many

Her head darts to Tiberious, "Stop whatever it is you're doing, I've fired court jesters with more sweetened senses of humor.." After he explains his journey with the others, she immediately questions, "Dortumn? The Dwarven officer that had conspired to have Marcallus killed?" Her voice begins to escalate rapidly, "The man that was to marry my daughter!? The man whom I given the throne in my will!? THE MAN I LOVED LIKE A SON!!?"
Tiberious looks confused as she goes off on him. "I heard that name from him somewhere before. Conspiring to kill?... Oh! I get it! No, that's not what happened. Excalibur had the Thieves' Guild unleash a bunch of slander on all of us since we're going against her. It's the same reason we were all wanted men until recently. I guess it hasn't been cleared up yet, but he didn't do any conspiring to kill Marcallus. In fact, he completely freaked out when he found out about his death. I think that's when the troubles with the Thieves' Guild ramped up..."

((Just in case that requires a Diplomacy check: ))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=78006]Diplomacy: 1D20 + 9 = [11]+9 = 20
"Alright everyone, turn around. Despite saving the queen from a horrible fate at the risk of our own lives we clearly can not be trusted. Lets just leave her here to die, and get back to our lives. Might be nice, I can get back to solving a nearly decade old murder case and maybe along the way I'll help some people might actually appreciate it. I think I'll get myself one those new super smart talking animals, like a wise-cracking dog, oh man, what a pair we would be I bet... What do you think you'll do with your new found free time Dreadstone?"
Thaddeus is silent for a moment, to compose his thoughts. Draco's sarcastic outburst makes him wince internally, but he does not blame the man for voicing his frustrations.

He says a prayer, just slightly louder than is required for the ritual, and a brief burst of light fills the cabin of the buggy.

"Your Highness, I know not how familiar you are with divine magicks, but I have just established what is known as a Zone of Truth within the confines of this carriage. You'll find it nigh impossible for anyone - including myself - to lie as long as it is in effect. You may test it for yourself by attempting to tell an untruth, if you wish."

He allows her a chance to do so, and then continues. "Now, I shall repeat what I have told you. I have lived my entire life of over sixty years in Ruby Keep, and I have served in the army for forty of those years. My most recent superior officer in the city was ((going to fill in after I look back in the thread))."

He continues. "Tiberious may be a tad eccentric, but he is one of the most genuine, honest, iron-willed men I know. Field Marshall Dortumn is likewise an honorable man, and he did not kill Marcallus. That was a lie, manufactured by either the Thieves' Guild or the Orphans; we are not yet entirely certain of the extent of their connection.

"In reality, Marcallus was killed by a member of one of those organizations, and Field Marshall Dortumn was framed. It seems that you have been misled, and it is a tragedy, but I implore you to trust us, Your Grace. W- W- W- I have the best interests of the kingdom at heart."

Diplomacy (1d20+19=35)

Mike M

Nick N
"With all due respect, your majesty," Dreadstone says as he and Gnaw hop into the buggie, "We don't got a lot'a time for jawin'. I'm Lieutenant Darren Redstone of th'Ranger Corps, commissioned by Field Marshal Dortumn t'command a special ops unit. I'll vouch fer every one of these men, we can work out th'details of our genealogy later. Right now we got enemy forces closing in on us, and we ain't got adequate numbers to defend our position. We need t'fall back an' get you t'safety!"
The buggy begins to putter and work into service, and begins to move. Soldiers jog behind to follow you into the narrows.

While inside the wagon, the shade under the draping of the wagon grows even dimmer and the bricks of the narrowly spaced buildings can nearly be felt through the fabric of the vehicle. Out the back you can see soldiers slow down their follow and begin to take position and spread out into other cracks in the thin alleyways.

"I've had a daughter that had disappeared precisely in this manner. Perhaps you'll excuse me if I feel as though I finally see her captors through yourselves, the way you simply swooped me into your grasp and are carrying me off.

"Magical wizardly or not, Drow and Elf, I won't have any of this nonsense about a Thieve's Guild. I will have the name of the man that had did it otherwise your excuses about Marcallus are frivolous. Do what you will with me, I've little to lose at this point."

I'm stiiiiiiiiiiiiillllll in a dreeeeeeeeeeeeeam, Snake Eeeeeeeeeeeeeateeeeeerrr!!
"Oh, for the love of..." Thaddeus trails off. "We're here to save and protect you, Your Majesty. Believe it or don't; it changes nothing. Just please don't do anything to put yourself in harm's way."

He directs his attentions outward, to monitor the goings-on outside the buggy.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sighs at the queen's paranoia. It is not entirely unjustified, but he'd think they had earned at least some credibility if only for standing against the invading forces.

"Take us into th'heart," he instructs Curly. "I'll point th'way. We need t'circle 'round th'Orphans an' rejoin th'main host of th'Royal Army. Th'sooner we can get th'Queen t'safety, the better."
"I see you value my trust; take me to the castle. May Heironeous rise from his ashes to forsake me once more if it isn't safe, but I must communicate with my people there. If you're as noble as you say, I expect this to be done."

Before you can sense that you are exiting the crowded confines of the Narrows, the buggy screeches to a halt with everyone jumped. Curly yells back, "Oh dear! I believe we have company! They don't look like Excalibur's military!"

Various scoundrels eagerly approach from both sides, striding confidently with various facial expressions ranging from a simple smirk, an eyebrow raised, to a grin from ear to ear. If not shot down before being allowed to approach, one man, an elf dressed in a suspender get up, gets close enough to poke his head into the wagon opening "Why hello, Black Devil, old friend! It's been a spell since you've come to visit! Taking a Queen on a date to the narrows before finding a tribute to the law?" He winks and clops his tongue. A yell can be heard from the front, a faint "I'ven't seen a pink kobold behfore! Who might I'd kill fer one, huh?"
((Does Dreadstone recognize him?))
<Probably not, but he can tell that they're run ins with the kind of people he typically hunts down to earn his paychecks, and Dreadstone himself is very famous among criminals, particularly in his hometown.>
Ever oblivious, Tiberious sees the crowd of grinning people and assumes they're just happy to see Dreadstone.

"What a friendly bunch of people! They're just willing to come up and say hi. Did you do charity work down here or something, Deadstone?"

"Aww, they even like Koka! I guess pink is a rare color for a kobold. This place isn't so bad, everyone's so social and quick to say hi!"

Mike M

Nick N
“Stand aside, citizens!” Chloe calls in the most authoritative tone she can muster, backed by growling Gnaw. “We are a special detachment of the Royal Guard entrusted with a vital mission! Your cooperation is appreciated!”

Dreadstone shakes his head and sighs. For all her eagerness, Chloe demonstrates a rather stunning amount of naiveté. “Stand down, Specialist,” he says. “I don’t think they’re th’type to listen t’reason.”

Turning to the suspender-wearing elf that he takes as to be the leader, he says, “Son, I don’t know if it’s ‘scaped your attention, but we got a war goin’ on out there. You really want t’throw down and tangle with me right now? Anythin’ happens t’th’Queen—no matter who wins th’day—th’first thing that’s gonna happen is that they’re gonna burn down th’Narrows in retaliation. Your life won’t be worth spit t’th’Narrowfolk, let alone th’rest of th’Keep if they catch wind that yer responsible. You’ll just be th’damned fool who doomed ‘em all. If yer lucky, they’ll just beat you t’death. If yer not… Well, I’m sure you seen what goes down in this part of town.”

Dreadstone fixes the ruffian with his gaze as his blank, silver eyes narrow. “You wanna tussle? Name a date an’ time, an’ I’ll be there with bells on t'give you a right proper thrashin’. Today, though? Today you best not fuck with me, son, I ain’t in a mood for it.”
By the time Dreadstone is making his speech, others are standing by to listen, turning to each other and nodding thoughtfully, some with arms crossed. Finally the elf states, "I can't imagine how many times I've heard a threat like that, can you boys?" A human answers, "More then I've put up with tales of punting goblins, that's for sure." The elf talking to Dreadstone continues, "I doubt the guards will entertain a terrasque's dung of concern any more than they have. Seventh hell, even those rebels haven't given a bother, it is reeeeeal brave of you to bring the Queen of all people to see the thorns around the garden."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone's fingers tighten around the hilt of the frost sword he totally picked up to replace his greatsword but neglected to tell anyone about. "Last chance, friend."

Mike M

Nick N
((About to drive home, but if anyone wants to get a jump on it and stab this guy's face off, Dreadstone will likely have no objections.))
<Funny thing, a friend was describing how he Intimidated a demon in Neverwinter Nights 2 because the DC for Intimidate scales so poorly (apparently in 3.5 it was actually a d20 roll though).>

Gazing with astonished eyes, his confidence begins to peel. He speaks with hushed wonder, "You're really going to do it, aren't you? You're seriously going to pull out that sword and stab me right here, even if it pisses all of my good friends all around me.." He thrusts upward his arms, "Fine! We weren't interested in kidnapping the Queen anyhow. Some cargo is just too hot even for ourselves, and nobody will pay ransom for a Queen nobody wants back on the throne. We were just wondering why you were in our part of town, is all!"

The Queen does hear some of this and seems quietly shaken by the words.
As the elf seems to back off a bit, Tiberious looks surprised and says "Wait, kidnapping? These aren't friendly guys after all, are they?" He speaks as if this isn't readily apparent to a brain-damaged puppy.

Eventually, he notices that the queen looks troubled. Figuring it's the right thing to do, he tries to go talk to her and possibly cheer her up.

"Aww, you look upset Queenie. What's wrong? This is probably a change of pace and all, but we'll have you back at the castle in no time!"
Thaddeus finally emerges from the cart to address the rabble. "If you have no intention to stop us, then kindly get out of our way. We are very likely being pursued by insurgents - insurgents who are heading this way, no doubt, and insurgents against whom you are more than welcome to take up arms, and loot for all they're worth, with no repercussions from Ruby Keep law enforcement. I believe they're that way." He points in the direction from which the buggy came.

Diplomacy (1d20+19=39)
The Queen snaps, "Don't coddle me like a child!" Once given a chance to regain her emotion once more, she explains, "Maybe they are right.. In my life as a ruler I've simply let advisories guide my decisions and payed little mind to subsidiary noble rule under my feet. After Lucille had been taken from me, and following after the heart break and eventual death of my husband, I neglected to consider what it was worth to be a ruler. And now.. Marcallus' death.."

She pauses to collect her thoughts, then continues, "It was today when I gazed upon that woman taking control and setting me aside. It was today that I wondered if it was finally the time when I would join my husband in the after life. I understood then that when Heironeous had forsaken us so long ago, that my fate would come slowly and bring many painful moments over the course of my life time."


One of the elf's friends begins tugging at his shoulder rigorously, "What if they're right? What if there's danger coming right for us?" The elven stranger holds up his hand, "We'll allow you to go.. but before that.. You mention loot? As in, kill a man, take his sword, and sell the magic trinket? Tell me.. what if we were to actually help you? What greater reward would that entail, your highness?"

The Queen answers, "I am an old relic, a set of memories of a past that has lost relevancy to the coming ages. Yes, I will reward treasure for your help, but what you truly need are people that can build a better world for yourselves. These young, knowing men surrounding me, and the fledgling soldiers dying to protect the Kingdom we have now: they know what is best."

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone slowly draws his blade, holding it aloft in presentation rather than in threat. A faint blue glow emanates from the gleaming steel, a faint vapor of chilled air falling from its edges, cascading past the quillons before vanishing into the air.

"Look carefully," he says in a voice loud enough to be heard by all the ruffians in the alley, "this is th'sort of steel th'Orphans are packing. Just one of these blades is worth enough t'buy your ticket out of a life of sulking in th'shadows. Or you can keep it an' put it t'good use.

"It's no secret that I come from th'Narrows, I know th'lengths this place drives people to t'get by, turnin' what could otherwise be righteous men into petty criminals. You help us out, we can give you that chance t'be who you were always meant t'be and not what circumstances have made of you."
<You'll have to post your reactions or thoughts to the Queen's speech she just made right now as a separate point in time, 1-2 AM is starting to become a cut off for me.>

He immediately turns around and beckons, "Fellows! The Laughing Rogue has blessed us with the greatest miracle of all: opportunity!" He immediately hops into the buggy with yourselves and bends over the step to give instruction to his companions, "I'll need you to go help the soldiers with whatever it is they're doing. Show the sports a thing or two about setting a trap and hiding about." Once he says that he raises himself back up and holds out a hand to Dreadstone, "My name's Jixis. I'm gonna show you a nice place we like to head to when we need to be one jump ahead of lawmen that don't appreciate that we're broke. We like to leap from apartment window to window and scatter about the narrows through the indoors so we're not scampering about on the streets."
Thaddeus doesn't have time for the Queen's angst right now, but he is at least glad she's realizing that the party knows what they're doing.

"Onward toward the Castle," he says to Curly, privately scoffing at Jixis's offer to go cavorting along the rooftops of the Narrows at a time like this.

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone looks from Jixis to the rest of the party. Thaddeus and Chloe are in full plate armor, the Queen looks to be somewhere in her 80's, and Gnaw is a dog. Dreadstone's no spring chicken anymore either, had this been even ten years earlier, he'd have been up there in the thick of it, but he hasn't worked the roofs in some time. Leo is probably capable, and Draco has those extracts if his, but the two of them couldn't carry the rest of their companions.

"We ain't exactly the second story men types..." Dreadstone points out.
Leo is glad to see the queen starting to come around. At the end of her speech about what's best for the future and whatnot, he's left thinking Nine Hells yeah, I know what's best for Ruby Keep!

The prospect of running around on rooftops excites him. He jumps up excitedly and says "Great idea, let's do this!" When the others begin to object, he sits down disappointedly. "Ok, never mind..."
"Oh, it'll be simple! We're in the narrows after all, and pretty soon the buildings are gonna be even closer together that you can barely squeeze through the cracks."
"So, you're saying we won't be able to take the wagon much further?" At this point Leo looks to the other party members and Jixis with beaming eyes.

"Does this mean we get to go into the apartments and do parking after all?" He says this with excitement, royally botching the word parkour in the process.
Thaddeus groans unhappily. Despite his elven heritage and lithe frame, he had never been particularly nimble, and his equipment would only serve to make matters worse for him. The streets do seem to be getting narrower, however (fitting, given the section of town), and he begins to see little choice but to vacate the motorized wagon and follow this miscreant.

"My Liege," he says to the Queen, "It seems that we must take to foot for the remainder of the journey. Please stay close to me, so that I may ensure your safety."

((Sorry about the spotty posting. It's Finals week. Tomorrow is my last one and then I have 3 weeks staycation. Woo hoo!))

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone sets his jaw and scowls. Loathe as he is to admit it, Jixis speaks the truth. There's no way Curly's conveyance will get them all the way through.

"Stick t'gether," he advises. "This place is a maze if y'don't know your way through."

Looking at Thaddeus and Chloe, he advises, "You lot watch your step. Wouldn't take much t'step right through someone's roof."
Jixis nods, "Aye, the people around here know me; you'll want me around to keep them friendly."

Once you are at the destination which you will begin the on-foot trek, Jixis motions for the buggy to be stopped and everyone off. You are at no particular location, "I wouldn't want my friend to be bothered because your wagon is outside his door. Come on, the place I know is a block away."

You are led through the last open part of the narrows. Soon, a faint reminder of the noises of war begin to sound in the distance from whence you came, signifying a new battle starting. Jixis looks behind and says, "We had better hurry. Come now, your highness, even I won't be able to make it safe here if we don't move." He hurriedly takes you to a second hand clothing and rug shop lost in the confines of the broken homes. When you go inside, you are immediately presented with a collection of sheets cut and sewn into clothing items and rugs hatched together from hay and straw. Even a touch of the crinkled fabric leaves prints where dust catches onto your fingers from neglect.

A woman arrives from a back room obscured by its own sheet; she is robed in a similar simplicity as the other clothing made here. Jixis moves his hand to address all of those with him, "We're on the run again. This time some special guests." "The queen!? Don't know you what will happen should the guards find out?" "No no, it's nothing like that, I swear! She's actually escaping with us and we need to take the escape route to get her to safety." Without her permission, Jixis begins picking up some clothing and begins tossing them to everyone, including the Queen. Saying to her, he insincerely says to the shopkeeper, "I apologize for stealing these. These people sorely need a good disguise."

Whether or not you choose to don clothing, the elf will urge you to go up the stairs with him, where a set of bedrooms lie. He opens the door to a child's room where a kid no older than seven is playing with a stuffed beholder and then heads to the window, and shows you without hesitation, "See this window right here? The next window's gotta be no more than 3 ft across. There are a lot of places to hide and depart from and quite a few fellows willing to accept guests. I'll just tell them the Queen will reward them with hospitality and we're golden."

<This is the most free Jump, as long as nothing is hindering even most basic movement.>
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