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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign

Excalibur addresses the outcry of the man as she regains her fighting stance, "Of course you have been lied to this whole time. You were lied to in order to be inducted into a war that isn't yours, lied to about the apparent good that you will be doing, and lied to all of these years about the Queen and King, holders of a great secret they've kept from the public all of these years. Did you not realize by now that I have carefully planned these attacks with such careful pinpoint accuracy to minimize the death of innocent life? These Drow that your good gods have mandated as your enemies have treated your people better under my guidance than you will have treated them."

She continues, as Tiberious cries out, "Perhaps I don't understand what it is to be a man... Because I'm more than that: I am a soldier. To attribute success and greatness to only one sex, only one gender, is simple minded. Change your hopes and dreams to one not destined to fail."

((if dispel magic fails on the highest level magic effect, it keeps going down until it if hits the lowest level spell or fails at everything, so his potion effects are probably gone... unless they were all specifically aiming for greater magic weapon, then yeah the screwed themselves.
<I was aiming to get rid of his buffs in general, so Blur and Spider Walk are gone in that case.>
<So I just noticed that Dreadstone doesn't have Wind Wall prepared. This is actually a very big deal.

Also the spell DC for Cone of Cold is 18.>

Mike M

Nick N
((I always figured Wind Wall would fuck Dreadstone over as an archer, unless there's a provision that it doesn't affect the projectiles of the caster.

I think I'm all caught up on things, let me know otherwise.))

Dreadstone Reflex Save vs. Cone of Cold:  1d20+11=21
Chloe Reflex Save vs. Cone of Cold:  1d20+3=23
((Chloe with that clutch save!))
Cone of Cold Damage:
Dreadstone: 5d6-5(Fiendish Resistance)=10
Chloe:  5d6=20
((I think this may be the first time that it's actually come up mechanically, but I think I did his cold resistance correctly))

Though invisible, that does not keep Dreadstone safe from being caught in the indiscriminate casting of the nefarious Drow sorcerer seeking to catch as many of Dreadstone's companions as he can in the line of fire of his dread magic. Throwing his cloak over his head to shield himself as much as possible, Dreadstone feels it grow heavy as it sprouts an encrusting layer of frost on the exposed surface, an accompanying chill trying to bore its way through is flesh and blood, directly into the marrow of his very bones. It hurts, but his natural resistance to the elements at least takes some of the bite out of it.

Uncovering his face once more, he sees Chloe stomping toward the caster, trailing a cloud of chilled and condensed moisture, though Dreadstone cannot be sure if it is due to the effects of the sorcerer's magic, or the frost magic enchantment upon the longsword she wields in a two-handed grasp above her head.

The sorcerer turns toward the approaching cleric, raising his arm to follow up his initial attack with something intended for the half elf alone, but his concentration is broken as Gnaw appears at his side, grabbing his arm and shaking his head in fury, as though he might succeeded in tearing it from the Drow caster's shoulder socket. As he is occupied, Chloe seizes the opportunity to swing with an overhead strike.

Gnaw Bite vs. Drow Sorcerer D:  1d20+11=30
Damage:  1d8+5=10
Chloe Attack vs. Drow Sorcerer D:  1d20+12+2(Flanking from Gnaw)=25
Damage:  1d8+5=11
Frost Damage:  1d6=6
((Chloe's STR bonus is only +1, so 1 1/2 rounded down means no bonus for 2 handing the sword, right?))

The giant crystalline lizard having been felled by Tiberius--who is proving to more than make up in bravery what he lacks in intellect--and the attacking sorcerer occupied by Chloe and Gnaw, Dreadstone focuses his attention on Excalibur herself. Draco's invisibility extract won't last for long, so he needs to end this as quickly as possible before his position is revealed.

Full Round Attack vs. Excalibur
Attack 1:  1d20+21-2(Rapid Shot)+4(Favored Enemy)=33
Damage:  2d8+20+8(Manyshot+Favored Enemy)=41

Rapid Shot:  1d20+21-2+4=33
Damage:  1d8+10+4=19

Attack 2:  1d20+16-2+4=30
Damage:  1d8+10+4=19

Attack 3:  1d20+11-2+4=31
Damage: 1d8+10+4=22

((Remarkably consistent shooting there, good lord. I hope that actually beats her AC. By my reading, Dreadstone *didn't* use Quarry on Excalibur? If he did and I overlooked it, then that's a +2 on those atack rolls))

((Updated map))
<Excalibur 5 ft steps next to Tiberious and does a full attack against him.

Full Attack rolls: 1D20+24 = [19]+24 = 43 - CRIT
1D20+19 = [9]+19 = 28
1D20+14 = [11]+14 = 25

Crit confirm: 1D20+24 = [17]+24 = 41 - Confirmed
Damage: 2D10+12+10+1D10+4 = [3, 8]+12+10+[3]+4 = 40 - Crit damage plus 1d10 Force Damage

Drow Archer A attacks Tiberious
Full Attack Rapid Shot: 1D20+16 = [2]+16 = 18
1D20+16 = [11]+16 = 27
1D20+11 = [8]+11 = 19
- All miss : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5EofwRzit0

Drow Archer B casts Stone Call, a spell large enough to target everyone below Tiberious while positioned excluding allies (spell is 20ft. high, so Thaddeus might avoid it)
Damage: _: 2D6 = [5, 6] = 11 - No saving roll

Drow Sorcerers A-C attempt to Dispel Magic on Draco to diminish his power
Caster Level Check: 1D20+10 = [19]+10 = 29
1D20+10 = [7]+10 = 17
1D20+10 = [20]+10 = 30
- Going for general dispels, I'll let you tell me if anything hits

Finally, Drow Sorcerer D retaliates against his attackers by doing this to Gnaw and Chloe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8dfaz5Vl6k
Piercing + Cold damage: 2D6+2D6 = [6, 1]+[1, 1] = 9 - to Gnaw and Chloe
Reflex halves damage, and also prevents this next check
Combat maneuver check (based on spell level and charisma) per icy spear: 1D20+13 = [3]+13 = 16 - Gnaw
1D20+13 = [8]+13 = 21 - Chloe

Updated Map>


Excalibur looks longingly towards the mighty beast as it gives one last pained roar as it collapses in battle. She curses under her breath seeing the fate of a worthy companion.
She steps to a Tiberious rolling out of the maw of the crystal beast, giving a couple of swings to his massive form, her sword whirring brilliant with magical energy through the air. Tiberious will somehow either deflect the sword or dodge it a couple of times before Excalibur quickly grows irritated and bored. She decides to step past her oversized opponent's reach, bringing herself into a blind view; she then juts the massive sword into Tiberious' stomach, lunging herself forward to drive the sword into him.

Before she can completely finish the job for good, arrows scrape against Excalibur's petrified face, carving past the stone armoring her and against her cheek. Another digs into her shoulder. Stepping back, she quickly pulls out her blade from Tiberious painfully so that she can quickly deflect Dreadstone's last shot with it. Once that is done, she yells, her voice booming in echo throughout the cavern, "So you've managed to become a Ruby Keep commander after all, Hell's Warden! Ruby Keep would never have thought to promote a man, a Tiefling at that, that could get this far in battle until this day. Perhaps you should thank me for making you needed!"

Soon after, she notices her sorcerers being attacked. She addresses them with bold confidence and bravado, "Warriors at my side! Do not let them think you are fragile just because you channel magic! Blades and arrow cannot pierce your will!" As she yells this, even a sorcerer that has taken grave wounds manages to shrug it off and continue living, even if not for longer, and the Sorcerer flanked by the dog and girl seems to be perfectly fine.

The sorcerers continue to try and make the situation better for their group after the defeat of the massive beast nearby. Several attempt to mitigate the clear effects that the alchemist has enhanced himself with, while another attacks in self defense. The archer who had his bow destroyed finally sees an opportunity to make a move, and he casts a spell which begins causing rocks to fall from the earthly ceiling above onto the party.
((...Ow. Tiberious is still standing (thank you good HP rolls), but is dangerously close to single digit health. Going to try and wait for healing before typing up a turn and running around the battlefield again.))
Thaddeus grows angry as he witnesses the rebels ruthlessly gang up on Tiberious. He feels the rage building up within him - the same rage that had led him to lose control those weeks ago, while fleeing from Emerald Bay. The same rage that had threatened to take him off the path of Heironeous.

Not this time.

Rather than succumb to the anger, he chooses instead to channel it - to treat it as an instrument to be wielded. Now is not the time to lash out - he has a friend to protect.

Thaddeus hurries forward and down slightly - still hovering 5 feet off the ground, but close enough to lay a healing hand on Tiberious while still within threatening range of Excalibur. He infuses the gladiator with restorative energies.

Lay On Hands at Tiberious (7d6=30 HP healed)

"Conspiracy to murder an officer of the military," he says admonishingly to the impudent woman. "The list of charges continues to accumulate. You would do well to surrender while there is still breath left in you." Even as he threatens the woman, he positions his shield in such a way as to afford partial protection to his suffering friend.

((Lay on Hands Tiberious, and also I'm using my Shield Bearer trait to give him +2 AC for one turn.

Updated map))
((That puts Tiberious back up to 45 hp. He's a lot less close to death for the moment now))

For the first time in the fight, being enbiggened is used as a liability against Tiberious. As Excalibur's sword is driven through his gut, he is unable to make any noise, the world going black around him for a moment. Shit. There go my legs. I can't move back to get this sword out of me. Maybe I can grab her arms and overpower her to- nope, can't move my arms either. Fuck. Well, I guess if I'm going to die on my feet I should say something dramatic and oh goddamnit I can't move my mouth either. I was at least hoping to see her fall or surrender before dying, this is piss poor turn of events.

Thaddeus's restorative power brings Tiberious back into a fighting state. Having never fallen and with Thaddeus to now back him up, he decides to play off the injury while repositioning, making sure to not stray from Thaddeus's protection while doing so. "Not today, Excalibur! That you can't strike us down is proof of your villainy! Not only do you lack the resolve of a man, you came into this fight without something far more fundamental."

"Friendship! You fight without the power of friendship guiding your blade! You don't know what it's like to fight not with, but for others. You've never fought to bring joy to people with your muscles! So long as you don't understand these things, so long as you merely view yourself as a soldier, the great battering ram of friendship will forever stop you from prevailing!"

By the time he is done talking, he has moved to Thaddeus's other side, having made sure to never stray from his reach while doing so.. Now in range of the other archer, he swings his blade at his bow, hoping to sever it like he did the first one. "There is still time for you to surrender with no casualties save the giant lizard. I would advise you act fast."

((Moving exactly 30 feet to get to T/U 7/8 without breaking adjacency with Thaddeus. Power Attack Sunder on Drow Archer A. I want to make damn sure I break it, so also using vital strike if that's allowed on sunder. It doesn't specify, so if you rule no, just take out the second D8 that comes out here))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80869]Sunder: 1D20 + 31 = [16]+31 = 47
[/url][url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80872]Sunder Damage: 2D8 + 27 = [6, 3]+27 = 36

Mike M

Nick N
((Bunch of 30+ shots, and only one hits? Goddamn.))

Gnaw Reflex Save vs. Icy Spear:  1d20+10=19
Chloe Reflex Save vs. Icy Spear:  1d20+3=18

((What’s the DC for the save?))

Gnaw CMD check:  1d20+26=37
Chloe CMD check:  1d20+17=28

((Mythweavers seems to calculate the CMD bonus automatically, but Gnaw having a CMD bonus of 26 seems kind of odd? Isn’t that silly high? If that’s correct, I’ve been wasting him by not having him get up to tripping antics like ThLunarian was doing with Lady back at the start.))

Dreadstone’s arrows fly straight and true, but he is met with the disappointing sound of metal arrowheads scraping against stone as they strike Excalibur. Momentarily discouraged at his wasted effort, he pivots to his right as the enlarged and enraged Tiberius and Thaddeus move in to engage the leader of the traitorous army. Chloe and Gnaw’s attempt to eliminate the sorcerer looks to have gone poorly, with their target appearing unharmed and able to retaliate with a hailstorm of magical power. The two seem to have weathered the attack, but just barely.

Making a snap decision, Dreadstone targets the sorcerer and unleashes another flurry of arrows.

Full Round Attack vs. Drow Sorcerer D
Attack 1:  1d20+21-2(Rapid Shot)+4(Favored Enemy)=27
Damage:  2d8+20+8(Manyshot and Favored Enemy)=33
Rapid Shot:  1d20+21-2+4=31
Damage: 1d8+10+4=19
Attack 2:  1d20+16-2+4=28
Damage: 1d8+10+4=16
Attack 3:  1d20+11-2+4=25
Damage: 1d8+10+4=15

Chloe staggers to her feet, and is momentarily suffused in a bright light that emanates from somewhere within her armor, the illumination spilling forth from the joints between the plates, melting the frost and ice and seeming to restore a polished gleam to the metal once more. As Dreadstone watches, the light envelopes Gnaw as well before dissipating.

Channel Energy:  5d6=20+6 (She has that +1/3rd to healing via Channel Energy thingy)=26

Gnaw, for his part, looks to the Drow archer standing near the troublesome sorcerer. He dashes forward, seeking to grab the humanoid’s ankle in his maw and bring him crashing to the ground.

((Provoking an AoO to try and Trip))
Trip Attempt:  1d20+26=44

Mike M

Nick N
((Not for a couple hours until I get to a desktop : /

Gnaw moved to V13, Chloe stayed put unless she has to make additional checks for occupying an iced over square, in which case a five foot step backwards))
((CMD is the defense vs other people trying to trip him. The CMB is what you use to try to trip someone. Could be relevant unless that was a typo))
((CMD is static number, no rolling, like AC. 10 plus the related stats, and assuming that is a trip, as a four legged creature he also has a +4 to his cmd(+2 for each leg beyond the first two) vs being tripped.))
<Yeah. CMD was pretty much the biggest reason why I switched to Pathfinder. It made handling grapple situations much less of a headache as it puts the onus of rolling only on the character taking action, and thus less confusing as to which rolls were for what purpose.
<Excalibur takes AoO vs. Tiberious as he moves away from her threatened square
Attack of Opportunity: 1D20+24 = [13]+24 = 37 - This should hit even with bonus AC
Damage (weapon + force): 1D10+6+5+2+1D10 = [10]+6+5+2+[2] = 25

Excalibur then 5 ft. steps to stand next to both Tiberious and Thaddeus, she full attacks, starting with Tiberious (and if he goes down, remaining attacks target Thaddeus)
Full Attack: 1D20+24 = [18]+24 = 42
1D20+19 = [2]+19 = 21
1D20+14 = [9]+14 = 23

Damage (weapon + force): 1D10+6+5+2+1D10 = [3]+6+5+2+[5] = 21 - Tiberious should be down

Drow Sorcerer A, B, and C attempt to Dispel Magic on Thaddeus
Caster Level Check: 1D20+10 = [9]+10 = 19 - From A
1D20+10 = [20]+10 = 30 - From B
1D20+10 = [5]+10 = 15 - From C
- Tell me what is dispelled

Drow Sorcerer D is killed
Drow Archer A casts his own Stone Call on the party (only Chloe and Dreadstone are affected this time)
Spell Damage: 2D6 = [1, 5] = 6 - No Save

Drow Archer B will attempt to get up and try to get away, provokes AoO



Excalibur scoffs at the sudden emergeance of friendship as a philosophy, "That is adorable, but this isn't a children's storybook!" she says as she slices Tiberious as he moves around the Paladin, "Tarfein, Zszd, Quevdax, Zszdaer, Ryldszar... These are only just some of the names of orphaned Drow that have fallen in battle by the hands of yourselves or the Keep. We've eaten together, laughed together, became a family together. We share a bond as strong as any!" She'll step and strike Tiberious again when given the opportunity, knowing that any little edge she can get will help.

After Thaddeus threatens arrest, she answers, "And stand to be executed? Just kill me now in glorious battle if you wish to inflict the same justice."
((Well damn, I kind of goofed on how five-foot steps work in conjunction with movement. I didn't see that AoO coming, I'm just going to have to hold that L until he gets healed again.

EDIT: Wait a second, does Excalibur's weapon have reach? Unless she's got some kind of extra reach ability I don't know about, she'd only threaten the five feet immediately around her, which wasn't where Tiberious moved through))
((I'm very unclear on how Dispel-ing works, so I'm going to list the effects I have on me and hope that DeadPhoenix can sort it out.

Righteous Might (caster level ?? - it's through my armor)
Bull's Strength (caster level 9)
My Paladin ability Divine Bond, but I don't know if that can be dispelled?

I think that's all. I will wait for a result before I take my turn))
<Actually your post is probably enough to go by. I think I'd probably have to dispel the armor itself (Draco can correct me if I'm wrong), so either Bull's Rush or Fly would be gone first depending on the order which they were cast.>
((Okay - my caster level is 9 and based on what DP said, his is lower than that, so that should mean the Flight and Bull's Strength are both gone (Strength from the 30 and Flight from the 19).

I was only 5 feet off the ground; do I need to make any kind of roll, or can I just land safely and do my turn?

EDIT: I just looked up Investigator, and it looks like I was wrong about Draco's caster level; it goes off of his character level, which means that Flight wasn't dispelled and I'm still airborn. Sweet. I'll type up my turn in a separate post))
((Actually wait - if Draco's effects are both higher-level, then that means the 30 would have taken one of them out (either Flight or Ablative Barrier, which I forgot to list), though I'm not sure which one since they're both the same caster level.

THen the 19 isn't high enough to beat my Bull's Strength, so I should still have that.

Geez, this is worse than 3.5 grappling rules :p))

Mike M

Nick N
((Since I completely cocked up the CMD/CMB stuff, did Chloe and Gnaw get the Reflex save against the icy spear attack?))
((I don't think order of casting has anything to do with it, its highest caster level first and i assume spell level second(which is wierd for SLAs like divine bond which isn't based one a spell for a spell level, so i'd consider it spell level 0 in this case). so i believe the order is Flight(caster level 12)>Abaltive Barrier(caster level 12)>Divine bond(caster level 12)>Righteous might(the armor ability you have says its caster level 10)>Bull STR(caster level 9... do you not have a belt of str btw?). EDIT: The DC is 11+caster level btw so... okay the 19 doesn't dispel anything actually.
So sorc A gets rid of bulls str(19 is a bad roll at this level for dispel), sorc C just fails(15 only works on caster level 4 spells, he probably has none) and sorc B? well...a bout that...))

Draco notices these jerks are still casting spells at people. How rude. As soon as one of the two next to him begins casting, he takes the opportunity, to attack.

Attack of Opportunity;Damage: (1d20+17+4+1=34, 1d6+7+4=16)
((He now needs to make a concentration check vs a DC of 29 (10+16+3) to not lose the spell.))
((Since I completely cocked up the CMD/CMB stuff, did Chloe and Gnaw get the Reflex save against the icy spear attack?))

<Oh. The save DC was probably like 13 or something. Both made the save.>

EDIT: <Draco, which Sorc did you attack? I assume whichever cast first, right?>
((I went with b since he was the first one to cast in draco's range, going by your order))

EDIT((NM, I guess i went with A... I assumed B was next to me for whatever reason))

((Ice spears is a third level spell... so dc 13 if the guy has no cha. i imagine they couldn't possibly have less the 16 cha (and even that is low balling it) so dc 16 at least))
<Concentration isn't a class skill for Sorcerers. Interesting.>

Concentration check (1d20 + randomized Concentration Skill rank between 5-10): 1D20+1D10.MIN(5) = [8]+[9] = 17
- <ph41l

That spell is cancelled and I'm gonna apply damage.>

so dc 13 if the guy has no cha. i imagine they couldn't possibly have less the 16 cha (and even that is low balling it) so dc 16 at least))
<You're right, I was trying to apply a non-existant Wis bonus for whatever reason there. But yes, it's based on Cha. Not that it matters, both beat the DC 16 on the last turn anyway.>
<Concentration isn't a class skill for Sorcerers. Interesting.>

Concentration check (1d20 + randomized Concentration Skill rank between 5-10): 1D20+1D10.MIN(5) = [8]+[9] = 17
- <ph41l

That spell is cancelled and I'm gonna apply damage.>

<You're right, I was trying to apply a non-existant Wis bonus for whatever reason there. But yes, it's based on Cha. Not that it matters, both beat the DC 16 on the last turn anyway.>

((Concentration is not a skill in PF. its just 1d20+caster level+caster stat bonus(in this case cha).))
((Ok, so if I have it right, the 30 dispel check gets rid of Flight, the 19 fails to do anything (since it's DC 20 to dispel Bull's Strength - oh and it looks like the spell was canceled anyway), and the 15 fails to do anything. On to my turn:))

Thaddeus winces, watching Tiberious teetering dangerously close to death. He wants badly to help his friend, but he knows that it would be more prudent to eliminate the threat, rather than bestow a meager, fleeting dose of healing magic.

"Stay strong, Tiberious," he says, "I shall be with you momentarily."

Ignoring Excalibur's ravings, Thaddeus launches into a full suite of attacks.

Full Attack with Smite half-bonus (no power attack this time)





Just as he moves to swing, a sudden lurch sends him falling toward the ground; it seems that his flight has been dispelled. The distraction is enough to severely throw him off-balance, and most of his attacks miss.

He manages to stay standing, however, and looks Excalibur square in the eyes. "Your move," he says defiantly.


((Might be my worst set of rolls this entire campaign. Yikes))
Tiberious, barely teetering to life, looks for an opening. The swordfighting with Thaddeus leads him to believe that he can hamper her standing again with more flashy maneuvers. As he goes through the various tools in his arsenal he can use, he recalls that she's been appearing to get increasingly agitated as the fight continues on. This gives him an idea: perhaps not all of his weapons are made of iron or muscles.

As he steps back and launches into his attack routine, he addresses Excalibur once more while trying to leave her grounded and weaponless. "I told you! You lack friendship, manliness, and much of anything that makes a good warrior; you're a thug with a shiny blade. I think you know it, since you got so fired up and defensive over what it is to be a man. Come to think of it..."

Tiberious proceeds to make vulgar insinuations about Excalibur, suggesting that she slept her way to her station and earned her comrades' respect in an equally suspect manner.

((Taking a 5 foot step back, using his joker taunt class skill to debuff her AC by 5 for 1D4 turns, along with a full-round attack consisting of disarm, trip, and an attack. Since the gladiator page doesn't specify what kind of action a joker taunt is, I'll leave the number of attacks to be cut to your discretion. In terms of priority, I would rather disarm her than debuff her AC though.))

((Will save for joker taunt is same as his Oratory roll))
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80897]Perform (Oratory): 1D20 + 25 = [5]+25 = 30
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80898]Rounds Affected: 1D4 = [2] = 2
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80899]Disarm: 1D20 + 31 = [16]+31 = 47
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80900]Trip: 1D20 + 26 = [16]+26 = 42
[url=http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=80901]Attack: 1D20 + 14 = [5]+14 = 19
<I'm gonna go ahead and blatantly cheat and say the taunt fails for roleplaying reasons. I do believe it would be out of character for her to let herself be riled by a schoolgirl accusation over matters of sexuality.

You do get the trip and disarm though.>
((Roleplay overrides are 100% ok with me. I may try again on a subsequent turn with a different approach, unless you're just saying the taunts will fail all together))
<Well, Excalibur thinks that Tiberious is a music player looping at this point and wouldn't bother with any of his taunts. If you want, I can still apply the AC penalty an explain it as their getting the upper hand in battle with her weapon being taken away and Thaddeus looming over as long as I'm not obligated to break character for it.>
<Actually I've decided I don't want to be looped into having to constantly pick up my weapon and take AoO's. I'm ending the battle.>

As soon as Excalibur's blade is removed from her hand once more, it gives Thaddeus an opportunity to strike her down for good. The Sunblade pierces a vital, and leaves her stunned, begging for breath.

The battle all about her begins to spin and become a fog. The noise begins to grow silent as all she worked for begins to become meaningless; she can no longer tell whether the battle is being lost or won anymore. She collapses to the floor, facing the ceiling.

Excalibur grasps her wound, heaving badly, "I-... I can't believe I lost... Will.. my people be okay?"

After a moment of shivering, she calls to the party, "There's... some-th-thing I need to tell you.. anyone.. I need somebody that will listen before I die.."
As Excalibur lays dying, Tiberious approaches her and crouches down to speak to her. The enlargement likely wears off during this time. While he could never pass her standards for a serious soldier, he is markedly more somber than he was throughout the battle.

"You know, when you and your men nearly killed us on that island, I saw a woman in my dreams who insisted that you're not evil. I'm still not sure if I buy that, but I know that woman was a good person and believed it. Speak, and I will make sure your last words are heard."
<I wanted to play it out too, but I figure the outcome is set in stone at this point and Mike M's schedule has been brutal.>

((And? The entire game is designed with the intent that at the end of the day the players will probably win, that's no reason to skip an entire battle. If you really think who its going is a problem you can change it. You are allowed to do that. Personally I think its kind nice actually seeing Combat Manuvers actually getting used, and quite well at that as normally they are considered crappy at higher levels. ...I actually want to fight shit on occasion, and I assume I am not alone in that feeling(or else why even us a d20 system at all?). And getting screwed out of the BBEG fight? so Anti-climatic. As for Mike's schedule... personally I'm fine with taking our time with this, as that seems to be pretty much how thing go in play by post campaigns often, and is actually one of the strengths.))
<I'm sorry DeadPhoenix. I didn't realize how important it was to finish the battle all the way through. I want to say that I'll be sure not to cut it short next time but there probably won't be a next time for me, and I already did the deed, so... oops.>
Thaddeus nods and kneels down alongside Tiberious. He knows the dying words of a soldier when he hears them. "Speak, and be heard," he concurs.
"You know, when you and your men nearly killed us on that island, I saw a woman in my dreams who insisted that you're not evil. I'm still not sure if I buy that, but I know that woman was a good person and believed it. Speak, and I will make sure your last words are heard."
Excalibur hmphs under her dying breath, "Cassandra... she is so naive. There is no good in war. So she is the one that saved your lives back then.."

Once given blessing for her word, she begins, "I- I am a woman whose name was stripped from her as a child.. a woman abandoned by her mother and father." She takes a moment to take a deep breath, gathering strength to continue, "The reason I am telling you this, is- is because you know who my mother and father are. They are.. the Queen.. and the King.. of Ruby Keep."

She thinks of how to explain, and without hesitation she begins, "I was a daught-daughter born as a princess; born with the name Lucille Chaunce. I can almost no longer remember the years of glamour and adoration given to me by servants and subjects. No.. That may as well be someone else's life.. my life- li-... life.." she begins to gag and cough for this moment, but continues, interrupting any that might try to stop her from talking, "my life only truly began when the King and Queen, my very own parents, took me in the night and made a deal with Thieves to trade me for another girl.. A girl that would strip my name from me and become the new Lucille, the girl that would become loved and live the life that should've been mine; all because the greed of the Kingdom, the hypocrisy of Heironeous worshippers.. This girl was apparently a human artifact known as the Chalice of Heironeous, an object of Heironeous' own creation. My own parents wanted power more than they wanted me.. and it worked, they were able to convince the people that girl was the real Lucille while these thieves attempted to earn a ransom off of me."

After her stream of words that had just flowed angrily, she gives herself a chance to breathe and calm down, "When they failed... They so-sold me... sold me to slavers.. Even scum did not want me. Many years.. so many years of my life where then spent being a slave with the half-orcs. To the slave drivers I was no longer a girl, no longer a princess, I no longer had a name. I was "bitch", "maggot", "dirt", whatever vile spit they could come up to identify me as. I, and the orcs around me, were worked to the point of death only to be healed by clerics at the camp. Even though I was a human, these half-orcs who had no identity of their own became my brothers and sisters. I shared their plight for so many years and understood what no other human could ever bear to understand."

"For us, The Fall was just another day. For us, the gods have already abandoned us and left us to rot. My life was the same every day, straining my body and being whipped, until one day they came. The true heroes of this world, the half-orcs that marched in and liberated us all and freed us from our slavery. I looked up to the half-orcs that campaigned to end slavery throughout the country and even tried to fight with them.. but I had no experience at the time, so I trained diligently under my new found freedom." Her voice begins to grow fainter, "It.. it was when the drow came, exiled to the surface that I saw that they were people with no home, no place to be accepted as known enemies to the races of the surface. It was then I knew what I wanted to do... I wanted to help them just as the half-orcs helped themselves, as well as take revenge on the Kingdom in the process." She begins to heave and whimper, "I suppose it was selfish in the end what I tried to do... taking revenge under the guise of revolution, wanting to be a hero when no human can compare to the noble heart a half-orc has."
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