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Excalibur: a NeoGAF Pathfinder Play by Post Campaign


bitch I'm taking calls.
Ozzy's nose twitches as he stands upon the sorcerer's shoulder, before turning to look at Niko expectantly. "Hey don't expect me to become a weasel. Alf could always do that. I'm perfectly fine being myself. Why don't you transform into a human?"

Smirking as the lone wolf frolics among his pack once more, Nicholas is content to sit upon a fallen log and watch the happy scene play out to its close. His legs and mind both are grateful for the rest, the miles hiked and deep concentration upon the magical signature having taken a toll on his energy.
Seeing his pack seems to be a big thing for Alf, and while Leo doesn't know much about family, he figures that they should give him a while. Leo takes this time to try and take in his surroundings. There's trees, grass, logs, umm... more trees, some animals on the trees...

You know what? Fuck nature. Leo decides to take a short nap.
<I have to wake up early in the morning to get our cat fixed, so I'm gonna get ready for bed. After you guys watch Alf play with family, I'm gonna type up a post on my laptop while I am in town.

I do want one thing, Alf do you stay in wolf form or go back to human after you are done? This won't affect much, just writing.>
"Actually Niko, it might not be that bad of an idea to look into that. While becoming a weasel doesn't sound that useful, I wouldn't mind being a bird at times. Be a great way to gather information."

Mike M

Nick N
"Anyone else find it powerful odd that we find Alf's extended family on an island full of monsters a few days sailing from home?" Dreadstone asks.

"Somethin' don't smell right 'bout this..."
"Oh yeah. Good luck convincing him of that though. No doubt whatever this is, is connected to what we came here for, might as well let it play out and see what happens... if it doesn't take to long."


"It is out of the ordinary yes." Stricia agrees with Dreadstone. "But perhaps it is something out of the ordinary that will aid us. I believe there are forces in play that could be allies."
At first, the reunion is joyous. The wolves, a newly-completed pack, greet each other by jumping up and locking paws in a canine version of a hug, followed by a bit of rough-and-tumble fun. It appears that the current alpha was also a member of the old pack from before Alf left, so there is no tension between him and the new leader. Lady, also, seems to be having a fantastic time.

After the initial emotional high wears off, though, something strange happens. The wolves of this pack are missing something. Not that they're any different than they were the last time he saw them; they are the very same loyal, strong, and well-trained pack that Alf remembers.

They are also virtual carbon copies of each other. Their appearances are distinguishable enough, but there is almost nothing about their personalities to separate them from the rest of the pack, especially so because the pack is all alphas (something that Alf had made certain of early on in his career as leader).

Another thing: They're all incredibly simple-minded. Their inability to converse with each other mitigates this a little bit, but ten minutes into their reunion, half the pack is already back to business as usual, and doesn't even seem to be questioning how Alf made it back to them.

That was another good question, from the other side: How in the world did his family end up here, so far from the mainland? He could not see them willingly traveling on a boat.

As these doubts and questions begin to fill his mind, he happens to glance back to find his newer pack sitting idly. Tiberious and Nico seem to be resting; Stricia, Dreadstone, and Draco are watching him.

They were waiting for him.

Alf gives the signal to his wolf-pack that he's going off alone. He approaches the party and returns to his human form, clad in animal skins, to meet them As an afterthought, he looks behind him and summons Lady to come along; she obliges.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," he says. "And... thank you for waiting. Something seem strange, though. I cannot understand how my pack got here."
A timid touch of the sun against a gentle air, the invigorating feel of dew in the grass between one's toes give a never tiring sense of refreshment from a new day. The light in the sky gives vibrancy to greyed clouds travelling the brilliant blue in the great beyond, its smile making even dirt and wood all about seem colorful, and the greens shine excellently, giving its own appearance of wealth and prosperity for the people of the wolves.

Out here, life for the races in the village is the same as the wolves: they hunt, they gather, they travel as a pack. Respect for the animals of the woods is understood by their acknowledgement of their superiority and mastery of the fickle workings of nature; a wise man understands that even the warrior that bests the largest beast still has much to learn from those whose knowledge of the woods and hunting remain mysterious and secret in many ways.

A boy's nose tingles from the itch from the smoke. In the center of the village, an owlbear is stripped of its fur, its meat glimmering over the embers that carefully paint the carcass into what will eventually become a dark and golden feast. Men, elves and human alike celebrate a harvest of nuts and berries, cheering the blessed season and a wonderful reward. Already his mouth is watering, eager to partake in the indulgent tastes from the finest spoils of the season.

Faces all about gaze with interest and wonder as the warriors that guard the village from evil beasts march in tandem at a restrained pace, striding to the village entrance with spears upturned alongside themselves. Curiosity besting caution, the boy clicks his tounge a few times at the hut he had emerged from, calling forth a little grey creature, whose obsidian eyes sparkle and whose tounge hangs over its jaw, mouth muscles upturned just enough to look like the little cub is always smiling. It springs to the boy, joining him by his side for the little adventure they are about to make for themselves.

Making his way around, the duo crawls into a set of thick foilage near the entrance, allowing them to watch closely without being caught by the adults.

Strange people of a vast variety of shapes and colors are met by the tribe's warriors, barring their entrance. The apperances of the outsiders are like nothing he's ever seen before... But the most striking of the two are those that lead their pack...
One is like a monster given the form of a man, who appears like a shadow even in the brightest of days. He appears to be a hunter of some sort, equipped with a bow that appears stronger than any the hunters of the village use. Beside this dark man, is a strange wolf, both black and white and lacks the nobility of his kind. This wolf interests the boy, it almost seems like a monster in its own right, yet somehow accepted as an equal for the strange man. Perhaps they are both monsters and that is how they became friends?
The other is a tall and proud stature, a wolf given the form of a man who stands firmly between those that approach him and in front of those behind him. With him is a brilliant white wolf, an exotic rarity only once seen before. The boy can't help but watch this man, almost immediately sensing a proud warrior and a leader within. This will become an image that will never leave his mind; he will want to become strong like this man, and the cub he has will join him on his aspiration.

A tribe warrior speaks to the group, instructing in common, "We do not allow outsiders into this village. We live a sacred life here, we do not want travellers to disrupt it with their strange ways." But as if on cue, another warrior plows between his peers and calls out, "Wait! That wolf! That is Nanna! That is Nanna, the white wolf!" And suddenly in alarm and realization, everyone is looking between themselves, "It is Nanna! If this man has Nanna by his side then that must mean he is..." In that following moment the warriors surround the party, and a warrior leading them instructs, "Please, come with us! You are welcome here!"

Soon, you find yourselves being led through the village. The spearmen use their weapons to discourage any foul movements, and the people discard their duties to watch with mix of wonder and concern, wary of your intentions here in the village.

As you are taken closer to a thicket at the farthest reach of the village separating the great tree from all else, the leader of the warriors states to Alf in particular, "The village elder will want to see you. Please proceed." The branches before you, tangled and woven together tightly begin to unravel on their own, pulling away at each side to make an opening to allow passage. Stepping aside, he allows passage... Lady immediately steps forward, forcing Alf to follow along; afterward the branches close off behind them, separating them from the party. The warrior states from the other side, "You will be seen alone. We will allow the others to be our guests, as a friend of Nanna." With that, the others will be taken to be invited as guests to the feast that will be made, allowing an evening of rest for the group.

Alf will see a large grove, isolated from the village and other life. There is a sense of peace here, as birds and small creatures gather under the safety of the grand tree, and flowers blossom around forming a natural kingdom of prosperity. Nanna moves forward, as if beckoning Alf to follow. When he does, he'll eventually find himself at the base of the great tree... a man looks down with a smile, greeting the young druid from atop his place... embedded inside the great divine tree, allowing his body to be given to it.


With a homely voice, he welcomes the man, introducing himself and saying, "I am a man known as Odin. I can see that you have become a very strong, man called Baldur. It has been long since I have been able to gaze upon your face again..."

He continues... continues with the next two words that will surely change Alf.. or perhaps, Baldur's, life for the rest of his days, "..my son."
Alf is internally overwhelmed by all of the pomp and ceremony afforded to the party, and especially to Lady. He keeps his composure and manages to wear a neutral expression as everyone is led through the village, and continues to hide behind a stoic exterior all the way up to his meeting with the tree-man.

Suddenly he feels awkward and small. The awkwardness has been no stranger to him since entering the realm of men, but the smallness is new and uncomfortable. He fidgets and looks away from the tree-man for a moment, looking to Lady to gauge her reaction to all of this.

Finally he looks back up at the tree-man. "You say you my father... But my father was a wolf. I challenge and defeated him for leadership of my pack over two years ago. I... I do not understand."

He frowns. "And what is this Nanna? I... I had no name for her and no use for one until I become a man, but is it true that she has name of Nanna? What is happened here?"

Despite his monk training and efforts to remain centered, Alf (or is it Baldur?) is getting upset.
Nodding solemnly, Odin takes a breath and begins quietly, "There is much to understand, young one. I am the father of your human self, in a manner of speaking.. but as I think over that day, I now realize even that is just a fleeting desire, and not truth."

"Though I have not seen you since you first become man, I sense that you are able to understand the history of this world. We are a village guarded by the wolves, and that which protects a sacred treasure belonging to the forest goddess Ehlonna, whom had placed a fraction of her soul into the artifact. It was an armor made from her own branches that, at first a gift to another god, but it eventually came to this plane to fulfill a grander prophecy.

"But over eleven thousand, three hundred and eighty two suns and moons ago, I began counting the days when our goddess had died in a great battle in our world. Somehow, the armor's role in the prophecy was never fulfilled, and became the last of our great goddess we had left. Eventually the soul embedded within began to grow, and the artifact along with it. As I wore it, it began to speak to me. It told me that it will eventually take Ehlonna's place as her successor.

"This great and mighty tree you see before you is what was once the Armor of Fallen Leaves.. now it grows into a new deity, a being with her own identity, Ehlonna's daughter if you will. In a vast forever to come, she will become goddess of the material plane and will be known as Yggdrasil, the World Tree.

"How does this relate to you, you may ask? I had to explain this to know that you have been given the touch of a deity. Baldur and Nanna are the names given to you as wolves, you two were my personal favorites, but I had never had a true son of my own, neither a wife, and I have no one to succeed me in helping Yggdrasil grow, so I begged Yggdrasil to allow me to abuse her powers just once for selfish reasons.. to have a son.. and that is how you came to be a human, because of my wishes.

"Unfortunately, soon after you had become human, you wandered into the depths of the forest, and Baldur and Nanna as we knew it disappeared."
"You maked me human," Alf/Baldur repeats. He is quiet for a moment while he takes that in.

"Maybe you can tell me then. What am I supposed to do? I been trying to find... Well. Just tell me, father. What am I supposed to do?"
"That is a difficult question for me to answer. I will need the moon's watchful gaze to gather the wisdom to properly answer that. I have seen you and your companions, may I ask myself, are you on a quest?"
Baldur shrugs. "Looking for people from main land that might be bringing giant monsters off of this island. For me is no matter, but it is important to my friends so I help them. So far we ain't found nothin' worth mentioning. You know something of this?"
"There are strange people on these lands. They do not bother us, but I fear their purpose. Go east, perhaps the place you will find lies your goal."

"As for your personal purpose as Baldur, allow me to think overnight. Please, enjoy the feast with your friends and stay to rest."
Alf and Lady leave Odin's grove and eventually find everyone else in the dining hall.

"My father is a tree-man and he say monster smugglers are east. Oh and my birth name is Baldur. Let's eat."
<I'm gonna assume information about Yggdrasil and everything related to her is relayed to Stricia as well.

I should probably set up a scene as well, now that everyone is about to eat.>
Leo raises an eyebrow, but generally takes Alf's news in stride.

"Oh, well I guess that makes sense given the whole magical wolf person thing. I always just assumed a wolf and a person... nevermind, tree man works. So, east you said? We'll have to check that out when we're done here."
As he digs into a delicious turkey leg, with his mouth half full Baldur looks at Stricia. "You should want to talk to my father. He knows much of old gods. I can go with you if you wish."
<Nah, I accept that Celia disappeared entirely.

The armor of falling leaves itself is literally evolving being that it is the only working Holy Relic now.>

Also I like the twist for my own character's origins))
<It allowed me to do a lot with this part that otherwise would have been nothing important.>
((Yeah, the idea of one of the holy relics evolving into a new god works pretty well. From what I recall on lurking during the last campaign, this is one of the only ones it would make sense to do that with, so having it keep its spark was a nice touch. And it happened to line up real well with Alf's character.))

((Though you said that was the only working relic, it does make me wonder if other replacement gods are going to come up.))
<Yeah, there's a lot of new gods popping up (based on what the end of QotHR tells us, obviously the characters in this game won't know that), though you'll only hear about a few this campaign.>
Alf crinkles his brow. "Vuh? Mo," he says through a mouthful of food. He struggles to swallow it prematurely and nearly chokes, grasping for a glass of water to wash it down. "He is man who is half tree. Just as Uqualek is half horse. And the tree is becoming a god. Ig-drizzle or something. Not am elf though."


Stricia listens in wonder to Alf's story. "I knew there was something important about the tree. I just did not imagine it would relate so deeply to you."

With permission either the same night or the next morning Stricia approaches the tree man. "Alf... Baldur tells me that you are the guardian of a new god and that you have knowledge of what happened to the old ones thirty years ago. Uncovering past truths is important to me... Please could you tell me what happened?"


"Who was the battle between? Some say the gods fought amongst themselves, others say it was some other force that they faced.."
"That, I do not have the answer to. I only know it was a battle because the chaos was so great that we witnessed it even from our lonely place. We knew Ehlonna had died, when we no longer felt her presence with us."


Stricia is quiet for a moment. "Battle, death, but divine energies did not leave this world as we thought and are gathering again. The past remains shadowed but less than before. What of the present? Do you know of what other gods are emerging other than Yggdarsil? Something named Muunfae? It has made contact with me through its followers. And also it seems some dark entity is driving our foes, those that call themselves Orphans."
"I know little of the affairs of the outside world, or of other gods emerging. I only know that the gods and goddesses are mysterious in their workings, never fully revealing their entire nature at once. I sense that you will not find a single person that knows all of the answers you seek, you will need to piece together the bits you discover."

"I have told you about Yggdrasil. Yggdrasil is unique in that she will become the goddess of this plane and live here as the world tree. All others live outside of this world. Go now, let me gather wisdom in private so that I may impart it onto Baldur later."


Stricia bows deep and withdraws. To be in the presence of a new god was itself an honour that she would never have imagined. Eventually the gods would meet and know of each other and become friends and foes as the old gods had done but it seemed like this had not happened yet. The new gods were still young and growing and gathering their powers in their own domains.


bitch I'm taking calls.

Although interested by the idea of civilization this far in the wild, Niko was woefully unprepared for what he was about to encounter. "Nanna?" He raises an eyebrow in curiosity as the village guardians become humbled by Lady's appearance and wracks his brain for some kind of connection, her companionship to Alf a forgotten factor. There he finds only cobwebs and from Ozzy an initial fear that was quickly replaced by trust through their frequent battles near each other.

Niko is stunned as they are escorted through the beautiful and serene village community at the base of the great tree. Colors, smells and sensations seem more vibrant here and he feels drawn towards the source of each, each one their own spark of curiosity. As they approach the great tree and Alf enters alone, Niko remarks from his passing what he feels to be true without really knowing why. "This place is the source of the brilliant light. It must be!"

As they are lead back to the village Ozzy jumps energetically off his shoulder onto the ground, seeming strangely at home in the area. The weasel busies itself using the dew from the blades of bright emerald grass to wash its face and whiskers. "It is true providence to see such a diverse tribe exist in the midst of this dense forest maze, so isolated from the rest of the realm.” To all villagers he speaks to, Niko expounds upon the beauty of their village.

Niko feels a surge of excitement from Ozzy and turns to see the weasel studying a small boy whose eyes are full of wonder. For the weasel it is perhaps the boy's companion that is of most interest. But for Nicholas himself, it is the boy. For Nick it is almost like peering deep into a mirror...

The sorcerer takes his fill of meats and fruits from the feast, thanking the village for their hospitality. He finds himself not as hungry as he anticipated, perhaps more full by the experience of encountering the village than anything else. Alf's findings only set him off even more, furiously scribbling what scraps of detail he can pull from the druid's cut and dry explanation of his origin. "That would explain your divine aura when we met. And the bright light that led us here. A relic holding the fragmented soul of a dead god becoming a god of itself? Stricia, your lore quest just got a lot more interesting."

For Niko himself, the void after the Fall and the subsequent rebirth of new divine powers tells him only one thing. "Perhaps divinity is not permanence but is instead cyclic. If we cannot say for certain that the greatest souls ever depart from this world, maybe they never really die, but instead are reborn." The sorcerer continues to write out loud and record his thoughts in his leather bound journal. "Perhaps even godly origins may be influenced. If the soul of a relic of the gods can become divine of itself, then perhaps...maybe...somehow..."

((Excellent lore use of the Armor of the Fallen Leaves. Also I never expected such a great connection to Alf's origin story. Nice improvisation.))
<Thank you. I could drop the mic now but I need to continue.

Also, editing this post because I forgot to wait on Mike M as well to see what his thoughts are.>

Mike M

Nick N
Dreadstone has lived all his life behind walls. The walls of his room, the walls of the building in which it was located, the walls on the concentric fortifications of Ruby Keep. Walls behind walls behind walls.

He's always found the walls necessary. They acted as the bulwark that kept the threats of the untamed wilderness at bay, the delineation point between civilization and untamed savagery. Even the most remote village had homes with proper walls to take shelter in.

This settlement of huts runs counter to his every instinct of safety. Their absurd security is almost comical, knowing what lurks on this island. That these people could thrive here seems nothing short of miraculous.

Alf - or is it Baldur, now? The kid is collecting names almost as quickly as Dreadstone - comes back and spins a hell of a tale that the tiefling can only half follow. All Dreadstone knows of gods is watching from the outermost wall of Ruby Keep as the horizon stained itself red as though soaked in the blood of the old gods. From his perspective, the world seemed to function the same with or without gods. He supposed that stumbling upon a nascent god such as this should be cause for some sort of introspection, but Dreadstone's not about to find religion today.

"Would your, uh... father... be able to help us any with contendin' with this island's Orphan infestation?"

((Cool bit of lore usage there, it ties the two campaign together a lot more than I was expecting. Plus Alf's story benefits as a result, so bonus!)
Baldur will wake up the next morning, and discover an anklet with a wood carved necklace wrapped around it, a wooden medallion engraved with a Holy Symbol of Ehlonna. When the medallion is touched, a voice is spoken into his head...

Baldur... when you were a wolf, you were free and untamed. You took dominance over your life, and did not let others dictate your fate. When I sought to turn you human, I thought only of myself, and my selfish desires to have a child at the expense of your own well being. When the forest mist took you away, I knew that I was being punished, and I learned a lesson that having a human son was not to be.

You were born as a wolf, and I went against the very fabric of nature which Ehlonna crafted so carefully. What I thought was giving you strength, instead must have crippled you, taken away your connection with the wolves, and thrust you into a strange life. You probably felt that you had a destiny when turning human... your destiny was to eventually take my place, suffering the burden of helping Yggdrasil grow. It is a horrible burden to impart, and should tell you how horrible I am as a person. I cannot call you father, a father is loving and caring. No, I was horrible and self centered, blinded by the divine powers.

You must have seen many things as a human, yet at the same time long to be a wolf again. I give you a choice. This anklet is a magic item crafted overnight, one last abuse of Ehlonna's... no, who is now known as Yggdrasil's power once more. This time, this abuse came at a great cost of my own. With the anklet, you will be able to discard the shackles I have placed upon you, and live your life as you choose.

Disregard what destiny you think you have. As someone who wished to be your father, all I ask is this: be free, Baldur. Be free.

You receive an anklet, with no name. When worn, it will change you back into your wolf form. When wearing the anklet, you treat your wolf form as your default form, and can change into other forms from there.

That afternoon, the day remains seemingly unchanged, bright and cheerful, but its tone contrasts with an eerie cloud of abandonment that has taken over the people's village, leaving most of the area empty. When you seek answer to incident, taking yourselves to Odin will show a great change. All of the people gather around the tree, gazing up and mourning. Odin is now lifeless, no longer a human but a wooden shape carved from the tree. His blank eyes are static, but continue to watch over the people before him.

... Be free, Baldur. Be free...

Alf - or is it Baldur, now? The kid is collecting names almost as quickly as Dreadstone
I foreshadowed this.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Niko is confused at the sight of the man carved in the wood. By Alf's words and the mourning of the villagers it would seem this was a new state. Wondering what price was paid by their visit or some other force, he bows his head to the great tree in reverence. Leaving the others, on the walk back to the village clearing he concentrates on sensing the light that brought them here and swears he can almost hear music.

((That music box theme is wonderful.))
As the evening draws to a close, Alf ponders Dreadstone's question. "I will ask in the morning, but don't see how. He is stuck in the tree and cannot move. Anyway, let us rest up. We got some ground to cover tomorrow."

The next morning, Alf listens to his father's recording. He responds to it out loud in places, even though no one else is around.

"You not horrible, but wish I had some warning."

"I do miss my pack, but feel like I learned very much since being human."

"You make no mistake. Even if I could go back forever, don't want to. Would be boring. Too much for me to want experiencing now."

'You too hard on self. You ain't selfish at all. You gave me gift, and now another."

It is only after the recording ends that Alf realizes it can't talk back to him.


In the grove, he looks on in shock at the petrified remains of Odin.

"What happen here?" He asks quietly.

With or without explanation, Alf wells up with emotion, and for the second time ever, in as many days, tears leak from his eyes.

"You wait, Father," he says aloud. "I will make you proud. As your son, this I vow to you."

Baldur puts his father's final gift on his ankle and assumes the form of a wolf. He fills his lungs with air and cries a howl of mourning. Lady joins along, and soon the calls of the rest of his pack echo through the forest.
((Didn't realize you were waiting for more posts. And here I was just sitting around waiting for the party to go east.))

Leo eventually sees the wooden man jutting out from the tree like some kind of odd growth. He sees everyone around him mourning, so he assumes it is a sad time and does the same. While appearing to mourn, he looks at the tree man and tries to figure out how a man in a tree makes a wolf/man, what he had to mate with for that to happen, and how such a thing would even work. Was it the entire tree, or just the wooden man on the tree? Was it spores? Is Alf-err, Baldur- actually a spore person?

Leo only succeeds in making his head hurt while contemplating this. He decides he'll have to ask Baldur how that works later, because he's getting nowhere. He is ready to get out of this confusing land where trees father wolves and humans. Nothing makes sense here. He wants to get back to what he's good at, which is killing bad guys and being dramatic. Preferably not in the midst of nature.


Stricia is very uncertain as to why the demi god figure she had just spoken to last night is now dead. She shares in Alf's loss as he howls with loss.
Most of that morning is spent in quiet, most of the party standing in front of a populace in mourning over a man they don't even know or understand. It is here Niko can stand before the tree close by for the first time, and his body will feel nearly overwhelmed being so close to the divine magicks resonating from the tree. Odin had given himself as tribute... the tree, Yggdrasil, continues on.

After a long moment to give respect and honor to the man in the tree, an elf, garbed in a colorfully stained hide, approaches the group. Though youthful in appearance, he gives off a demeanor of an older man and seems to be a spokesperson of some sort. He explains, "Odin had sacrificed himself so that Yggdrasil may offer a gift. My people may take this as a way of blaming you for deeds you had not done, therefore it may be best that you depart this day. Yggdrasil has grown strong, but is still but a child. Odin had hoped that Baldur will take his place in helping the goddess child grow, but now we must find another, another blessed with great Druid talents. Another like Baldur. We suspect a child, gifted with the friendship of a cub may be the next Druid in line after Odin."
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