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"Excuuuuuuuuuuuse ME Princess!!"

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!

So apparently SBC Yahoo DSL subscribers have free access to almost every episode of the Zelda TV series on the homepage, as well the Super Mario Show, so I dove in and partook in the hilarity. Mario is damn near unwatchable, so I quit after half an episode, but some of these Zelda episodes are just CLASSIC!

My favorite thus far has to be the one where the Molblins get fed up of Ganon's boob-tactics to steal the Triforce and decide to disband from the Pig-king and form their own evil group. They immediately attack the Princess' castle with a massive siege assault that would shake up Middle Earth, and the results are great. The opening ninja attack while Link is reading a magazine is priceless!

Some observations:

-Link MUST coin the expression "Excuse me princess..." at least 3 times per episode, it's a contractual obligation. I laugh everytime.

-Link spends more energy trying to get a piece of Zelda's ass more than a piece of the triforce. Nintendo would be wise to include this in their games...

-Zelda saves the day more often than Link. Not that Link is a bumbling nincompoop, but Zelda can be pretty badass.

-The music remixes from the games are actually damned nice.

Here is a possible link to the show episodes that non subscribers may be able to use. Not sure though.



Tag of Excellence
Yes that link works perfectly. They have like 2-3 episodes of each series per month? Granted these episodes are only 15 mins. long but atleast it's free!

I love the live-action segments of the Super Mario Bros. show, god I can't beleive I watched this!


Wow that's pretty cool :). Thankfully I already downloaded every episode from Kazaa about 2 years ago. I'd LOVE to see all of the episodes from Super Mario Bros 3.(World sucked for the most part), and Captain N(only have a few episodes, including one of the Zelda ones). Nothing will beat that feeling of coming home after school and watching mario/zelda, or waking up saturday mornings watching mario/captain n...and then playing those games. The music/sound effect inclusions were perfect.


I have all 13 episodes on my HD. The missing Link is the best episode of them all.

EDIT: I have about 7-8 SMB3 episodes and around 20 captain N episodes.


Live-action segments of the Super Mario Bros. shows? The "Do the Mario" live-action segments? I have a video cassette of one of those episodes, where Mario and Luigi go to this collosseum or something and eat lots of spagghetti, and one part of the show has that "what'sa matter you, why you look'a so sad, it'sa nice'a place, it'sa not so bad, aah shut up'a yo' face!" song playing in the background. And another one where Mario bangs his head and thinks he's Marzan. Good stuff, good stuff!

If those the ones on the site are from the same series (I can't watch them right now, so I'm not sure), then they aren't near unwatchable. They're classics. I love those cartoons, in a camp kind of way, but I still love them.


I exceed the minimun requirements, yet the site keeps saying I don't meet them :(

Edit: Nevermind, I was using Firefox :lol

Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me princess! :lol :lol
This is great, I've never seen these.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Brandon F said:
So apparently SBC Yahoo DSL subscribers have free access to almost every episode of the Zelda TV series on the homepage, as well the Super Mario Show, so I dove in and partook in the hilarity. Mario is damn near unwatchable, so I quit after half an episode, but some of these Zelda episodes are just CLASSIC!

Holy crap! I have SBC Yahoo DSL and I didn't realize I had access to this stuff. Awesome!


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
The Zelda cartoon just gets better with age. Each episode is genuinely hilarious (and not for the out-of-date/awkwardness reasons that tends to make old cartoons funny), and the action is sometimes kinda cool. :D


The Shadow said:
Fun Fact:

The VA that played Princess Zelda was damn hot. IIRC, she was a model.

Cynthia Preston ;P




She answers questions on her messageboard. I asked for fun if she like videogames, and she answered that she has never played or something. She did Princess Zelda flawless though.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It's a great line. And you can use it in real life without looking like a geek, 'cos it makes sense to call someone a princess in certain situations.

Unless they know the line too. In which case you know they're a geek too and you can call her Zelda as you make sweet, sweet love to her.

*is not talking from personal experience. Nuh uh*


hyperbolically metafictive
man, i used to love that zelda cartoon. iirc they played it instead of the mario cartoon on fridays, and i'd always make a point of watching it. i'm surprised to hear that it's actually good rather than simply campy/nostalgic. i need to watch a couple episodes later.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Yea, Fridays were always the Zelda day. Unfortunately growing up I rarely was able to catch these episodes as they came on half an hour or so before I usually got back from school. Only the rare times I got half days off or was sick were when I got to catch it. Thus I'm pretty much watching these for the first time now.

And lets not get confused, these episodes are stupidly silly and campy, nostalgia does play a factor with all the obvious game references and sound effects. But man it is freaking hilarious to see Link portrayed with such a supercilious air about him. I want to cheer everytime he tries to coax Zelda into a kiss, or blurts out his catchline.

Mario I do find completely unwatchable though.

Oh and give us DuckTales SBC!!


I can't believe I remember all this crap. God, the stuff I used to watch.

They need to model a Zelda game after this.
Part of me prays that the Neo-Zelda is like that. Oh yes. Just to piss the fuck out of all the "matoor" fapping shitheads. Not to mention it would be utterly hilarious too.


As far as I'm concerned, the Capcom Zelda's ream the Nintendo ones, barring Majora. Espically the recent Cel-Shaded (although, gorgeous) mess, was still good of course, but by Zelda standards, yes, mess. Oracle of Ages for life, Yo!?
I'm hoping that AniHawk was referring to FourSwords in LTTP.

The Oracle games were great. Plus they had an added novelty-- a semi-decent storyline... in a ZELDA game! Imagine that!


Alex said:
As far as I'm concerned, the Capcom Zelda's ream the Nintendo ones, barring Majora. Espically the recent Cel-Shaded (although, gorgeous) mess. Oracle of Ages for life, Yo!?

As far as I'm concerned, EAD rapes Capcom in the Zelda realm. The short, but well designed and overall fun Four Swords Adventures backs me up on this. As far as Game Boy Zeldas are concerned, Capcom or EAD would have a long way to go to top Link's Awakening/DX.

Ages did rock Seasons though.


Dragona Akehi said:
I'm hoping that AniHawk was referring to FourSwords in LTTP.

The Oracle games were great. Plus they had an added novelty-- a semi-decent storyline... in a ZELDA game! Imagine that!

A semi-decent storyline? As far as originality goes, I liked Ages... However I believe Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and especially The Wind Waker's stories were told so much better.

EAD had a pretty good flow going, and they crapped out on FSA. Oh well, here's to Zelda: FYA.


Well, that's just my loud mouthed opinion. Four Swords...didn't click with me, dug it at first. But then came the arguements in the midst of a few repetitive levels (WHY DIDN"T I LISTEN!?), never have gotten back to it. But that's also as likely to change as it is staying the same.

Oh, and the GBA Four Swords was a disaster. Holy crap. Remember how down I was on Four Swords GC prior to release? That's why.


Alex said:
Well, that's just my loud mouthed opinion. Four Swords...didn't click with me, dug it at first. But then came the arguements in the midst of a few repetitive levels (WHY DIDN"T I LISTEN!?), never have gotten back to it. But that's also as likely to change as it is staying the same.

Oh, and the GBA Four Swords was a disaster. Holy crap. Remember how down I was on Four Swords GC prior to release? That's why.

It's my loud mouthed opinion too, of course. :D Something about Oracles of Seasons never clicked with me, but Ages was good (then again, I'm a sucker for time travel- DAMN YOU BACK TO THE FUTURE!). I'm not particularly looking forward to The Minish Cap for the reasons that it's set in the FS universe and it's being made by Capcom, but I'll buy it anyhow since I'm a Zelda fanboy.
It's just my opinion concerning the story. Up until that point all Zelda stories were rather blah, the "main" ones anyway. (Link's Awakening was tops.) Not that story really matters anyway.

WW had more cutscenes, and while the ending was fab, it didn't have the cool little bits I liked about the Oracles.


Yusaku said:
Wasn't there a second Mario Bros. cartoon?

Yes there was. It was based on the Mario Bros 3, so it included all of Bowser's kids and a few other things from that game. The original Mario Bros show is mostly based on the second game.


Ristamar said:
The Captain N episodes in Hyrule were decent, too.

Damn straight. I have every episode of Captain N burned onto a DVD, and I still watch alot of them every now and then. Quest for the Potion of Power and Having a Ball own your soul.


Yusaku said:
Wasn't there a second Mario Bros. cartoon?

*Sigh* It's all there in my post.

There was Super Mario Super Show(with the live action intros and outros and mainly based on the US SMB2), then there was the excellent Captain N & the Adventures of Super Mario Bros. 3 based on SMB3(60 mins, a SMB3 episode, then captain N, then another SMB3 episode...I remember it later being cut down into just a half-hour), and then there was....Super Mario World, based on its namesake, which was ok, but Yoshi was annoying, Oog-tar or whatever the hell his name was was EXTREMELLY annoying, and Mario hogged all of the spotlight(I was a big Luigi fanboy). In SMB3, both of them got powerups, but in World, it was all mario, except for one episode(the one when they introduce a vine-based telephone system to the primative townspeople and it gets out of hand). Luigi actually got a star, but then about 10 seconds later, Mario gets one too. Boo Mario...usurping bastard!


Mr. Lemming said:
Wasn't Capt N a saturday morning show and the SMB Super Show a afterschool deal?

Yes, but SMB3 came on saturday mornings, and for a time, SMB3 and Captain N came on together in the same 1 hr. block. SMBSM and SMB3 were not the same cartoon. When SMB3 came on by itself, they were 2 back-to-back 15min episodes(not really 15 mins with comercials and all, but you know what I mean). When SMB3 came on with Captain N, Captain N(30 mins) was sandwiched in between 2 SMB3 episodes(one of the greatest 1 hour blocks of all time IMO :D)
OmniGamer said:
Yes, but SMB3 came on saturday mornings, and for a time, SMB3 and Captain N came on together in the same 1 hr. block. SMBSM and SMB3 were not the same cartoon. When SMB3 came on by itself, they were 2 back-to-back 15min episodes(not really 15 mins with comercials and all, but you know what I mean). When SMB3 came on with Captain N, Captain N(30 mins) was sandwiched in between 2 SMB3 episodes(one of the greatest 1 hour blocks of all time IMO :D)

I think Capt N predated SMB3 though.


I used to love those shows, I watched them every day.

They just re-released the Super mario bros super show on dvd (the previous dvd version was bad, and they cut out the real life parts). I've got it ordered as we speak. I hope Captain N is next, I remember megaman saying all kinds of megathings, and simon belmont always trying to woo the princess, lol.

The music is awesome, especially the orchestrated zelda music.


Oracle games... bleh. Sure the story is pretty good, but they're so tediously linear to play, even compared to stuff like Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker.
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