And line item, every example you cited ignored fact's to achieve that level of dystopia.The battery should have been the focus of the thread, the progression speculation following takes away from the battery being a real time development.
Reading the thread I can see OP hasn't taken the messages from The Matrix, The Terminator, iRobot, Cherry 2000, or Wall-E very seriously. The terrible things that made things bad in those stories were never an intended outcome, but an encountered side effect to humanities unbridled progression, a message based on our own history.
The Matrix - Ignored plainly that an ASI is not stupid. ASI controlling robot's with the number 1 goal of enslaving humanity, in reality - ASI never would, ASI would pony up all it's knowledge, create whatever it needed and be gone long before we even realized it existed in this particular scenario.
The Terminator - Another example that frames ASI as stupid, needy, malevolent and does not have a firm grasp on reality. Eradicate the human species is the easy token sci-fi trope.
In fact, every example you cited relies heavily on the fact that ASI will be jealous, malevolent and violent but why would it be.
I argue we have far too few examples of optimism in Sci-Fi and the Human Condition is geared more towards our own inward fears than actual rationale.
"Plus, purpose and responsibility do much to make mankind happy- with robo wives/husband's, eternal VR, self initiated healthcare- we'd be absolutely miserable"
I think many, many would disagree - self initiated healthcare - curing you of sever disease - this one item would in fact change live's profoundly. Robo Wives and Husbands - Don't know who would go for it, but me personally would find life a lot more interesting were this a reality in stride now. Immersion level VR, that takes care of you - your need to eat, sleep, allows you to travel freely and in fact do so at a level incomprehensible to modern VR standards - I really don't see that making other's miserable. Quiet the contrary.
AI will be in charge of our well being, you forget we are fast approaching an era where it will be considered malfeasance to receive a diagnoses without the aid of AI/ASI. And many Doctor's, scientists and practitioners are petitioning now to ensure it is in fact considered malfeasance to receive a diagnosis without allowing AI to aid the doctor in such practices.
Eventually, you're going to beg for the ASI's diagnosis, not the doctor's own.
You cite this as Dehumanizing, too - I argue that it is far more human to ensure an end to suffering then it is to sit around and appear dismayed by the large amount's of progress we as a society are making in stride. Mental health/illness will clearly remain an issue until these technologies arrive to resolve such hassle. You are inferring technology only proves disastrously stressful for mental health? Which is comical to me.
On one hand we have a technology promising to solve all mental health issues, actually quiet a few technologies promising this on the horizon - on the other - the belief that all of this exponential progress detrimental to the human psyche.
Meanwhile education sucks because they are not taking VR seriously and it is being split between teleconferencing and other archaic methods (coursework online) all of which do not in fact help education.
This isn't technologies fault, it's our faculties schools and teachers who are not fully embracing the latest greatest technologies (namely VR) to ensure superior education standards.