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Extremist Militia Occupies Federal Building In Oregon

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it seems to me like no matter how this thing ends the nutjobs will claim victory. if they're able to hole up there for a month with their guns and threats of violence, and then eventually give themselves up, the message to all of the other maniacs with guns is "look, because we have our guns we are able to defy the government for a month. guns and freedom are great! get more guns! you too can accomplish what we have!"

if it comes down to the feds raiding the place and killing a handful of people they'll say "look how violent and dictatorial obama is, we need more guns to protect ourselves blah blah blah". either end is a win for the lunatics. but in option #2 it is made clear that the federal government isn't going to put up with gun wielding terrorists trying to claim territory in america, which i see as a preferable solution, even if it still carries negatives with it.


it seems to me like no matter how this thing ends the nutjobs will claim victory. if they're able to hole up there for a month with their guns and threats of violence, and then eventually give themselves up, the message to all of the other maniacs with guns is "look, because we have our guns we are able to defy the government for a month. guns and freedom are great! get more guns! you too can accomplish what we have!"

if it comes down to the feds raiding the place and killing a handful of people they'll say "look how violent and dictatorial obama is, we need more guns to protect ourselves blah blah blah". either end is a win for the lunatics. but in option #2 it is made clear that the federal government isn't going to put up with gun wielding terrorists trying to claim territory in america, which i see as a preferable solution, even if it still carries negatives with it.

Option 1 seems preferable to me.


Wait them out. Stop with the extremist shooting them nonsense. The Black Panthers proved that if it's a militia, the "if they were black" line is nonsense, quoted below for a new page.

The government is going to try to wait them out at least for a while and not draw attention to these extremists

Wow, the hypocrisy is amazing. He doesn't seem to understand that his disability payments are "big government" providing some legislated equality to him.

The Bureau of Land Management. Wingnuts or not I wouldn't be surprised if some of these militia members either do not know or could care less (in any sense of the word) about the other acronym.

The difference with the panthers is they weren't breaking any laws by owning guns. These terrorists in Orgegan broke into a federal facility.


Thank you. And this is well before Rudy Ridge and Waco led to changes in police/fed handling of armed militias/groups. It's also worth noting the Panthers were relatively well trained and, like white militias today, actively recruited war vets to increase their effectiveness. They weren't pointing their guns at random people or committing crimes. They organized and were largely effective at avoiding major police confrontations (at least at the beginning and peak of their operation).

I see no reason why similar groups shouldn't arm themselves today, as long as they're disciplined.

The panthers were heavily infiltrated by the FBI. I'm wondering if there's a cointelpro type program being waged against these militia groups.


to their "fans" all across the country, they're significant martyrs either way.

Maybe - but don't you think these dudes (and here Im projecting based on really little facts) are dying to pop off? I feel like these dudes want a confrontation.


Been watching the live feed for a long time now still no agencies taking control. Hell they just had a convoy pull in a bit ago. This shit is ridiculous I've seen teens and young children mixed in the crowd. I hope the feds are identifing all the people there and add them to watch lists.


FGC Waterboy
True, although as good an idea as "deny the trolls" tends to be, I imagine at this level it sends the wrong message. The government has to be the one to say that the law is the law and you're going to address the violations.

With the press, too, you've already lost the ability to deny these guys a platform or attention.

An episode of This American Life investigated this.


It's not really as pernicious as you make it sound, more a consequence of low education and other factors. If you're a manual labor and that's all you can do, getting maimed or having serious back pain effectively neutralizes your income far more than other service sectors and "intellectual" work. We tend to focus on cycles of poverty and feedback loops in an urban context, but there are different but similar reinforcing trends unique to rural areas as well.

Validation is not the same as engagement. Notice how...frankly no one already cares. The nice thing about the 24/7 news cycle is that you don't have to wait very long till the press moves on to something else more interesting.

As for rural poverty - pretty much this. There's a huge blind spot in many progressives about rural poverty (they deserve it! hicks! bible-thumpers!) that they often criticize others for having w/r/t urban poverty.


Maybe - but don't you think these dudes (and here Im projecting based on really little facts) are dying to pop off? I feel like these dudes want a confrontation.

i'm not sure. maybe so. my gut reaction is that they should've gotten the confrontation they were looking for a few hours after they took the building. if it was just ten armed dudes who had taken the building and the feds had gone in immediately and removed/shot them i wouldn't have had a problem with it at all. but it seems that they've been allowed to bring in more people, their families are there, kids are there (?). that that was allowed to occur is beyond ridiculous. i'll admit its a very complicated situation. if it is a group of hardline guys with women and children there, the likelihood of innocents getting killed goes up by a lot. i don't want to see kids getting blown up, either.. i would assume that these militia men don't want to see their wives/kids shot up either. sigh. it's just extremely frustrating and disappointing that the situation has been allowed to reach this point.



to me this is a good example of something that could be done. we've got this Captain Moroni using his truck to block a road in support of the terrorists holding the building. Have some properly equipped law enforcement officers roll up on Captain Moroni from Utah and tell him to move his truck. If he doesn't, arrest him. If he goes for his gun, shoot him like we do any other gun wielding criminal. jesus christ. just do something.



I mean, I prefer if no one died and they were all arrested and given long prison sentences. But once you openly threaten to murder people, you tend to lose any sympathy for what may eventually happen to you.

I agree. While a peaceful resolution would be nice, I have no sympathy for terrorists, foreign or domestic.
Why is 2 preferable? Im not sure that violence will be a deterrent force here, rather the opposite I think.

Sorry I was being sarcastic. I thought it was clear in my response to his first option. Option 2 should always be the last resort, not the first.


Don't we have some kind of military-grade tech that we could point at the building to make them all barf or poop their pants uncontrollably?

Can we hack their wifi and broadcast pornography?

There's gotta be a better way to smoke these varmints out than by lethal force.
The panthers were heavily infiltrated by the FBI. I'm wondering if there's a cointelpro type program being waged against these militia groups.

If you recall, there was that super anti-government small-town cop that was posting all those YouTube videos that said he was only doing it because he was getting close to these kind of far-right groups and gathering info for the Feds. Not sure if that ever claim ever was verified or not.



FGC Waterboy

GAF is applying the same level of regard to the lives of these white people as is applied to the lives of non-white people.

That same level of regard they blast, insult, and denigrate white people for having, by the way.


That same level of regard they blast, insult, and denigrate white people for having, by the way.

Yup, not a perfect analogy here, and i don't think "GAF" at large is doing this, but a peaceful resolution has to be the outcome here.


The fact that the government let this go on long enough for them to get their families in as human shields is frustrating.



GAF is applying the same level of regard to the lives of these white people as is applied to the lives of non-white people.

Its hard not to notice that when you're people are killed, everyone hides behind the smallest legal technicality to justify murder.

Yet, when there are actual threats...

This and many other examples illustrate why negros are more dangerous unarmed/ or equipped with pre-puberty and toy guns, than actual threatening armed white men.


FGC Waterboy
Yup, not a perfect analogy here, and i don't think "GAF" at large is doing this, but a peaceful resolution has to be the outcome here.

Indeed - there's some amount of generalization going on - but as I've said earlier - I want a peaceful outcome because precedent is a thing, and I know what gets used on them could very easily be turned on BlackLivesMatter or OccupyWallStreet or any politically inconvenient protest. (as someone who was at Ferguson - there were quite a few armed folks protesting; we just don't carry them as visibly.)

Aside: explanations from a legal point about the Oregon situation



Jesus GAF is thirsty for some white people to get killed.

I don't want them to get killed, but I don't want them to be given a pass for their behavior either. There's no doubt that if this were a group of Muslims that they'd have been blown into a fine red mist within a couple hours of them arriving at the Federal Building, even if they had the same grievances as these Y'allQaeda folk.

We always like to talk in the US about actions 'emboldening terrorists'. Nothing emboldens them more than letting them have their way with no repercussions or punishment. I wouldn't even be surprised if they're just allowed to leave scot-free when they've had enough of their childish little tantrum.


I don't want them to get killed, but I don't want them to be given a pass for their behavior either. There's no doubt that if this were a group of Muslims that they'd have been blown into a fine red mist within a couple hours of them arriving at the Federal Building, even if they had the same grievances as these Y'allQaeda folk.

We always like to talk in the US about actions 'emboldening terrorists'. Nothing emboldens them more than letting them have their way with no repercussions or punishment. I wouldn't even be surprised if they're just allowed to leave scot-free when they've had enough of their childish little tantrum.

I think armed confrontation would embolden more of this than just a wet fart and jail for all these dudes.


FGC Waterboy
I don't want them to get killed, but I don't want them to be given a pass for their behavior either. There's no doubt that if this were a group of Muslims that they'd have been blown into a fine red mist within a couple hours of them arriving at the Federal Building, even if they had the same grievances as these Y'allQaeda folk.

We always like to talk in the US about actions 'emboldening terrorists'. Nothing emboldens them more than letting them have their way with no repercussions or punishment. I wouldn't even be surprised if they're just allowed to leave scot-free when they've had enough of their childish little tantrum.

That's...actually not true. When was the last time any group of armed folks (of any race) had that happen to them in this country?

PS: It was the white group that had it happen to them. (Waco)
So if these people enjoy guns, since they have willingly, and openly committed felonies, did they not realize they are going to lose the privilege of gun ownership?
I don't want them to get killed, but I don't want them to be given a pass for their behavior either. There's no doubt that if this were a group of Muslims that they'd have been blown into a fine red mist within a couple hours of them arriving at the Federal Building, even if they had the same grievances as these Y'allQaeda folk.

We always like to talk in the US about actions 'emboldening terrorists'. Nothing emboldens them more than letting them have their way with no repercussions or punishment. I wouldn't even be surprised if they're just allowed to leave scot-free when they've had enough of their childish little tantrum.

If the feds let them walk without jail time, then you have a point.

Rebel Leader

They aren't threatening people/targeting civilians. They're armed militants. They aren't affiliated with a known terrorist group. I thin it's kinda weird to call them that. They're idiots, I dunno about terrorists.
They threatened to kill or be killed

So they are threatening peiple


The panthers were heavily infiltrated by the FBI. I'm wondering if there's a cointelpro type program being waged against these militia groups.

Almost certainly. While some segments of the population don't take militias and sovereign citizens seriously, the FBI are not part of that segment. They've designated domestic terrorism, and particularly sovereign citizen groups, as the largest danger to law enforcement officers, after more than a decade of ambush attacks on LEOs.

The FBI are actively recruiting informants in the various militia groups. Multiple stories have come out of failed informants, or successful informants that provided testimony.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
They aren't threatening people/targeting civilians. They're armed militants. They aren't affiliated with a known terrorist group. I think it's kinda weird to call them that. They're idiots, I dunno about terrorists.

They're not threatening people? So anyone, including federal agents, can just walk in and out of the building at will?
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