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Unconfirmed Member
I'm freaking out..I wanna know nooooowwww



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
i am exactly one year old



Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
If only it was 200 years from now and mecha suit pilots were real

Funky Papa

That's a hell of a bonus. Either the Navy is desperate to retain experienced sailors or the pay is simply amazing. I have no friends in the Spanish Navy, but I have some relatives in the Army and most of them would flip shit if they were offered that kind of dosh.

But hey, their MREs are superior. So there's that.


Smells like fresh rosebuds
That's a hell of a bonus. Either the Navy is desperate to retain experienced sailors or the pay is simply amazing. I have no friends in the Spanish Navy, but I have some relatives in the Army and most of them would flip shit if they were offered that kind of dosh.

But hey, their MREs are superior. So there's that.
It's basically job related. Most in the navy have nothing but the more in demand jobs with low retention have larger bonuses. We get 75k, Special Warfare get 90k, nukes get 115k.


I'm leaving work early today because my nurse has to do a home visit this afternoon. I'm kind of annoyed about that but it's only once a year.

also I'm feeling kinda gay for EC


Unconfirmed Member
Gex the Gecko is blind to gender.

He wears sunglasses, he's a dude.

A dude who wears eyeshadow and loves surfing, playing the ukulele and throwing poi parties down on the beach with the local lady lizards.



irresponsible vagina leak
Waiting at Sears to give them some info I already emailed. Smh mother's maiden name doesnt change in PR...


Unconfirmed Member
That exactly what I thought of lol. I heard Neely is getting a new show on Adult Swim? Short segment stuff like his old YouTube work?

I watched a few small segments on youtube a few month back it doesn't seem as good as China Il but i'd love to be wrong because China Il was magic.

Xiao Hu

The more I deal with/learn about brokerage the more I'm appalled by modern capitalism. Yes, trading securities can make you rich as fuck but this shit has developed into fucking gambling with the futures of millions of people on the line
the majority of the financial products are nothing but bets and guesses in the worst case and fancy algorithms that will ruin you if some minor sgit happens at best...


The more I deal with/learn about brokerage the more I'm appalled by modern capitalism. Yes, trading securities can make you rich as fuck but this shit has developed into fucking gambling with the futures of millions of people on the line
the majority of the financial products are nothing but bets and guesses in the worst case and fancy algorithms that will ruin you if some minor sgit happens at best...

you are not RNH

Xiao Hu

realizing capitalism sucks isn't limited to one person only

You know it's not a realisation, you have to be blind to not see what capitalism has done to our species. I just need to know what I will be dealing with when I enter my professional career, it's the details that make the prospect of what awaits me so frightening and sad.
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