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Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
Motherfuckers. Amazon sent me the Deluxe and regular editions of FFXV even though I cancelled my Deluxe order. Now I need to return it and got charged for something I don't want.
God dammit!. I was just about to take a nap and I clicked that shit. Fucking hell.

Why can't people just do wholesome BDSM and not any of this pup play shit?



Damn Jobbs, thank fuck your girl wasn't on campus.

IKR. Only a relative few people were directly affected/wounded but it was still a scary place to be.


The dude was a Somali refugee who posted some kind of rant on facebook before doing it. He plowed a car into a crowd and started knifing. A cop shot him like a minute later and probably saved a bunch of lives by doing so.



I was friends with a few Somalian refugees when I was at uni.

Nice guys, two of the three had really fucked up teeth cause soldiers had beaten them with rifles.



I was friends with a few Somalian refugees when I was at uni.

Nice guys, two of the three had really fucked up teeth cause soldiers had beaten them with rifles.

E&L have been getting kind of hyperbolic in their newly realized anti-refugee sentiment, and I'm kinda just letting it fly


Lot of good people have turned xenephobic over the last 5 - 10 years.


They're not generally xenophobic but there's a lot of "it's always a muslim" type talk going on today. :eek:

And I'm not even sure if that's wildly inaccurate -- though I am a little more measured and careful when it comes to making sweeping criticisms. Must be my age and wisdom...


But data put together by the Washington Post shows that of the dozens of mass shootings that have taken place in America since 2014 in which three or more victims died, only three could be associated with radical Islam.

I obviously haven't trawled through the stats to check the veracity of the above.

the fuck

so many questions

edit amazon search doesn't find it, sooo.. fake? hopefully?


Xiao Hu

Morning everyone. Aunt's husband is picking up my grandma and me to get her to the doctor. She got infected with the same shit as me but without the ear infection so far.

I pretty sure the biggest trait mass shooters share is rather the mental instability than being Muslim

My new avatar makes me feel fucking fabulous


I obviously haven't trawled through the stats to check the veracity of the above.


that could be, but some of the really high profile ones in recent history -- Pulse nightclub, charle hebdo, and the Boston bombers come to mind -- Were motivated by islamic extremism. (also all the Isis stuff) There are mass shootings all over the country almost every day, of course, but we don't usually hear about them on the national news.


My new avatar makes me feel fucking fabulous

So long as you're feeling it.

that could be, but some of the really high profile ones in recent history -- Pulse nightclub, charle hebdo, and the Boston bombers come to mind -- Were motivated by islamic extremism. (also all the Isis stuff) There are mass shootings all over the country almost every day, of course, but we don't usually hear about them on the national news.

I mean...


I'm not arguing in favor of the notion, I'm just trying to understand.

I have thoughts/criticisms on islam (and religion in general) but it's probably best I didn't indulge. Needless to say, becoming xenophobic and fearful is not productive.


I'm not arguing in favor of the notion, I'm just trying to understand.

I have thoughts/criticisms on islam (and religion in general) but it's probably best I didn't indulge. Needless to say, becoming xenophobic and fearful is not productive.

Religious extremism has always and will always be an issue societies have to deal with, and if your national rhetoric demonizes certain groups you're going to see an increased number of terrorists / shooters etc... emerge from those groups.

Considering where we are with Western media it's not surprising to see increasing numbers of these people aligning themselves with "Islam". However, I'm certainly not blind to the realities that there are extremist terror groups fighting a Jihad against the Western world.

Just fucked if I have any real idea what to do about it.


Religious extremism has always and will always be an issue societies have to deal with, and if your national rhetoric demonizes certain groups you're going to see an increased number of terrorists / shooters etc... emerge from those groups.

Considering where we are with Western media it's not surprising to see increasing numbers of these people aligning themselves with "Isla". However, I'm certainly not blind to the realities that there are extremist terror groups fighting a Jihad against the Western world.

Just fucked if I have any real idea what to do about it.

I don't think all religions are equal. I don't know of any radical christian groups committing terror attacks around the world or killing peaceful people over cartoons (The Charlie Hebdo thing really sickened me.). There's no christian equivalent to Isis, a large and barbarous organization comprised of killers and rapists. You could argue that the vast majority of muslims do not condone this behavior, but if you live your life by a literal interpretation of the Quran, this is the result. It's a religion spread by the sword.

I may need to be enlightened, though, so if anyone can explain how I'm wrong I'm all ears.

All that being said, once again, I don't think fear or xenophobia are the answer, especially knowing that most muslims are in no way like this.

Xiao Hu

As always look at the sources that nourishes the rise of radical Islam. When you're poor and when others exploit you and disregard your human dignity people often tend to search for a new identity. Now the thing about religion is that it provides aspects for our identity, depending on your cultural background more or less. Radical Islam has always been there (same for radical Christianity btw); sometimes stronger, more often weaker tho. The thing about radical denominations of religions that make them so alluring is that it fills a greater void in you since it promises and demands so much of you.

What I'm trying to say here is that most Islamic nations have been horribly played with by Western powers in the last two centuries. They've been invaded, colonised, their cultural foundations disregarded. Our politicians still play with them like they're pawns on a chess board for their petty geopolitical games. Whenever people feel mistreated like this they will turn to more desperate means.


I don't think all religions are equal. I don't know of any radical christian groups committing terror attacks around the world or killing peaceful people over cartoons (The Charlie Hebdo thing really sickened me.). There's no christian equivalent to Isis, a large and barbarous organization comprised of killers and rapists. You could argue that the vast majority of muslims do not condone this behavior, but if you live your life by a literal interpretation of the Quran, this is the result. It's a religion spread by the sword.

I may need to be enlightened, though, so if anyone can explain how I'm wrong I'm all ears.

All that being said, once again, I don't think fear or xenophobia are the answer.

I lack the scholastic chops to properly debate that point, and I may be forced to agree with it to an extent, though my gut tells me if we were born into a world where the Middle East had been in prominence for the last 3 or 4 hundred years there would be no shortage of Christian martyrs doing the same evil shit in the name of righteous belief.
Millions and millions of people have been slaughtered in the name of Christ. Shitty humans exist in all walks of life. Wars are fought, genocide happens. In the name of god, country, over money, resources.. The world is a fucked up place. There is a war on terror right now and muslims are being targeted by the media and are currently the ones being portrayed as the bad guy.

Its not like there isnt a problem with religion and extremists. Its just the problem goes a bit deeper than a single ideology. Its a human problem.

I have no solutions to suggest either. I just know that hate breeds hate and the cycle continues.

Xiao Hu

How do you accomplish globalization of an economy peacefully without affecting those areas culture and fear of westernization?

Show them my new avatar?
Ok, the joke is just bad and I will stop now

I don't necessarily see globalisation as something inherently evil. It helped most parties involved to generate wealth, the problem of globalisation comes into play when we observe the wealth's distribution.

In the case of the Arabic states of the Middle East and Northern Africa I see the urge of transforming the Arabic League into something that resembles the EU. We have achieved economic and political stability over here in Europe. I'm pretty sure we can replicate most of it with our Muslim/Arabic neighbours.


Unconfirmed Member
I lack the scholastic chops to properly debate that point, and I may be forced to agree with it to an extent, though my gut tells me if we were born into a world where the Middle East had been in prominence for the last 3 or 4 hundred years there would be no shortage of Christian martyrs doing the same evil shit in the name of righteous belief.



Watch Dudes 2 is really slick and the characters are funny and likeable, but you have to sort of give yourself over to its premise -- Which is much more possible now because the game doesn't take itself seriously. Big improvement over WD1 in all regards.

The intro was a bit tedious to get through because I just wanted to freeroam and see what that's like -- A frequent problem with these open world games.

I'm still not sure that I care much about the "hacking" angle as it pertains to gameplay, but at minimum it's more fully realized than the first time. Still, honestly, I kind of just want to shoot guns and blow up cars and stuff.


Trying to decide whether I want to buy FFXV digitally or just grab it at Gamestop tomorrow (assuming I'm awake during business hours as lately I haven't been).


Unconfirmed Member
Did your school have that scholastic "sign up and get books" catalogue -thing Fumes?
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