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F*ck traditions: Bull with burning torches tied to its horns dies in cruel fiesta

A BULL died a horrible death at a Spanish fiesta after organisers strapped burning torches to its horns in front of a baying crowd.


The terrified half-ton animal became confused and ran head-first into a wooden post – dying instantly in the collision.

The animal died at the burning bull festival in the small town of Foios, 10 miles north of Valencia in eastern Spain.

Initially it was tied to the wooden post in the centre of a makeshift bullring, in front of a crowd of several hundred onlookers.

Its horns were set alight before the animal was released.

Disorientated and confused, it ran a short distance before turning round and crashing straight into the wooden post at full speed

Local reports said the animal, from the Salvador Domecq ranch, died immediately.

Earlier in the day the same animal had gorged a man in the leg during the “bous al carrer”’ festival, which is Valencian for “bulls in the street”, during which the animals chase locals through narrow lanes and into the town square.

One reader commented on a local newspaper website: “Torturing animals is not fun, it’s barbaric.”

Supporters of the festivals claim the bulls do not suffer and say the tradition dates back more than 400 years.

Spanish animal rights groups say there are hundreds of similar fiestas involving burning bulls around the country.

What can I say? Who is the real beast here? There is footage from this floating around but I just cannot watch it.


I say f*ck traditions, also I'm never going to Spain on a vacation as long as this stupid macho tradition exists.
I've never understood people saying, "but it's their culture/tradition" as an excuse to justify absolutely abhorrent and barbaric behavior towards animals. Its fucking vile that it continues.


I say f*ck traditions, also I'm never going to Spain on a vacation as long as this stupid macho tradition exists.
Hey, there are parts of Spain where that shit is not done and bullfighting is not allowed! For instance recently the Balearic Islands is going to change bullfighting and only allow it when the animal is not injured(physically or mentally)
Jesus christ. Burning Bull sounded like a festival where they put a replica of a bull and light it on fire. Not literal bull, the animal and lighting it on fire.

Fuck tradition. Especially when you put a living thing through intentional suffering. And you won't even eat it for food!
It's pretty messed up how defensive people get when you call out the fact it barbaric and extremely cruel on the bulls. I would consider the death mentioned in the article probably better than being stabbed continuously for a longer period.


I've never understood people saying, "but it's their culture/tradition" as an excuse to justify absolutely abhorrent and barbaric behavior towards animals. Its fucking vile that it continues.

One and done.

Fucking savages.


Same with the Danish and their annual whale slaughter in the Faroe Islands. Actually that is probably much worse and barbaric if you look at the number of animals killed.
Hey, there are parts of Spain where that shit is not done and bullfighting is not allowed! For instance recently the Balearic Islands is going to change bullfighting and only allow it when the animal is not injured(physically or mentally)

Yeah I know. Didn't Barcelona also ban it recently? Hm, maybe I will only visit those regions.
how you gonna strap torches to a bulls horns and not expect it to filp out?

Edit: didn't read but how you gonna set somthin on fire that close to a bull at all?


Yeah I know. Didn't Barcelona also ban it recently? Hm, maybe I will only visit those regions.
Got turned back due to the Supreme Court (which is kinda partisan).
Otherwise, bullfighting is not that much of a thing in the north (except Navarra).
Edit: that is to say, i find bullfighting pretty disgusting though as a cultural thing stuff like the Balearic one should be the way to go (maintaining it while reforming it so that no actual damage is done to the animal). Maybe when we have a left leaning party the thing will change, the last 8-10 years have seen a big push against it in general.


I've never understood people saying, "but it's their culture/tradition" as an excuse to justify absolutely abhorrent and barbaric behavior towards animals. Its fucking vile that it continues.
Its hard to take a look at yourself and admit you've been taught to enjoy some pretty fucked up things in these situations. I always get the feeling people are afraid what it might say about them so they don't confront it/choose to keep believing its okay.

"I can't be a bad person. I wouldn't have ever done this if it was bad."
I've never understood people saying, "but it's their culture/tradition" as an excuse to justify absolutely abhorrent and barbaric behavior towards animals. Its fucking vile that it continues.

I mean, I don't really disagree, but you do realize that westernized culture, one that you're a part of, does far more harm to animals than what you describe as abhorrent, barbaric, and vile... right? How much do you want to bet that nearly everyone in this thread is a meat eater that directly benefits from the industrial meat industry?


Same with the Danish and their annual whale slaughter in the Faroe Islands. Actually that is probably much worse and barbaric if you look at the number of animals killed.

I was about to post this as well. This kinda crap needs to go. Its senseless and moronic.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Traditions can be good actions, or bad actions. There is nothing not vile about this one and it should be forbidden. I am very unhappy the EU hasn't put an end to it.


This is why I never shed a tear when Torero's get their asses handed to them.

If they're willing to torture and kill an animal just for fun without any disregard to its life, they deserve what's coming. The faster this bloodthirsty "sport" is banned, the better.

The same goes for poachers.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Let us all now practice what we preach and become vegetarians.

I mean, I don't really disagree, but you do realize that westernized culture, one that you're a part of, does far more harm to animals than what you describe as abhorrent, barbaric, and vile... right? How much do you want to bet that nearly everyone in this thread is a meat eater that directly benefits from the industrial meat industry?

There is a difference between killing animals in order to eat them and killing them for fun.
I mean, I don't really disagree, but you do realize that westernized culture, one that you're a part of, does far more harm to animals than what you describe as abhorrent, barbaric, and vile... right? How much do you want to bet that nearly everyone in this thread is a meat eater that directly benefits from the industrial meat industry?

Let us all now practice what we preach and become vegetarians.

Last I checked, the places here in Southern Oregon that supply our local Coop give the animals amazing lives on open pastures and ethically slaughter them. But hey, I appreciate you comparing the barbaric act of killing an animal for tradition/entertainment via torturous methods vs slaughter for food. It was a decent try.


Asshole said:
Supporters of the festivals claim the bulls do not suffer and say the tradition dates back more than 400 years.

Ah, yes, the go-to answer for those causing suffering to lesser creatures: "Don't worry, it's just a stupid beast, it can't feel pain."

Fuck these sorts. Fish, reptiles, birds, mammals - all feel pain. This is just their justification for hurting others.

And even if the creature can't feel pain, why do so to begin with? Why does harming others bring you pleasure? I honestly believe that this is symptomatic of a sadistic disorder.
I've never understood people saying, "but it's their culture/tradition" as an excuse to justify absolutely abhorrent and barbaric behavior towards animals. Its fucking vile that it continues.

Human beings have a unique ability to rationalize even the most grotesque and abhorrent acts of cruelty and violence, particularly those who refer to themselves as devoutly religious. The crimes committed under the pretense of "culture, religion, tradition" only prove the absence of any merciful god.
There is a difference between killing animals in order to eat them and killing them for fun.

If you really think that all there is to the industrialized meat industry is killing animals in order to eat them, then you need to learn a lot more about the industrialized meat industry.

Last I checked, the places here in Southern Oregon that supply our local Coop give the animals amazing lives on open pastures and ethically slaughter them. But hey, I appreciate you comparing the barbaric act of killing an animal for tradition/entertainment via torturous methods vs slaughter for food. It was a decent try.

Local Coops giving animals amazing lives on open pastures has nothing to do with the industrial meat industry that you quoted me on.
If you really think that all there is to the industrialized meat industry is killing animals in order to eat them, then you need to learn a lot more about the industrialized meat industry.

Local Coops giving animals amazing lives on open pastures has nothing to do with the industrial meat industry that you quoted me on.

Well I don't know what the point of your post is then. Your argument was based on an assumption that those of us who do not support cultural/traditional animal murdering shows must be fine with the industrial meat industry. I made it clear that I don't support that shit either. Lol
I'm sure you and Christopher Columbus would have been good buddies.

I guess I'm in the minority here, but I'd rather a bull die than a person
...it's as if they hadn't attempted this shit to begin with, no one is at risk of dying!



It's a bull, not a endangered species. I'd argue traditions are endangered, as we move closer to a global culture

Seeing traditions as "savage" is common in post Columbian era. Many native people were killed because they were seen as savages. It's a touchy term for native people

And yet, the label of "savage" was attributed to the Spanish....the very ones who subjugated, and helped destroy native peoples. What, again, is your point? That "savage" is never to be used to describe a person/culture?


I've never understood people saying, "but it's their culture/tradition" as an excuse to justify absolutely abhorrent and barbaric behavior towards animals. Its fucking vile that it continues.

Some cultures don't care about animals beyond being food. Not agreeing is one thing but I think its pretty easy to understand
Well I don't know what the point of your post is then. Your argument was based on an assumption that those of us who do not support cultural/traditional animal murdering shows must be fine with the industrial meat industry. I made it clear that I don't support that shit either. Lol

The point of my post is exactly what you quoted:

How much do you want to bet that nearly everyone in this thread is a meat eater that directly benefits from the industrial meat industry?


some traditions do not fit in the modern world and should end. just because you did it a long time ago does not mean it should exist forever. your culture is defined by what you do today.


It's a bull, not a endangered species. I'd argue traditions are endangered, as we move closer to a global culture
The value of traditions is based on what they mean to us today. Most Europeans, and also most Spaniards, find everything this behaviour stands for appalling and backwards. Not everything is worth preserving, and some ``traditions'' instead turn into shackles that hold a culture back.
It's a bull, not a endangered species. I'd argue traditions are endangered, as we move closer to a global culture

So because it's not an endangered animal you think it's okay to torture them to death for "entertainment" purposes? Fuck off.

Eh, we have enough humans on this planet as is. Might as well start slowly torturing them to death on live TV!
/s as if I needed to make that clear
Killing strictly for food vs. Tormenting and torturing for celebration is not comparable.

Strapping torches to animals to make them look like fireworks for cheap thrills and giggles is hardly comparable to killing them outright for consumption.

It's barbaric and disgusting. If the plan is to ultimately eat them, put them down mercifully and then cook them. Don't fucking dance them around and torment them before hand.

Fuck those traditions.
How is this even supposed to be entertaining? So fucked up. Kinda remindes me or this old timey (pretty sure now totally abandoned) similar French thing where a group of cats are put together in a net-bag, then the bag is set on fire. People would supposedly watch as the cats struggle to claw out. (Remember passingly reading about it online, not sure if anyone can elaborate).
Historical context of savages is one thing.

Calling modern people savages for participating in events where animals are tortured and killed for entertainment is another.

If you participate in bull fights, you are the definition of savage: primitive and uncivilized.

I give up. Have a nice day, hope you don't called a savage one day, it truly digs deep.
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