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F-Zero GX: I just don't GET it.


Stick with the game Drinky. It took me a while to warm up to it as well, but it will happen. Playing story mode is definately good idea not only because of the training (if you're having problems with killing pilots, chapter 4 is an excellent place to learn). It's much easier to push yourself in story mode where the keys to victory are far more focused.
Snaking works best with a really heavy vehicle (Black Bull). Now make sure you have max acceleration, all the way to left on the setting screen.

Snaking is an abuse of physics in GX, which gives a minor boost to heavy vehicles with high accelration when they drift around the corner. The abuse is drifting not around corners, but straight aways too.

Good track to practice on is Chapter 4 story.

Okay, so, it's left on the control stick+L
When you're about to hit a wall...
right on the control stick+R
When you're about to hit the other side
repeat till hands get seriously sore
If you're doing this right, you'll notice a signifcant increase in speed. I can usually do a few lenghty spurts of snaking before screwing up.


I found the game way more fun when I started making custom cars (which you can do after playing through just the starter cup with a basic car) and using those instead of premade cars. The AI isn't rubberband as much as it is focused on how good your car is. Making a fast car with great handling allowed me to plow through the first 2 difficulties, and then I had a bit of trouble on the third (expert or something like that?) until I beat it (and it was FUN, even when I was losing every cup). I wouldn't have had this much fun if I had just been using the premade cars.


I hated this game at first because I tried playing with characters whom I loved in X and the way they played had changed drastically. Those of you who like X and didn't like GX may be having the same problem. High grip characters in GX seemed almost too high grip for me where as they were my first choices in X. Also I had a little more trouble turning with some of the speed cars than I did in X. That said, after trying other cars I never used in X I found different characters that controlled like my old favorites and the game became great. There are like 40 vehicles to choose from so it might be difficult to find your best, but they are all very different and I'm sure one of them will race according to your play style.

FYI: I used Draq (the fat purple guy) the first time I beat every race in GP and I suggest giving him a shot as he controlled well for me as a beginner and had excellent boosts, with a usable body rating.

also it has been mentioned before but let me stress THE AI DOES NOT CHEAT. When those ships are "randomly" passing you at pre-determined points in the track they are using thier manual boost. They even have boost meters and you can wait for them to boost too much so that they become easy to pick off with an X attack ;) AI craft can do everything you can (attack, jump, boost) and they will. It actually helps as a beginner to notice when the AI boosts because usually they boost in good locations. You can start by copying thier boost techniques and then adjust them for better performance. The AI is really good in this game, and the same cars don't usually come out on top. To me it feels like I am actually playing 30 other skilled racers, who attatck each other, cut each other off, and sometimes just plain screw up and fly off the track, just like I do. The game has a satisfying and fair difficulty level once you figure out how to play well.


I kept trying to side-attack people, and flew over the edge on the last lap. YOUR ADVICE IS FLAWED FOLKEN, DAMN YOU.


I found the guy hillarious, not because of what he said about F-Zero GX so much (I didn't play the game) but because there have been times I've felt exactly his frustration on other games. So... anybody got a link?


hyperbolically metafictive
yeah, the handling has no character -- no characteristics, almost -- and the track designs are showy to the point of alienation. i didn't like it at all. nice graphics, though. wipeout fusion is a pretty poor wipeout game, but it still neatly outclasses f zero gx.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
hmmm I might have to go play this again after reading Brandon F's breakdown, Basically I finished the game up until Expert on the last cup, did no master levels and can't beat story 9. I think possibly because I resigned myself to never using the attacks, on the diamond cup first stage which is just one long track that keeps splitting into 3 thin tracks I just keep throwing myself off the edge, infact thats all I ever do if I ever attack anyone.

Maybe I will go back and practice that more.

Musashi Wins!

Well...It just seems like a very challenging game that isn't interesting enough to merit the time I'd have to give it to beat it. It's undeniably polished but it struck me as pretty barren as well. Still, it's very fast and I know some gamers who really get into it, challenge and all.
For me, the fun of the game came with the extensive amount of info. about the characters. I never knew the plots until I got this game. The rush I get when playing some of the levels is huge, especially Story Mode Level 6. Try racing 29 other cars on Cosmic Terminal (the first track in the 4th tournament), while boosting immensly. Talk about putting me in the zone.


Tag of Excellence
I'm a big fan of F-Zero GX but I'm absolutely not suprised to hear that some people simply don't enjoyed it.

I say, don't worry about it. The main point is that you tried the game and you put in some decent effort into it. Major kudos to you for being open minded enough to appreciate the game yet not enjoy it.


I agree with the thread starter. I love the game with its fantastic graphics and the amazing sense of speed you get. However, it really did feel like you were only steering your vehicles from left to right and not so much as controlling the forward and reverse motions. I liked how you could actually "powerslide" around corners. That was a big plus point for me. You know what I hated? The fact that it was so easy to fall off "open" tracks and lose the entire race as a result. The thing that killed the game off for me was that GODDAMN track in Story Mode where you had to "jump" around the tracks to get ahead of the competition. I tried it like 5 times and I lost all interest in the game after that. It just wasn't fun.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I'm right there with you Drinky, the game does absolutely nothing for me. There are sooo many better racing games out there that it just isn't worth bothering with it.
I'm not a big fan of racing games but this game rocks. I put alot of effort in it and I got to the last chapter in story mode (which I never finished) and finished all the cups on normal.

It's the only racing game I still pop in once in a while. Although I also like burnout 2.

You should really put some effort into it.
Ninja Gaiden isn't an easy game either, but damn is it good.


You have to get that attacking is a huge part of it; it's pretty much half racing half attacking. The side-attack only slows you down fractionally (I never use Z), and once mastered is extremely satisfying. Not to brag but I can knock out 20+ on the Trident track, Master difficulty, one miss and you're dead. For me it's addicting. But if you're racing more seriously then try to win the first track (on most cups it's the easiest), and from then on focus on picking off rivals. If you come first on the first track, one trick I found is to turn your acceleration up for the second track only, so you can pick off your rival as soon as the race starts, heheh.
The real enjoyment for me was using cars I built myself and unlocking everything. I really enjoyed the cups you unlock after finishing the default cups.

I absolutely loved the game. I found the story mode to be an absolute bitch further in, but I had no real problem finishing the game in Master mode otherwise... but that was with the Fantasista car I made (best one I've found). I dont do the snaking technique.


For me, GX was exciting because my goal always had to be to race as sharp and hard as possible. With that, I enjoyed the finer nuances of the game. I'm pretty sure that if most everyone was able to compete on the harder difficulties and Cups that they would really enjoy the game. But you have to dig it from the beginning in order to get to that level. And I don't know what the difference was for me. Maybe I was more consistent in being challenged, but still feeling like I had a chance each race. It may have been how I approached the game to begin with.
Link316 said:
and everything feels too loose

I agree that the game felt far too loose on the default settings and so the first thing I did was go and recalibrate the sensitivity of the analogue stick in the options. Makes the game much more playable for me.

Gorgie said:
For me, what really helped me beat expert, and master difficulty levels for all cups is the art of boosting. It's not enough just to hit all the dash arrows on a track, and take smooth corners, on the 2nd and 3rd laps, if you're not boosting where it will be advantages, it makes the game much harder. To me, finding where on tracks to use my boost, and how much enery I should leave in reserve for a last second boost to the finish, or incase the AI gets aggresive really makes the game come onto its own.

Try boosting right when hitting a jump, you'll sail into a top spot pretty fast. Always boost in a energy recharging strip. Boost on straightways, and after taking tight turns to really gain postion.

Really, to get over the jump in difficutly, boost, boost, BOOST!

IAWTP. This is definately a key point as is killing the right apponents. I actually mapped the side attack from X to the B button as a I found that much easier to push while still holding the A button

Also ppl saying not to use the spin attack, well it is useful if you are boosting like mad and you are about to run into another craft or a pack of craft because they get killed instantly. But if you are travelling roughly the same speed I agree it's useless.


Dragona Akehi said:
Fzero X is overall a better experience than Fzero GX, simply because the track design is better, in my opinion. That said, GX isn't a terribly entry into the Fzero series, it's actually quite good. Personally, I haven't found the game too hard, but I've been playing Fzero X constantly since its release.

The ramp up in difficultly is actually quite similar to what happens in Fzero X.

I guess the real "disappointment" with GX is that it's essentially a Fzero X with prettier graphics, slightly worse track design (if X is a 10, GX is a 8, maybe) and you can choose who to unlock rather than doing it by beating circuit difficulty.

Also, I found that the AI is better than FzeroX and X had really good AI. Cars feel alot different from their X versions, so that might be part of what's throwing you off. Lighter cars feel REALLY light and heavier cars really feel the hit in acceleration.


Capt. Falcon NEEDS the cockrock. Look at those shining golden nipples of doom. :(

Wow Dragona I didn't know you were into racing games. That's cool :cool: What other racing games do you enjoy?


I have always found F zero to feel floaty (LOL) with no sense of mass to the ships. Now before you guys rip me one I am just stating how I feel about it. I far prefer the feel of the ships in the Wipeout series where the ships just have a better feel, and the level design, ship design and look of the games just owns Fzero IMO .

I own all the wipeout games and the Fzero ones. I still go back and play wipeout, but Fzero just seems so sterile that I just couldn't get into it.


F-Zero is definitely one of those games that isn't a lot of fun until you've had enough practice to not completely suck. Once you start ripping through the story chapters on Hard and Very Hard or completing the more difficult cups, the hard fought victories are duly satisying and earn you more and better parts, and vehicle customization is half the fun, IMO.


I haven't been able to spend a whole lot of time with the game yet, but so far, I have to say that I'm not as immediately impressed as I was with the previous entries in the series. The control does feel a bit too loose (I'll have to try the joystick calibration thing, though). The thing that's really bothering me is how cheap and random some of the tracks are. Every time I try and beat the second cup on Novice, I always get first place for the first four races, then blow through all my lives on the last one. It's seriously irritating to have the track just disappear right after a turn, so if you're not going absolutely straight, you're dead. And then there's those little blue things that send you flying completely off the track. And one time, I got bumped by an AI in that tunnel near the beginning of the race, and somehow ended up on the ceiling, and since this was right before I was at the end of the tunnel, there was nowhere for me to go but flying off in some random direction and off the track.

Then there was this other time on that "Mobius Ring" track (the oval one with all the trees), where I was slowly edging to the right to get on the repair strip on the little hump in the middle of the track, and all of the sudden I go flying off to the side and off the track. Is there some sort of jump ramp or trap there that I just didn't see, or was it just a bug or something?

And then there's the track that's mostly a tunnel. That one isn't too bad except for the part where the track designers felt like putting a really sharp turn in (and since you're in a tunnel, you can't exactly see a whole lot in front of you during it), and then put a bunch of posts at the end of the turn and right after, so if you happen to be in the wrong area of the curve, you slam into the posts, coming to a dead stop and losing a good chunk of health.

I really want to enjoy the game, but I'm really not a huge fan of the insta-kill, buggy stuff that I've run into after only about an hour of play...


Vlad--Definately calibrate your controller. That's the first thing that should be done before playing.

Secondly, there are three different chase povs to use if you're having touble with vision. You can toggle them on the d-pad. But even with three options, you won't see everything. Some course memorization is neccessary, period.

Play practice mode for a little bit. You'll frustrate yourself more if you are trying to learn the tracks while competeting in the grand prix at the same time.


I loved the game but I just didn't have enough time to get Master or beat Chapter 7 (though I've been in the top 5 a few times) ... really, if you're not into it, it's not that big of a deal. But it sounds like boasting is your real problem. Until Expert, you really don't have to be attacking that much, but it's always satisfying to kill your rival.


Sucks at viral marketing
The game is alright. I wouldn't recommend it to everybody. I wish Nintendo had made this game themselves. Sega didn't really bring anything good to the game that wasn't already there. The thing I dislike most about the game is the cheesy presentation; mainly horrible character animations and voices, but the whole thing has this strange feeling to it... exactly like Super Monkey Ball. Maybe I just not accustomed to Sega's style (or AV).

I've found it not too be as hard as some say, but I still hven't beaten it. I know I don't need to finish in first everytime, but for some reason I have to. Either, win or kill lot's of racers..... preferibly both. I've found myself starting over a race because I didn't do very will and missed my rival.

My favorite thing about the game is going into the lower difficulties and seeing how many racers I can take out in one circuit. My best is 20 in one race and 69 for a circuit. Stalking one or more racers and making sure they end the circuit with ZERO points in also ammusing.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Can't say I really enjoyed it much either...

It was a fun game, but it didn't really leave a lasting impression nor was I always having a good time.

First and foremost, I hated the dis-connected track design. The visuals MOVE very fast, but without any integration into an environment, it just feels wrong. One of the reasons I always felt that Wipeout Fusion was much better directly tied into this. WF featured tracks which were literally built around large islands. The tracks themselves were far more interesting to navigate and considerably more thrilling to experience. In GX, your facing made no difference. Racing upside-down felt no different from any other position and the result was a less thrilling game.

Second, the controls are just so twitchy. I really didn't enjoy the weightless feeling the game attempted to give you. It felt as if you were just bumping little plastic cars around rather than piloting a craft through an environment. In WF, it felt as if you really WERE using many different forces to successfully pull your vehicle through a track. Going upwards was slower than downwards and taking turns relied on really mastering the air brakes. It just gave me a feeling of total control. GX just didn't feel very good in comparison, at least in my opinion.

The final annoyance was the "pack". Racing against 30 vehicles sounds so thrilling...until you realize that you can pass the ENTIRE group in a few seconds...and fall behind even faster. Outside of the top few vehicles, it never felt as if you were battling individual racers. That's another aspect I enjoyed in WF. You could fight with ONE vehicle for an entire lap at times, and finally pulling ahead was very rewarding. The racing and combat were both much more personal and it added a lot to the game.

I really do think GX is a fantastic production and it is polished to all hell, but the type of gameplay it brings to the table just doesn't really appeal to me.


dark10x said:
In GX, your facing made no difference. Racing upside-down felt no different from any other position and the result was a less thrilling game.
I don't agree with that. If you're racing right-way-up and the next corner is to the right, when you're upside-down on that same stretch of track the next corner is to the left. Upside-down is basically a mirror version of right-way-up, and you can mix both versions together by just riding the top or bottom of a pipe.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BuG said:
I don't agree with that. If you're racing right-way-up and the next corner is to the right, when you're upside-down on that same stretch of track the next corner is to the left. Upside-down is basically a mirror version of right-way-up, and you can mix both versions together by just riding the top or bottom of a pipe.

Err, you just agreed with me. :p

The fact that you CAN mix those things up IS the problem. You could say that riding on the top is the bottom just as easily as the reverse. It doesn't matter because they are not tied to anything and you never feel as if you are moving through something.

Track direction doesn't matter, the point is that the sense of speed has no impact due to the way it is designed. That's the problem for me, the game LOOKS very fast...but it lacks intensity born from speed.


dark10x said:
Err, you just agreed with me. :p

The fact that you CAN mix those things up IS the problem. You could say that riding on the top is the bottom just as easily as the reverse. It doesn't matter because they are not tied to anything and you never feel as if you are moving through something.

Track direction doesn't matter, the point is that the sense of speed has no impact due to the way it is designed. That's the problem for me, the game LOOKS very fast...but it lacks intensity born from speed.
I've looked the other way for everything else because it seems like you're manipulating your stance around your penchant adoration of Wipeout, but that's just completely wrong.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Socreges said:
I've looked the other way for everything else because it seems like you're manipulating your stance around your penchant adoration of Wipeout, but that's just completely wrong.

I only use Wipeout because it is somewhat similar...but many other games fit the bill here. That is not completely wrong, however, as it is MY experience. Perhaps that is simply not how you felt, but that is exactly the problem I had with the game. The motion of the track was no different from a fast scrolling 2D backdrop in some random shmup. I mean, the background could be scrolling SO fast...but the action that YOU are apart of is almost on a different plain. It isn't quite that dramatic, of course, but it is a similar idea. You don't agree? Wonderful!

No point in making a big deal out of this, but I'll just F-Zero isn't for me and I simply didn't know that until GX. I had only briefly played F-Zero X...and while I can't say I enjoyed it much, I was at least hoping Sega could save the franchise for me. Sadly, that wasn't the case. I just don't like the way F-Zero plays very much. It isn't bad, but it isn't what I enjoy in a racer.


WipeOut Vs F-Zero? This sounds like a job for GameFAQs!!

-F-Zero GX (GameCube) 89.9%
-Wipeout Fusion (PlayStation 2) 83.9%


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
WipeOut Vs F-Zero? This sounds like a job for GameFAQs!!

-F-Zero GX (GameCube) 89.9%
-Wipeout Fusion (PlayStation 2) 83.9%

Gamefaqs? Wrong site there...

More importantly...

Wipeout XL (PS) - 94%

Oh, and...

F-Zero X (N64) - 86.2%


...not that scores actually matter. The best racer this gen (IMO) only has a 77% ranking right now. That would be Ridge Racer V...

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
F-Zero GX is a great game. I think Amuzement Visions really did a great job at making a next-generation F-Zero with style and good gameplay. But ultimately, F-ZERO X is one of the greatest games I ever played. F-Zero X makes Wipeout and anyother racer its bitch with some features that have yet to be replicated (random track generator!!!). I mean F-Zero X oozes style, has the tightest grip ever, 60 fps racing, random track generators, several great track designs, and if we mention the 64DD semi-sequel features the game is unstoppable. It is unfortunate the sales figures for the game have dropped it from a direct team sequel.

In my opinion, F-Zero X is the greatest EAD game ever made. Many wont agree with me, but many will. It is so badass, especially for its time.
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