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F-Zero GX: I just don't GET it.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Socreges said:
Honestly, does your experience include anything past Novice?


I've finished all cups on the first two difficulty settings and one of the cups on expert. I've also completed up through chapter 7 in story mode. I never actually found myself unable to proceed in the game, for your information. It WAS hard at times, but I was able to get used to it quickly. I certainly haven't mastered the game, but I haven't really been compelled to do so either.

I kinda wanted the AX tracks, but it isn't worth the effort.


dark10x said:
Gamefaqs? Wrong site there...

More importantly...

Wipeout XL (PS) - 94%

Oh, and...

F-Zero X (N64) - 86.2%


...not that scores actually matter. The best racer this gen (IMO) only has a 77% ranking right now. That would be Ridge Racer V...
Well, just to be totally fair, series totals...

Wipeout~ 83.1%
F-Zero~ 84.8%

...y'know, so long as we're throwing meaningless numbers around. :)

Also, Wip3out (85.7%) was actually closer in release to F-Zero X than XL was.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
Also, Wip3out (85.7%) was actually closer in release to F-Zero X than XL was.

And? It was considered a disappointment. F-Zero X failed to match the standard in the genre...as did Wip3out.

Which one is your favorite?

Oh, and Socreges...I've already tried to explain. The dis-connected track design just kills the thrill factor me. It still manages to be quite intense at times (generally during story mode), but it isn't what I was looking for. Moving at high speeds through a surrounding environment is much more thrilling than blasting around suspended tracks with no sense of place.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Socreges said:
What was the "standard in the genre"?

That wasn't aimed at you, Soc. Christ.

Jarrod just loves to toss around numbers, you see...so obviously everything being discussed between us was based on those numbers. Of the 32/64-bit generation, it seems that Wipeout XL was the top scoring game...making it the standard when using numbers (though many would agree anyways). Don't get so worked up about jarrod conversations as everything always ends up turning into a numbers game. :p


dark10x said:
And? It was considered a disappointment. F-Zero X failed to match the standard in the genre...as did Wip3out.
"The standard"... walking a fine line here dark, especially considering these inconsequential Gamerankings... or do they suddenly "matter"?

dark10x said:
Which one is your favorite?
I thought the original Wipeout was a great showpiece for the launch PSX (just as F-Zero was for SNES) but that's about as far as it goes. Amazing sense of speed/graphics/audio, but the sluggish/floaty controls, Mario Kart-ish weapon system, rubberband ai and falling track design gimmick always turned me off (I only played the original and XL/2097 though admittedly, and neither too indepth). I prefer F-Zero X/GX by a wide margin, X got unfairly panned for it's design philosphy of framerate over visual complexity (another failing of WipeOut imo). F-Zero just plays better I find, substance over style (though GX brings both to the table) and really counter to Wipeout.

I didn't think the 2D F-Zeros were all that great either to be honest (though MV rocks)... 3D F-Zero is when the series really started to shine.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
"The standard"... walking a fine line here dark, especially considering these inconsequential Gamerankings... or do they suddenly "matter"?

-cough- READ ABOVE -cough-

Numbers NEVER matter to me.

I actually had way more fun with the old SNES F-Zero game than I ever did with any of the later titles. I had simply hoped that Sega would turn the series into something I could enjoy...but I almost wish I hadn't bought the damn thing (just to avoid these discussions). It's just that I disagree so much with the praise, that I can't help but post about it...

I'm done discussing F-Zero. I swear, I actually enjoyed GX to some degree...but the fans seriously make me want to hate the game (which is just a stupid thing to do).


dark10x said:
That wasn't aimed at you, Soc. Christ.

Jarrod just loves to toss around numbers, you see...so obviously everything being discussed between us was based on those numbers. Of the 32/64-bit generation, it seems that Wipeout XL was the top scoring game...making it the standard when using numbers (though many would agree anyways). Don't get so worked up about jarrod conversations as everything always ends up turning into a numbers game. :p
I always like to consider why people try to paint the other person as up in arms after something so innocent, such as my question. I suppose this time it was because you knew I had caught you in a contradiction. :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Socreges said:
I always like to consider why people try to paint the other person as up in arms after something so innocent, such as my question. I suppose this time it was because you knew I had caught you in a contradiction. :p

What contradiction?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bah, screw the whole "futuristic" racing genre...

Ridge Racer >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wipeout+F-Zero



Dragona Akehi said:
I can't believe people are using WIPEOUT as a rival to Fzero/X/GX.

That's just funny. :p

Heh, yeah...I'm mature enough to see that these two series are too different from each other to even be compared. It's like peaches and potatoes.

I mean, it's obvious that the Wipeout series is more entertaining than the F-Zero series!!! And it has more WEAPONS too! Ok, case closed, you can all go home now.


The one where you said that scores don't matter, but then used them to determine Wipeout XL as the standard in the genre. Maybe it was just a poor choice of words.


Kiriku said:
I mean, it's obvious that the Wipeout series is more entertaining than the F-Zero series!!! And it has more WEAPONS too! Ok, case closed, you can all go home now.
Naw... in F-Zero, you are the weapon. WipeOut might as well have red turtle shells. :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Socreges said:
The one where you said that scores don't matter, but then used them to determine Wipeout XL as the standard in the genre. Maybe it was just a poor choice of words.

If you took me seriously, that would indeed be a contradiction...but I was not even REMOTELY serious. I was playing by someone else's rules, obviously.

Like I said, I think Ridge Racer owns the hell out of both of those other racers...but that certainly isn't lighting up the charts, now is it?

jarrod said:
Oh and for fun...

Daytona > Ridge Racer > Sega Rally

...now I'm leaving before Shinobi shows up. :)

Ohhh, now that's a tough one there. I have to put Ridge Racer at the front, though, simply because it features my favorite driving engine AND has the most installments (including Rage Racer, which is familiar yet different). Daytona and SR stand directly behind RR, though...

Damn, I just wish there were perfect home conversions of those games. :\


dark10x said:
If you took me seriously, that would indeed be a contradiction...but I was not even REMOTELY serious. I was playing by someone else's rules, obviously.
Pardon me, but I never set any rules... indeed I echoed your sentiment of numbers not really mattering.


dark10x said:
Ohhh, now that's a tough one there. I have to put Ridge Racer at the front, though, simply because it features my favorite driving engine AND has the most installments (including Rage Racer, which is familiar yet different). Daytona and SR stand directly behind RR, though...

Damn, I just wish there were perfect home conversions of those games. :\
Yeah, I've gotta amend things...

For playing alone: Ridge Racer > Sega Rally > Daytona

For playing with friends: Daytona > Ridge Racer > Sega Rally


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
Pardon me, but I never set any rules... indeed I echoed your sentiment of numbers not really mattering.

You use lists and numbers for everything, jarrod. I'd say those are some pretty strict rules...

NO STOP, I see you denying it. Don't do that now.

Hey, I thought you loved list wars. I wouldn't go searching around the net for numbers and lists for just ANYBODY, ya know. I mean, Socreges...you think he deserves a list? How many lists has Socreges given me? Somewhere in the area of ZERO!


dark10x said:
You use lists and numbers for everything, jarrod. I'd say those are some pretty strict rules...

NO STOP, I see you denying it. Don't do that now.

Hey, I thought you loved list wars. I wouldn't go searching around the net for numbers and lists for just ANYBODY, ya know. I mean, Socreges...you think he deserves a list? How many lists has Socreges given me? Somewhere in the area of ZERO!
lists =/= numbers

Lists rule!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
lists =/= numbers

Lists rule!

You wouldn't happen to have a list of the reasons why lists rule, would you? 'Cuz that'd be something I'd expect only from the list god. :p


jarrod said:
Naw... in F-Zero, you are the weapon. WipeOut might as well have red turtle shells. :p

Why use yourself as a weapon and put your life on the line? Just fire a homing missile and be done with it.

OK, that's it...I want a grand battle racing game, I want Wipeout vs F-Zero!! Then we'll know for sure. :D


How about you all shutup and play the games, maybe you missed something in some game, try and discover it. Or whatever. Bitch bitch bitch :p


dark10x said:
I think Ridge Racer owns the hell out of both of those other racers...but that certainly isn't lighting up the charts, now is it?

Ohhh, now that's a tough one there. I have to put Ridge Racer at the front, though, simply because it features my favorite driving engine AND has the most installments (including Rage Racer, which is familiar yet different). Daytona and SR stand directly behind RR, though...

Damn, I just wish there were perfect home conversions of those games. :\

Dark....Sean and I may...we just may consider inviting you into our hardcore RR Fan Club because of your appearantly love for the franchise, as evident in the above post. Stay tuned buddy, you just may be able to stand amongst us RR whores soon! :D
This game has turned into quite a treat for me. Just got done playing actually.

I bought it earlier in the year (around March/Feb) along with PoP, and it kind of got put on the back burner. I had some of the same initial troubles as some who've posted negatively about the game, and only played it in spurts initially.

After finishing PoP I picked the game up more consistently, finishing some of the novice and regular (whatever they're called) difficulty cups, and generally got a better feel for the handling and track layouts. The game again fell out of the rotation as other new games emerged (Soul Calibur 2, ESPN 2K5 etc), but I felt like I had turned the corner by finally graduating from the Blue Falcon to Little Wyvern.

After a long dry spell, I randomly picked this game up a week or 2 ago (not long before this thread emerged if I remember correctly) and I started taking some shots at the previously difficult emerald cup tracks. Low and behold, by maintaining my focus deeper in the track and boosting more strategically, I started to consistently challenge for 1st place, even after the long layover.

Since that day I've completed all the emerald tracks on regular difficulty, and yesterday I finished the last of the expert cup tracks. I've also started experimenting with some custom crafts and unlocked a couple more story mode stages. The game has really drawn me in from my previous "healthy respect" into "near-worship" status.

The only niggles for me are the combat (while I'm sure it can be effective for a skilled vet, the risk/reward ratio just doesn't seem worth it, especially on tracks that you can easily fly off of), and the (admittedly held over from previous games) god-awful character/craft art. I mean some of the ship designs aren't that bad, and the tracks and scenery look absolutely jaw-dropping, but the corny CORNY fucking character designs really kill the uber-cool vibes that I get from much of the rest of the game. I'm sorry but Wip3out staring Bozo the Clown in an aviator jacket just ain't cuttin it. I'm not asking for Solid Snake vs Dante, but could we at least get Akira vs Jak instead of Ultraman vs RuPaul or whatever the fuck? Come on Nintendo!!

Another small nitpick is that, fantastic skill aside, it seems as though only a small percentage of the ships have enough legitimate playability and speed to both be able to handle and still keep pace in the tougher difficulties. I'm sure preference and adaptability have something to do with it, but I mean the under/oversteer on some of these boats is just insane, even at low speeds. I guess with a wide variety, a player should only like a small handful of crafts, but I just have a feeling that if we got 50 people in a room to pick their 3 favs, that 4-5 of the ships would likely hoarde all the votes and 7-9 would get no votes at all. Craft customizing makes for a nice way to alleviate the restraints of the vehicles though..

Anyway, the sum of my gripes does not negate the fact that I love this game. It's weird for a game to so slowly build its way into my increasing favor, but GX just seems to be the game that keeps on giving. With all this talk I hear of the AX tracks, I doubt I'll stop until I've bested the master difficulty cups. I will say of my experience to those who doubt the game, that it really does reveal its greatness more and more with increased play, skill and familiarity (in my case a major turning point was finding a competitive craft that I was comfortable with). It kind of reminds me of Wave Race: Blue Storm in that regard, which I also wrote off prematurely and later learned to love.

Speaking of the AX tracks, I've never played the arcade game. Are the AX tracks just variations on the themes of the current tracks (much how many of the tracks in the different cups are new layouts of the same scenery), or are they entirely new tracks withe different gfx etc?


Ned, you sum up exactly my thoughts and my experience with this game. I have not changed from using Blue Falcon though, I guess I will have to give Littler Wyvern a try.


Ned Flanders said:
Speaking of the AX tracks, I've never played the arcade game. Are the AX tracks just variations on the themes of the current tracks (much how many of the tracks in the different cups are new layouts of the same scenery), or are they entirely new tracks withe different gfx etc?
Entirely new tracks, mostly set in the same locales as the others except for one which is out of this world... Not only are they entirely new but, for the most part, they're also entirely better (Cylinder Wave is pretty shit, but Thunder Road is awesome, and Spiral is even awesomerer). It feels as though a completely different team worked on the track designs for the AX cup, and if so they should've been allowed to do all of them.

PS: My maroon Heat Barrel-Z with the obligatory flames running down the sides, piloted by Octoman, is the best custom machine. Other's opinions may vary, but thier opinions are wrong. :D
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