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F-Zero GX is $9.99 at ebgames.com


For all of you who can't make it to an in store deal, here it is online for $9.99.
I'm going to pick it up just to be able to have everything in English.

EB Games - F-Zero GX




Tag of Excellence
Deku Tree said:
It was well worth the $50 I paid for it more than 1 year ago.
Oh yes it was. Though the arcade connectivity was a bit gimmicky it was still a pretty damn cool way to unlock things.


man, that's a great price...

I paid $15 for one I bought for a birthday gift for a friend. (Paid $50 in-store credit for my copy last year).


I *will* play this game someday!


Tag of Excellence
GDJustin said:
I just unlocked everything the old fashioned way, by kicking ass.
Pfffft welcome to the club. Just having things unlocked early thanks to the arcade was a fun bonus. Also thanks to my training the arcade was a breeze.


This game was so bitchin' hard, I gave up. Never managed to get the 4th cup. Was also stuck in story mode on that one fire level in the casino place. I bought it with Soul Calibur II....'tis probably why I gave up. I'm thinkin' about giving it another try, though, it was very fun, and it really is a must-own for any Cuber, or any other gamer alike.

$10 is a steal.


Best arcade racer this gen without any doubt (well...tied with RRV ;) ). Worth every cent of the 60€ I paid for it.

It's a pitty there wasn't an online plan for it since I am sure it would have had TONS of users (even now).


Catalyst said:
This game was so bitchin' hard, I gave up. Never managed to get the 4th cup. Was also stuck in story mode on that one fire level in the casino place. I bought it with Soul Calibur II....'tis probably why I gave up. I'm thinkin' about giving it another try, though, it was very fun, and it really is a must-own for any Cuber, or any other gamer alike.

$10 is a steal.
You might've been playing it wrong. It's all about the combat here. What's better, getting 1st place while your rival gets 2nd and 10 measly points less than you, or getting 3rd or 4th BUT your rival explodes and gets 0 points? You can end up at the top of the ranks without getting 1st place in any race.


Mzo said:
You might've been playing it wrong. It's all about the combat here. What's better, getting 1st place while your rival gets 2nd and 10 measly points less than you, or getting 3rd or 4th BUT your rival explodes and gets 0 points? You can end up at the top of the ranks without getting 1st place in any race.
Maybe. This is actually the first type of racing game I haven't been good at. I sucked. Hard. I wasn't even that great at F-Zero X on the N64, either. So I guess I should play it the way it should be played....combat, you say? I've been a bit light on that, just trying to stay ahead like other racers. Hmm....maybe I'll get the gumption in the coming days to pop it in. The game *is* a beauty, though.


Seriously, one side attack and they die.

Then again, you start getting so aggressive that you end up killing yourself more often than not =(


Mzo said:
Seriously, one side attack and they die.

Then again, you start getting so aggressive that you end up killing yourself more often than not =(
Yeah, I get so angry. I almost broke my Wavebird dying so often. It's ridiculous. I need to control myself and realize...it's only a game *Arsenal Gear Colonel glitch here...*shiver**. I just don't understand how you can be good at this game. I practiced so much, so often. And finally I had enough. I never really went back. It's still fun in multiplayer, although split screen kinda sucks with friends because sometimes it's hard to keep up with what's going on. And that's so much fun. I hate to love this game, but I love to hate it too. This bitch better be a collector's item someday.

And it's so late, I hardly know what I'm talking about.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
i picked mine up today.

... now if only i knew where my damn GC controller was :(
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