Played 30 minutes worth earlier on pc, my thoughts:
-Looks a ton nicer then the 360 version I play, mostly due to better AF and MSAA
-Can tell it's on an old unoptimized EGO engine, DiRT 3 rapes it in all areas... in fact DiRT 2 does too and that game is 1.5 years old.
-Huge frame drops in places even with low shadows and effects, relates to the above.
-Real Mod looks REALLY GOOD, nice to play 2010 with non piss colours and bloom effects.
- DX9 loading time in this game is twice what it is for my 360 copy installed to the 360 HDD, Even DiRT 2 and 3 load faster then this!
Worth my £7 but I hope 2011 is more like DiRT 3 when it comes to using a quality pc engine.
Quote said:
This is a Steam deal today!? I just bought it a day or two ago! Anyone know if they'll price match?
rule of steam is not to buy sale games until the final day in case it's a daily deal, someone here for another game was able to get a refund due to buying a game 1 day before the sale started, test your luck with steam support.
HenryHSH said:
So I've spent the last hour trying to get Games for Windows Live to update in-game with no success. What the fuck is this shit?
I've deleted and redownloaded the GFWL client multiple times, opened all kinds of ports, DMZ'd my connection and still the same crap.
where does it fail exactly? patched for me first time no problem (n fact no gfwl title acts up for me :|)