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Fahrenheit 9/11 takes 21.8 mil over the weekend, breaks record

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Michael Moore does not hate America; he hates the people in charge.

Yes, he sure does love this country and his fellow Americans: "They are possibly the dumbest people on the planet . . . in thrall to conniving, thieving smug [pieces of the human anatomy]," Moore intoned. "We Americans suffer from an enforced ignorance. We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country. Our stupidity is embarrassing."

"That's why we're smiling all the time," he told a rapturous throng in Munich. "You can see us coming down the street. You know, `Hey! Hi! How's it going?' We've got that big [expletive] grin on our face all the time because our brains aren't loaded down."


He said in a conference call that the film played strongly in both Democrat and Republican states, even drawing sell-out crowds in Republican strongholds like Nassau County, N.Y., and Fayetteville, N.C., home of Fort Bragg.

What a bunch of bull-sh!t. Typical Michael Moore. Oh, yes it sure "sold-out" in Fayetteville, but that's not much of an accomplishment when you realize, only one theater in the entire city showed it--a theater that only seats 87 people. Oh, boy, Michael Moore sure is conquering Bush-America! In a city of 302,963 he manages to find 87 people to watch his movie. Hilarious.


You know, if this forum had to put up with weeks of "omglolzorz look at the passion sellz!," it can probably deal with a little of the same wrt this.
"You know, if this forum had to put up with weeks of "omglolzorz look at the passion sellz!," it can probably deal with a little of the same wrt this."

That's because the Passion actually sold. It's made $370,143,886, Fahrenheit 9/11 will be lucky to get a sixth of that.
"We don't know about anything that's happening outside our country."

You know, it's not like he's lying about that. We actually went over this on the old forum.

"That's because the Passion actually sold. It's made $370,143,886, Fahrenheit 9/11 will be lucky to get a sixth of that."

Compare the number of screens the Passion opened to compared to the number of screens Fahrenheit opened to. That might have a big thing to do with it. Throw in that documentaries aren't exactly the most popular of film forms.


Unconfirmed Member
Christian Taylor said:
"You know, if this forum had to put up with weeks of "omglolzorz look at the passion sellz!," it can probably deal with a little of the same wrt this."

That's because the Passion actually sold. It's made $370,143,886, Fahrenheit 9/11 will be lucky to get a sixth of that.

Considering that it was only $1.4 Million USD from making "a sixth of that" in it's opening weekend, I think you may need to revise your estimate somewhat :p

The Passion of the Christ -


Fahrenheit 9/11 -


Consensus is that Fahrenheit 9/11 is the better movie. :p
Compare the number of screens the Passion opened to compared to the number of screens Fahrenheit opened to. That might have a big thing to do with it.

No, it has nothing to do with it. Fahrenheit is a very niche movie. It has no appeal outside the Northeast corridor and California. Opening in more theateres would have just meant a lot of empty seats.

throw in that documentaries aren't exactly the most popular of film forms.

That might have some relevence if this was a documentary. But let's look at the facts. The last Michael Moore "documentary" made 21 million dollars. Can you find me a religious movie in the last 25 years that's done that well, aside from the Passion.

I'd say the Passion had a larger hill to climb...
"Can you find me a religious movie in the last 25 years that's done that well, aside from the Passion.

I'd say the Passion had a larger hill to climb..."

I think you lose this argument just because Fahrenheit is already the highest grossing documentary ever (excluding the concert and IMAX films pointed out earlier) with the amount it's brought in so far. That says alot about how "popular" documentaries are. Just the fact that it could outgross every documentary ever with a single weekends gross of just over 20 million.


Unconfirmed Member
Doh... must, learn, to read posts properly before replying (esp. noting currencies involved :p)

My mistake, carry on :p

"I think you lose this argument just because Fahrenheit is already the highest grossing documentary ever"

And Passion is the highest grossing religious picture in the last half century. I believe it's the only religious movie to break 10 million in over 25 years. Hell, make that 35 years!

The last religious movie of any note made 9 million dollars and that was 15 years ago. Religious films are not popular, actually they're much less popular than documentaries. So I think you lose this argument.
What a bunch of bull-sh!t. Typical Michael Moore. Oh, yes it sure "sold-out" in Fayetteville, but that's not much of an accomplishment when you realize, only one theater in the entire city showed it--a theater that only seats 87 people. Oh, boy, Michael Moore sure is conquering Bush-America! In a city of 302,963 he manages to find 87 people to watch his movie. Hilarious.

You think that theater only showed it once over the weekend? ;)

Fahrenheit is a very niche movie. It has no appeal outside the Northeast corridor and California. Opening in more theateres would have just meant a lot of empty seats.

I live in Ft. Myers, Florida, a fairly conservative area. Our local paper ran an article a few days ago discussing buildup for F 9/11, and talked about why only one theater would be showing it here this weekend. The reason given for this is that with the film's distribution issues, by the time they got around to offering it here, most theaters had committed all their screen space to other films. At least one other theater here will be showing it, but not until July 9th.

Now, I don't know enough about the theater business to verify how accurate that may be. However, it's doubtful theaters in "Bush America" are scared to show it thinking that people will be turned off by the ideology of the film. Plenty of conservatives will go see it, if only so they can tell their friends how awful they thought it was. For the record, the one theater playing it here sold out every show on Friday and Saturday.

Also, Dale Earnhardt Jr. told his pit crew they should all go see this, regardless of political orientation. So it'll be big in the south!!! *cue someone calling me a social racist or some nonsuch*


Junior Member
It's funny how this forum gets so pissed because a man preaches the truth...


Saying you dislike Moore because of what he says is pretty much saying you are an ignorant asshole.


MSW said:

That's a funny one.

Is the opposition to F9/11 so bankrupt of legitimate arguments that the only - tenuous - one left is "omg its n0t teh documen tary.!!"

How about addressing some of the claims made in the film?


White Chicks almost beat out Fahrenheit.


Proud to say I wasn't one of the sheep to see Moores agenda padded movie.


Mustang said:
White Chicks almost beat out Fahrenheit.

If you examine how many screens each was playing on, you'll understand very quickly that Fahrenheit 9/11 spanked the Wayans brothers quite well.

You do get a C for effort, though.



No one's disproven this or any other of Moore's documentary's as fiction. I don't care how many times you guys pull hardylaw.com up, because I can find a similar site for any of your conservative demigods.

Give up.

It's a documentary.

He gets the point he wants to make across to the audience who is most receptive to it.

Get over it.

Michael Moore is successful because his films paint an interesting picture to those of us who already, in ways, believe America is falling short in many areas.

He is an idealogue. Get over it. Nothing will ever change that.



Unconfirmed Member
Manders said:
I don't think that would help him, considering the type of people agents are (jews). haha

good one.

No, not a good one. :|


The daft irony of it all is that he's probably bitching to his gurgling friends about how this banning is an infringment on his 1st amendment rights. (If he's a US citizen, anyway.)
If you examine how many screens each was playing on, you'll understand very quickly that Fahrenheit 9/11 spanked the Wayans brothers quite well.

And that's meaningless. Why do you think F9/11 didn't open in more theaters? Because the demand wasn't there.

"But it sold out in San Francisco!!" And if you check you'll find that a lot of theaters in San Francisco and New York, LA, Chicago, and Baltimore are showing F9/11. But places like Fayetteville, and cities all across "fly-over country" have no desire to see this dreck, and as such, movie theaters in those cities aren't showing it. If there was a demand for this movie, they would show it. There's no demand outside of liberal bastions for this movie.

It's a documentary.

Documentaries are non-fiction. Michael Moore peddles fantasy. doc·u·men·ta·ry

It's funny how this forum gets so pissed because a man preaches the truth...

Like the truth that George W. Bush got his pals the Bin Ladens out of the country right after 9/11? Oh, wait, THAT NEVER HAPPENED!

You think that theater only showed it once over the weekend?

If you had checked my link...

Friday: 7:00 & 9:30
Saturday: 4:00, 7:00 & 9:30
Sunday: 4:00 & 7:00
Mon. - Thurs.: 7:30

Color me unimpressed.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Please ignore if you were being sarcastic but can you please explain to me how Michael Moore hates America?

Oh, he doesn't hate America. He just f*cking hates everybody and LOVES to be a victim!


Christian Taylor said:
Documentaries are non-fiction. Michael Moore peddles fantasy. doc·u·men·ta·ry

Fiction? Point out the "fiction" in F9/11, please.

Like the truth that George W. Bush got his pals the Bin Ladens out of the country right after 9/11? Oh, wait, THAT NEVER HAPPENED!

IF you mean this, actually, it DID happen. It's in public records. Bin Ladens were ferried out VERY quickly starting on 9/13/01, and all the FBI did was wave goodbye to them as they took off.


Got to love the logic here.

"Michael Moore hates Americans."

"No he doesn't he hates Bush. He loves Americans."

"Michael Moore does hate Americans. He says Americans are fat, stupid, disgusting people."

"Michael Moore is right and has good reason to hate Americans"


On F911 spanking White Girls:

Christian Taylor said:
And that's meaningless. Why do you think F9/11 didn't open in more theaters? Because the demand wasn't there.

Or, perhaps, because it's unheard of for a documentary to compete directly against a (relatively) major Hollywood offering? From Box Office Mojo:

Fahrenheit 9/11
868 screens
$25,115 average per screen

White Chicks
$7,190 average per screen

As for the demand not being there, a quick scan of Box Office Mojo's top 100 documentaries shows it opening on a whopping 876 screens. Considering that it's closest competition in number of screens appears to be Tupac: Ressurection at 804 s, followed by Imagine John Lennon at 561.

Hell, documentaries aside, considering the number of screens it opened on F911 did astoundingly well. Here's another quote from Box Office Mojo:

"Fahrenheit's performance harkens back to the days when big movies wouldn't play in every nook and cranny of the country, but would bow at around 700 or 1,000 theaters to sell out crowds. Perhaps the greatest example of this, Return of the Jedi debuted to $23 million at 1,002 theaters in 1983, which would adjust to $45 million by today's ticket prices. In terms of raw dollars, Fahrenheit is actually the biggest opening ever for a movie playing at less than 1,000 theaters, topping Rocky III's $12.4 million at 939 venues."

Perhaps Return of the Jedi was only popular in those Star Wars Fan bastions across the nation? Don't worry, I'm sure it did poorly in Fayetteville, NC.

In short, no matter what your politics, this is an extrordinary feat for a documentary.

Speaking of which, one more time, Roger Ebert explains what a documentary is. If you'd like to attack F911 as a bad documentary, hey, knock yourself out. However, trying to dismiss it as not being a documentary at all (and thus irrelevant) is ignorant and lazy. Could you at least try to put some effort into your criticism? Thanks.



Queen of Denmark
Mustang said:
White Chicks almost beat out Fahrenheit.


Proud to say I wasn't one of the sheep to see Moores agenda padded movie.
This is, without a doubt, the worst troll I have ever seen. F-
Christian Taylor said:
Like the truth that George W. Bush got his pals the Bin Ladens out of the country right after 9/11? Oh, wait, THAT NEVER HAPPENED!
Michael Moore, through examining pubic records and interviews, has shown his proof that it did happen. Where's yours that it didn't?


"Like the truth that George W. Bush got his pals the Bin Ladens out of the country right after 9/11? Oh, wait, THAT NEVER HAPPENED!"

Man, it must be great to live in the haze of that alternative reality. IT DID HAPPEN. It was even discussed during the 9-11 commision.


Unconfirmed Member
Christian Taylor said:
Like the truth that George W. Bush got his pals the Bin Ladens out of the country right after 9/11? Oh, wait, THAT NEVER HAPPENED!
Your right that did not happen.
The film does not claim that. Please form your criticism from actual facts rather than half baked talking points. The film directly states, several times, that the flights took place after sept 13th.

Christian Taylor said:
Documentaries are non-fiction. Michael Moore peddles fantasy. doc·u·men·ta·ry

a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event

relating to or consisting of or derived from documents

Customarily an interpretation of theoretical, factual, political, social or historical events or issues presented either objectively or with a specific point of view.

In audiovisual records: (1) A nonfiction motion picture film having a theme or viewpoint but drawing its material from actual events and using editing and sound to enhance the theme. (2) Still photographs having a theme or viewpoint but showing actual situations realistically. See also AUDIOVISUAL RECORDS.

a non-fiction film which usually, although not always, has a particular point of view regarding its subject matter; see also cinéma verité.

a non-fiction film which usually, although not always, has a particular point of view regarding its subject matter; John Grierson of the National Film Board is known as the father of the documentary film; see also cinéma verité.

Factual footage arranged in such a way that it informs and expresses a point of view
www.megweb.uct.ac.za/doh101f/glossary film & TV.htm

collection In international collections and probably domestic collections as well, a collection that involves the delivery of a document to the payor at the time it honors the collection.

A story told using the actual people whose story is being told usually in their own surroundings. [Top of Page] E

a factual and objective presentation
Documentary films have a long history of trying to portray a specific viewpoint by showing actual events/documents. Just because it is heavily biased and edited (it is) does not make it any less of a documentary.
Speaking of which, one more time, Roger Ebert explains what a documentary is.

Yes, and that fits perfectly with the real definition. The definition I posted. F9/11 is not a documentary, because it deals with fiction. Documentaries, are non-fiction. F9/11 is about as much of a documentary as "Best in Show" or "This is Spinal Tap".

Michael Moore, through examining pubic records and interviews, has shown his proof that it did happen. Where's yours that it didn't?

No, he didn't show any proof, because it never happened. Richard Clarke, not George Bush, got the Bin Ladens out of the country. Richard Clarke admitted that in his testimony to the 9/11 commission. "I take responsibility for it. I don’t think it was a mistake, and I’d do it again.”

Michael Moore's hero in the second half of the film, was the man who did it, not Bush.

Fiction? Point out the "fiction" in F9/11, please.

Do I have to repeat this 10 times before you guys accept it? F9/11 claims that Bush evacuated his pals the Bin Ladens out of the country after 9/11. That's a lie. He didn't. Richard Clarke, the hero of F9/11, did.
Documentary films have a long history of trying to portray a specific viewpoint by showing actual events/documents. Just because it is heavily biased and edited (it is) does not make it any less of a documentary.

That's nifty. What does that have to do with what I said? It's very funny. Whenever someone points out the FACT that F9/11 is not a documentary--because it's fiction--people like you always post some article about how documentaries can have a POV.

Uh, I never said they couldn't. I did say that documentaries have to state facts, not lies, not fiction. F9/11 is about as much of a documentary as "This is Spinal Tap".


Unconfirmed Member
Christian Taylor said:
Yes, and that fits perfectly with the real definition. The definition I posted. F9/11 is not a documentary, because it deals with fiction. Documentaries, are non-fiction. F9/11 is about as much of a documentary as "Best in Show" or "This is Spinal Tap".

No, he didn't show any proof, because it never happened. Richard Clarke, not George Bush, got the Bin Ladens out of the country. Richard Clarke admitted that in his testimony to the 9/11 commission. "I take responsibility for it. I don’t think it was a mistake, and I’d do it again.”

Michael Moore's hero in the second half of the film, was the man who did it, not Bush.

Do I have to repeat this 10 times before you guys accept it? F9/11 claims that Bush evacuated his pals the Bin Ladens out of the country after 9/11. That's a lie. He didn't. Richard Clarke, the hero of F9/11, did.

Richard Clarke appears in the film once, making his claim about what was asked of him in the days following 9-11. I don't see how that qualifies him as the hero of the second half if he is on the screen for scantly over a minute.

The film does not claim Bush himself got the Saudis out. It says people at the highest levels of the administration did. A little while ago you were claiming the film said the flights took place on 9-11. So yes you are going to have to repeat yourself 9-10 if that is what it takes to form a coherent criticism.

Comparing the movie to Spinal Tap is ridiculous. Everyone in that movie were actors, with a script. And while the administration may very well have a script, they are hardly what you would call good actors.


Christian Taylor said:
Uh, I never said they couldn't. I did say that documentaries have to state facts, not lies, not fiction. F9/11 is about as much of a documentary as "This is Spinal Tap".

So how about you offer up some of its alleged lies, so far, everything you've said is one is actually the plain and simple truth.


Setec Astronomer
Christian Taylor said:
That might have some relevence if this was a documentary. But let's look at the facts. The last Michael Moore "documentary" made 21 million dollars. Can you find me a religious movie in the last 25 years that's done that well, aside from the Passion.

I'd say the Passion had a larger hill to climb...

Seriously, do a little bit of research before citing your neither regions. :p


Queen of Denmark
Christian Taylor said:
No, he didn't show any proof, because it never happened. Richard Clarke, not George Bush, got the Bin Ladens out of the country. Richard Clarke admitted that in his testimony to the 9/11 commission. "I take responsibility for it. I don’t think it was a mistake, and I’d do it again.”
Semantics aside (I didn't mean to imply that Bush himself flew them out of the country, and I don't think that was the film's intention, either), it happened under the authority of those in the Bush administration, not to mention the film clearly demonstrated a close relationship between the Bush's and the bin Laden's anyway, regardless of who flew them out of the country.

Comparing the film to Spinal Tap is utterly absurd.
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