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Fahrenheit 9/11 takes 21.8 mil over the weekend, breaks record

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Christian Taylor said:
F9/11 is not a documentary, because it deals with fiction.

You seem to be deeply confused on this whole fiction/non-fiction thing. Here, let me help you. Courtesy of the Oxford English Dictionary, here is the relevant definition of "fiction":

"4. a. The species of literature which is concerned with the narration of imaginary events and the portraiture of imaginary characters; fictitious composition. Now usually, prose novels and stories collectively; the composition of works of this class."

And here's "non-fiction":

"A. n. Prose writing other than fiction, such as history, biography, and reference works, esp. that which is concerned with the narrative depiction of factual events; the genre comprising this."

In case you weren't aware of this, there isn't a Documentary Certification Board which fact-checks all films who dare to claim they are documentaries without being entirely accurate in all details. Now, without getting into the accuracy of F911, as the film is not about imaginary events or characters and is concerned with the narrative depiction of factual events, it's a documentary.

If the film bothers you that much, perhaps you should spend your time over in the main F911 thread attacking it for being a bad documentary rather than sitting here trying to maintain that it's not a documentary at all.



Unconfirmed Member
Christian Taylor said:
I don't believe I did.
corrected. You said "right after 9-11" My first reading had me understanding that you were indicating the film claimed the flights took place on or just after 9-11 and sometime before they did.

But again, you have offered no specific fictions. You argument that the film pins Bush as the one who authorized flights is wrong. The film claims it was the administration that did so, and this has been readily proven by the 9-11 commision.


Setec Astronomer
One-sided? Yes.
Embellished? Yes.
Potentially Manipulative? Yes.

Fictional? Absolutely not.

If you seriously think that the entirety of Moore's movie is fictitious construction then you've had your head in the sand for the past 4 years, and/or you haven't actually seen the movie and you're just bullshitting every point.


Queen of Denmark
Christian Taylor said:
Uh-huh. Yeah, Passion--animated kids movie--Passion--animated kids movie--yeah, I see no difference.

Christian Taylor said:
Can you find me a religious movie in the last 25 years that's done that well, aside from the Passion.
Isn't the Prince of Egypt a "religious movie", since it attempts to tell a story about a religious event...like the Passion of the Christ? You asked for another one that performed well besides the Passion, and that's what you got. I don't see anything in there about "EXCEPT FOR ANIMATED ONES!"
Semantics aside (I didn't mean to imply that Bush himself flew them out of the country, and I don't think that was the film's intention, either), it happened under the authority of those in the Bush administration

“It didn’t get any higher than me. On 9-11, 9-12 and 9-13, many things didn’t get any higher than me. I decided it in consultation with the FBI.”

Comparing the film to Spinal Tap is utterly absurd.

Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it any less accurate. Both are fiction. Neither are real documentaries.


Queen of Denmark
Christian Taylor said:
“It didn’t get any higher than me. On 9-11, 9-12 and 9-13, many things didn’t get any higher than me. I decided it in consultation with the FBI.”
Assuming that's not taken out of context or anything, why would I believe a quote from an official with close ties to the Bush administration when Fahrenheit 911 clearly demonstrates a close bond between the Bushs and the Saudis? Richard Clarke can say all he wants; the fact is, it's a damned good bet that the administration knew about/authorized/ensured the bin Ladens' safe passage out of the country.

Christian Taylor said:
Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it any less accurate. Both are fiction. Neither are real documentaries.
FnordChan said it best:
FnordChan said:
In case you weren't aware of this, there isn't a Documentary Certification Board which fact-checks all films who dare to claim they are documentaries without being entirely accurate in all details. Now, without getting into the accuracy of F911, as the film is not about imaginary events or characters and is concerned with the narrative depiction of factual events, it's a documentary.


Unconfirmed Member
Hitokage said:
One-sided? Yes.
Embellished? Yes.
Potentially Manipulative? Yes.

Fictional? Absolutely not.

If you seriously think that the entirety of Moore's movie is fictitious construction then you've seriously had your head in the sand for the past 4 years, and/or you haven't actually seen the movie and you're just bullshitting every point.
See this is what it really comes down to. I agree with Hito.
Do I dislike Bush? Strongly.
Do I agree with some of the themes in the film? Yes
Do I think Moore is an Asshat, wishing this movie where made by someone else? Yes.

I don't have any deep rooted affinity for the movie, though I did enjoy it to some degree. However when you say the movie says things it does not, or claim that is as mutch fiction as Spinal Tap it is absolutely ridiculous and begs a counter.


force push the doodoo rock
Christian Taylor said:
“It didn’t get any higher than me. On 9-11, 9-12 and 9-13, many things didn’t get any higher than me. I decided it in consultation with the FBI.”

Just because you don't like it, doesn't make it any less accurate. Both are fiction. Neither are real documentaries.

they are real documentaries. spinal tap is a mock documentary, shot in the documentary style. It certainly isnt a narrative so what else could it be? Let's not get into film theory here, stick to wacky politic discussions okay?


Setec Astronomer
Christian Taylor said:
Uh-huh. Yeah, Passion--animated kids movie--Passion--animated kids movie--yeah, I see no difference.

Ok, fuckwit, you said religious, with no other qualifier. Perhaps you should actually say what you mean the first time instead of backpedaling after getting your ass handed to you.


Christian Taylor said:
I already have. Several times.

Your world, where "The Truth=Bald-Faced Lie" intrigues me. Please, tell me more. Do you have a brochure?

Let's go through this, slowly:
The Bush administration authorized bin Laden flights out of the US after 9/11. Michael Moore cites documentation for this claim, you're more than welcome to look it up.

You haven't given any examples; you've only given one, and it falls to pieces under the slightest scrutiny. You mention that it was Richard Clarke specifically who authorized the flights.

I'll give you three guesses who he worked for at the time, the first two don't count.
Isn't the Prince of Egypt a "religious movie”

Like the Passion? Give me a break. And Jaws and Finding Nemo are both fish movies! Around the World in 80 Days--Lawrence of Arabia, who can tell the difference, they're both historical epics! Doctor Dolittle---Doctor Zhivago WTF is the difference!



Queen of Denmark
Raoul Duke said:
Har har, I think some people are making spurious claims about a movie they didn't see.
Yeah, I would be interested in knowing if some people here really have actually seen it.
Ok, fuckwit, you said religious, with no other quantifier.

It shouldn't have taken a rocket scientist to figure out that I was talking about films like Ben-Hur, The Greatest Story Ever Told, and even The Last Temptation of Christ...



Queen of Denmark
Christian Taylor said:
Like the Passion? Give me a break. And Jaws and Finding Nemo are both fish movies! Around the World in 80 Days--Lawrence of Arabia, who can tell the difference, they're both historical epics! Doctor Dolittle---Doctor Zhivago WTF is the difference!

Again, as you said earlier:

Christian Taylor said:
Can you find me a religious movie in the last 25 years that's done that well, aside from the Passion.
Prince of Egypt is a movie. That attempts to tell a story directly and literally involved in religion. Like the Passion of the Christ. So you might call it a religious movie.

If you didn't want it to be included because it's animated/not as gruesome as the Passion/whatever, you should've said so in the first place.


Unconfirmed Member
Raoul Duke said:
Har har, I think some people are making spurious claims about a movie they didn't see.
Owned man posting!


edit: too late!


Christian Taylor said:

Hello again! You seem to be deeply confused as to the meaning of "religious". Once more, the Oxford English Dictionary is here to help. Here's the more pertinent definition:

"3. a. Of the nature of, pertaining or appropriate to, concerned or connected with, religion."

Thus, Children's animated movies with heavy religious themes are, in fact, religious. Let me know if you'd like me to help clarify any other words you're having trouble with.


Edit: Whoops, too late! I suppose Christian Taylor will have to go somewhere else for vocabulary help. Maybe he can actually go see F911 while he's banned.


Queen of Denmark
FnordChan said:
Hello again! You seem to be deeply confused as to the meaning of "religious". Once more, the Oxford English Dictionary is here to help. Here's the more pertinent definition:

"3. a. Of the nature of, pertaining or appropriate to, concerned or connected with, religion."

Thus, Children's animated movies with heavy religious themes are, in fact, religious. Let me know if you'd like me to help clarify any other words you're having trouble with.


Even better! Post-banned owning!
DMczaf said:
Top 10 Documentaries at the box office

1 Fahrenheit 9/11 FAG $21,958,000

2 Bowling for Columbine UA $21,576,018

3 Winged Migration SPC $11,689,053

4 Super Size Me IDP $9,517,000

5 Hoop Dreams FL $7,830,611

6 Tupac: Resurrection Par. $7,718,961

7 Roger and Me WB $6,706,368

8 Spellbound Think $5,728,581

9 Touching the Void IFC $4,593,598

10 The Fog of War SPC $4,198,566

Jordan should be there!

Michael Jordan to the Max Imax $18,650,521

I wonder if Hoop Dreams is EVER going to berelased to DVD. One of my fave documentaries of all time. after watching this I couldn't get into sports and atheletes the same ever again..........


Wow. And to think a movie based on a storied franchise decades old, that cost 20 times as much on 5 times as many screens with 20x more advertising might out-gross a documentary. Holy shit!


Since Spinal Tap has been brought up and the idea of a mockumentary or whatever...

I was expecting a sort of "haha just kidding" joke when F911 was showing those scenes of kids flying kites in Iraq. "And here is quiet, happy Iraq.......NOT *murdered soccer players*" But Moore didn't do that.

The movie was always like "umm no" and then "this part is good" and then again "ugh thats obviously bull" and then "well done" and then "puhleaseze!". I guess that is what you get when you are arguing a man is a complete moron and an evil genius at the same time. Spinal Tap has this idiot savant vibe to its characters and this movie gives Bush this Evil idiot savant vibe.


Unconfirmed Member
etiolate said:
Since Spinal Tap has been brought up and the idea of a mockumentary or whatever...

I was expecting a sort of "haha just kidding" joke when F911 was showing those scenes of kids flying kites in Iraq. "And here is quiet, happy Iraq.......NOT *murdered soccer players*" But Moore didn't do that.

The movie was always like "umm no" and then "this part is good" and then again "ugh thats obviously bull" and then "well done" and then "puhleaseze!". I guess that is what you get when you are arguing a man is a complete moron and an evil genius at the same time. Spinal Tap has this idiot savant vibe to its characters and this movie gives Bush this Evil idiot savant vibe.

I am not sure I fully understand what I just read. but it made me tingle.
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