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Fahrenheit 911 receives R rating, Moore appeals.

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Lions Gate Films and IFC Films announced Sunday that they will contest the R rating that the MPAA has awarded Michael Moore's documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11," which will be released June 25. The MPAA issued the rating, which requires that moviegoers under 17 be accompanied by a parent or guardian, because of the film's "violent and disturbing images and for language." Lions Gate is asking MPAA head Jack Valenti for an emergency appeal because the film is scheduled to open in less than two weeks. In a statement, Moore said: "It is sadly very possible that many 15- and 16-years-olds will be asked and recruited to serve in Iraq in the next couple of years. If they are old enough to be recruited and capable of being in combat and risking their lives, they certainly deserve the right to see what is going on in Iraq." Said Lions Gate Films Releasing president Tom Ortenberg: "Lions Gate Films will continue to aggressively support the artistic visions of our filmmakers. The MPAA rating applied to 'Fahrenheit 9/11' is completely unjustified. We are adamant about overturning this decision in an expeditious manner to ensure that as many people as possible, including young adults who represent the future of our nation, are able to see one of the most important and thought-provoking films of our time in theaters on June 25." (Gregg Kilday)


Good points brought up by Moore, though with all the controversy I doubt they will win the appeal. I wonder how this is going to effect it's theatrical release? Certainly the same phenomenon from PotC will not be repeated, but maybe to an extent?

sorry if old or posted.
But Michael, the minimum voting age in America is 18. A PG-13 rating won't do you any good; by law young teenagers can't be swing votes.


samus4ever said:
wasn't BFC rated R?
Yep, according to IMDb.

Anyway, I don't think this will affect the viewership much--any 15 or 16-year-old who REALLY wants to see it can find a way, whether that be through a parent or a theater employee who doesn't care.
Moore makes a good point. Recruiters from every branch of the military have invaded our high schools. The kids ought to get a peek at what their being recruited to do.


Looking for Pants
lilraylewis said:
Moore makes a good point. Recruiters from every branch of the military have invaded our high schools. The kids ought to get a peek at what their being recruited to do.

Its not like kids can't go see it. If they want to see the movie they can get in (how many places really check ID) or go with their parents.


Yeah and we should show porn to 12 year olds because they could be sexually active in a couple years. I highly doubt these offensive clips were actually shown on the news as some of you are claiming.

edit: Well maybe Al Jazeera(sp?) but that doesn't really help his case.


moveamericaforward.org campeign to block F911

ñMichael Moore has the right to free speech. But so do the millions of Americans who find his anti-military propaganda and attacks on our troops offensive,î said Howard Kaloogian, Chairman of Move America Forward.

So why on earth are ANY movie theaters showing this film?æ ñFahrenheit 9/11î should be shown as a recruiting video for Al-Qaeda, not in our movie theaters.

Interesting article uncovering the origins of the site:

GuntherBait said:
Because.... he should be happy with the R rating since it's more "controversial".
Well, if controversial is his main point, then stirring up shit about the rating makes things even better.
I saw the trailer for F 9/11 in a theatre last night and the whole crowd started cheering and applauding at the end. I loathe cheering in theatres, but this put a little grin on my face.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah and we should show porn to 12 year olds because they could be sexually active in a couple years
Eh, that's kinda bad example... I think you'd be hard pressed to find one 12 year old who has not seen tons of porn already. I know for a fact none of my childhood friends were lacking that sort of entertainment, even though there was no internet back then.


it seems to fluctuate. he loses weight during shooting then gains it back in the promotional run afterwards


Mercury Fred said:
I saw the trailer for F 9/11 in a theatre last night and the whole crowd started cheering and applauding at the end. I loathe cheering in theatres, but this put a little grin on my face.

The trailer is absolutely brilliant. I was already interested, but I MUST see this movie after Bush's last statement in the clip :)


What was Bush's last statement in the clip? When is this hitting the theaters (2 weeks, yes, but the exact date would be appreciated)

Nevermind June 25th, but still what was the trailer like?


Setec Astronomer
Michael Moore has the right to free speech. But so do the millions of Americans who find his anti-military propaganda and attacks on our troops offensive,î said Howard Kaloogian, Chairman of Move America Forward.
I'll be damned if that isn't the biggest example of orwellian bullshit I've read in a while. If you wish to exercise your free speech, REBUT THE FILM. It's not as if Moore doesn't leave himself wide open for a substantive counterargument on various points.

*takes breath* That being said, I find it incredibly simple-minded and childish to blindly support the actions of a country just because it happens to represent "your team", while calling all those who have issues unpatriotic. Yet those "unpatriotic" people have a respect for their country which runs far deeper than superficial flag waving. America's freedoms, America's ideals, and America's opportunities are what they love, and they find it incredibly irritating when those same things that truly make America a great country for ALL are eroded or wholly discarded in a form of perverse national darwinism that is only concerned with "us" defeating "them".


Hitokage said:
I'll be damned if that isn't the biggest example of orwellian bullshit I've read in a while. If you wish to exercise your free speech, REBUT THE FILM. It's not as if Moore doesn't leave himself wide open for a substantive counterargument on various points.

*takes breath* That being said, I find it incredibly simple-minded and childish to blindly support the actions of a country just because it happens to represent "your team", while calling all those who have issues unpatriotic. Yet those "unpatriotic" people have a respect for their country which runs far deeper than superficial flag waving. America's freedoms, America's ideals, and America's opportunities are what they love, and they find it incredibly irritating when those same things that truly make America a great country for ALL are eroded or wholly discarded in a form of perverse national darwinism that is only concerned with "us" defeating "them".

Bingo. Being patriotic for your troops is fine, but that doesn't mean we have to all agree that going to war is the answer.


Unconfirmed Member
Pattergen said:

link front page said:

link stop Moore page said:
Apparently there are dollar signs in their eyes too.

Michael Moore and his anti-American film distributors are hoping to cash in to the tune of millions of dollars and also change U.S. politics.


Hitokage said:
I'll be damned if that isn't the biggest example of orwellian bullshit I've read in a while. If you wish to exercise your free speech, REBUT THE FILM. It's not as if Moore doesn't leave himself wide open for a substantive counterargument on various points.

*takes breath* That being said, I find it incredibly simple-minded and childish to blindly support the actions of a country just because it happens to represent "your team", while calling all those who have issues unpatriotic. Yet those "unpatriotic" people have a respect for their country which runs far deeper than superficial flag waving. America's freedoms, America's ideals, and America's opportunities are what they love, and they find it incredibly irritating when those same things that truly make America a great country for ALL are eroded or wholly discarded in a form of perverse national darwinism that is only concerned with "us" defeating "them".

Exactly. Just as Theodore Roosevelt said: "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."


Bad Art ™
Fjord said:
Yeah and we should show porn to 12 year olds because they could be sexually active in a couple years. I highly doubt these offensive clips were actually shown on the news as some of you are claiming.

edit: Well maybe Al Jazeera(sp?) but that doesn't really help his case.

I was watching porn at 12

MIMIC said:
Exactly. Just as Theodore Roosevelt said: "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public."



Who cares, this movie is nothing more than another nice editing job so Moore can try to shove down his opinions on people too naive to believe eveything they hear and see.

Bowling for Colombine was an edited joke and people gulped it up.


Malakhov said:
Who cares, this movie is nothing more than another nice editing job so Moore can try to shove down his opinions on people too naive to believe eveything they hear and see.

Bowling for Colombine was an edited joke and people gulped it up.

From what I've seen (and heard), Moore is using fewer editing devices, especially with Bush and his cronies. You just can't make some of that shit up, especially Bush's statements at expensive dinners ("Some call you the elite, but I call you my base," "Here we have the haves, and the have-mores").

Bowling for Columbine did, however, unfairly (and even maliciously) portray Heston as a pro-gun superhero who "swoops in" after tragedies to reassert their "rights." I just hope he's realized that he doesn't NEED to pull that kind of crap to get a point across.
LakeEarth said:
Bingo. Being patriotic for your troops is fine, but that doesn't mean we have to all agree that going to war is the answer.

The alternatives were even worse than the war itself. I highly doubt that Saddam Hussein, or other dictators like him, would negotiate on behalf of their citizens for better economic, social, and political conditions. Sometimes talk is cheap and action is needed. Not saying that the reasons Bush had gone to war were correct, but the war itself was perhaps the best answer to removing a dictator.


Setec Astronomer
Evolution VIII said:
The alternatives were even worse than the war itself. I highly doubt that Saddam Hussein, or other dictators like him, would negotiate on behalf of their citizens for better economic, social, and political conditions. Sometimes talk is cheap and action is needed. Not saying that the reasons Bush had gone to war were correct, but the war itself was perhaps the best answer to removing a dictator.
This is not a dichtomatic issue. Going to war and not going to war never were, are, or will be the only two options available.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Milhouse31 said:
I was watching porn at 12



I popped my porn cherry at 9. Thanks pasty looking neighbour who shows porn to and hangs around with 9 year olds for some unknown reason!


this movie sounds like its gonna be great. I loved columbine, almost as much as I love watching the Moore haters rag on it.


Hitokage said:
This is not a dichtomatic issue. Going to war and not going to war never were, are, or will be the only two options available.
I disagree and I point the Alliance in WWII.
Going to war and not going to war and ignore Europe's demise was the only two options available.
Hitokage said:
This is not a dichtomatic issue. Going to war and not going to war never were, are, or will be the only two options available.

Of course war is not the only answer. But if you're dealing with a hardheaded dictator who refuses to change, plays coy with the international community, continuously oppresses his people, threatens his neighbors, and suppresses his country's economic system but at the same time lining his own pockets, how would you deal with him? And I'm not just describing Saddam Hussein here. Obviously going to war with Iraq was a lot easier than going to war with North Korea and Iran, partly because Saddam had successfully sectioned himself off from the international community unlike Iran who is highly regarded in the Middle East (if you think this insurgency in Iraq is bad, just think what could've happened if the US had waged war in Iran), his armies considerably weaker than North Korea, and also Iraq can be a very important asset to the economic activity of the world (it sits on the second largest reserve next to Saudi Arabia in the Middle East). So no, war will never be the answer, but when faced with no logical alternatives it may be the best answer given the situation.


Setec Astronomer
"Deep within the White House, below the lead-encased bunkers and the secret porn section of the Library of Congress, there exists a golden lever that controls all domestic and foreign policy. This lever asks the president on all matters of policy, and in response can be moved in two directions, and two directions only. Once the lever is pulled, all events unfold automatically and nothing can be changed. All circumstances, timing, people, places and events are predetermined. Once upon a time, a noble but misunderstood man named George W. Bush was asked by the lever regarding a war with Iraq. After much deliberation, he moved it to WAR."

Please stop living in this idiotic fairy tale. :p
scola said:
Michael Moore and his anti-American film distributors are hoping to cash in to the tune of millions of dollars and also change U.S. politics.

A press release said Michael Moore and the film distributors are donating ALL proceeds generated from this movie to charity.
LakeEarth said:
I'm not saying it's right or wrong. I was just saying that its not 'joining the terrorists' to not want to go to war.

I agree with that. In the beginning I did not agree with the war, but now that we're over there we have to see it through. We can't abandon Iraq like we did with Korea and Vietnam.
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