Does this game have a bad, normal and true ending like Neptunia Victory?
To add to that, if anyone can post spoiler free instructions on how to get all the endings that would be great. I would browse gamefaqs but I imagine it's mostly a minefield since the game has been out in Japan for so long.
Got yelled at for pulling a sword out of the VIle God--I REALLY wanted that Change Enemies thing though. I assume just pulling one does nothing.
Uh, in case anyone else didn't notice, go to Battle Options > Weapon Boost and spend weapons. Got about...4 hours into the game before I noticed that. It's actually really important.
Is there supposed to be some way to know how powerful the monsters Lola finds for you are? So far every one I've tried has just been far too powerful for the current point I'm at.
I am assuming there's just a Vile God and Goddess ending but I may well be wrong, I'm hiding from spoilers too.
So I finally finished the game yesterday.
How do you learn Heal/Cure for Tiara? Maybe I missed something. D: I just finished the first dungeon you go to after recruiting Harley.
Wait what?
How short is the game?
This is great news for me since I don't much time due to my backlog.
Go to weapon boost in the menu for Tiara and you can find it under the Magic section.
It took me around 23-25 hours to beat. That includes a couple hours of grinding to get the first miss-able character.
I'm seriously pining for that sequel now.
This is what I get for not noticing things in the menu. I go in the weapon boost stuff every now and then and missed that.
You should be able to defeat all of Lola's subevent monsters as they become available. Here's an early game tip, learn Heal/Cure (restore 30% of HP) and Mega Heal/Cure (restore 50% of HP) for Tiara immediately. Let Fang tank and keep his HP up with Tiara. This got me through all of them until I was strong enough to not need as much healing.
I guess they just take hours to whittle down HP? Maybe it's because I hadn't spent my WP yet (oops) but they took barely any damage at all from my attacks and did nearly 50% of HP per-hit.
I don't think any of them lasted longer than 15-20 minutes for me. The early ones are the hardest but with proper placement and healing you can take them down.
Make sure to buy the Combo Count increase in Weapon Boost. That adds quite a bit to your overall damage. Make sure to use Fairize as well since that provides a stat/damage boost.
It gets easier down the road imo. You'll make some close calls early on but it will become more manage-able as you level up and get stronger.
Yeah I was planning on waiting until at least combo +2 to do them, only have +1 for now. I noticed her price went up and I got a different monster than my first failed attempt--is that fairy gone for good now or is it random?
You mean you failed and paid for info again some time afterward?
Every time you pay her it's for the next subevent in the chain. I'd recommend you complete them as soon as you can because they will disappear as you proceed with the story. You will lose that fairy for good if you let the event pass by. I think the best way to make sure you don't miss any is exit a new dungeon as soon as you enter and check the town. That's usually when they will pop up.
Definitely missed one or more, probably more. Oh well. I got a game over my first attempt (and saved before I ever took that mission) so I'm definitely behind
The frame rate in this game is painful. It's like 15 fps during every dungeon. Just embarrassingly bad.
The frame rate in this game is painful. It's like 15 fps during every dungeon. Just embarrassingly bad.
Did Amano only design the Vile God and the logo? He didn't do any of the enemies?
Sorcery Saga felt a lot more polished than this, so far. Funnier writing, too.
What happens if you start pulling Furies out of the Vile God?
That's not bad really as in a spoiler-ish thing, but spoiler tagging with no context sucks!
That skilljust changes enemies that show up in an area
Re: that skilldoes it change enemies into higher level versions of themselves?
What doesdo, exactly?change enemies
Yeah, the characters seem to all have the typical moe look that Neptunia designs seem to have. I think the character designer goes by the pseudonym Tsunako?
I should have paid more attention before getting this game, I was expecting something a bit more polished, given Amano and Uematsu's involvement. I like the battle system a lot though.
Yeah, after Victory and Rebirth I was really expecting better polish. Will be interested to see how their PS4 stuff fairs, I know the PS3 isn't the most fun thing for a small/cheap team to work on. It's not terrible though IMO, either the framerate improved or I stopped noticing. I do dislike the blur and everything being bloomy, would appreciate cleaner lines.
Yeah, after Victory and Rebirth I was really expecting better polish. Will be interested to see how their PS4 stuff fairs, I know the PS3 isn't the most fun thing for a small/cheap team to work on. It's not terrible though IMO, either the framerate improved or I stopped noticing. I do dislike the blur and everything being bloomy, would appreciate cleaner lines.
What do the symbols in the combo things do BTW? Like there's upward launch, there's a big red arrow, two small green it like rush/break/power from Neptunia (break doesn't seem to be a factor here?) or does it affect different monsters differently like the sword/glaive/etc do? I need to farm WP or something to get more out of the battle system.
Yeah, I understand that they're a small team and that it's almost miraculous that we're getting these niche titles in the US at all (which is why I almost always buy them at launch, as a way of supporting the publishers), but still...I don't think it's too much to ask for a stable 30 fps while exploring the map.
I'm not sure what the symbols do to GameFAQs, hope I don't get too spoiled. XD
Definitely going to pick this up on PS4... next year?
The frame rate doesn't get better, but my eyes have gotten used to it.
This game is really not very good. :/
I'm Deathinitely enjoying it too. It's hardly surprising though, it's about on part with Victory in most ways, performance is a bit worse. Hopefully their PS4 games don't suffer from that though.
What is Galdo's accent? It's like Irish if you didn't know what an Irish accent is supposed to sound like eh.
I mentioned it above eh. It's some weird sorta Canadian eh. He even says "aboot"!
So is it me or...are some party members whose names won't be mentioned useless? One for being way too late and one as a dick move by the plot I feel.
Game is really fun due to the characters.
Story is very laughable but enjoyable.
Eryn ending is true ending right?
The story makes a lot more sense with how the story is focused on the power of wish in the beginning, and of course, the ending with Eryn.
The game was fun, in a low budget, janky way, but I'll admit I played much of it on mute while I did other things (farming for items for quests, most of which I ended up giving up on).
For the PS4 game, they definitely need to get that frame rate locked at 30FPS. Actual cut scenes utilizing the in-game models would be great too, instead of the still images from a visual novel. I can understand using those in towns, but not for dungeons or boss fights.
Game is really fun due to the characters.
Story is very laughable but enjoyable.
Eryn ending is true ending right?
The story makes a lot more sense with how the story is focused on the power of wish in the beginning, and of course, the ending with Eryn.
Eryn ending is more consistent with Fang's character.In Tiara's ending he does a complete turn in the opposite direction as far as his motivation goes. He wishes so hard for Tiara that he goes back in time but he doesn't do the same for Eryn? It also doesn't address the whole Eryn's life being fused with his thing.
But we'll just have to wait for more information on the sequel to see which ending they go with.
Yup, Fang wouldn't just sit there and not making that final wish.
The Goddess has omnipotence power for goodness sake...shrug, that extra bit of Tiara scene with Eryn makes no sense within the story context/lore, and Fang's character.
Getting Tiara ending means that the game was a waste of time since everything fell apart at the end.
There is a planned sequel for this game?
Norihisa Kochiwa, head of development at Compile Heart and the Otomate brand, said to Siliconera that Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force is not a port of the PlayStation 3 game that comes out in North America and Europe this week. A part of Fairy Fencer F will be included in Fairy Fencer F: Advent Dark Force so newcomers can jump into the series and follow the storyline.