The Mobile, Alabama Police Department came across a gruesome discovery today when several neighbors called concerned about suspicious activity at a home in their neighborhood. Several 911 calls directed police to the 400 block of Whitley Avenue this morning. Upon arriving at the scene, police knocked on the door to be greeted by a man who seemed under the influence of drugs. Upon further investigation, they found 8 bodies in the home; 5 African American women, 2 Hispanic women and 1 Asian woman. They were arranged in tightly sealed body bags in the back room of the home. All were victims of several forms of mutilation.
The bodies had several things in common they were all minorities in their mid-20s, marked with swastikas and other power Nazi symbols. Thomas Cane, identified by police, was a key player in the alt-right movement. He was arrested without incident and booked into the county jail on no bond.
Let those who say today's Nazis are just a joke, read this tradegy and realize they're not a fucking joke