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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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I have quick hands :p



What kind of music?

Man, I really need to get a band sorted. I want to tour and shit so much :C

Aww thanks! I'm just really grateful/excited to have the opportunity! So weird, it started out as me just singing a demo for this producer, and it all led to an EP somehow! LOL.

I sing mostly adult contemporary/acoustic stuff, but I dip into jazz a lot too! I have a YouTube channel too, where I just cover a bunch of things! :]
I wonder if a career writing smut is actually viable. I you would have to go the 50 shades route and (thinly) mask the fact that it's fanfic while you're selling it. Lest you incur the wrath of copyright.
Haha, but it's better than having nothing right?

I hated doing a resume when I only worked one job.

When I started this doc the other day I was worried because I thought I hadn't done anything. Only now do I realize that having a teaching position at the university, a thesis and an industry award from your undergrad capstone project under your belt actually looks pretty good on paper.

Now if only I can maintain the illusion of competence throughout the interview process, I might just be able to land something.


When I started this doc the other day I was worried because I thought I hadn't done anything. Only now do I realize that having a teaching position at the university, a thesis and an industry award from your undergrad capstone project under your belt actually looks pretty good on paper.

Now if only I can maintain the illusion of competence throughout the interview process, I might just be able to land something.

You've got this bro.

Easy as cake.
Everyone there looks really Aussie for some reason...

Well we are Australian, so I guess that's a good thing?

Nom nom nom nom nom nom.
Paired with this: http://vocaroo.com/i/s1LmrGKmgITk

Don't really get what's so great about my accent, but I'm glad you like it.

You're the one in the back on the left, right?

Yes. Photo was from 2012.

Um excuse you get in line

I don't want to give away the game before the season finale, but you probably have a leg up as a female and a purveyor of "high quality" fiction.
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