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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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You can't get much more fucked up than the original Sleeping Beauty fairytale tbh. I mean the prince had sex with her while she was in her neverending slumber and when she woke up she had like three kids.

Dat rape.
Smiley x Bieber pls.


Justin Bieber sat in his prison cell, listening to the chatter of inmates down the block. He was wearing a bright orange jumpsuit, labeled with his prison number, 69696.

His cell was mostly bear and held no "luxurious" prison items, such as a TV or a radio. There was a window, however. It allowed sunlight into the depressing cell and often he would watch the birds fly by, as if he was in some Disney movie. Justin longed for his freedom, but he was an idiot and deserved his sentence. His favorite pastime was counting the times the birds shit on the ledge outside his window.

Justin laid back on his mattress and sighed. The sunlight fell across his tattooed neck and warmed the young prisoner; for the first time in a long time, he felt relaxed.

Justin thought back to his days of freedom, when he was free to browse GAF without interruption. There was one reason in particular he kept returning to the site; upon his lurking one day, he discovered a user with the name "Smiley90". Justin had become infatuated with the man. Just thinking about him got him excited...



Anyone got cliff notes for the past few hours of this thread? There HAS to be some backstory to Smiley apparently enjoying his Justin Beiber avatar...


What a lush, energising tune to wake up to, thoroughly enjoyed that mate. I love the complex skittering rhythm, thumbs up man!

Also, I just had a large poo, I feel two stone lighter.

/TMI post

Morning, afternoon or evening FPF peeps, another wonderful day is upon us.
Hey FakeGAF!
I'm just on my way to leave for the airport, going to Vegas or a few nights! I think I'll have wifi here and there, but I just wanna say I'll miss y'all!! <3
Wow nearly 2 hours and no posts.

@Timu, Happy Birthday!

@Luffy, that story really was something huh?

@Smiley, How many bieber posters do you have at your place? Hahahahahaaha that avatar!
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