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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.

That's actually pretty amazing though. Didn't know you could link av&tag like that :lol

EDIT: Also, tag should have the weird effect. :p


Neo Member
Cat is sick.. again. Just got called back for a job interview for a job i really want. So worried, excited and nervous at the same time.

Edit: nice.. a top of page post..

Good luck on job. Sorry your kitty is sick. I hate it when that happens. I will send all sorts of good vibes your way.



Neo Member
Well 3.5 hours left on the export, so I might as well try to sleep. It was nice lurking with the cool kids for a while.

Y'all have a good night or morning as the case may be!

Toodles and Noodles!


You can do this! Get that job yo! What is the job?

Good luck on job. Sorry your kitty is sick. I hate it when that happens. I will send all sorts of good vibes your way.

Thanks guys :). I hope she'll pull through once again. But it just always looks so sad.

It's for a position as assistant manager at a large and fast growing supermarket chain. If i get my foot in the door i got pretty good chances of going up from there. Never did anything like it, so will just have to see how it goes :)
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