I feel bad for all the people below the clouds.
6'1.....? I...
fapfapfapfapfapfap HNNNNNNNNGH splooge
I'm 5'10" o_o
I feel bad for all the people below the clouds.
Soo drunk. And officially so old LOL!
And yes, Wazzy is the hot biatch second from the left <3 I'm 22 wtf is that sheititttt
Weeeerre thanks my bb's !!!!!!? <3 y'all dare so sweet ;3!!!
umm.. who is that next to wazzy though???
Finished ''The Road'' just now.
Did natural disasters cause the apocalypse? How did all the animals die out?
My hair looks great in the wind. I look like BEYONCE.
dude i dont know. that movie just fucking makes me want to cry in a corner
umm.. who is that next to wazzy though???
That's Badger, you dimwitted Queens fan.
What PS4 needs the most right now is games.
Oi TDM, have you seen this yet?
I watched all 25 episodes of Sword Art Online today.
What am I doing with my life.
You need to rectify thisWhat Smiley said.
Unless you're talking about the girl to the left. That's one of my best friends as well :]. She's not a GAFer though ;_;
You need to rectify this
Ist echt?Der Durst
You'll watch Sword Art Online but won't read manga? Smelly pls.I don't read manga.
G'night Tiddums
How much further to go until quitting time, Robot?
You need to rectify this
6'1.....? I...
fapfapfapfapfapfap HNNNNNNNNGH splooge
I'm 5'10" o_o
I'm getting a weird sense of deja vu with people mentioning their heights here....
Computer is fixed, but I'm sure I've lost all of my bookmarked gifs ;_;
Sorry, I only go for guys who are at least 6'.
It's not just you.
Ahhhhh this is so nice
Also Firefox >>
You'll watch Sword Art Online but won't read manga? Smelly pls.
Also started a little bit of FFX and yuck at Tidus's model. It's soooo bad. Otherwise everything else has been pretty good.
It's so wut.
It cracks me up tho.