Wait wait time out. Time out. Look at what Acrid made me for my birthday. ;_________; :') feeling the feels rn. <3

I try to avoid death penalty, abortion, rape, tipping, and minimum wage threads.
They all turn to shit sooner rather than later.
Wazzy helped by letting me know who your favorite character in the series was.
Glad you enjoy it haha!
Smart girl! I like Phoenix and Apollo equally. I actually can't even pick a favorite character I have the script memorized help I need rehab or someth. O______O
My Strange Addiction: The Ace Attorney video game series.
Just don't be like that one guy who apparently wanted to eat an Ocarina of Time N64 cartridge.
LOLLL ugh this is my future. I would never eat a cartridge but I can literally tell where someone is in the game just by hearing the beeps and noises ;_;
And I can give the direct quote........dontjudgeme
I... I'm gonna open that box now..I remember this from Skype.
Also, here is your birthday/becoming a member present.
BlueBadger: Member
happy birthday
Cops are generally super hot though.
Use a quill and some parchment.
I'm just an inferior kinda guy.
Cool Hand Luke is a great movie so far.
Have never seen.
Young Paul Newman tho. Lawd.
So he's in a chain gang and he's all sweaty and tan and shirtless and LAWD HAVE MERCY
Cool Hand Luke is a great movie so far.
i am officially addicted to attack on titan
Never seen.
Better or worse than Tangled?
Never seen.
Better or worse than Tangled?
Nothing is better than Tangled.
As expected from the Kale-shipping, bacon-hating, Sansa-stanning mess.
I can see you're mad a bit at my superior opinions.
Open a window, let the cool air wash over your face, and breathe, sis.
What are your other faves em?
We must have some common ground. Gattaca? Donnie Darko? The Usual Suspects? Casablanca? The Princess Bride? The Lives of Others?
What are your other faves em?
We must have some common ground. Gattaca? Donnie Darko? The Usual Suspects? Casablanca? The Princess Bride? The Lives of Others?
I haven't seen a single movie in that list.
Oh I love The Princess Bride. One of my all-time favorite movies. I loved Gattaca and have been meaning to watch it again, actually.
Some of my other faves:
Legends of the Fall
Stand By Me
The original Star Wars trilogy
Shawshank Redemption
Saving Private Ryan
Forrest Gump
Just to name a few
We can do business, you and I. Haven't seen Legends of the Fall, but I do like the others. Definitely need to have some movie nights. Hmmm.