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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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I mean, it could be whatever I guess. Doesn't bother me.

Why did you stop posting though? I hope it wasn't because of my monstrous creation.
What was your creation?

And I've just been super busy the past couple weeks so I haven't been on GAF much. I was planning BB's surprise party and working all week and then the rest was spent playing FFXHD. :p

I'm parched.

You're back <3<3<3

Hey heyyyyyyyyyyyyy <3
What was your creation?

It's good to know you were busy with some fun stuff though!

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
My hair is really fluffy this morning. I blame you Adam.

Also In Flames are the best music to listen to on the way to work on a Sunday morning.
Snowing today... it's nearly April. Have we entered another ice age? Stay tuned for updates.

thanks! let me introduce myself. my name is david. i am thirty and live in beautiful nj. my handle is dedicated to my favorite bicyclist. i will lurk for now.

Welcome. Hopefully, we don't scare you off. But if you read all those pages and didn't get scared off, I guess that's a good sign.


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Tiddums, as a history buff, have you ever read up on the wins of the Swiss farmers against the Habsburg army of knights?

Date 15 November 1315
Location Morgarten Pass
Result Decisive Swiss victory


1,500 infantry and archers

5,500 infantry and 2,500 heavy cavalry

Casualties and losses
1,500 Habsburg soldiers killed[1]

Or Sempach? We were quite the military powerhouse in the 14th/15th century.
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