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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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Listening to ABBA for the first time in years... Oh, the nostalgia ;__;

I love ABBA.

Agnetha <3



^ I actually don't know what that show is. :p

I'm just going to sit in my corner and pretend this never happened. I'd heard the name but I wasn't sure who they were exactly.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
It's OK. He's dead to us now.

And omg Skype is still trying to load my last comment. This might take a while
Hey, hey, I know that one! I know that one!

Also Black Books.

Funny you don't know The IT Crowd then, since that's also a Linehan sitcom.

But srsly, Father Ted is way up in the best sitcoms ever list. Speed 3 is the best.

Also, Chris Morris (the guy in the IT Crowd gif). Brass Eye is fucking godtier satire.


Funny you don't know The IT Crowd then, since that's also a Linehan sitcom.

But srsly, Father Ted is way up in the best sitcoms ever list. Speed 3 is the best.

Also, Chris Morris (the guy in the IT Crowd gif). Brass Eye is fucking godtier satire.

I know what IT Crowd is, I've just never seen it and couldn't recognise the GIF.

I don't really watch sitcoms any more. I suck. :(


So this is a "Just sorta talk about whatever you want thread, just keep it within forum rules?"


So this is a "Just sorta talk about whatever you want thread, just keep it within forum rules?"

Basically yes. The only common theme in this community is our devotion to real pic january and fake pic february. It's like a slowchat.
So this is a "Just sorta talk about whatever you want thread, just keep it within forum rules?"

Hopefully you have not (yet to) read the shit part of this thread. And I mean literally shit.

(Not that literally though)
No way man. I already have 3 little bugger's of my own. Lucian actually hissed at me yesterday over a piece of turkey ;___________;
What's yours done?

It's become super needy. I fed it, gave it some attention, but it just kept meowing every time I tried to leave. Trying to hang out washing was a nightmare as it wouldn't shut up, and started rolling around my feet meaning I constantly had to watch I wasn't about to step on her. Then she started biting my feet. Then she sat outside my door meowing for 30 full minutes. Then one of our exchange students came home so she started getting attention from him.

Seems like she finally went off to do something on her own a few minutes ago after taking a shit in the litter box.

Skype finally loaded and I saw it. Just give her more attention man. She's a cat. They like pets. Give her tons then she'll buzz off when she's had her fill

We've had her for a decade, this is a really unusual way for her to behave. It's particularly bad tonight but it's been consistently more needy than ever before starting maybe a month or two ago.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Any other changes in the house to make her act different? She may be sick? Litter needs changing? Food bowl's not right? Cats are super fickle creatures
Any other changes in the house to make her act different? She may be sick? Litter needs changing? Food bowl's not right? Cats are super fickle creatures

It could be a delayed response to our other cat dying. That happened mid January. It would put the change in behavior at about 2 months after that. I really don't know though. She was fine up until recently then suddenly needs all the attention. I'm not sure if it's boredom, or if it's actually specifically after something.

Lucian Cat

Kissed a mod for a tag; liked it
Quite possibly. She may have realized the other kitty isn't coming back and is acting out.

But I'm no cat whisperer and can't see this kitty in action so I have no idea
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