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Fake GAF 2014: Welcome to the Sahara

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Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
King Joffrey Baratheon paced in his solar, taunt with anger and annoyance.

The war was not going in his favor. Robb Stark had won every battle against the Lannister forces, his uncle Renly had massed a huge host in the south, his other uncle Stannis was also building an army and navy, and there were even rumors of a dragon queen, far to the east. The young king let his rage wash over him, and he threw the goblet of wine he had been holding against the wall.

He stood there, red faced and panting, as the red liquid raced down the wall in small rivulets. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Joffrey, in all his fury, hissed at the stranger who had disturbed him. “Who in the seven hells is it?!” he shrieked.

“Lord Varys, Your Grace,” the eunuch called through the door. Joffrey was perplexed at the sudden arrival of the Spider.

He rushed to the door and opened it. Varys was dressed in a golden robe, his bald head shining with sweat in the summer heat.

“What is it?” the king demanded. “Has there been news?”

The Spider smiled that all too familiar smile, a grin that was so often tinted with cunning. “May I, Your Grace?” Varys asked, stepping inside the king’s chamber. Joffrey shut the door behind him.

The Spider turned to face the boy king. “No news, Your Grace,” he said quietly. “I have noticed your temper at court, however, and I believe that I can be of some assistance in that regard.”


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
King Joffrey Baratheon paced in his solar, taunt with anger and annoyance.

The war was not going in his favor. Robb Stark had won every battle against the Lannister forces, his uncle Renly had massed a huge host in the south, his other uncle Stannis was also building an army and navy, and there were even rumors of a dragon queen, far to the east. The young king let his rage wash over him, and he threw the goblet of wine he had been holding against the wall.

He stood there, red faced and panting, as the red liquid raced down the wall in small rivulets. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Joffrey, in all his fury, hissed at the stranger who had disturbed him. “Who in the seven hells is it?!” he shrieked.

“Lord Varys, Your Grace,” the eunuch called through the door. Joffrey was perplexed at the sudden arrival of the Spider.

He rushed to the door and opened it. Varys was dressed in a golden robe, his bald head shining with sweat in the summer heat.

“What is it?” the king demanded. “Has there been news?”

The Spider smiled that all too familiar smile, a grin that was so often tinted with cunning. “May I, Your Grace?” Varys asked, stepping inside the king’s chamber. Joffrey shut the door behind him.

The Spider turned to face the boy king. “No news, Your Grace,” he said quietly. “I have noticed your temper at court, however, and I believe that I can be of some assistance in that regard.”

The Skype people are chatting me up. I think they're trying to seduce tags out of me or something.

I'm only going to read because uh... I gotta make sure there are no book spoilers.

Yeah, that's why.

If anyone's getting a tag, it better be me for the epic Game of Bones orgy that's about to happen.

Now do I want to include Ser Pounce in this fuckery or not?
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