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Fake Picture GAF v9 — No Man's Thirst

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Only temp bans. FUME5 is serving his for a few more days.

About a month ago was my older brother's wedding. It was a gorgeous ceremony and a super fun time, and probably one of the best days of my life! Shortly after that my boyfriend freaked out and left me. I came out publicly as bisexual the next day. Then a couple days later one of my oldest friends took that as a sign and outed her feelings for me. Now I'm dating her instead. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I can PM you more details but it's a lot to cover.

That's great that the pitch is almost done. How nervous are you about getting a good reception? I hate sticking my neck out like that!

Aw shit. What did he do? haha

Woah, so much developments in such a short time! Yeah, definitely go for PM, I feel like I wanna know all the backstory/context haha
Also congrats on coming out/ladyfriend! (I never know if congrats is the right word to use but basically "awesome")

Haha....speaking of nervous, I've had one really big panic attack today because it's all become so real.
But yeah both, SUPER NERVOUS and super excited/relieved.
I've got one "definitely maybe" and one "we're kinda releasing an RPG, maybe come back to us afterwards", I'll let you know who those two are in the PM.


I'm pretty sure my sister's virginity is intact, just like my mother's.

I heard otherwise.

oh it's feng! oh shit waddup?

glad to hear your pitch is ready! must be a relief

Oh shit it's dat boi!

How goes Ghost Song/Ladyfriend/Life? So many questions! haha

It really really is a huge relief. Like for the first time in 4 years, I finally feel like this weight is off my shoulders.

Don't get me wrong, I love working on the game. I really do! But I think that giving up a lot of things for so long to work full time on it has kinda taken its toll so I'm just glad to not be working on it for a little bit.

That and I've been neglecting doing the things I wanna do for my girlfriend and actually spend some proper quality time with her. So that's really nice haha


Oh shit it's dat boi!

How goes Ghost Song/Ladyfriend/Life? So many questions! haha

It really really is a huge relief. Like for the first time in 4 years, I finally feel like this weight is off my shoulders.

Don't get me wrong, I love working on the game. I really do! But I think that giving up a lot of things for so long to work full time on it has kinda taken its toll so I'm just glad to not be working on it for a little bit.

That and I've been neglecting doing the things I wanna do for my girlfriend and actually spend some proper quality time with her. So that's really nice haha

You've been at this for 4 years?? I had no idea. But yeah, that must be an amazing feeling to move on.

Me? It's hard to complain. I'm seeing a wonderful young lady and my publisher is exhibiting endless patience with my ever moving goalposts. I'll take the blame for my unpredictable productivity but on the bright side the game is shaping up very well! I got all the voiceover recorded too.

full cast!


can you believe I did a game with full VO? haha.. so dumb of me..

Blanket you say?


speaking of nightmares, I had a dream with an inordinate amount of non-mine penises in it. Like dudes just kept being naked... I'm not sure what to make of it, but I tend to think most dreams don't really mean anything.
Do you know what drives me mad?

"8 bit" games that pay no attention to the technical limitations of the era. That colour palette couldn't have come from a NES. Probably not even an MSX.

There were 8-bit games on the computer that had no such restrictions.

My nostalgia is technically superior to your nostalgia (which is also how I felt about computer vs console gaming at the time— but given that I only had a computer at home it was important to think so).

Funky Papa

There were 8-bit games on the computer that had no such restrictions.

My nostalgia is technically superior to your nostalgia (which is also how I felt about computer vs console gaming at the time— but given that I only had a computer at home it was important to think so).

In 1984? Absolutely not. That shit would be wild. The Amiga 1000 would change the game forever, but it came out a year later. DOS gaming was kinda garbo at the time, Apple was ways from being great and both the Atari 8-bit family and the C64 were showing their age.

Maybe if you had something arcane and batshit insane like a Japanese PC-9800, which was powered by black magic and the supercharged sweat of early hentai fans. But nobody knew about the PC-9800 outside of Glorious Nippon.

Edit: Mid to late 80's Japanese computers were too fucking cool. Just look at these beasts.


You can't find this brand of industrial design anywhere else. Even Apple computers were stale looking in comparison, not to mention your random beige DOS box.

Funky Papa

1984 was not the end of 8-bit gaming— didn't realize that was the benchmark year.

I mean, I was talking about this precise screenshot and using it as an example:


that tree portal always bugged me. why does it exist?

That would be bananas in 1984 as the title screen "claims". Doesn't matter if we are talking about consoles or computers.

My point is that many 8-bit inspired games would make a Neo Geo sweat bullets.


Unconfirmed Member
I write all my code on napkins that I keep near the window.
You've been at this for 4 years?? I had no idea. But yeah, that must be an amazing feeling to move on.

Me? It's hard to complain. I'm seeing a wonderful young lady and my publisher is exhibiting endless patience with my ever moving goalposts. I'll take the blame for my unpredictable productivity but on the bright side the game is shaping up very well! I got all the voiceover recorded too.

full cast!


can you believe I did a game with full VO? haha.. so dumb of me..

Ohhhh yeah man. 4 Goddamn years hahaha
3 of those were basically planning out the game's mechanics in entirety, drawing out all of the character designs and some enemies (poorly), learning how to use Unity/C# (also, poorly), writing the script for the game fully (it's something like 8 passes) and all of the major "gameplay" events in the game.
The last year since August has basically me having some money to actually get assets/extra code/music/etc, to have something "presentable"

Basically, it's been a long time haha

Re : Game. Oh man, that's super exciting! (God I want to play this game already)
I've been the same except no publisher, and the young lady being the one with patience for me being away for so long haha.

Btw Jobbs feng's had the same reaction to you not using source control that I did just so you know

Damnit Jobbs you're making a professional videogame. Y u do dis

I was saying to RNH that I totally didn't used to until Omikron started to yell at me and say the similar "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING. GET GIT HUB FOR CHRISTS SAKE"


Unconfirmed Member
That shit was harsh I was like "hobby project" I had to read it like 6 times man for real.

Funky Papa

Do you hate shitty landlords? Stay with me then, FakeGAF, because I have a story for you.

So a few weeks ago my girlfriend bought an old appartment (her gran's) to renovate and rent.

And then we found a huge leak in the bathroom. From the neighbour upstairs, whom is renting her apartment. And then mold. And then water leaking for years to an electricity box located outside. And then a ruptured pipe, slowly leaking poo water into the shower. We believe she may have a leaky shower plate and an old, crumbling waste pipe. The result is some exterior damage endangering the electrical installation of the building and a roof that needs to be completely demolished and rebuilt with new pipping, not to mention tiling work on the walls.

So we call the owner, and she tells us that she has no idea what are we talking about and that we shouldn't expect to get anything fixed because she's on vacation and that in any case it's our own fault for buying an old apartment. And then she turns off her phone and stops picking our calls and messages.

So we call our insurance broker. It turns out that she's illegally renting the apartment and that the previous tenants moved away because the apartment had huge humidity issues and she refused to fix them. And now she's refusing to pick the calls from our insurance company since she know she done fucked up.

And just today we found that she has no insurance. And that our insurance company will serve her in the next hours.

Somebody is about to get super fucked.

Xiao Hu

Is it normal for long hair to get pulled out easier? I've noticed since I have a manbun I've been losing more hair while brushing it with my hand. It makes me paranoid that I might turn bald because my hair is already rather thin. HairGAF, halp!


Is it normal for long hair to get pulled out easier? I've noticed since I have a manbun I've been losing more hair while brushing it with my hand. It makes me paranoid that I might turn bald because my hair is already rather thin. HairGAF, halp!
There's a ton of articles on manbuns causing hairloss
No idea how scientifically accurate they are but it seems plausible
That shit was harsh I was like "hobby project" I had to read it like 6 times man for real.


Do you hate shitty landlords? Stay with me then, FakeGAF, because I have a story for you.

So a few weeks ago my girlfriend bought an old appartment (her gran's) to renovate and rent.

And then we found a huge leak in the bathroom. From the neighbour upstairs, whom is renting her apartment. And then mold. And then water leaking for years to an electricity box located outside. And then a ruptured pipe, slowly leaking poo water into the shower. We believe she may have a leaky shower plate and an old, crumbling waste pipe. The result is some exterior damage endangering the electrical installation of the building and a roof that needs to be completely demolished and rebuilt with new pipping, not to mention tiling work on the walls.

So we call the owner, and she tells us that she has no idea what are we talking about and that we shouldn't expect to get anything fixed because she's on vacation and that in any case it's our own fault for buying an old apartment. And then she turns off her phone and stops picking our calls and messages.

So we call our insurance broker. It turns out that she's illegally renting the apartment and that the previous tenants moved away because the apartment had huge humidity issues and she refused to fix them. And now she's refusing to pick the calls from our insurance company since she know she done fucked up.

And just today we found that she has no insurance. And that our insurance company will serve her in the next hours.

Somebody is about to get super fucked.


Is it normal for long hair to get pulled out easier? I've noticed since I have a manbun I've been losing more hair while brushing it with my hand. It makes me paranoid that I might turn bald because my hair is already rather thin. HairGAF, halp!

I quite often block up the shower plug with hair, so I guess?
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