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Fall 2012 Anime |OT| Meet the new world, same as the old world

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Nope. Anime episodes are at most 24 minutes long (unless we're talking weird OVAs like Figure 17). Take off the OPs and EDs (as most marathoners do) and you're saving 3 minutes an ep. So you're only having to watch 17 1/2 hours of anime to watch 50 eps - while it's not ideal, it's certainly possible.

Remember that the episodes are ~25 minutes to begin with, plus you can cut out OPs/recaps/EDs. 50 episodes are eminently doable within well under 24 hours, if perhaps not advisable.

It almost sounds like you guys are speaking from experience.


Tragic victim of fan death
I was bored so I wrote this.


To call Fate/Zero a monumental moment in anime history might be exaggerating; however, it’s not hard to give this accolade to the series considering what it attempts to do, it does extremely well. The source material featuring Gen Urobochi’s take on the Fourth Holy Grail War is already enticing enough as it is and the work that ufotable has done to create a visually phenomenal piece with Kara no Kyoukai results in one spectacular ride that everyone should experience whether they be anime fans or not. Although the ride is long, the journey from the beginning to the point where all things end isn’t all zero.

In the city of Fuyuki in Japan, a battle between seven mages is held called the Holy Grail War. Using heroes of all ages, the seven mages must become Masters of these heroes, now Servants, and wage war against each other. Divided into seven classes, the Servants act as the mage’s machination to win the war. The last Master will have the honor of having his or her wish granted by the Holy Grail. The Fourth Grail War is now starting and as the Grail chooses its Masters and the Masters chooses the Servants, the stage is set for a bloody royale of tragedy and fate.

The premise is extremely simple and the intricacies behind the war itself isn’t all that complicated, yet despite this simplicity, the plot of Fate/Zero is extremely engaging and thought provoking. This is mostly due to the diverse cast and the flashy action sequences that the series has to offer. Kiritsugu Emiya is one of the Masters in the Grail War and seeks to attain it by any means, however, his Servant disagrees. Saber, the legendary King Arthur himself but in actuality a girl, believes that one must conduct his and herself with chivalry and honor. Due to this differing ideals, the two often come into conflict and the former ignores the words of the latter.

It’s due to these confrontations of ideologies and beliefs that truly set Fate/Zero aside from other animes. Even though characters might be on the same side conflicts arise, suspicious are made, and conspiracies are created making every scene in Fate/Zero absolutely thrilling. It’s hard to predict what’s going to come next and as the cast make each step towards victory, their battles escalate forcing them to reevaluate themselves as well as the foundations of their principles.

Motivation is key when trying to watch the Masters and their respective allies fight against each other. Though they aim for the same goal, their reasons greatly differ. For instance, Kariya Matou enters not because he seeks the grail himself but acts as a proxy to give the grail to his father Zouken. In exchange, the daughter of a close friend will be released. The varying motivations between each Master creates an interesting struggle as some are in the War for their own selfish reasons, while others participate for some nebulous reasons.

While it’s fascinating to watch the Masters in Fate/Zero, the Servants are equally interesting. Beckoned to the war, heroes and legends such as Alexander the Great and King Arthur joined the fray. It’s absolutely interesting to see Fate/Zero’s take on these historical and mythological characters considering what may be common knowledge is very different here. Each shine with their respective personalities, however, it’s their very personality that creates clashes whether it be a bloody duel to the death or a dialogue over a drink. Their conversations of what makes them so famous and the resolve that they had in life is fascinating to say the least and it’s one of the more standout moments in the show.

Each episode is paced excellently in and of itself featuring a thematic message or setting up the events to come in the coming episodes. In ways, the episodes are structured to keep the audience enticed throughout the entirety of it while trying to keep them guessing for what exactly might these characters tackle next. Sadly, some people might be bored due to certain episodes having long moments of dialogue that seems to never end. However, those that are willing to take the initiative to actually pay attention and care about what’s being said will find themselves more rewarded than the effort given. This all goes back to the amazing script and the depiction of various character and their interactions.

Sadly, while the individual episodes are paced fairly well, the show suffers from not being paced properly in its entirety. The show is a bit slow to start and many might find the first three episodes a bit of a bore despite it being a necessary evil, so to speak. Once the pace does pick up, it moves at a perfect speed that never moves too fast but never too slow. Sadly, this doesn’t stay consistent throughout until the end as the latter few episodes seems extremely rushed making one feels as if things were cut to meet time constraints, whether it be the production time or the length of the actual episodes. Even so, despite these pacing issues the series as a whole stands up with great pride, never willing to back down from trying to achieve excellence.

Perhaps the most noteworthy aspect of the show are the amazing fight sequences, which are scattered throughout as needed. The intense fight choreography of various Heroic Spirits duking it out with their mythical weapons is a sight to behold, and what’s even more fascinating are the fights that the Masters themselves engage in. All of these fights last a good deal never leaving feeling like you got cheated but always wanting more. It helps that the visuals of the actual fights are stunning. Seeing a CG Berserker duking it out as he grapples various weapons hurled at him from Archer is arguably one of the more memorable scenes in Fate/Zero.

To top off the excellent narrative and fights is the sound. The audio of Fate/Zero is pivotal when trying to deliver this dramatic war of various people. Featuring an amazing soundtrack from Yuki Kajiura filled with booming anthems and somber orchestral pieces, Fate/Zero’s music sets the tone and atmosphere for the visual boon that’s soon to follow. One piece of music never feels out of place and although certain ones are reused more than it should, it’s still great. The voicework is equally magnificent as a pompous Mage should indeed sound and act like one, and of course in Fate/Zero this occurs. The cast all input a great deal of emotion into their characters and it shows as they scream, cry, and shout in tears of joy. A recipe for audio brilliance is all there and that is no understatement.

Fate/Zero is truly an amazing anime that stands well above those that are deemed excellent in recent years. What makes Fate/Zero truly great isn’t the fact that it’s a great anime but it’s a great show. While the cartoonish aesthetic might have people turning heads for the worse, the excellent use of colors and evocative art style in combination with an enticing narrative, one shouldn’t easily judge. Sure, the series is only in Japanese but it’s easy to overlook it considering the script is well-written and the subtitles do a great job at explaining the audience to the Fourth Holy Grail War. What does Fate/Zero amount to in the end then? An experience that everyone should take from beginning to end.


Hosanna beat me to the punch about Sakurasou's ED! My one glorious moment of staffwhoring ruined!

Anyway, I think that if I liked fanservicey romance comedies I'd probably quite like Sakurasou. It's bright and perky, the animation's good (one of the characters wants to be an animator so you get to see some cool animation she's done that's much more interesting to me than the rest of the show), the comedy appropriately high-octane etc. It's an attractive package and the fanservice itself is fairly innocuous and relatively unforced.

I'm not a fan of the central idea of the show - that the female lead is completely incapable/disinterested in caring for herself so the male lead has to drag her around, make her get dressed and wash herself etc. - but it's handled lightly enough that it doesn't piss me off too much; while it's a creepy idea it's not so bad in execution.

There are a ludicrous number of CG sakura petals, though - and not the good kind.

I won't watch this again myself but I think it'll prove relatively popular.


One Piece 47: You've Been Waiting For It! The Return of Captain Buggy!


You should hurry and watch the next episode!


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun #2

I can't take this show seriously anymore, and it's not particularly funny. It's not awful, but it has a host of issues, from Shizuku's painfully dull internal monologues to the sound effects that remain obnoxious to the joke they call a secondary member cast. The production values remain okay, with the background music being the standout. Unfortunately, there are a few weak moments in the art and animation department, which I assume are for comedic effect, but the end result just looks jarring.

Kimi ni Todoke did something similar with the chibi art. I can only imagine the artist got lazy, drew a couple of circles and called it a night.


Moetards confirmed for shit taste

Usually the case.

I'm sure someone explained it to me before, but why is Saki so popular in SaiMoe? Is it just the number of girls there are to vote for? Is it trolling?

I guess because Saki offers up lots of yuri moe girls for consideration. Actually, I have no idea. Pink haired boobie girl is pretty cute though.

Still mad about Taiga winning, huh?

Who would ever be mad at this? The only great kugiloli.

What rice bowls?



Girls und Panzer - 1


holy fuck!

- dat first person tank action scene
- many lovely little animations
- good soundtrack
- dead eyes and zombie walk moe
- cute girls eating sweet things
- power of friendship
- and the holy fucking very last scene

The show delivers on all fronts.

Cant wait :D
One more work night then Im off for a week again!
Animu time soon!

Teekyuu 01

Hm, plus for being 3 minutes long. Not so sure about how I feel about the pacing. Not bad since jokes fly by, so if they work or not, there's always another joke ready to be tossed out within the next 30 seconds.

Doesn't look that great though. But 3 minutes a week can't be that bad.

The art style is really that shaky? Thats kind of strange.

I still love you anime GAF even though almost all of you are boys.

We love you too <3


The Light of El Cantare
Smile Precure! 34:


I don't think you guys can just hug away Nao's bloodlust.

These girls are kind to a fault but they don't know when to give up. Some boy in the class is butthurt that they're doing a fashion show for the school festival? Can't be reasoned with? Forget him!

I can't believe that the ULTIMATE SHAME happened for a second week in a row and
Candy was the one who bailed everyone out during the Akanbe fight
. Why are they just now realizing that
the decors just might be really useful in battle
? As much as I enjoy this show, there's still so much wasted potential.

Oh, and that insert song was just...

Uneventful episode. At least next week is guaranteed to be the best thing ever.

And sadly, the tiny hat menace has infected this show as well :(


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun #2

I fucking loved this, everything about this episode worked for me, the character interactions, the whole situation of natsume wanting to improve her grades for the sake of attending a online meet-up etc. I definitely found haru a lot more tolerable in this episode too, whom I found detracted from my enjoyment of the previous episode.

I'd say compared to say Kimi Ni Todoke the relationship definitely seems to be progressing a bit to fast, I assume they are going slow it down with some good ol conflict and love triangles later on, at the very least.


Okay just watched the first two Episodes of From the new world and I'm not too sure I know exactly what is going on, I kind of feel like I'm getting to grips with it then the episode finishes. Gah, maybe I need to be watching this when I'm more awake.


Gintama 26-49 [Season 1 END]


There were some strong episodes following the great episode 25 for sure. The episodes without emotional turns continue to be generally stronger than those with (the episodes with
Kagura's father
withstanding to a large degree). This half of the season was also much better than the first (also the OP).

The characters bringing their signature flavor to the table outside of the main group are actually pretty fun (ex. Katsura, Elizabeth, Hattori, etc) with only a few characters I prefer never showing up (ex. Sa-chan...just Sa-chan). It's a good accomplishment with such a large cast and a paradigm I hold comedy shows up to regularly. If the character isn't funny, are they still enjoyable to watch in humorous suffering, general interactions, outbursts? I can even appreciate a number of characters that don't tease laughs out of me depending on how they're presented. In short, the continually growing cast is oddly solid for its size thus far.

It's unfortunate more comedy anime can't be this way even with considerably smaller casts. Though this is from my backlog, it's better than any other new comedy anime to come this year (having watched most of them). There's room for this series to give me more laughs using new types of characters (and giving new tricks to the existing figures), so I believe I'm in for the long haul. However, I'll keep my final judgement for season two. There has to be another episode that can surpass even 25 somewhere in the near future.


so I've never gotten into the shoujo genre before, but I figure that hopping on now couldn't hurt.

but out of curiosity, what makes shoujo appealing for dudes?

For me, its because I love fictional drama while avoiding actual drama like the plague.

K-On!! not K-On!.

Although, because of this season, I would probably compare it to From The New World meets Battlefield Bad Company. lol

I still like this one though:

Quite an interesting combo there. Kind of like what threw me about Bodacious Space Pirates.

Both of these are hugely accurate, but also why I ended up liking both shows I think.

I really should watch Hyouka at some point.

You should. Its worth it. It starts of at an excrutiatingly plodding pace though.

Do you think a 22 episode cop anime about a dystopian future which is a mix of Minority Report and Ghost in the Shell sounds exciting?

YES. Can't wait.

Actually, I'm pretty similar to how I am here IRL, for better or worse.
Gintama 26-49 [Season 1 END]

It's unfortunate more comedy anime can't be this way even with considerably smaller casts. Though this is from my backlog, it's better than any other new comedy anime to come this year (having watched most of them). There's room for this series to give me more laughs using new types of characters (and giving new tricks to the existing figures), so I believe I'm in for the long haul. However, I'll keep my final judgement for season two. There has to be another episode that can surpass even 25 somewhere in the near future.

There is.


Subete no aware
Gintama 26-49 [Season 1 END]

It's unfortunate more comedy anime can't be this way even with considerably smaller casts. Though this is from my backlog, it's better than any other new comedy anime to come this year (having watched most of them). There's room for this series to give me more laughs using different types of characters, so I believe I'm in for the long haul. However, I'll keep my final judgement for season two. There has to be another episode that can even surpass 25 somewhere in the near future.
So is it better than Nichijou? ;)
Macross Zero 1-5 [End]
Ultimately, I came out of this very surprised and happy. Macross Zero is a solid story with a great visual presentation that it makes it something I won't easily forget. It's also not a huge time commitment so I find it pretty easy to recommend. It also kind of left me looking for more Macross in my life. The only things I've seen are this, Macross Plus and the Macross saga of Robotech. Can anyone recommend a good place to go from here?

Has there been a reason why there is really much Macross representation out of JPN, I always hear about it and did read your post as its seemed like an interesting mecha but Ive not ever actually watched one of its many(?) series.


Ixion Saga DT - 01

Not much to say, I was expecting this to be crap, but after the initial impressions here I thought it was going to be better than it really was.
It was still kind of good, but not as funny as you guys made it out to be.
It looked better than these types of shows normally do, but I guess that won't last long, but if it does I'll happily watch this one until the end.


A Good Citizen

Spot the differences.
A lot of shows "cheap out" like that. Several of which I liked.
Even Penguin Drum went super cheap with crowds and characters that were irrelevant to the anime. To this point, anime basically employs this as a trope of sorts.
The crowds in Penguindrum aren't "cheap." It's a style thing.

Ikuhara has been doing for awhile, I assume he got it from Dezaki.



Spot the differences.[/QUOTE]

This is anime dude, there are quite a bit of anime that do this, all round.

Never helped that your comment followed the scaring chicken gif which probably caused some confusion.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Sukitte Ii na yo - 01

Opening episode was alright. I'm really fond of Mei, and I'm looking forward to how she deals with the eventual obstacles (boy troubles, jealousy, and rivals.. same 'ol same 'ol that's in every shoujo) that are bound to come her way. I say this because from my impression she seems to have a stronger backbone than other characters that were in her position (
her blowing off the girls trying to bait her being a prime example, not to mention that swift kick she gave to Yamato
). Yamato on the other hand is an eyesore. Not because of his personality, which seems pretty awesome by the way, but because of his fucking hair. It's like he got in a fight with a lawn mower and lost. Every time he shows up on screen I literally cringe and curse whoever thought that hair style was even slightly cool.

On a positive note, at least they got the
stalker/creep scenario out of the way. I was fearing that guy would show up later in the series and do some serious damage once the two leads became deeply involved with one another. Not to say it still won't happen by someone else, but at least not by white collar Joe
. Will continue watching.


I like how pizzaroll goes to great lengths to discredit me. I said art and animation. If you think the animation in that gif looks good in motion, then good for you.


Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun-2

Yep this was just as good as the first ep. The facial expressions were golden. My god, the wavy lines are amazing. All the fried chicken jokes were fantastic. Lol at all the nerds at the meeting. I am again worried about this pace and really hoping it doesn't devolve into melodramatic love triangles which at this point seems possible.


SAO looks like it's going..places. I should watch this show soon. Anyways, moving on.

Hyouka 6
If AnimeGAF said this was the worst episode of the series then it must be pretty good, because it wasn't that bad. A little boring, but not banging my head off the desk boredom I was expecting from what you guys were saying.

Ah yes, it wouldn't be an Anime without the inevitble hotspings or beach episode.

They're really gonna run this movie thing out into a multi episode arc when someone could just visit whatsherface and ask her who the culprit was? Or was she in like a coma or something? I might have missed that. Actually, you know what, this is fine, watching everyones theories then Oreki shit all over them is great.

But on a high note: It's like a kalideoscope!....*BANG*

They'll actually address this.
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