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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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RKB ending
You like your lolis? What if we made the lolis even more lolier?

Welp, that was a thing anyway. I wonder how sad Kagami and darkside are right now. :p
About 7 hours until episode 11 streams on Nico, then another week till the finale on Nico.
But I'm looking forward to it!

Then begins the wait for the Vita game next year.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventures - 25 & 26

Couldn't have asked for a better ending from Battle Tendency. The ridiculousness of JoJo's victory over Cars just about sums up how awesome this show was. I'm going to miss Sugita-voiced JoJo :(((

Grandson JoJo in prison looks badass. I can't wait for Part 3!


Tried to finish the last two eps of Free but I couldn't even make it 4 minutes into ep11. Fucking Chuu2's drama bullshit was less painful than this.
Tried to finish the last two eps of Free but I couldn't even make it 4 minutes into ep11. Fucking Chuu2's drama bullshit was less painful than this.

Several dramatic lines in those closing episodes made me laugh out loud. I don't know why I feel compelled to finish every KyoAni show, but I do.

aaaaand I'm still looking forward to KnK.


[JoJo spoilers]

Despite the amount of closure we get from Battle Tendency, I can't sleep comfortably knowing that
there will be no more Zepelli characters in the future. Poor Caesar... ;_;


Can't get that stupid robot flower of evil song from my head.

That song is soooooooo creepy but it sticks with you.

For some reason I read that at first as VC2 and my heart sank. Then it sank again when I realized the VC3 fan translation still isn't finished. Looks like they just put out an update mentioning they were still alive a few days ago so I guess all hope isn't lost

Noel is fully adorbs, she's like the best parts of Tsukiko and Yuki from Haruhi in one.

She really is. I would hug her like crazy.

time to catch'em up.

yamato 2199 7


tons of kinda random fanservice lol. Interlude for the next arc eh?

Can I be the catgirl?


JoJo's Bizarre Adventures - 25 & 26

Couldn't have asked for a better ending from Battle Tendency. The ridiculousness of JoJo's victory over Cars just about sums up how awesome this show was. I'm going to miss Sugita-voiced JoJo :(((

Grandson JoJo in prison looks badass. I can't wait for Part 3!
Sugita will be doing old Joseph though.
[JoJo spoilers]

Despite the amount of closure we get from Battle Tendency, I can't sleep comfortably knowing that
there will be no more Zepelli characters in the future. Poor Caesar... ;_;

he he he


I guess so, but I'm reading up on his grandson's personality and he doesn't seem as cool as Joseph :/

?! :D?

You should read the manga. Jotaro isn't as cool or funny as Joseph but he's a total badass. And personally I think Old Joseph is better than young.
Old Joseph is so played out though because the rest of the world doesn't know any better.

Rewatch Digimon Tamers 11

Takato got too cocky after displaying himself in not-scrubbery, and ended up being a scrub.

But that's okay, because we need Jenrya to man up and let Terriermon fight more. Hell Golgomon isn't insane anymore either!

Meanwhile, that organization has finally realized the Tamers exist.

Sidenote: Golgomon is a pretty awesome name.


Gonna be hell when he realizes he can log out and still read the forum.

Yeah. Getting banned from here totally doesnt stop lurking.

Toradora 11 (rewatch)

Urusai count = Episode: 3 Total: 23

And so begins the "Taiga's father" storyline, as well as the school festival arc. Probably the first time the show really ramps up the drama.

Also I was looking for a certain gif for this post since I'm too lazy to fire up GifCam, and I found this instead:

I need this. Oh god I need this so bad.

Now I need it too. Thanks.




You are adorable Corvy kun. I love you.


Maturity, bitches.
Endless Eight was brilliant.

After the first series all I wanted was more of the same. Endless Eight delivered just that.


Tried to finish the last two eps of Free but I couldn't even make it 4 minutes into ep11. Fucking Chuu2's drama bullshit was less painful than this.

there is hardly any Gou scene in them anyway :( maybe watch the last 4-5 minutes of ep12 maybe.
angel beats ep 1-13 END

Man this show was surprisingly awesome. I had this aversion to it because of the title and I thought it was going to be some music anime, but it's not the case at all. The characters were great and my only complaints about the series is -- well, the way they present the characters in some scenes looks like amateur fan art and we didn't get to know a lot of the characters -- most notably T.K. and Shiina. Would've been great if there was more of a backstory on Kanade as well. and I love the OP and ED and how they change according to the cast that's present as well. The last eps had some emotional stuff, but nothing that's on ano hana's level. Highly recommended! Thanks to gaf for constantly praising it -- which peaked my curiosity. Don't think I would've ever have watched it otherwise.

Edit: Just looked into buying the blu ray and found out there's an ova? awesome! More angel beats!

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Toradora 11 (rewatch)

Urusai count = Episode: 0 Total: 23

So much going on in this arc, and this episode in particular. Particularly how
Ryuuji begins to realize that he may have pushed Taiga into reconnecting with her father (even though that's not such a good thing) because of his own father issues.

Also, it's kinda refreshing to see a unique school festival episode (well, arc), when most just do the predictable maid cafe/haunted house stuff.


SO while we wait for the Fall Season, what was the impression that the Summer Season has left upon us?


Maturity, bitches.
Chronicles of the Going Home Club was the best show of the summer and is the best show of the autumn!


SO while we wait for the Fall Season, what was the impression that the Summer Season has left upon us?
It gave us

Uchouten Kazoku
Gatchaman Crowds
Love Lab
Rozen Maiden 2013
Silver Spoon
Teekyuu S2
Tamayura More Aggressive

So I'd say it was a pretty strong season.
So many awesome anime I'm looking forward to this season!
Emboldened titles are what I'm hyping for the most, but the rest on this list caught my attention. Thanks OP!

Kill la Kill
Gundam Build Fighters
Kyousogiga TV
Kyoukai no Kanata
Log Horizon
Blazblue Alter Memory
Tokyo Ravens
Walkure Romanze
Arpeggio of Blue Steel


Deeper. Go deeper!
For what it's worth I'm starting to be convinced that this is Satojun's low budget take on Utena.

Only gets better.
Will finish it Soon(TM)

I still need to watch Garzey's Wing.
Yes you should.

Yep. The anime not having a pregnant Taiga ending is indeed a hole that needs to be filled expediently.

You should read the manga. Jotaro isn't as cool or funny as Joseph but he's a total badass. And personally I think Old Joseph is better than young.
For what it's worth OVA Old JoJo was kinda lame. Had his moments certainly especially in the Gambler episode but otherwise meh.
Are you saying the Manga will fix this?


FUCKING CARS YOU BACKSTABBING BASTARD. And shit, so it seems Lisa Lisa is JoJo's mum! I suddenly feel weird for hoping earlier that they'd develop a romantic relationship...

Not as weird as JoJo's gonna feel about
peeping at her in the bath

The Flowers of Evil 3


She stripped him and dressed him in girl's clothing.
Like a frigging Barbie Doll.

I can't believe he hasn't destroyed them yet, though. His ineptitude in this above all else makes me wonder if, perhaps, he doesn't want all of this "excitement" in his life. After all, what teenage boy doesn't have delusions of grandeur, such as fighting inner evil? I know I sure did.

Also, Japanese children as portrayed by Anime are the most gullible, horrible people in the world. Like seriously, that they all just believed everything said without any evidence? Pshaw. Junior High is Hell, sure, but somebody in that classroom should've spoken up.

I approve of Aku no Hana as a Corvo show.

Depending on the character you choose, the gameplay varies. Being Mio involves a lot of violence, Mai on pranking/trolling the fuck out of people, create your waifu with the professor, the possibilities.

Ooh. This sounds kind of awesome. I could do with more Nichijou in my life. Maybe I should check this game out.

Can I see a non-rotoscoped picture of Saeki? Girl is Waifu tier. DAT SMILE.

But Corvo, that depends on which non-rotoscoped Saeki you mean!

This one, or this one?

SO while we wait for the Fall Season, what was the impression that the Summer Season has left upon us?

It has been a wonderful season.


Maturity, bitches.
Karen is everything I hate about Britain rolled into one package.

I don't know what that means, I just felt like saying it.
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