Clannad is also one of the most popular VNs of all time.
I can't think of anything more damning of the medium.
I can't think of anything more damning of the human race than Clannad.
Clannad: Actually Worse than Genocide.
Clannad is also one of the most popular VNs of all time.
I can't think of anything more damning of the medium.
Clannad is also one of the most popular VNs of all time.
I can't think of anything more damning of the medium.
I 'm late on cross ange but i have a hard time to believe this[Fate/Stay Night] - 8
Literally stupider than Cross Ange.
Get kidnapped , came back home , ask for training in the morning, weird dream , get training , arrives on school lateDid I misread the subs or did Rin even state that she's sorry for what happened "yesterday"?
As the fuck would that timeline even work out then. Even if Shirou was dragged away by Caster in the early morning, did he somehow get healed (Saber?) and trained a lot within that short timeframe?
Sagebu - 02
Rival turned masochist?! AWWWWWW YEAAH!
I'm really liking how the main lead isn't some boring girl who's like "Oh hey, I can be somebody in this club!" and instead has this selfish attitude with a backbone to boot.
I can't think of anything more damning of the human race than Clannad.
Clannad: Actually Worse than Genocide.
I can't think of anything more damning of the human race than Clannad.
Clannad: Actually Worse than Genocide.
nasuverse is hot garbage and fate/zeros the only exception
ronja 1-2
yeah this is basically cg world masterpiece theatre and i like what i see thus far. the cg can be a bit iffy at times but it looks so much better than the teasers let on thanks to how well its animated and how nicely it blends in with the great background work.
gj goro
But is Genocide worse than Hitler?
But is Genocide worse than Hitler?
it's even based off of a swedish kids book!!!
this seems more promising than it appeared to be then
One thing for sure , if you're watching grisaia the anime you REALLY NEED to stop normal thinking and just enjoy the ride, because this episode plot hole are more numerous than in cheese.![]()
because she is a tsundere that is more tsundere than the regular tsundere in the same show.
The thing is , the more unbelievable it is , considering the franchise , it' actually likely that this is true , lol
I'm not one for hyperbole, but this is the greatest Ghibli movie of all time.
I haven't watched anything in over a month!Almost time to return to anime. Someone stop me.
Yeh, the direction just seems to put another shit-layer on top of the, I assume, bad source material. It's night and day difference to F/Z, which has also left a much better impression of its visuals, even though the budget wasn't as high (if that's actually the case?).
Who knows, maybe with great direction and a looser adaptation this could've been just fine.
I haven't watched anything in over a month!
I dropped like half of what I was watching, and yesterday I picked up Agents of SHIELD again instead!
I dropped like half of what I was watching, and yesterday I picked up Agents of SHIELD again instead!
Is that a good tradeoff?
I dropped like half of what I was watching, and yesterday I picked up Agents of SHIELD again instead!
I'm not sure if you're serious here, but if you are...
What, what, and what.
Say what you want about Fate/Stay Night but Fate/Zero was legit amazing.
To say Fate/Zero is awful is to say that Rider is awful.
To say Fate/Zero is awful is to say that Kiritsugu and Kirei are poorly written characters.
I honestly don't see how anyone could be serious about that.
Sagebu - 02
Rival turned masochist?! AWWWWWW YEAAH!
I'm really liking how the main lead isn't some boring girl who's like "Oh hey, I can be somebody in this club!" and instead has this selfish attitude with a backbone to boot.
How!? How do you fuck up Kurome vs. Akame!? Oh my lord, this show. Considering the manga, it's downright painful at this point. At the very least they could have made it a spectacle if they weren't going to follow the manga to the end, but no, we get rushed pseudo-resolutions with no heart behind them. It's depressing.
Indeed , the best thing that could have happenned to this franchise
The way Urara says "MOMOKA SJAMAA" never gets old. Loved this show.
I'm not sure if you're serious here, but if you are...
What, what, and what.
Say what you want about Fate/Stay Night but Fate/Zero was legit amazing.
To say Fate/Zero is awful is to say that Rider is awful.
To say Fate/Zero is awful is to say that Kiritsugu and Kirei are poorly written characters.
I honestly don't see how anyone could be serious about that.
The only real difference between F/SN and F/Z is the later starred adults and had less harem antics. The writing in both was all over the place and pretty laughable at times, both did the "I'll let you go this time" shenanigans over and over again. F/Z really just had a darker/better style which I think let people be far more forgiving of it's faults when compared to F/SN which is just the cheapest form anime entertainment via harem pandering self insert hero
Sagebu - 02
Rival turned masochist?! AWWWWWW YEAAH!
I'm really liking how the main lead isn't some boring girl who's like "Oh hey, I can be somebody in this club!" and instead has this selfish attitude with a backbone to boot.
Clannad is also one of the most popular VNs of all time.
I can't think of anything more damning of the medium.
I still have this avatar for a reason you know.
Momoka is best protagonist of the year and only second to Mako in best girl rankings.
How!? How do you fuck up Kurome vs. Akame!? Oh my lord, this show. Considering the manga, it's downright painful at this point. At the very least they could have made it a spectacle if they weren't going to follow the manga to the end, but no, we get rushed pseudo-resolutions with no heart behind them. It's depressing.
With all the praise horror movies and video games from Japan get, you'd think there would be some pretty amazing horror anime. I mean Ghost Hunt [?] was decent, but it just felt like a narrative version of the fake ghost hunter shows in western reality shows.
With all the praise horror movies and video games from Japan get, you'd think there would be some pretty amazing horror anime. I mean Ghost Hunt [?] was decent, but it just felt like a narrative version of the fake ghost hunter shows in western reality shows.
I'm not that surprised. Horror works aren't really blockbuster material even in the West.
You could damn any medium with that criteria.Clannad is also one of the most popular VNs of all time.
I can't think of anything more damning of the medium.
With all the praise horror movies and video games from Japan get, you'd think there would be some pretty amazing horror anime. I mean Ghost Hunt [?] was decent, but it just felt like a narrative version of the fake ghost hunter shows in western reality shows.
I really liked Ghost Hunt, too bad it wasn't the complete edition and there were couple of episode left untill it finished its plot.
You should look into Another. Its horror and its from the same write as Ghost Hunt.
You should look into Another. Its horror and its from the same write as Ghost Hunt.
I mean I guess. But how amazing would it be to get a horror anime with the writing of Silent Hill? All of that psychological horror. All over my body.
With all the praise horror movies and video games from Japan get, you'd think there would be some pretty amazing horror anime. I mean Ghost Hunt [?] was decent, but it just felt like a narrative version of the fake ghost hunter shows in western reality shows.
But it's not like that could happen, right?
Why you have to be so cold Momoka~ T_T