Maken-ki! Two -05
I was hoping they would have an episode focused on my favorite girl. Finally Aki-sensei has her moment in the spotlight!
Inou Battle 9
Oh so that's the "battle" this title is referring to!
Episode 7 must have been a major trigger cause Hatoko is in full Rex Grossman-style FIIGD mode.
Didn't sell super poorly in Japan, like 1.5k? They still make merchandise for a fanbase of that size?
You would actually pay $400+ for a 26 episode series and a movie?
What kind of solid gold fantasy world are you living in?
This is the point where ultimatemegax tell you oricon sales number ain't end of it.
Btw I thought the novel is quite popular anyway and gonna had live action.
Trying to find some more anime to watch, can anyone recommend me some ones that have a unique style artwise with good animation?
Tsuritama, Dennou Coil
Is this Kirita???
Or some new girl?
Is this Kirita???
Or some new girl?
Too femme, would ruin fantasy.Is this Kirita???
Too femme, would ruin fantasy.
Fair play to you.For the few series I really enjoy, like top-tier stuff on my enjoyment list, I will splurge. I usually get a pretty hefty tax return every year so I usually use it as video game and anime budget for the year after using half of it on student loans.
I bought the TTGL BD Box too. So fucking worth it. One of my most prized possessions that I am 100% pleased with the product I got for the money I paid.
Fair play to you.
I just can't see the value. I am too used to mostly sane western blu-ray prices.
Inou Battle 9
I like how this show flips between serious and fun. Not sure why I enjoy this so much, but it's clicked.
Curious on Andou's power being shown later in the series (since we know the love interest won't be resolved)
ronja 3-6
They've completely nailed the whimsical sense of discovery and the dangers lurking beneath it all which contrasts rather nicely to the somewhat jovial feud between to two tribes. I'm looking forward to what's coming up next even if it is painfully obvious what they're gonna do with the boy and the split castle motif.
Oh. I know that anime adaptions are pretty much done only as an advertisement for the original source material but Mahouka was so bad and boring that it feels weird to me that anime adaption made LN sales overtake the almighty SAO. Well I guess I just can't see the awesomenes of Onii sama.
Totally understandable. I only recently started purchasing anime this past year. Pretty much anything that can be bought on a sale I wait for a sale to happen.
I can't explain why I like it, but I just do.
Okay. I watched Welcome to th NHK episode 1, 2 and 3 yesterday.
First I was like wut
Then I was like wat
But then I started to enjoy it.
B Gata H Kei: Gata's First Time 1
Always with the tummy rubs...
This was pretty funny though.
Its at the point where I am really enjoying it on a weekly basis, and now it ends in 3 weeks.
Since the LNs are still on going, I presume there will be content to warrant a S2. Depends on how successful this S1 run has been.
I hope so. I don't expect the LNs to be picked up or fan translated. Plus I like how Trigger handled it.
I hope so. I don't expect the LNs to be picked up or fan translated. Plus I like how Trigger handled it.
Must admit I'm surprised it hasn't been picked up for fan translation. Pretty much every series picked up for anime seems to have a fan translation.
The adaption bounces all over the LN volumes which is pretty neat.
Im pretty sure there is a translation (albeit poor) for the first couple LNs around somewhere...
Mostly I'm curious to know how many books the show has burned through. Wikipedia says there are 9 books so far.
LN 7 is the perfect place to end the season.
Oh wow, I didn't know that at all. I guess I should give props then to whomever's stuck trying to tie all that shit together.Don't blame the author, the show is based on a F2P card game so they have to take every mythology available and make a mix in order to sell more cards.
Igh, so much wrong.[Bahamut] - 8
I don't really know why Rita is in this show. She basically feels like a DLC character in a Bioware RPG that you only use on your second playthough because she has a few lines that trigger here and there but no actual character arc or story relevance.
Tessa's seriously the worst choice, real men would choose Mao, would take Chidori in a pinch and if neither of those two would bite, their hand before Tessa.I don't know who to believe here. Oh wait a minute, yes I do! #Cajuntruth.
LN 7 is the perfect place to end the season.
Just watch the oavSagebu - 12 [END]
Nya ..just nya ( best maken episode ever )Maken-ki! Two - 03
This show is shameless. :lol
Oh wait , you did .Sabagebu Special - 01
There are no words to express how badly I want a second season of this. This show rekindled my love for anime.
Also I just wanna say that Tessa is my most hated archetype character ever and one I frankly find somewhat offensive.
As a lover of women, someone who's been in the military and has a huge fetish for women in command in fiction and a healthy dose of respect for the men and women who are and have been in the kind of role portrayed by Tessa and others of her ilk I find the cute clumsy commander who sucks at everything but still somehow comes through just because she tries and her crew adores her for it disgusting. Only anime would throw something so repulsive out there like that. A good character in my opinion should transcend genres and mediums and I can't think of any loved or respected captain outside of anime that acts like this. I can't imagine Battlestar Galactica introducing Adama the same way and people letting it fly and even goofier captains like Malcom Reynolds from Firefly exude more leadership and professionalism than the likes of Tessa.
On one hand I want to say we should want better female characters, that's my selfish wish as I can stomach a weak or stupid plot if the characters are good enough but characters like Tessa and Misamaru(or whatever from Nadesico) and Tyler(from Irresponsible Captain Tylor) do anotherthing and that's basically devalue the conflict down to KAOS and Control(Get Smart) or Dr. Claw versus Inspector Gadget. You can't take an organization that places these types of people in command positions seriously and as a result everything comes of goofy, meaningless and stupid. At least in Nadesico and the Irresponsible Captain Tyler everyone's goofy and they're comedies but Full Metal Panic tries to actually be serious and Tessa's mere existence undermines it.
And I don't know if Tessa or the plot came first to the author but literally so much of it is hand in hand bad, the things people like about her are bad. She endangers her crew and her mission countless times and it always elicits a Tessa rocks statement from people who like her and all I can think is that a competent Captain wouldn't have been in that situation in the first place and everything just goes downhill from there for me.
We should demand better.
Sakuga knows no bound yo.![]()
Too bad she's in SAO though.
I finally ordered BD Vol. 1I just wanted to compliment you on your best avatar of the best girl.
Truly you possess the greatest taste.
Well, I don't know what this "event" is but I totally disagree.The only problem with tessa is that the show doesn't explain why she is in charge and why nobody complains untill VERY LATE ( or at all , since those parts weren't put in anime ).
Tessa endangers her crew only once and was selfish once ? Not to mention the power position within mythril to consider. For most of the missions she did until "THE BIG EVENT" ( no spoiler but everyone know what that is ) there wouldn't have been a sucess rate that high if she was in charge.
I finally ordered BD Vol. 1
Supporting S2 and onwards to get more best girl screen time.
Best bro and best cat ever.
Well, I don't know what this "event" is but I totally disagree.
My reasoning is this: If Tessa were a competent commander making wise decisions either for her crew or at the very least for her organization's mission the entire first season of Full Metal Panic could not have happened. The decisions of letting Chidori stay in school is just plain idiotic from any point of view except anime logic and whether that was Tessa or someone higher's call anyone who agrees considering what's at stake in that world is crazy. Japan's crazy, Tessa's crazy, Mithrill's crazy and all the other member nations are crazy. Bad decisions flow like Diarrhea once that decision was made like sending the Arbalest unmanned via rocket into enemy territory for Sousuke to use, letting him keep it to guard Chidori at home thus taking it out of service from the sub and it's other missions despite it being seemingly their best one at the time, none of this is sound military thinking and it just goes on and on.
The anime never goes too far into detail with Mithrill and the enemy faction but you can tell Mithrill's kind of a big deal and putting aside the difference between a somewhat sponsored mercenary force and a professional one, they're not secret in the universe, they're shown to have some skill in combat when portrayed and have been known publicly to have been in many engagements, clearly are supported by many national powers and sometimes work in conjunction with or for them and then for the show to set this up and then have them act like, shit I don't know, some amateur local redneck militia with high-tech toys is rather jarring. Especially considering the stakes and doubly so considering everyone who knows how they're getting that tech.
You can almost forgive the show initially thinking it's pretty much a comedy but then Afghanistan happens and the show shows you what really happens out there and that really drives home just how stupid Mithrill and everyone involved really is.
Tessa may be a competent commander when compared to other Mithrill commanders but that's not saying much, that's still incompetent. Whatever back story they give for why Tessa's in charge I dunno but I can't imagine it being a good enough reason to excuse what we do see or accept it as good.Especially if the reason cited is because it's her design because that amounts to jack shit, no sub designer's also a Captain.
Full Metal Panic would need to be a totally different show if we wanted to staff it with actual competent(to their profession's requirement) characters and perhaps that show would be less entertaining to many, I give you that, but then we could say a character's great at their job or not, but in its current state I think it's fair to say they(any Mithrill personnel) all fail.
It's not a better seller than SAO.
Light Novel Sales by Volumes
*3. 350,693 Sword Art Online Vol.14
*4. 332,314 Sword Art Online Vol.15
*5. 331,256 Sword Art Online: Progressive Vol.2
*6. 226,371 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol.13
10. 206,593 Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Vol.14
It sells a good 100k-150k less per volume than SAO. The reason why it sold more copies this year was because volumes 1-12 went from being 100k too 200k.
Next year it will trail behind SAO by quite a bit if an equal amount of volumes are released.
Mahouka LN sales were already pretty strong, pretty sure it cracked the 100k mark easily pre anime, it's not exactly a Durarra which went from selling 30k to 300k thanks to the anime. (though sales have dropped off a cliff, maybe partially why we're getting 2 sequels finally).