Sagebu - 09
Momoka is so heartless. I love it.
The only thing Araki can't remember is how to draw Part 1-6 characters.
In JoJonium everyone just looks like Gappy. He has a sameface problem now but he'll grow out if it and then not be able to draw Part 8 characters
I forget. Have you watched Binbougami Ga?
It's weird that anime doesn't really have a defining horror series in it. It's something I want to see, but I don't know how I want to see it since it hasn't really been done. Serial Experiments Lain is pretty damn close. I eat up that bizarre, otherworldly atmosphere. I bet directors with a penchant for atmosphere could make a really effective horror, like Oshii or Morimoto. I guess Kon is pretty much the closest with Paranoia Agent and Perfect Blue.Horror is a very hard genre to do. It requires a level of nuance that most anime directors/staff are incapable of. While we might occasionally get an episode or a series of episodes like the ones in Brave New World, I can't for the longest time think of a straight horror series that was any good at all.
Hell we barely get any good psychological thrillers nowadays.
Hah. That's pretty funny. Though I don't know exactly how it works, I can't imagine he had expressed permission to use that footage.I don't remember if this was mentioned before and I've just forgotten but here's a little bit of trivia that might be of interest to some.
It seems Matthew Sweet was a fan of anime or at least maybe Urusei Yatsura and Space Adventure Cobra anyway.
-There's footage of Urusei Yatsura in the music video for I've Been Waiting.
-You can see a brief cameo of a Lum key-chain in the video for Ugly Truth Rock. (The quality isn't as good at only 240p but you can definitely see her at 2:56)
-There seems to be another very brief cameo of Lum at the beginning of the video to Sick of Myself. It looks like some artwork of her in the picture to the right on the wall.
-Footage of Space Adventure Cobra appears in the music video to Girlfriend.
Their light novels do have the same artist. Other than that, they couldn't be more different.Is Oreshura and Unbreakable Machine Dolls connected at all? Same manga ka or character designer?
Their light novels do have the same artist. Other than that, they couldn't be more different.
The illustrator also did Mushi-Uta.I refer to the eye design. Very distinctive!
It's weird that anime doesn't really have a defining horror series in it. It's something I want to see, but I don't know how I want to see it since it hasn't really been done. Serial Experiments Lain is pretty damn close. I eat up that bizarre, otherworldly atmosphere. I bet directors with a penchant for atmosphere could make a really effective horror, like Oshii or Morimoto. I guess Kon is pretty much the closest with Paranoia Agent and Perfect Blue.
I've actually been thinking how many good horror anime are there period and Paranoia Agent is the only only one popping up in my mind. I can think of other series which have very good horror elements initially but turn into psychological thrillers later. Berserk is definitely one. Another is Blue Gender. Very few anime start and stay a horror work.
I just really don't get otaku market sometimes. While anime adaption of SAO is bad too at least I can somewhat see why it's popular. Anime adaption of Madoka was just so fucking boring. How in the hell it gave growth to LN sales. Mindfuck.
Sagebu - 12 [END]
Sagebu - 12 [END]
If anything I think that would lead MORE to the conclusion that it was changed. If Annasui was originally conceived to be the main love interest when Araki was planning out part 6 in his mind then his later actions make sense. First he introduced her into the plot as a female, then had the character vanish, finally had her come back as a male/main character/love interest. There's no way to know if the editors themselves forced him to make the switch or if Araki himself changed his mind and changed it from a lesbian to a heterosexual relationship to avoid getting flak from the editors/audience. If there wasn't a change there would be no reason to change the gender of the original character, you could have just introduced a new character to be the love interest ala Suzi from part 2.
Jotaro still looks pretty good.
Sailor Moon R 13-14
I'm okay with the ending of the tree arc. Lots of stuff to be wrapped up - including how the tree came to be, and exactly who Moonlight Knight was. Bit of a roundabout way to get to the status quo, but the arc did serve as one of the more daily life-ish ones in SM, and gave us the infamous "TALENT" moment, so it was worth it. As for Chibiusa... she has guns and sedatives despite being so young, and knows how to use them. She's not quite as bad in the Japanese version as I remember her dub self, but I need more time to get to know her. The same goes for the new gaudy group of baddies that are attacking.
Terraformars 10
Adolf's last stand should have been like an episode shorter, it just went on and on and on to the point that the impact it had was largely lost. Also why in the heck was Eva at all hyped to be a main character? She literally did nothing up until this episode and her crowning moment awkwardly punch a terraformar then to die with the man she loved as his body exploded
At least we finally got to move onto a different group and see some more fighting, though at this point we've kind of been stuck in nothing but shonen battles for awhile and I need some kind of plot development that isn't lots of good guys dying.
duckholm syndromeBig Hero 6
duckroll hype has never let me down!
That tail isn't nearly fluffy enough to be a tanuki tail.
But that Cars man.
That Cars
You've wrapped your tail around my heart once more.Strikes Witches 2 - 9
On one hand, this is a beach ep which is a bad thing.
On the other, it's a Perrine ep which is a good thing.
Eyes on the prize
You've wrapped your tail around my heart once more.
You've wrapped your tail around my heart once more.
Tokyo Ghoul Carnaval
I can only hope it's grown fluffier during my training so it might warm you so.
Really? I mean, your the king of twintails...getting super weird in here
Really? I mean, your the king of twintails...
Not the king of twin fluffy tails.Really? I mean, your the king of twintails...
Really? I mean, your the king of twintails...
Just finishing up Fate / Zero and watched the fight between Iskandar and Gilgamesh. Rider has become one of my most liked anime characters ever. This whole series I've not really found myself caring about Saber and Kiritsugu, and much more interested in Rider and Waver.
Tessa sucks.
Well Tessa is the best.
Did you lose a bet?