NCR Redslayer
NeoGAF's Vegeta
Even when we have all forgotten about F4, BETHESDA still be like to Sony:
I guess I can live with that.

I guess I can live with that.
I find the difficulty pretty steep in comparison the predecessors. Not bad, though. Traps could finally kill you instantly. In Fallout 3 or New Vegas I couldn't care less for mines. Combat is more deadly, now.The combat is hard though, is it normal to have so much trouble clearing out a raider hideout for a settlement? Even the first ''clear raiders'' mission was superhard and I needed to use almost all my food and stimpaks to make it out alive.
I find the difficulty pretty steep in comparison the predecessors. Not bad, though. Traps could finally kill you instantly. In Fallout 3 or New Vegas I couldn't care less for mines. Combat is more deadly, now.
Back the fuck up...
I just found out that not only did Nuka World already get released but it got released a month ago. I can't believe that came in under my radar, I don't even think we had an OT for it. None of my favorite podcasts or Youtube channels even referenced it, how odd.
So how do people like it compared to the F3 DLC and Far Harbor? Hearing mixed things so far.
Back the fuck up...
I just found out that not only did Nuka World already get released but it got released a month ago. I can't believe that came in under my radar, I don't even think we had an OT for it. None of my favorite podcasts or Youtube channels even referenced it, how odd.
So how do people like it compared to the F3 DLC and Far Harbor? Hearing mixed things so far.
Nuka World on its own is quite fun. The lore of park is fantastic. I'm afraid it's better than present day story with the raider factions. As a matter of fact, there's very little story development for the raiders. Taking over the park, delving into it's history and having some fun is where Nuka World shines. The ending and post-game leaves a lot to be desired. Nuka World's place in the commonwealth as a whole is incredibly half-baked. It's too bad, I was hyped playing through Nuka World and the ending fizzled out. I wish they took more time with it.
Ending spoilers
Power Play was rather anti-climactic. It was like an on-rails shooter with the other factions leading the way. A very boring final battle on the roof. Now, the park receiving power was great. I was also excited to lead the raiders into the commonwealth. Then I find out you can't go to war with the Minutemen. Preston Garvey confronts you and you have all these dialog options.. For what? He still calls you General. The game as a whole has an over reliance on Preston because another settlement needs your help. I can destroy every faction except the Minutemen. Then you have this great raider based DLC.. For nothing.
At least you didn't do what I did. Ididn't finish Sanctuary so when I came back he pretty much yelled at me and now I can't even take Sanctuary over because the quest will remain there incomplete forever. You'd think it'd at least auto finish after I say I'm not betraying the raiders but nope. *sigh*
Wow that's awful. They clearly didn't take enough time attempting to implement Nuka World's effect on the commonwealth. Too many instances of Bethesda trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. It really shows all around. Preston has been bugged on my main survival save since I completed the original story and not one of the DLCs have ever resolved it. He has been eternally stuck in "Holy shit.. you blew up the Institute!" dialog from the roof of CIT. I keep him locked up in my Zimonja Outpost prison camp with 20 other settlers, no food and no water. Worst Fallout character of all time.
They removed most of the fog and it got a lot betterHows Far Harbors performance on PS4 now ? I remember reading about framerate issues around its release.
They removed most of the fog and it got a lot better
Did they patch nuka world ps4? i heard it was a broken mess
Well, i guess i'm done with the main story for Nuka world? Not sure. I've only played for like 2 hours but it seems i'm done? I made it through the gauntlet, talked to Gage who told me to talk to the three raider factions. Before going to the first gang i talked to a slave who gave me a quest to kill all the leaders.
Figured i would first talk with them to see if there's any hope in making them a force for good, since my character have basically been a good gal since leaving the vault. The first one i visited, think they are called disciples or something, have their place basically smeared in blood and got a bunch of slaves tied up. After talking to their leader and some gal named Dixie or something i come to the conclusion that these are people are straight up evil.
So i say, fuck this and start killing the psychopaths and i end up turning the whole nuka world against me. After an intense firefight against the other gangs i return and free the slaves, or at least i think i did? Did i just finish the main quest? Because the whole place is now dead and there's nothing to do as far as i can see. Because if that's the case, fuck off $20...
Dude check out all the theme parks.
Also do the quest with the cappy code, I hardly recommend that.
Yep (She's also a well known character from Fallout 3)Cappy code, that's the one from the crazy lady you meet right?
Yep (She's also a well known character from Fallout 3)
I also recommend finding the Hubologists (or however they're called) if you haven't yet.
Wait for a sale. Heck, the Halloween sale is right around the corner, maybe it'll be discounted.I already have Fallout 4 on Ps4 but now that I built a new pc want to buy it there but thinking it is better to wait for a game of the year or ultimate edition at this point from Bethesda. Got any clues when and if that may happen or should I just buy it now?
Wait for a sale. Heck, the Halloween sale is right around the corner, maybe it'll be discounted.
It is already on sale I was just wondering if there will be some kind of game of the year edition soon so I should wait.
So this block puzzle in far harbor...
Last one kinda made me wanna just shut my xbox off a few times.
Hope the loot and story are worth it for that!
You can store the blocks in your inventoryThat puzzle was such bullshit. It's not even that it was difficult, just super time consuming because you had to move all the blocks around.
You can store the blocks in your inventory
You can store the blocks in your inventory
Fallout 4 Creation Kit update now available, now supports PS4 mods:
Fallout 4 Creation Kit Update: Support for PS4 Mods!
Bethesda Game Studios November 7, 2016
We're happy to announce Fallout 4's Creation Kit is updated today to support mods on PS4. Go to your Launcher to update your Creation Kit.
Note: PS4 Mods are Plugins only. No archives are permitted.