This doesn't happen many times come on!!
But yes, the other day I had to kick a sprout healer
You were probably justified in doing so, but that sequence of sentences is pretty funny.
On the topic of level skips, they should probably make the Hall of the Novice mandatory for players who buy them.
I plan on switching from summoner to gunbreaker at level 60 and am gonna have to lead parties in dungeons I aint never been in. I foresee many "expressions of frustration" in the chat log lol
Well, I highly advise looking up dungeon guides to minimize frustration for yourself and your party. MTQCapture on YouTube makes short and concise dungeon guides, so I highly recommend her videos.
As for actual tanking advice:
Do not forget to turn on your Tank Stance.
Always use Arm's Length (Role Action) during a pull and don't forget your defensive cooldowns (for GNB, Heart of Stone has the lowest cooldown timer so use that first and then cycle in new ones, one at a time, as they expire).
Most dungeon groups appreciate larger pulls but if your healer's gear isn't up to snuff (i.e. you're in a level 70 dungeon but the healer has 60 gear) then take it slower.
That's about all you really need for a beginner tank, outside of obvious advice like point enemies away from your group, etc. Good luck!