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Fallout New Vegas |OT| Obsidian does what Bethesdon't


water_wendi said:
Cant confirm it myself atm but they are on the floor in the room adjacent to the Protectron stasis area.

Ah found it. It was in a room that I hadn't been in yet but thought I did. Off to Boulder City I go. Thanks.


Finally have had some sit down time with Dead Money and it is excellent so far. I know someone had mentioned Bioshock vibe earlier and I can concur. I would say thus far certainly a level up to most of what I've played in Fallout: New Vegas.


water_wendi said:
Console? i remember watching streams of NV when it first came out (well, was leaked) and the 360 version.. i swear it only played the same three songs for hours of gameplay. PC version seemed to not have this issue.
Nope, Steam. It's probably just that I only had the two starting stations and didn't discover any others until long after I'd turned the radio off whereas in Fallout 3 I remember finding a bunch of stations pretty early in the game.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
krakov said:
Yeah sure, they serve a purpose. But I think quite a few locations would have been better unmarked, as to tell you don't spend an hour here looking for nothing. As I wrote earlier I kind of gave up after being burned by a bunch of caves with some ammo or other stuff that's strewn around the wasteland like tumbleweeds. I feel the same way about many of the settlements since they are often really big with not a lot going on other than random npcs going about. Finding that one questgiver among the populace got annoying sometimes.

Also I'm not saying there aren't any good locations, just to many without any interesting loot/story/whatevs. The vaults I've been in has been some of the greatest locations and I'm glad there are more settlements than in Fallout 3. Still I feel almost every location I stumbled upon in FO3 had something of value, if only a note or some piece of unique loot that wasn't fit for my build.

I must agree the games are quite different, and as you say I think New Vegas is a bit more reasonable, while FO3 is more zany. For me it's more about finding something new and exciting rather than a house where some bum made a brahmin steak. The immersion kind of breaks for me anyway when some NCR bigshot has 24 bent tin cans laying around his bedroom where he sleeps next to one of the soldiers.

As for scares in NV, I found some of the vaults to deliver on that front.

Also, a lot of these things would have been less annoying is it wasn't for the frequent load times which in a long session could go about for over one and a half minute (360).

yes, as I wrote earlier people are different and their tastes differ. It's banal but truth and FO3-F:NV is an excellent example of this.

and what is also true is that the game is a technical mess. I have it nice but I ran into 5 quest-breaking glitches during my two playthorughs and that's not nice. I was able to find a workaround for 4 of them though.
Finally have had some sit down time with Dead Money and it is excellent so far. I know someone had mentioned Bioshock vibe earlier and I can concur. I would say thus far certainly a level up to most of what I've played in Fallout: New Vegas.
I was thinking the same thing. A very wonderful love letter to Bioshock. But the characters! Goddamn, all
of them are fantastic. Seriously. I never skip the dialog just because the VA work is so well done. Except, well, one of them. :lol Who's cute in a Hellraiser kind of way.

Edit: New Vegas > FO3. But I haven't finished it yet, so that's a little early. Still, better mechanics and quests 70 hours in. The "personality" is there, for me anyways. And who the hell was hating on Mr. New Vegas and preferring Three Dog? Blasphemy, even if they should have more music.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Metalic Sand said:
Without having to go through this whole thread have the bugs been patched for New Vegas console versions?

$35 on amazon atm.

Most of the major ones that involve important things such as questlines or gamecrashing have been, yes.

However, it is the gamebryo engine, and there will still be some minor glitches.


People called Romanes they go the house?
beelzebozo said:
cazadors, just, suck it.

christ almighty.

Try shooting the wings, instead of the head with everything else.

When they can't fly, they have to crawl, and you can pick em off at your leisure.


Gold Member
beelzebozo said:
where can i get more antivenom? any time i get poisoned it's instant freaking death.
People tend to drop them you can also make them if your survival skill is 40. To make it you need 1 Nightstalker blood and 2 radscorpion poison gland.


I can't adequately express how thoroughly disappointed I am with Dead Money. From beginning to end, it was nothing tedious busy work and jerkass design decisions.

I've put over 200 hours into F3/NV and haven't experienced anything that makes me feel even a fraction of the hatred I feel towards Dead Money. I love New Vegas, but good god.
Speaking of antivenom, will companions (even E-DE) use them? I don't even know if venom works on robots (it shouldn't) but I want to make sure Veronica stays safe. I'm not afraid of cazadores as long as I'm fighting one at a time, and I've barely seen any giant radscorpions and I'm level 18.


C-Jo said:
I can't adequately express how thoroughly disappointed I am with Dead Money. From beginning to end, it was nothing tedious busy work and jerkass design decisions.

I've put over 200 hours into F3/NV and haven't experienced anything that makes me feel even a fraction of the hatred I feel towards Dead Money. I love New Vegas, but good god.

The interior sections were great, especially inside the Sierra Madre. Sneaking and avoiding holograms, finding emitters, using science, making repairs, speech checks, all that sort of thing.

I also thought the story, characters and dialogue were well written.

Plus, the Assassin Suit <3


I decked out my team in some new gear:

Boone's wearing the NCR Combat Ranger Armour and helmet
Veronica's wearing a T-51b Power Armour and helmet
Cass is wearing a Bounty Hunter Duster and sunglasses
Raul's wearing Remnant's Power Armour and helmet


Natural said:
How do you get them to wear certain stuff? Do you just put the clothes in their inventory?

Yup, that's right. Most of them won't wear faction stuff though, E.G. Boone won't wear Legion or Powder Ganger apparel, but he will wear NCR stuff it seems.


Lakitu said:
The interior sections were great, especially inside the Sierra Madre. Sneaking and avoiding holograms, finding emitters, using science, making repairs, speech checks, all that sort of thing.

I also thought the story, characters and dialogue were well written.
I think how much you enjoy those elements probably relates to how you played the rest of the game. Having to sneak around and be stealthy after 50 hours of shooting fools in the face is not my idea of fun.

I found the dialogue to be pretty well written, but outside of Christine, I just didn't care.
Father Elijah wasn't really fleshed out to my liking. I was excited when I found out that he was the antagonist, but that thread turned out to be pretty inconsequential. Also, your companions talked way too damn much and repeated the same 3 lines every 20 seconds it seemed.

As for the stuff about the couriers fighting under the flag of the old world, I guess that has the potential to be cool? It's so disjointed and out of context at this point that it's pretty meaningless to me. It definitely has potential though.

The story is fine though, that's not really my concern at all. I just found the gameplay and quest design to be the complete opposite of what I want from a Fallout, or any game.


Wrapped up Dead Money late last night. While I'm probably one of the few around here that enjoyed the core game of Fallout 3 more than NV (though admittedly lots of new stuff to love in NV over F3) this DLC is hands down the best DLC between them all. I probably put in somewhere between 8-10 hours and I still have some scavenging stuff to do before I leave. The writing, the characters, environments, gameplay scenarios.... all great stuff. Looking back at it... while there were some points of frustration I think that just in the end added to my experience. You cannot cake walk through this stuff and I very much enjoy the scenario they lay out in front of you without all your gear. A nice break from NV. Looking forward to the rest of the DLC if it is at this level of enjoyment.


Zzoram said:
Why is the mouse speed so fast? Even on lowest sensitivity my mouse cursor is zipping around at uncontrollable speed.

Mouse acceleration is kind of jank by default. Use this:

*** A fix has been found, you must manually disable vsync (forced on by default now) and you must also copy the acceleration disabling settings to the default ini file in the main directory. Instructions:

go to your Fallout_default.ini file in your steam new vegas folder, and put


under your controls, and then search for


and change it from 1 to 0. ***

You can use d3doverrider or similar to force vsync externally.


I was worried when i decided to change companions from Boone to Veronica that the game would get way harder as Boone was so powerful, how little did i know. She takes pretty much everything i meet out with one huge hit, it's kinda beautiful. So satisfying to get one over on some Catzadors.

Just finished Vault 22 was was quite cool. Left the questline stil wondering whether i made the right choice, which was nice. Liked the visual change for the vault and the way the enemies in there blended into the vegetation made it a bit more interesting. Kinda creepy too. Still yet to go into to the strip despite being level 14 and over 20 hours in, just moseying around freeside and the areas around it doing quests. Impressed by how many ways i've found to get into the strip already though,
by monorail from inside the NCR camp if you put on an NCR uniform, by buying a passport from the shop if your speech skill is high, by doing quests for the king; i wonder if using a stealth boy will sneak you past the guards.


Jealous Bastard
you know, i love the game, but have two complaints:
  • the invisible walls are completely atrocious (this has often been noted)
  • i feel the enclave as a central threat in fallout 3 created a much richer atmosphere and focus than the more muddled factions of new vegas; none of the groups seem very well defined, and i frequently forget who's who and why i should care


beelzebozo said:
the invisible walls are completely atrocious (this has often been noted)
Fix: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35011

beelzebozo said:
i feel the enclave as a central threat in fallout 3 created a much richer atmosphere and focus than the more muddled factions of new vegas; none of the groups seem very well defined, and i frequently forget who's who and why i should care
I felt this way about everyone in FO3 :lol In NV I know exactly who's who, and I care for some of them at least.


Jealous Bastard
do you feel there are locations in NV that are as memorable or representative of the game's themes as some of the stuff in fallout 3? i don't know, maybe there's more to my reaction here than just the design of the games themselves. maybe i'm just more "used" to the game form and am therefore giving NV the short shrift. but i look at FO3 and remember very vividly tenpenny tower, megaton, little lamplight, all the historical locations. . . it just seemed like a very eventful game with tons of great settings.

i am missing that in NV.


I'm glad the game is at least playable for me on PC now, but I still get about one crash to desktop every 3 hours.

Game is so good though.


People called Romanes they go the house?
beelzebozo said:
do you feel there are locations in NV that are as memorable or representative of the game's themes as some of the stuff in fallout 3? i don't know, maybe there's more to my reaction here than just the design of the games themselves. maybe i'm just more "used" to the game form and am therefore giving NV the short shrift. but i look at FO3 and remember very vividly tenpenny tower, megaton, little lamplight, all the historical locations. . . it just seemed like a very eventful game with tons of great settings.

i am missing that in NV.

Well, there's certainly the strip. The vault with the various 'blocs' also represents some of New Vegas really well.

But overall, I got the feeling after playing through New Vegas that Fallout 3 was all about the set pieces and how they play out in their own little self-contained stories, while New Vegas is much more a winding single entity that doesn't try to use any one town/landmark, but wraps them all together. Similarly, I think that overall, Fallout 3's quests were much more self-contained and not as relevant to the main story, while much more of New Vegas' were, if not directly, then by having an input on the 'faction influence' system.

One example is chasing Benny down all throughout the Mojave Wasteland and always being one step behind him, until you finally reach him and decide his fate. It's not necessarily about the Novac or Repconn as standalone set pieces, but more focused on how Obsidian ties the Repconn Factory into helping Novac out to find out where Benny has gone.

In New Vegas, it's the journey that you remember moreso than the set pieces.


Natural said:
Travelling with Veronica at the moment and my lord, she's a boss. Takes out enemies in one to two hits every time.
Get her the unique power fist Pushy, and she'll take out most enemies in one hit.
beelzebozo said:
i feel the enclave as a central threat in fallout 3 created a much richer atmosphere and focus than the more muddled factions of new vegas; none of the groups seem very well defined, and i frequently forget who's who and why i should care

I prefer the factions. It's far less proscriptive morally, since it leaves questions of good and evil up to the player instead of saying "these guys are the allies and these guys are the Nazis; you don't want to be a Nazi, do you?" There is a lot to admire about the Legion, and there is a lot to dislike about the NCR. Is Mr House a tyrannical dictator or a benevolent autocrat?

beelzebozo said:
do you feel there are locations in NV that are as memorable or representative of the game's themes as some of the stuff in fallout 3? i don't know, maybe there's more to my reaction here than just the design of the games themselves. maybe i'm just more "used" to the game form and am therefore giving NV the short shrift. but i look at FO3 and remember very vividly tenpenny tower, megaton, little lamplight, all the historical locations. . . it just seemed like a very eventful game with tons of great settings.

In New Vegas the designers rely a lot more on locations telling a story simply by existing. In F3 every location had a little side-story associated with it which was explicitly told, whereas in New Vegas a lot more is left up to your imagination.


jim-jam bongs said:
I prefer the factions. It's far less proscriptive morally, since it leaves questions of good and evil up to the player instead of saying "these guys are the allies and these guys are the Nazis; you don't want to be a Nazi, do you?" There is a lot to admire about the Legion, and there is a lot to dislike about the NCR. Is Mr House a tyrannical dictator or a benevolent autocrat?
Huh? I found every group to clearly be assholes, with Legion just the worst of the lot, since I didn't find a single redeeming thing about them. Mr. House is a total dick, though he does save the Strip, its clearly for his own edification. The NCR is seeking to expand and control key resources for the sake of its citizens, not caring about the lives of others.

Instead of good versus evil, it was no good really and various shades of evil. It's more realistic in that way compared to FO3, but it's not all that complex.


People called Romanes they go the house?
Aaron said:
Huh? I found every group to clearly be assholes, with Legion just the worst of the lot, since I didn't find a single redeeming thing about them. Mr. House is a total dick, though he does save the Strip, its clearly for his own edification. The NCR is seeking to expand and control key resources for the sake of its citizens, not caring about the lives of others.

Instead of good versus evil, it was no good really and various shades of evil. It's more realistic in that way compared to FO3, but it's not all that complex.

It's certainly more complex in that it gives you a choice on who to align with, rather than blatantly laying the groundwork for "Brotherhood=Jesus, Enclave/Supermutants=Devil" approach of 3.

While it's true that each faction doesn't really have a purely "good" agenda like the Brotherhood in 3, as you said, that's probably much more realistic in a post-apocalyptic setting.

As the Courier, a person who's been scripted into a position of some prominence, you pick whichever faction you think is the least evil out of all of the factions (or whatever motivating factors you want to go by), and try to see how you can have an impact on their end-game, such as recruiting the Khans or Brotherhood for the NCR rather than killing them outright.

I admit that I initially thought the Legion would be the Enclave of New Vegas, but I'm guessing it was put there for the more blatantly "evil" choice.


jim-jam bongs said:
I prefer the factions. It's far less proscriptive morally, since it leaves questions of good and evil up to the player instead of saying "these guys are the allies and these guys are the Nazis; you don't want to be a Nazi, do you?" There is a lot to admire about the Legion, and there is a lot to dislike about the NCR. Is Mr House a tyrannical dictator or a benevolent autocrat?

The Legion was just as evil as the F3-era Enclave, if not more evil. Sure the Enclave was trying to kill off anyone with mutant genes, but that at least was ostensibly being done for a pragmatic reason related to the long-term survival of the human race. You didn't see the Enclave doing things for reasons of pure sadism, like the Legion's "Lottery".


Got this for xmas, played a few hours today. Not got very far (Just finished "come fly with me") but i'm loving it so far. Not sure if i prefer it to Fallout 3, but definitely liking it.

I sodding hate having "AIN'T THAT A KICK IN THE HEAD" playing constantly though
Hrm. I feel like the factions component is the biggest improvement on anything in FO3. I know exactly how each one stands by talking to every one of those fucking unique NPCs, even the NCR soldiers sitting down and literally talking about nothing. For instance, this had a lot to do with impacting my decision in Return to Sender. If I hadn't talked with so many learning about previous deployments, the government of NCR, etc, I wouldn't have made the choices I did.

And maybe I've just been jonesing for an RPG with a decent faction element since GTA2. I dunno. New Vegas does so much right, that I can't help but see it as a 100% improvement over FO3. I'm only skeptical and not-so-happy with the level cap being increased, but playing on Hard difficulty seems to balance it out.


the thing about the factions that i like is how it really helps make you feel like your choices have an impact on the world. makes the whole wasteland feel a lot more believable as a place when you get more natural reactions to what you decide to do.


I prefer the music in FO3, but the downbeat country and western of NV works well because of the desert setting.

I agree with what some others said above about the music in FO3 working so well because of the ironic/fitting song titles and lyrics, there isn't so much of that in NV.


Empty said:
the thing about the factions that i like is how it really helps make you feel like your choices have an impact on the world. makes the whole wasteland feel a lot more believable as a place when you get more natural reactions to what you decide to do.

The ending is nice but I'd prefer if things would actually change while playing the game. If you help a faction take over some area they will just stand around forever with 1 hp saying "that was a good fight" or whatever. You'd think that killing a really important person or a whole 200 soldiers in a faction would do a difference. Well yeah, maybe a mention in the ending at least.
Got a question about a glitch. I'm not personally having this issue, but my friend is having a REALLY hard time with this and is considering bringing the game back for a replacement or refund. He is describing an issue with VATS where he gets stuck in the VATS system and the enemy continues to attack him while he cannot move himself. I have never seen any of this before but he says it happens so often that its nearly unplayable. Here is a more detailed description direct from him:

"I go into VATS, pick my targets like normal, confirm it and it should start shooting the guy. But as soon as it goes it stays in slow mo and the camera will either be fixed on you and you will be standing still, or you will be moving backwards but not shooting. It can remain in first person the whole time and nothing will happen. If youre lucky it will come out before you get hit which is almost impossible or you will die from being attacked. Sometimes it doesnt go into slow motion at all."

We are both playing the 360 version and have the latest XBL updates. I also asked him if the condition of his guns were messed up or he was overencumbered or anything that can give me a clue but I'm just chalking it up to being a glitch since engine is known for it. Has anybody else seen this issue? I just find it weird because it has never happened to me.


Lionheart1827 said:
Got a question about a glitch. I'm not personally having this issue, but my friend is having a REALLY hard time with this and is considering bringing the game back for a replacement or refund. He is describing an issue with VATS where he gets stuck in the VATS system and the enemy continues to attack him while he cannot move himself. I have never seen any of this before but he says it happens so often that its nearly unplayable. Here is a more detailed description direct from him:

"I go into VATS, pick my targets like normal, confirm it and it should start shooting the guy. But as soon as it goes it stays in slow mo and the camera will either be fixed on you and you will be standing still, or you will be moving backwards but not shooting. It can remain in first person the whole time and nothing will happen. If youre lucky it will come out before you get hit which is almost impossible or you will die from being attacked. Sometimes it doesnt go into slow motion at all."

We are both playing the 360 version and have the latest XBL updates. Has anybody else seen this issue? I just find it weird because it has never happened to me.

Similar things have happened to me on the PS3.

Bringing up the pipboy normally solves it.


Got the Minigun glitch now,everytime I was use it,it just keeps firing in loop even when i`m out of combat hehe...I just have to switch weapon and it stops,until I use it again...(just the sound I mean,it doesn`t use ammo,thank god)
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