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Fallout Shelter |OT| Revolutionizing safety for an uncertain future

Is there any point to upgrading your vault door? As far as I can tell there's no way to stop raiders until they've entered the vault, so it seems like it just makes the whole process take longer.


Man, this is a Bethesda game alright.

I've had this game crash so often on me that I'm losing interest. Judging by the logs it's just rapidly gobbling up memory and then gets oneshot by the OS watchdog mechanisms. It's amazing given the graphics and gameplay - this isn't some crazy-ass performance showcase or anything.

Each time I have to sit through two loading screens to get back into the game and re-do the last few actions I care a little less about my dwellers.

Random useful stuff:

Tapping on a name on the character inspection panel lets you rename people.

Dwellers running around in the wilderness can be resurrected with money. Doesn't look like they lose anything from dying. Just let them go on a rampage until their inventory is bursting with equipment. The way back is long (33% of the round trip time) and uneventful (no more encounters), so don't waste their time for a rusted peashooter or two.

Rush stuff. Failure nets you XP, success nets you XP, resources and caps. It's win/win. Just make sure you have a dweller with a gun in the room so you don't have to spend the next three minutes watching them run around and headbutt roaches for pitiful damage.

Generators will always try to prioritise nearby rooms when power runs out, so put diners and water purification plants close to them. Otherwise a power outage for whatever reason will instantly rob you of your food and water supply, possibly leading to a failure cascade.


Can I give Stimpacks and Radaways to my dwellers without them using the items right away? I have a "Let a dweller explore for 10 hours" mission but I think it's impossible right now without healing them up from time to time. If I can put some medkits in their inventory and then send them away, it should be possible but not sure if it works that way.
Can I give Stimpacks and Radaways to my dwellers without them using the items right away? I have a "Let a dweller explore for 10 hours" mission but I think it's impossible right now without healing them up from time to time. If I can put some medkits in their inventory and then send them away, it should be possible but not sure if it works that way.

I think when you drag them to the Wasteland you have one last chance to change things. Such as weapons, outfits, stimpacks, and radaways.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I am enjoying this a lot, my only problem is probably the pacing. I feel like accomplishing most things takes too long. I find myself waiting a lot.

I haven't had the game crash even once.


Is there any way to tell which rooms can be expanded, and how many times? I'm a little OCD about min-maxing my layout.

I'm also curious when you're assigning people to a room if there's a way you can tell who is already assigned to which room. That's driving me crazy so far. It's going to be way too hard to just keep up with it as the shelter gets bigger.
God damn, real lucky I found Jericho so early in one of my lunchboxes. He is an exploring beast and most of my equipment are from his journeys.

I'm almost sorry I nuked him in FO3.


God damn, real lucky I found Jericho so early in one of my lunchboxes. He is an exploring beast and most of my equipment are from his journeys.

I'm almost sorry I nuked him in FO3.

I felt like Jericho was the Boone of FO3, I always use him when I'm rocking an evil karma character.


Is there any point to upgrading your vault door? As far as I can tell there's no way to stop raiders until they've entered the vault, so it seems like it just makes the whole process take longer.
Gives you more time to arm residents and send them to the vault door to prepare for the invasion.


Wow, you can sort Dwellers by Level, SPECIAL attributes, or Happiness by tapping on the column titles on the Dweller List. Made life much easier. Sorry to double post, but had to share


I don't know. I want to like the game but I'm having a hard time distinguishing managing people and status reports and managing projects/people and status reports. One is called work and I get paid for it. The other one is in my free time. I'll give the game a day or so but I don't see myself playing much more of it.
one of my objectives is to raise someones special, how do I do that exactly?

also, when you have a dweller pregnant/ when a child is waiting to grow into an adult, no dwellers will come. i kinda screwed myself in that resoect because i need more people but i cant get anyone because of the kid.


I have to say I'm enjoying this, been a while since I used my iPad but as soon as the android version is released I'll be abandoning if for that version.


I have not opened it all day and now my people are down to 20% happiness and water is out. Does it not stop after some time like other games of this type do? I don't have the time to check it every 5 minutes...

As I said earlier, I will loose interest so on...


Word of warning: if the water runs out, everyone gets radiation poisoning. I used a fuckton of radaways but my water was still below green and everyone just got poisoned again, meaning I'd completely wasted my time and effort.

I think the game doesn't punish you if your phone is completely in sleep mode so to speak (basically, while you're actually asleep) because when I got up this morning, everything wasn't completely red, but if you're actively using your phone and not babysitting the game, prepare to get fucked. They've gotta tune this because if you fall behind, the punishment is very, very severe.
I have not opened it all day and now my people are down to 20% happiness and water is out. Does it not stop after some time like other games of this type do? I don't have the time to check it every 5 minutes...

As I said earlier, I will loose interest so on...

thats what in wondering too, it seems when i close the app, time seems to still move and actually accelerate a bit. if thats the case then this game needs like a stop/pause button or something.


Finally realized that I wasn't going to get any new vault dwellers just wandering in so I starting setting up couples in the barracks. Seems like a merge of attributes in their kids.
By tonight I'll have enough people to get the radio...

Right now my vault is stabilized because of the population plateau. 12 rooms (power/barracks/diner all multi-room) across 3 levels, everything maxed out with happiness at 94%.
Fun little game but damn it's buggy and crashes a lot. I'm assuming it'll get optimized soon.

Anyone know if stats like perception affect finding items in the wasteland when you send people out to explore?


The breeding is not handled super well in terms of passing on attributes. I had two people breed with high attributes (multiple items over 5 each) and twice their offspring has been the middling, 3 at best stuff. It's possible they can have a higher number, but it isn't exceedingly common if so. I like the concept and especially enjoy the dwellers going out into the waists, but this game needs some serious tweaking.

One item of note, if you clean up your water then the radiation will actually go away on its own over time. No reason to blow through the radaways unless you're having raiders and need to get your guys HP up.


I had 4 women give birth nearly all at once and my water levels plunged hard, and everyone got hit with rad poisioning and happiness was at 10%. I eventually got back to norm though after sorting out the water demand.


Finally realized that I wasn't going to get any new vault dwellers just wandering in so I starting setting up couples in the barracks. Seems like a merge of attributes in their kids.
By tonight I'll have enough people to get the radio...

Right now my vault is stabilized because of the population plateau. 12 rooms (power/barracks/diner all multi-room) across 3 levels, everything maxed out with happiness at 94%.
Fun little game but damn it's buggy and crashes a lot. I'm assuming it'll get optimized soon.

Anyone know if stats like perception affect finding items in the wasteland when you send people out to explore?

Seems to be Luck that matters most for exploring. Not sure if it's the only, but my dweller with five luck is way better than one luck when I didn't understand that part of the mechanics.


The breeding is not handled super well in terms of passing on attributes. I had two people breed with high attributes (multiple items over 5 each) and twice their offspring has been the middling, 3 at best stuff. It's possible they can have a higher number, but it isn't exceedingly common if so. I like the concept and especially enjoy the dwellers going out into the waists, but this game needs some serious tweaking.

One item of note, if you clean up your water then the radiation will actually go away on its own over time. No reason to blow through the radaways unless you're having raiders and need to get your guys HP up.

Yeah, I had my high Intelligence geezer hook up with a couple of women and both had decent intelligence kids. I'll be curious to see how my super high strength and perception dad works out. Kids are about to be born!

Yep, noticed that too on rads. My water is maxed so I'm sitting on a ton of radaway at the moment.

Seems to be Luck that matters most for exploring. Not sure if it's the only, but my dweller with five luck is way better than one luck when I didn't understand that part of the mechanics.
Shit, thanks! I just send my go-to explorer out and gave her the radiation suit +P and +E over an outfit that gave +3 Luck. She would've had 8 Luck for that trip. Ah, well I'll try that outfit next time.
Does it matter who pumps out the babys? I got several level one chumps who basically are responsible for having babies with the other level 1's. All the good skilled cats are doing their jobs.

Also, For some reason, when I create medpacks and radaways, it does not seem to accumlate. Are they limited to storage?

pretty fun game. I do enjoy how you can drink in a bar with one of your pregnant ladies to raise charisma.
someone mentioned how to get new followers, you can increase your chances greatly when you get the Radio Control room. Plug some high charisma guys in there. I've gotten one dweller that way.

Your best chance for new dwellers are babies


So is the only way to get guns is to explore? I am at 19 people and still only have one gun, not sure what I am missing.


So is the only way to get guns is to explore? I am at 19 people and still only have one gun, not sure what I am missing.
They are also random drops from the lunch boxes. Exploring is the main way I believe.

Anyone know if putting the SPECIAL training rooms in threes speeds up the time?


So is the only way to get guns is to explore? I am at 19 people and still only have one gun, not sure what I am missing.

Damn, I'm at 18 and have 3 shotguns, 2 hunting rifles, 1 flamer, 1 focused laser rifle, 1 focused alien pistol, 1 advanced .32 pistol and 1 BB gun. Got lucky with 2 early exploration trips and 1 awesome lunchbox.

How do I recover red life?
that's radiation, use radaway (build the proper lab type to produce them) or keep your water level high and it will slowly go away.


Neo Member
Sigh, just lost 90% of my 26 dwellers to a single radroach event. Not to mention im out of resources and chaps as well.


Damn, I'm at 18 and have 3 shotguns, 2 hunting rifles, 1 flamer, 1 focused laser rifle, 1 focused alien pistol, 1 advanced .32 pistol and 1 BB gun. Got lucky with 2 early exploration trips and 1 awesome lunchbox.

that's radiation, use radaway (build the proper lab type to produce them) or keep your water level high and it will slowly go away.

Hmmm how long are you normally exploring?


Hmmm how long are you normally exploring?

Not too long, I think the longest trip I've had was 3 hours out, 1 ½ back. Had a couple people out a once and that's where I picked up my shot guns and hunting rifles.

Got lucky on the flamer, laser rifle and alien pistol over 2 lunch boxes.


No. I had a weight room at with someone at 2h19m, and when I expanded it from 2 to 3 contiguous units the time did not change.

Interesting thanks, mine was glitches and there wasn't any countdown timer for a guy I left training all day. I just made him leave the room and come back, then there was a timer.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Yeah, this needs a patch pretty quickly. I ran into a nice "bug" where I had invincible rad roaches tear through a full room of people (full pop in a 3 combined space). All of them had guns and armor.

Game went from fun little diversion to bullshit in a hurry.


Yeah, this needs a patch pretty quickly. I ran into a nice "bug" where I had invincible rad roaches tear through a full room of people (full pop in a 3 combined space). All of them had guns and armor.

Game went from fun little diversion to bullshit in a hurry.

Yeah, hasn't happened to me yet but I'm hearing about it more and more. Ugh.
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