"it's not a timed exclusive"
"just not available yet"
okay Pete, okay.
"it's not a timed exclusive"
How does it run on iPhone 6?
Trying to decide if I should burn 200meg of my data plan to download this while I'm at work, or wait until I'm home tonight.
so many crashes...
How do you shut down a room? The tutorial popped up but I clicked off it by mistake and now I can't figure it out.
Does anyone know how many items an explorer can hold? Is it just 1?
Tips for newcomers:
1. Room cost electricity. Don't go crazy building new rooms. If you do, you will likely start to having Electricity problem.
2. Put the right guy into the right room, it helps a lot.
3. Room size increase output and storage; Number of accumulate skill point improve interval.
4. Dwellers aren't easy to find. Don't build lots of rooms in advance.
5. The bar on your resource indicate minimum resource to perform normally. You want to keep this bar on the left side, by upgrading rooms.
6. Rush, a lot. Rushing introduce minimum hazard such as roaches or fire. Both of which you can fix easily (Hopefully you have some basic weapon for roaches).
- If succeed, Rushing not only give you the resources but also Caps and XPs.
- If failed, you will get XPs for resolving the crisis.
Seriously, just do a lot of it.
1. If you only have one weapon. Don't try to send him too far.
2. Account time to travel back (Half the travel time)
3. Stim and Rad can help your explorer travel further and safer.
Should be in the OP.My explorer is currently holding 2 items, Radiation Suit and Shotgun. Good thing about Explorers is that they change to the best gear automatically or at least when they only have Vault jumpsuit on.
Tips for newcomers:
1. Room cost electricity. Don't go crazy building new rooms. If you do, you will likely start to having Electricity problem.
2. Put the right guy into the right room, it helps a lot.
3. Room size increase output and storage; Number of accumulate skill point improve interval.
4. Dwellers aren't easy to find. Don't build lots of rooms in advance.
5. The bar on your resource indicate minimum resource to perform normally. You want to keep this bar on the left side, by upgrading rooms.
6. Rush, a lot. Rushing introduce minimum hazard such as roaches or fire. Both of which you can fix easily (Hopefully you have some basic weapon for roaches).
- If succeed, Rushing not only give you the resources but also Caps and XPs.
- If failed, you will get XPs for resolving the crisis.
Seriously, just do a lot of it.
1. If you only have one weapon. Don't try to send him too far.
2. Account time to travel back (Half the travel time)
3. Stim and Rad can help your explorer travel further and safer.
Nothing I have heard, sadly.Has there been any word on a possible patch to put an end to the constant crashing on older iPhones?
Very good tips! Wish I knew when I started!Tips for newcomers:
1. Room cost electricity. Don't go crazy building new rooms. If you do, you will likely start to having Electricity problem.
2. Put the right guy into the right room, it helps a lot.
3. Room size increase output and storage; Number of accumulate skill point improve interval.
4. Dwellers aren't easy to find. Don't build lots of rooms in advance.
5. The bar on your resource indicate minimum resource to perform normally. You want to keep this bar on the left side, by upgrading rooms.
6. Rush, a lot. Rushing introduce minimum hazard such as roaches or fire. Both of which you can fix easily (Hopefully you have some basic weapon for roaches).
- If succeed, Rushing not only give you the resources but also Caps and XPs.
- If failed, you will get XPs for resolving the crisis.
Seriously, just do a lot of it.
1. If you only have one weapon. Don't try to send him too far.
2. Account time to travel back (Half the travel time)
3. Stim and Rad can help your explorer travel further and safer.
I suck at this game. My dwellers are so unhappy.
I suck at this game. My dwellers are so unhappy.
Putting the right Dweller in the right room is of HUGE importance. It keeps Dwellers happy and ramps up production. If a room requires Strength, then place a Dweller with high Strength in that room. So on and so on. Makes all the difference.
it takes like 3 hoursHow do babies come out BC this girls been preggers for a while. Also I think I found a bug. Just lost half my bunker due to a rad roach infestation. My guys mostly have guns yet they couldn't kill one roach who killed nearly everyone and spread to other rooms. Just spent 1k ressing some people then they all died again to the same roach now half my bunker is dead ans I'm broke and can't res them. So annoyed
I sent one of my dwellers out in the wasteland and the log said someone is following her or she thought saw someone. Should I be worried?
does he have med pack? radaways? a gun? shouldnt be much of a problem i guess one of my guys went out and helped a dude who couldnt walk.
also anybody got a special dweller from the lunchboxes? in one of mine i got allistair tenenny lvl 45
It runs like butt on my iPhone 4. Not really surprised, I kind of expected that.
I'm moving my pregnant women to the cafeteria and moving more couples to the living quarters, good tactic? lol
I have one dude breeding all the babies, man is a champ who is pretty much keeping our vault alive.
Posted this in the wrong thread :lol
Probably been asked, but can I get rid of the people outside my vault? They all have crap SPECIAL and I don't want them, but I can't see any way to send them away.
I got over ambitious and built my vault way too big too quick and now every room is having random power cuts, their is no food or water and everyone is sick and dying. Not too bummed out though, given what I have explored in various Fallout games, I am still doing better then like 50% of the vaults out there.