JareBear: Remastered
Steve and John had a little digital get together
Steve and John had a little digital get together
Steve and John had a little digital get together
They seem to have been content striked back to hell on Youtube. I started listening to these on youtube but they have all disappeared. Still available on their website.
Not sure, I had one open in a browser and it said video unavailable due to a copyright claim by Ramble LLC.that’s odd. Possibly because they played clips from the show?
Just audio. Never more than 30s-1m per episode. Yet people have reaction videos of new shows that show up to 10m of video and audio and that is considered fair use. It is probably a bogus claim by some crap LLC.if they were playing clips from the show then yeah i can see how a lawyer somewhere would get mad about that
it's dumb but that's life on youtube, sadly
watching the third season now.I think the first season is mostly bad. Things definitely start getting better in 2. I go back and forth on 3/4/5 being my favorite. Season 4 has the best episode of the entire show: Dinner Party
Great comfort show.aw man i have a huge hangover after drinking too much wine last night. spent all day in bed, mainlining Office episodes lol. i have to file this show alongside Seinfeld and the Simpsons in being something i can always throw on for comfort food.
watching season 2 and it's good stuff. Todd Packer is hilarious. when he shows up they really nail the business frat culture. also something i forgot about, Michael has a copy of Trump's book displayed in his office. kind of ironic how NBC also had the Apprentice going on at the same time. they made so much money off that Bad Boss archetype. lol they've been (inadvertently?) promoting Trump for decades.
Snap finished the last episode this morning of my 15th watch throughI just finished my annual series binge and there are so many episodes in the last few seasons I can’t wait to hear them tell about but I realize it’s gonna be like a year until they get that far
Snap finished the last episode this morning of my 15th watch through
Yeah definitely I need to get on this podcastI’m curious to hear them talk about what it was like when James Spaded and Kathy Bates joined the show and what it was like after Steve left
Have any of yall followed this?
John sold his little internet show and people were mad because of it?
Didn’t realize there was an uproar over him selling it - I had assumed this was a quarantine only show anyway. Will be tough to maintain without him as the face, but I don’t begrudge him for stopping.
I just saw some tweets referenced along the lines of "just when you think there is something positive in the world, someone goes and makes money off it" or something like that. Twitter...is weird