You know... at the end of the day, Assassins Creed and Far Cry and Watch Dogs are kind of similar. Not only they are the typical Ubisoft open world game with a big map full of icons of activities and collectibles, but all of them feature core gameplay consisting of a mix a action and stealth, and in all them the plot is kind of weak supporting said gameplay. Though of course there are with some variants (WD has also more driving missions, FC is a fps and therefore it tends more to action, AC appeal is partly the historical setting and it's third person action).
What I wanted to say it's that I'm playing both AC Unity and FC4, and FC4 is the better game. In both the story isn't very good and it's kind of there to justify the gameplay, which it's as I said a mix of action and stealth. And that's what I wanted to point out: both the action and the stealth are better in FC4. Combat in AC Unity (for now) is spamming attack button and hit parry when the indicator blinks on screen, and throw a smoke grenade if there are a lot of them.
FC4 combat is more a high grade FPS, much more engrossing, and with a structure that allows more freedom in the missions. Stealth in AC Unity works pretty bad, they detect you very fast, the clunky movement system doesn't allow you to react fast and hide or move before they see you, the feedback system isn't so clear, the cover button works in less than half of the times you would want to, the move from cover to cover works maybe in 10% of the occasions, and the new crouch button function isn't that really well thought as you can run around and stab people on the back and instead of crouching and moving slowly, it doesn't seem to have different noise levels. FC4 on the other hand has more precise, immediate controls that facilitate stealth, easier to do takedowns, a more interesting tagging enemies system that eagly vision, you can move bodies, silent weapons like the bow and the knives and silenced weapons and the throwing rock feature helps a lot.
If it wasn't because the great setting and art in Unity, it would have barely anything going for it.
That said. Damn, FC4 is really Far Cry 3.5. Not only it's the same hunting animals and take their skins to make a bigger wallet, a bigger loot bag, and bigger weapon holster etc, the same climbing towers with the same structure design (even the broken wooden ramps with ropes in them are still there) that unlock weapons in the shop, the same outposts with the same mechanics, the same loot system with chests with random crap and money, the same herb system, etc etc, it evens re-uses several of the FC3 weapons. It has the same silenced pistol, the same AKM, the same STG-90, the bow, etc and even re-uses misc animations without modifications like diving in the water, skinning animals and more. Hell, from what I played, I suspect it can have the same flaws of FC3, with a broken economy where the money is barely worth it (I already could buy half of the maps available), and game will be trivial once you unlock most of the skills and have a good weapon.
That really damps my enthusiasm for the game, even if I liked FC3. It reminds me of games like GTA Vice City, or AC Brotherhood/Revelations or Borderlands Presequel, games that didn't advance the number sequel because it was clear it was more of the same. Though here Ubisoft didn't have problems with calling it Far Cry 4.
Coop maybe the salvation of the game, as people says it's very fun and it's better integrated than in AC Unity.
Performance wise, the game runs at higher average fps than Unity, though in my computer with AMD card, the framerate jumps wildly so I'm not happy right now about it.